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Sl. No: Emotion Context Effect Efforts Taken

I hoped that the Sometimes we
management The emotion had feel tiring after
meet conducted a positive effect, trying lots of
by our batch which helped ways, but still
1 Hope would end up more in putting hold on with the
successfully efforts to make powerful
during its up the fest a decisions to
planning and success. make the event a
preparations. success.
The emotion had
Doing what I am
a positive effect,
I felt joyful when passionate about
as everyone was
on the day of the and connecting
2 Joy happy and
management everyone and
smiling. And
meet. achieving goals
also, our juniors
bring joy.
got encouraged.

I felt thankful to Expressing

The emotion had
everyone who myself,
a positive effect,
helped us to maintaining
as I feel more
make the event relationships and
positive, relished
successful. I also volunteering are
3 Gratitude good
was thankful to the efforts taken
experiences, and
my family and to bring the
could also build
friends for all positive emotion
their mental and of gratitude in
moral support. me.

Avoiding getting
Feeling optimism
hung up in one
was a positive
I was feeling emotion, it
optimistic about reduced the level
myself with
my friend and of stress
positive and
4 Optimism myself that we experienced,
could achieve promoted
people and
our goal happiness, and
moving forward
successfully. made some
are the efforts
taken to feel
I feel enjoyment relationships,
Enjoyment is a
when I gather maintaining
positive feeling
with family and rapport and
5 Enjoyment as it improves
friends for social positive
relationships and
and leisure relationships are
reduce stress.
activities. efforts taken for
Thinking for
I felt angry at my alternatives to
friend when he Anger effected complete the
continuously negatively, that I work, diverting
6 Anger found excuses yelled at him and from the topic,
for not turned away from and stop talking
completing his him. are the efforts
work on time. taken to improve
I felt disgust Drinking water
Disgust impacted
when I tried a and trying some
negatively, I
new dish from a other common
7 Disgust wrinkled my nose
restaurant as the dish are efforts
and felt like
smell and taste taken to improve
was odd. disgust.

Sadness affected
me both
positively and
Efforts taken by
me to improve
Positive effect
sadness was to be
I felt sad when was that sadness
empathetic and
my classmates helped me think
understand others
showed least and move
situation for not
8 Sadness support in fund forward
involving in the
accumulation for optimistically to
activities and
our management achieve the goal.
also thinking on
meet. Negative effect
alternatives and
was that I
working towards
withdrew from
achieving them.
some of the
classmates and
remained quiet.
Surprise was a Maintaining
I was surprised
positive emotion, relationship,
when my friends
I felt happy and good friends and
9 Surprise arranged a
joyful and positive
birthday bash on
strengthened our relationships are
my birthday.
relationship. efforts taken.

I felt It was a positive positively,
embarrassed emotion as it improving self-
when my seniors helped in preparing confidence,
10 Embarrassment
asked me to myself to be more accepting
perform a dare confident and have challenges, stay
for freshers’ day. an ice breaking cool are efforts
with my seniors taken to improve
and friends. the emotion.

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