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1. How you handled a tough situation in your workplace.

2. A situation where you have shown Integrity

3. A situation where u have been vigilante and Attentive.
4. A situation where you took a quick decision.
5. Tell me a time when one of your teammates wasn't pulling his socks and how did you
manage it?
6. Describe a situation where you had to break a rule
7. Describe a situation where you had to handle team members who are negative
8. Describe a situation where you had to do in depth analysis to effectively contribute to your
9. Tell us how you added value to your organization
10. Tell me a time when you shared some knowledge to a group
11. Tell me a time when you missed out on deadline
12. Tell me a situation where you encountered unforeseen events?
13. Any recent news about P&G? Prepare questions for the company
14. Tell me a situation where you've shown leadership skills?
15. Tell me any initiative by your dream company
16. Tell me a situation where you minimized a risk?
17. What will you do if all your team members are not working?
18. Innovative approach in work-ex?
19. Biggest accomplishment you are proud of?
20. How you manage stress?
21. How you prioritize things?
22. Tell me a situation where you had to handle something not in your control
23. Tell me a situation where you had to deal with a conflict
24. Since you are interested in reading English literature, tell me what you have read that has had
the most impact
25. Adolf Hitler said that Great leaders are great orators. Agree or Disagree? Critically analyse
26. Difference between morals and values
27. How would you handle a situation wherein a senior member of your team files a fraud case
against you?
28. As an intern in a plant, you come up with a solution which significantly increases efficiency but
at the same time increases the workload for the employee. How would you convince him to
implement your solution?
29. What is the difference between a manager and a leader?
30. Tell me a situation when you successfully motivated your team members
31. How you'd convince everyone to implement your idea over others when both are equally good
32. moisturizer defect question similar to p&g
33. 3 things that are not on your cv
34. Agile methodology
35. Strengths and hobbies and what it teaches you
36. Why operations
37. 3 strength and weaknesses
38. Dream company how will year values align with comp values
39. How will this 2 years of MBA make a different?
40. Tell me a situation where you have given the most out of you?
41. You gave an innovative approach to your manager, but your manager straight forward
rejected it. How will you convince him??
42. You have overproduced a good by taking more labour and over time without your senior
manager approval. You are responsible for the over production. How will you defend
43. Tell me a situation where you helped someone through your actions from something that you
have learnt
44. Tell me about a situation when you connected with your team members or seniors in better
45. Give a situation when you were not able to complete the assigned task? What was the
action? What did you learn from it?
46. Tell me a situation where you had to go against your manager to get a particular task done
47. There is a conflict in your team. How would you handle it?
48. Tell me management learnings you had from your internship
49. As a leader, how would you handle your team?
50. Who is your role model? Why?
51. Tell me a situation where you had to adhere to a policy with which you don't agree in personal
52. Tell me about a long term goal that had set and the steps you took to achieve it.
53. There is a disconnect in your qualification and the various professional experiences you have
had. Justify
54. What does your name stand for?
55. Tell me about yourself
56. Tell me 2 non fiction book you read (hobby)
57. Why MBA
58. What are you lacking in becoming a manager
59. 2 situations were you were ethical
60. Initiatives
61. Dream company - values, purpose work culture
62. 2 weaknesses
63. Team work
64. 3 things you have learnt during work ex
65. What your dream company launched recently
66. Why operations
67. 3 strength and weaknesses
68. Dream company how will yr values align with comp values
69. How will this 2 yrs of mba make a different
70. you have a team of 6, one person is not working, what will you do? - 2-3 level deep, whatever
answer you give
71. what is you dream company and why?
72. your weaknesses
73. what do you want to do 30 years from now?
74. how are your short term goals aligned with 30 year plan?
75. Which movie you saw last, key takeaways (Hobby)
76. Dream company, why
77. Where you see yourself in 30 years
78. What is leadership meant to you
79. Why MBA, what would it teach you
80. Out of the box thing done in organisation where you put your best effort
81. What does work life balance mean to you
82. How would you manage time with international clients and manage work life balance
83. What is your biggest defeat in life, eloborate?
84. What academic subjects are taught to you in SOM in this term?Q1
85. Difference between a manager and leader?
86. Tell me about yourself
87. Why did you choose SOM
88. Tell me about the area and population of the city where you did engineering
89. tell me an innovative initiative you have taken and are proud of
90. Where do you see yourself 5 years from now
91. Why do you want to do consulting
92. Who according to you is a good leader and why
93. Mention any initiative that you have taken in workplace
94. What are your career plans for next 5 and 10 years
95. 5 qualities of a leader
96. 1 min introduction
97. examples of conflict resolution
98. situation of building team concensus
99. weaknesses -2
100. measures to improve weakness with example
101. Introduction
102. Questions on hobbies... book authors, publication dates, cricket sponsors, etc
103. Strengths band Weaknesses
104. Conflict in the team
105. Conflict in workplace, college? What did you do to resolve it?
106. Which is your dream company? What are their values? Why is it your dream
107. You are. a Team Leader, and one member in your team is a free loader. What will
you do?
108. You have to pitch to Tim Cook as a PWC representative.
109. What are your strength and state examples
110. How will you constitute a team
111. What is the most innovative thing you have done
112. Your manager has changed the deadline from 7days to 2 days. How will you handle
113. You are a fresher, and there are people with more work exp than you, why do you
think we should hire you?
114. connect your work ex to corporates
115. How will you convince your seniors in work on values if you think they are deviating
from them?
116. Ethical dilemma situation you've faced.
117. Situation- you’re a manager and there’s a conflict in two teams. One team thinks
you’re being biased against them. How’ll you handle it.
118. What’s more important goal vs process
119. Biggest risks you’ve undertaken
120. 3 strengths and 3 weaknesses of your last manager?
121. Situation- You have been accused of fraud, 17 people consider you guilty, 3 think you
are inncocent, how will you convince the 17?
122. Biggest defeat and learning from it
123. You are to join your dream company and the company is blacklisted what will you do,
Will you join it?
124. One of the team member is not willing to work, how will you tackle the situation. If still
he doesnt work what actions will you take.
125. Toughest situation you have faced and how did you overcome it
126. One situation where you have failed your team memebers
127. One of the situation where all the persons in your team are twice your age so how
would you handle the situation and get the work completed
128. What does success means to you
129. Summarize your life and learnings from it
130. How do you learn something?
131. What is the difference between a manager and a leader?
132. Give one instance where you have played the role of a manager and one instance
where you have acted as a leader
133. Why should we not hire you? Why should we hire you?
134. What would your response be to a situation where your some people in your team
don't like you?
135. Teammate does not like you what will you do
136. How will convince your team when your idea is totally different from others
137. What would you do in a situation when you know your senior manager is taking bribe
from supplier and you do not have any proofs against him
138. If your strengths is taking describe initiative after coming here
139. In relation to strength new things you have learnt after coming here
140. weakness and how do you overcome those
141. 3 things not on your CV
142. 1 strength-1 weakness
143. one incident where you failed to deliver on time
144. What will you do if project can’t be delivered on time
145. Counter questions on strengths and weakness
146. What have you done after coming to SOM
147. What is your preference order?
148. Why MBA?
149. Why operations?
150. Strengths and weakness?
151. What are your views on gender diversity?
152. Whom would you hire between the equally qualified male and female candidates?
153. Tell me an instance where you have demonstrated leadership skills?
154. Tell me an instance where you have faced a conflict and how did you resolve it?
155. Difference between leader and manager?
156. What are the qualities leader should possess?
157. Situation - You and another teammate of yours have proposed a solution. Your
solution is better but the manager is biased towards the other person. How will you convince
him to accept your solution?
158. Weaknesses with examples.
159. Role Model & why. One major reason you appreciate.
160. How you'd convince everyone to implement your idea over others when both are
equally good
161. moisturizer defect question similar to p&g
162. What did you learnt while travelling
163. Tell me any instance where you worked for social initiative in your college and
164. tell me something which is not there in your CV
165. If you were asked to shift from a team which performing well to a new team in a
project? What would you do?
166. What is your long term goal to work for social initiative
167. What are you planning to do in social service while doing MBA in SOM?
168. You are the procurement manager of Mondolez. Your consignment of Raw material is
stuck at customs. You need the material immediately to cater to the needs of supply on
account of Diwali season. The custom incharge is asking for INR 1 Lac for releasing the
consignment today or otherwise it will be released next week. What will you do?
169. You are the plant manager. You have 40 workers for manual welding operation who
are elder in age than you. You have got instruction to procure 4 robotic welding machine
where only 2 workers are required per machine to operate. What will you do? Let's say if we
need to move them to different function i.e. manufacturing, they will be earning X amount less
per hour. How will you convince them?
170. If you had been interviewed for operations and are later placed in marketing function.
What will you do?
171. Quickly tell about your 5 strenghts.
172. What is your biggest academic achievement?
173. Why you want to work with PnG ?
174. Walk me through your CV
175. How would you react if there is a conflict between the operations and quality
departments of your company?
176. what are some initiatives by your dream company?
177. what is your dream company's USP?
178. Why is it your dream company ?
179. Cold Supply Chain in Nestle
180. Tell me 5 weaknesses
181. Long Term and short term goals
182. Tell me about your biggest failure in life.
183. Walk me through your CV
184. Why did you switch your company
185. 5 strengths and 4 weakness
186. 1 situation you showed leadership skill
187. You are a head of a team of 40 members and 10 members of your team arent
contributing to the project. How will you handle the situation
188. Domain Preferences
189. No of plants, distributors and market share in various categories of your dream
190. Your manager doesnt approve or support one potential cost saving project, what can
you do
191. Why do you think empathy is a strength
192. You are a school teacher and one of your bright students failed the exam. How would
you handle this situation. Would you pass him because you are empathetic.
193. Why MBA?
194. why should we hire you?
196. What does success mean to you? Whom do you consider successful?
197. What do you think about people who are not successful?
198. What are your short term and long term goals?
199. What is your dream company and why? How does it align with your goals?
200. There is product that sells well and another product whose sales are declining.
Devise a marketing strategy to counter this situation.
201. Whom do you consider a leader?

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