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First industrial revolution - invented steam engine to speed up the manufacturing process.

Second industrial revolution - they used electric power to create mass productionand new innovations
in steel production, petroleum and electricity led to the introduction of public automobiles and airplanes

Third industrial revolution - it is a digital revolution, for example they create semi-conductor, personal
computer and internet.

Fourth industrial revolution - this fourth industrial revolution is bringing us the combination of digital,
physical and biological systems.

Biometric bracelets - a device that can track your medical health also can detect what are you feeling
right now like are you sad? angry? and etc.

Algorithm- usually means a small procedure that solves a recurrent problem.

Disruptive technology- one that displaces an established technology because it has attributes that are
recognizably superior

Political economy - is an interdisciplinary branch of the social sciences that focuses on the
interrelationships among individuals, governments, and public policy.

Totalitarian Regime - a system of highly centralized government in which one political party or group
takes control and grants neither recognition nor tolerance to other political groups.

Digitalization - use of digital technologies that change business model and process of moving to a digital

Mobilization - an action of a country or its government preparing and organizing troops for active

Augmentation - an act or process of making greater , more numerous or more intense of something.

Disintermediation - a process that provides a user or end consumer with direct access to a product,
service or information

Automation - is the used of an automatic equipment for manufacturing or producing process.

Combinatorial - can amplify each other that creates a perfect storm of change also where an optical
solution has to be identified from a finite set of solutions.

Quantum Computing - it is poised to reinvent processing and performance and predictive and
prescriptive analytics are based on optimization algorithm.

Holistic business - means that the entire organization is considered in its processes and policies, as
opposed to focusing only on its specific components

Biological knowledge - is gathered and integrated into a knowledge base. it checked the data for
consistency, querying and automated reasoning that leads to hypotheses that can help design new

Data - an information collected together for a reference or analysis.

Transformative power - is the power to change anything from this world.

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