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Developing paragraph through topic sentences and supporting details

benefits of going to school.

School give students more than just an aducation.. students can learn to have a wider
perception of things. School also can keep kids from getting bored and into things they shouldn't
be into like drugs. students can tryout for sport and/or other school groups and learn what it's
like to along with other people. And the aducation they get from school helps them to get or to
go to a further education to get an even better carrier.
student learn to socializeread with many different age groups and many different people
they probably wouldn't have met if it weren't for them going to school. they learn how to handle
working with people they don’t like and socialising with people they do like to create friendships
or relationships with them.
some kids can become a problem the to society anf themselves when they bored. so if
they are in school this keeps them for being home bored or at least they can be supervised to
prevent them from being a problem. It also reduce the chances of them getting into drugs.


Topic: benefits of going to school

Thesis: schools give students more than just an education.

Topic sentence: students can learn to have a wider perception of things.

- supporting detail 1: School also can keep kids from getting bored and into things they
shouldn't be into like drugs

- supporting detail 2: students can tryout for sport and/or other school groups and learn
what it's like to along with other people.

- supporting detail 3: the aducation they get from school helps them to get or to go to a
further education to get an even better carrier.

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