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FAJARDO, Chiara C.


Learning Insights

Nursing has developed throughout the decades with remarkable search to create a range
of conceptualization that can characterize and define nursing science from wide perspectives. In
this regard, the theorists have played a vital role in establishment of foundation and guidelines
for practice and research in nursing. They have provided empirical knowledge and solid concepts
on their philosophical basis to describe and help understand the phenomena of nursing care
provision in different situations. 

Now that we are done discussing Nightingale’s theories, we moved on to the next. The
next theorist that we discussed was Dorthea Orem. Based on my understading, Nightingale’s
context is much more understandable and relatable than Orem’s. Dorthea Orem’s theory is more
complex and specific. On the other hand, both of the theory has one thing in common: about

 Dorothea Orem is one of the most world renown-nursing theorists, who believed in the
self-care theory, which directs its attention on the aspect the self-care needs of the client. As a
registered nurse, along with many other accomplishments, she began brewing her theory that
guided many nursing schools/institutions in their program of studies. As a nurse, she felt it was
necessary to do the things for patients they could not do on their own.

A more brief discussion will be discussed t o us for the following days. This topic is also

something I am looking forward to look up to.

FAJARDO, Chiara C.

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