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St Therese Catholic Primary School

48 Chamberlain Road
Padstow NSW 2211
Ph: 9773 4174
Dear Parents,

Thank you for the way you have engaged your children in ‘school at home’ during the
covid-19 pandemic. I know it has not been easy in these challenging times.

What will school look like in Term 2?

Acting on advice from Sydney Catholic Schools, the Health Department and Federal and
NSW governments we will transition back to school starting Week 3, Monday 11th May.
After consulting with parents and teachers we have decided that the best course of action for
St Therese school community is to invite students back to school for one day a week in
family groups and continue with one unit of work, the remote learning lessons until Week 5
(Friday 29th May). This process may differ from other schools in our local area.

What do parents need to do?

The process for booking in days is similar to booking in parent-teacher interviews. On
Tuesday 5th May at 8.00am bookings will be open on COMPASS​ for you to choose one
day that best suits your family. If you have any difficulty with this process please ring the
school office. School will continue to be open everyday for student supervision. Please book
in accordingly.

What will be the drop off and pick up procedures?

Please drop students off at the school gate as non-essential adults can not be on school
grounds. In the afternoons please do not enter the school playground rather, wait outside the
gates and practise social distancing or collect your children via carline.

What additional measures have been put in place?

Daily cleaning will take place during this transition period including touch surfaces such as
door handles, desks, taps etc. There will be no canteen, assemblies or excursions until
further notice. If all goes to plan we envisage that school will be back for complete face-to
-face learning from Week 6, Monday 1st June.

Kind regards,

Michelle Court

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