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Coronavirus: 20 Do's and Don'ts To Stay Safe, Fit & Healthy

DO's: 1. Social Distancing

It's time to practice social distancing, which simply implies to staying at home. Avoid
coming in contact with people who are sick, even if they are not infected with the

2. Six-Feet Distance
Find anyone coughing, sneezing; maintain a six-foot distance. Health experts believe
that respiratory secretions from Covid-19 can't travel beyond the aforesaid distance.

3. Wash Your Hands Frequently

Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Keep your
hands sanitized (use sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol) as much as possible.
Remember, dirty hands are your biggest enemy at the moment. Clean your hands
before you eat food, if you have been somewhere outside first thing is to wash your
hands the moment you come back.

4. Cover It
Use a tissue or napkin to cover your mouth every time you sneeze or cough.

5. Clean Everything
Disinfect everything that you touch every frequently. From doorknobs, lights,
handles, surfaces, TV remotes, drawers, washbasin to toilets, make sure everything
is clean.

6. Vitamins And Supplements For Immunity

Include essential vitamin supplements like vitamin B12 with Methylcobalamin,
vitamin D3, vitamin C and turmeric in your diet. Make sure you have one dose of
each every single day to restore and build your immunity.

7. Consume Liquids
Coconut water, lemon water, water with vitamin C supplements drink as much as
possible to flush the toxins and strengthen your immune system.

8. Only Valid Information

Lot information is available out there on TV, internet and social media. But not
everything is true. Please be careful about what is read and consumed. Make sure
you check the facts are right.

9. Show Empathy
All of us need to stay home and be safe. The same applies to your house-helps.
Give them day-offs to stay back home and return to work once the situation gets
better. Empathize with things around. Try to help them with basic supplies for their
health and safety.

10. Work Out

Give proper time to your body to work out. Stick to anything like yoga, home gym,
meditation and more.

11. Spend Time

What no one could do, this virus has done. Bring families together. Before we all get
engrossed in our lives again let's spend some quality time with our families. Bond
over food, books, talks, and play dates.

12. Help Lines

World Health Organization is now available on WhatsApp, make sure you send a 'Hi'
and stay updated with basic information about Covid-19.

The National helpline for India is +91-11-23978046, government helpdesk WhatsApp

is +91- 9013151515.

Its toll-Free number is 1075.You can email for more information on and their official Website is

Coronavirus: 20 Do's and Don'ts To Stay Safe, Fit & Healthy

Don'ts: 1. Social Closening

While we all love to spend time with people. This is not the best time to do so. We
had one Indian Singer Kanika Kapoor case, let's not be part of such circuses
anymore. Don't party and be part of large gatherings.

2. Assume Game
It takes seven days before the symptoms of coronavirus to surface. Do not assume
that who all might be containing it or otherwise.

3. Eat Outside
No matter how much your taste buds are craving food that is not homemade. It’s
crucial to not order, eat or intake any outside food. You never know who is cooking
the meal and how is it being cooked.

4. Outings

We are totally in favor of social distancing but that doesn't mean you can't step out of
the house. You need to maintain distance from humans not pets, trees, birds or air.

5. Meeting Elderly
Covid-19 affects people with lower immunity the most. Avoid meeting anyone over
60 years of age or anyone infected, unless that's the only resort.

With the virus taking over the town, going to a health facility for normal flu or problem
isn't the ideal deal. Don't go to these places until you have all the symptoms that
check for coronavirus.

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