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OCTOBER 24TH- 2019

Goals, achievements and dreams, routes that

are drawn with effort
Made with the story of Camilo Navarro

recognizing and telling his story

ABOUT THE FUTURE Catalina León- head writer article
Camilo said "In life there is nothing easy, the effort is equal to the
life stories 0.1 satisfaction acquired when doing something for merit itself".

From children we all have dreams, study, work, to have economic stability
and some consolidate a family. But this is born from the ideals and things
that happen in the life of a certain person; for example, for Camilo his
dream was to study something in the field of exact sciences, since from
school, he was very good.

He said that when he was in school, he looked like a great businessman or

scientist, someone with power and very important; that he could develop
his labor field, all the knowledge that he acquired in the university.
When he graduated, he looked for a university where
his dreams could be fulfilled and thus came to the
Universidad Libre, he said that he chose this
university because of its proximity to his home and
its economic value that facilitated many aspects;
since as he said "economic problems are complex to
overcome, but with wisdom and family support, they
can be overcome".

He said that he began his studies in 2007 full of

illusions and dreams, among those improving his job
in which he was at that time. He graduated in 2015,
with the idea that he had when he started, but some
more than so far they had left; Now he not only
wanted to improve his job, if he wanted to continue
studying and educating himself more, in the future to
be his own boss.

Within his educational process, he managed to obtain

impeccable grades, he said "to be an outstanding
student" and being honest, I have no doubt about it,
he has always been an impeccable person, so much so
that he can be called an example to follow for his
integrality in every way, from your intelligence and
impeccable being, to your immense heart and

he said that he has gradually achieved his dreams, but for

that to happen he had to divide them and create goals
that help him scale and achieve his interests; Today he
managed to acquire a better position, got married and is
in the process of starting to study again, now a master's
or postgraduate degree, he says "there is nothing better
than fulfilling your dreams, it is gratifying and exciting",
so I consider Camilo as someone example.

He is a person who teaches us, that dreams can be

fulfilled, that everything depends on a person, and that
person is oneself. that barriers and impediments are
always overcome, especially when you feel frustration,
since this is an engine to be reborn and move on. As
Camilo said, "dreams and goals can always be fulfilled,
since one proposes it and has enough conviction; as well
as faith in oneself, because in the end it is we ourselves
who must challenge ourselves to improve more and

There are many stories they hear

and others to apply in our lives!!!

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