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May 17, 2020

Newsletter 6
Progress Notes
Reading – 5 assignments each week (one a
day Mon-Fri)
Math – 8 assignments each week (one math
facts practice, one zearn lesson - four days
each week Mon-Thurs)
Zoom – 1 (once a week minimum
Choice Board – 0 (all activities are optional
and add to your overall participation!)

I sent out progress notes last Thursday. If you have any questions about them, or didn’t
receive it. Don’t hesitate to reach out to me. Remember, these only track participation. They
do not track how well your child knows or understands the concepts.

Field Trip Friday’s

The Field trips are active for the entire week, so feel free to have your kiddo do their trip/assignment
on a different day of the week and take a 3 day weekend. I know many of us are feeling the “tech
fatigue” and are burnt out by Friday.
The first trip was to the jungles of Borneo, our trip this week is to the African Serengeti. I have
designed 6 trips so far. I will post a new one in google classroom each week until the end of the
school year. (The last week I may attach a bunch, I have so many ideas for more! So stay tuned!)

Hang in There!
Only 14 more school days to go! You can do it! I have some awesome stuff in the works for
the last week to make it super fun to finish out the school year. Hang in there, you are doing
your best and that is great!

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