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Nama Sekolah : SMAN 7 Tangerang Selatan

Kelas/ Semester : X / Genap
Tema : Proverb
Tujuan :
Melalui pembelajaran Discovery Learning, peserta didik dapat menafsirkan fungsi sosial,
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks khusus dalam bentuk proverb dan riddle sehingga dapat
menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan
teks khusus proverb dan riddle dan menumbuhkan sikap bekerja sama, jujur, bertanggung jawab
dan disiplin.


A proverb (from Latin: Proverbium) is

a simple and a concrete saying
popularly known and repeated, which
expresses a truth, based on a common
sense or practical experience of Characteristics of Proverbs
humanity. They are often Proverbs can be as short as two words . In
metaphoritical (symbolic and showing addition, the full forms of popular longer
some truth about situation or other proverbs are often replaced by elliptical
object). allusions.
Proverbs use prosodic devices that enhance
their memorability, especially rhyme,
alliteration, parallelism, as ellipsis.
Proverbs often use simple rhetorical devices,
metaphor, hyperbole, paradox, and
Social Functions of Proverb
- to express a truth using figurative language
- decorate the conversation
- give advise, persuade people
- teach manners
-to teach people
-to mock someone or criticize.
-To enlighten
-A proverb contains wisdom, truth, morals, and
traditional views.

Grammatical Structure of English Proverb

Imperative – negative

Imperative – positive

Parallel phrase.

Declarative sentence.
Source : Pathway to English 1 page 189

Student’s Worksheet Proverb

Page 1
Match the proverb with the answers and determine the grammatical structure!

You can say this when somebody …

A) is driving too slowly in front of you B) phones you to say [s]he won’t come

C) arrives late

You can say this when …

A) you hear that a known politician partied together with a mobster B) you see a lot of pigeons flying by

C) an actor wins 5 Oscars for one movie

You can say this to point out that …

A) shouting during an argument does not prove that you are right

B) people should donate to charities

C) your friend is always promising to visit you, but never actually does

You can say this when …

A) a friend of yours buys Leonardo’s Mona Lisa on eBay

B) you realize that you can’t pay your bills this month

C) you finally quit your lousy job

You can say this when …

A) you want to impress firefighters with how much you know about fires

B) you think a rumor you heard must be true

C) your mom burns the toast

You can say this when …

A) you walk past a jeweller’s shop window B) your friend wants to buy a nice but old car

C) your boss buys a silver ring to his girlfriend

Student’s Worksheet Proverb

Page 2
You can say this when …

A) someone inherits a fortune

B) encourage your girlfriend/boyfriend not to give up finding a job

C) you lost your way because you didn’t have a GPS

You can say this to point out that …

A) knitting a scarf can save you 9 bucks

B) no matter how stressed you are, doing a hobby can get you relaxed

C) if you mess up something, it’s better to do something about it quickly

You can say this when …

A) a book becomes a New York Times bestseller

B) you finished reading a boring book

C) you somebody criticizes your teacher because of how he dresses

You can say this when …

A) you want your friend to explain honestly why (s)he never phones you

B) you’re embarrassed that you forgot your partner’s birthday

C) you are fed up with gardening

Student’s Worksheet Proverb

Page 3

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