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Candidate Name: Edwin Hernandez

Semester: Spring 2020

lnstructor/Supervisor: Martha OMeara

Special Education Professional Disposition Rubric

Based upon the Council for Exceptional Chitdren's Professional Ethical Principles and Standards

Category Does Not Meet Approaching MeetsExpectations ExceedsExpectations Score

Expectations Expectations (3 points) (4 points)
(1 point) (2 points)

Professionalism Candidate disregards Candidate disregards Candidate wittingty Candidate consistentty

and Work Habits the professional the professional accepts professional exhibits professionaI
standards of the fietd standards of the fietd standards of the fietd standards of the field,
and does not accept and reluctantty and accepts [istens attentively to the
constructive feedback. accepts constructive constructive constructive feedback
Candidate is feedback. feedback. to grow as a
argumentative or professiona[.

Candidate does not Candidate atways

dress professional and Candidate needs Candidate dresses dresses professionalir,'
engages in reminders to dress professionat and and never engages in
inappropriate use of professionaI and engages in appropriate appropriate use of
technotogy (cet[ phone engage in appropriate use of technotogy (cel[ technology (cett phone
use, social media) and use of technotogy (cetl phone use, socia[ use, sociat media).
becomes defensive phone use, social media).
when approached. media).

Ethical Conduct Candidate Candidate Candidate maintains Candidate maintains a

demonstrates demonstrates [imited an acceptabte [eve[ of high [eve[ of
unsatisfactory professionat i ntegrity professionaI i ntegrity professionaI i ntegrity,
professionat i ntegrity and does not use and exercises exercises professionaI
and does not exercise professionat judgment professionaI judgment and is solution
professionaI j udgment. consistently. judgment. oriented.
Professional Work Candidate in Candidate is Candidate is retiabte, Candidate is extremely 3
Habits unretiabte, excessivety extremety retiabte, punctua[, organized, retiabte, punctuat,
[ate, highty punctuat, organized, and exhibits organized, and
unorganized, and and exhibits betow acceptabte work. consistentty exhibits
exhibits unsatisfactory average work. exemptary work.
Promotes Candidate has cursory Candidate does not Candidate Candidate promotes ?)

Diversity and understanding of appropriatety exhibit appropriatety meaningfuI and inctusive

lnclusion inctusive practice for inctusive practice for promotes inctusive practices for diverse
diverse learners and is diverse tearners and is practices for diverse learners and modets
judgmentat or culturatty unaware or learners and cutturaI sensitivity.
inappropriate towards insensitive to diverse demonstrates Candidate is reftective
cultura[[y diverse poputations. appropriate culturaI on own beliefs and
poputations. sensitivity. biases.

Communication Candidate Candidate Candidate Candidate effectivety -)'

and Collaboration demonstrates inabi tity demonstrates communicates, asks communicates with
to communicate with difficutty questions, and works cotteagues and works to
others. Candidate communicating ctearty to maintain create meaningful
demonstrates i nabi tity or asking questions. meaningfuI partnerships with
to maintain Candidate partnerships with cotteagues, parents,
partnerships with demonstrates [imited colteagues, parents, staff members, and
cotteagues, parents, abitity to maintain staff members, and administration.
staff members, and partnerships with administration.
administration. cotteagues, parents,
staff members, and '?'
administration. Candidate effectivety
Candidate i neffectivety collaborates with
cotlaborates with Candidate Candidate teammates and probtem
teammates and is demonstrates cottaborates with sotves.
unabte to problem unsatisfactory abitity teammates and
sotve independentty. to cotlaborate with probtem sotves.

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