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Game of Sultans Guide

A work in Progress by John Crosby

Last updated May 22nd, 2019

*War of Supremacy added

*Vanquish updated.
* Floral event added.
*Updated general info and power growth.

*This guide contains both simple and complex sections for each chapter. The simple section contains the
main info you need to know and the complex explains why, if you want to understand further. Link to
spanish translation at bottom

1. How to select your viziers for leveling

2. When to diversify Viziers and why.
3. Consorts
4. Badges and Skill Books
5. How to power up quickly
6. Events
7. How to use Diamonds
8. Union Wars
9. War of Supremacy
10. Outside Links

1.  How to select your viziers for leveling

There are several factors that affect which vizier you should level. They include Talent,
Bonus (Consort buff) / Harmony, and secondary talents. The main goal is to maximize
your power gain from leveling the right viziers.

Simple version​:​ Pick the Vizier with the highest military star talent, that has a Bonus
from a consort you currently have and has secondary talents with the highest being
Research and the lowest being Politics. Once you get an outstanding 5 or magnificent
4, you give them all military books and give all other books to your main vizier.

And this is why:

Combat Power= (Military talet x Vizier level x 5000) + military attribute
Following the Parameters, the Best Viziers are:
VIP 0= Davut with Kilic or a magnificent four
VIP 7= Sormet
VIP 10= Darmut
***Raising any stat aside from Military will not raise your combat power******
-This means raising any non-Military Vizier will only increase your resource gain
and will have no impact on Union Wars, Campaign, and Events.

Complex Version​: ​The biggest component to your overall combat power is Military
talent. Raising this will be the number one way to raise your damage and strength in all

● The more stars you have on a vizier, the more power you will gain from every
book, level up, and bonus.

● Military talent is not the only factor however. Some viziers get bonuses from
either a a consort or by having a harmony with other harmonies.

Consorts: Best
As you level up consort’s intimacy you gain new ways to buff your character. At 50
intimacy, you are able to gain % boosts to stats.
This % boost applies to books as well
A 10% bonus in Military will give you an extra 10% from each military book. 1000
military book gives you 1100 military gain.

Harmony: One at the same time.

Harmony increases the vizier’s stats when leveling and military books, but not other
books. The harmony starts off at 20% so give them your military books while the main
vizier grows the other stats better.

None: Viziers that have no bonus or harmony waste your resources. They do not gain a
bonus from books nor from gold consumption. The game gives them higher attributes at
start to counter this, but is a significant loss in the long term.

● When you have multiple Viziers with the same military talent and both have a
consort to bonus them, look at the talents in their other stats. You want to focus
on research because the more money you make, the more you are able to level
your viziers and stimulate your power growth.

Secondary stats:

Research: Best
Increase the amount of money you gain from Parliament. Helps you level up
faster and have more gold to spend on side items during events.

Prestige: Good
Increases the amount of troops you gain in Parliament. This allows you to battle
more in campaign to gives you more Sultan Exp.
Con: Military costs grain. If you level Prestige more than Politics, you will not be
able to claim rewards in Parliament.

Politics: As need
Allows you to gain more grain and thus current troops in Parliament.
Grain are easy to get by other means including events and you will have a
surplus. Surplus is useful in Union Battles to raise stat bonuses for the team. While
useful, you will have a surplus to pull from, especially if you focus on Research.

2. When to Diversify and why

There are several reasons to level more than one viziers. Union Battles, Hunting
Grounds, Voyages, Fortress Siege, arena and more.

Simple Version​:

● Best way: As you level your main vizier, you want to level your other
viziers so they can kill their animal with one shot in the hunting
grounds. Once they can kill their animal, you diversify and focus on
the other viziers.
Generally though, you:

● Level one person to level 50, all to level 10

● Level 1 to 100, level 16 total to level 60 all to level 20
● Level 1 to 150, 8 to 100, all to level 60
● Level 1 to 200, 6 to 150, all to 90
● Level 1 to 250, 1 to 200, and all to 110
● Level 1 to 300, 8 to 200, 8 to 150 all to 120
● Continue in this fashion

Focus on Viziers with the highest military stat. For these:

Harmony is the best and ignore consorts.
The Best secondary Viziers are:
Magnificent 5: Kilic
Outstanding 4: Any
Grand Sultan 1: Yusuf

Honorable mention:


Power in the game grows exponentially. The more power you have on one vizier, the
more power you will gain by leveling that vizier. This makes it important to focus on one
or two viziers as your main. Everyone else needs to level too to assist in activities like
the hunting grounds and in the arena. Plus leveling them at low levels is really cheap.

Once you get one person to 100, you are ready to compete in Union Wars. In order to
qualify, you must have 16 Viziers leveled up to level 60. The rest do not need to be
leveled really, but getting them to level 20 is still really cheap.

At level 150, you need to start contributing to your Union’s damage output. Here is
becomes important to level up 8 attackers to increase the damage you deal. Everyone
should begin to hit level 60 so you can begin to claim more rewards from the hunting
grounds and do not lose so much rank in area from having weaklings.

As you progress to 200 and 250, you want to ensure you have some powerful alternates
leveled as they will be key to several activities in the game. Begin leveling your second
main, but still mostly focus on the one. You want to get everyone to level up as you go
to level 100 and beyond. After this, continue the trend. Focus on one or two viziers,
raise your Union Wars team, and continue to have everyone else raised behind you as
you go.

3. Consorts

Consorts serve three essential roles: Vizier stats, producing heirs, and recreation (more
stat gain.) These three functions are based on their Charm and Intimacy.

Simple version:
First, get all your consorts to 10 Charm.
Then, focus on the consort for your tone to two viziers.
Give that one all your jewelry and ascend their rank to max.
Use that one for recreation.
Take the spot of other players lower rank than you up to 5 times to gain items that let
you increase the bonus gained by the stat.
Give all their exp to the first two stats until the vizier has 80,000 in a stat and then focus
on leveling it up.


Charm increases the amount of exp per visit the consort obtains.

Intimacy intimacy unlocks skills and increases the stats and rank of your heirs. All
consorts should get to 10 intimacy first so that they can use the exp gained through
visits to raise your team's stats.

Focusing on one consort allows you grow more rapidly with your main character. 10
viziers with 20 intimacy gain far less exp and less power than focusing on one and
significantly boosting him. You don’t want to throw away jewelry on characters that do
not contribute to your battle capabilities when leveling their stats doesn’t help you at all.

Leveling stats becomes exponential when you hit a character with 80,000 in any stat.
Level 1 skill gives 200 points. Level 2 skill gives 400 points per level. Level 3 through 6
skills give you a percentage gain. At 80,200 stats, the .5% gain gives you more than
400 points.

If attack is 100,000 for example, each .5% upgrade increases that stat by 500. The
higher the skill number, the more the stat grows. This adds to books as well.

So at 10% boost, a 1000 book will then give you 1100 points. This raises your power
significantly more than giving that same book who doesn’t have a bonus.

The higher the level of Charm on you main vizier’s consort, the more exp they gain per
visit. This will become increasingly import as the % gains increase in price drastically.
10% costs roughly 30k exp and only gets higher from there. Dividing your charm among
multiple viziers decreases your max power gain.
In practicality, theoretically should be divided between a few consorts to increase
the likeliness of having powerful heirs. The game counters this theory however, by
requiring significant intimacy to rank up your consort. You can only use one consort in
the concert hall, and their rank needs to be as high as possible to hold a seat longer.
The rank itself also contributes to the stats of the heirs.

So realistically, you should give all your intimacy to your main vizier’s consort so when
they do produce an heir, it is more powerful and they can gain rank faster. ​Once rank is
at max, in like a year of gameplay lol, then divide intimacy among your other consorts.

The Concert Hall:

In the consort hall, you use keys to open doors that gives you a set amount of
orbs (pearls for the case of this guide) per minute. If you look in someone else’s room,
you may find an open seat that also allows you to get pearls.

These pearls let you increase the amount of point or % gain you get from leveling up a
consort’s skills up to 6*. The pearls are used under consort, in the skills, and by clicking
on the left circle where the stat emblem is.

The seating choice is based entirely on consort rank. So when you see a full room, look
in there and see if you outrank any of the consorts there. You can tell by the type of
crown on their desk. If you out rank them, then you can sit down instead and begin to
collect pearls.

As you can only do this five times a day, check the timer left on the room. If the room
has almost ended, you may not want to waste one of your five tries in that room.

4.  Badges and skill books

There is a cap to the number of talent levels a Vizier can have based on 50 minus from
their max level. The exact level is currently. Up to 400 total for each square.

Simple Version:

There is a hard cap to talent level.

Max Vizier Level- 50= Total allowable talent level or Talent level cap for each
5 and 6* Talents give the most boost. The higher the stat, the more it gains.


The different stars per talent shows the amount of gain per increase.

Examples: Using all badges and books to level 3 star military vs 5 star military assuming
the stat gain is 2% per star. Simplified for the point of this discussion.

150 LV cap x 3 star x (Military stat x 2%) = Max stat gain of 9x Military Stat
150 LV cap x 5 star x (Military stat x 2%)= Max Stat gain of 15 x Military stat

Leveling only 5 star talents gives you a 600% increase over leveling a 3 star talent.

In order to Max your stats, you have to only level 5 star talents. For Non-military viziers,
use what skill points they earn improving their military stat to increase their power
and usefulness.

5.  How to power up quickly

This section may be controversial. Bear with me.

To level fastest, save all power leveling until the empire power growth event for
local or joint server. The rewards make it worth the wait.

There are several ways to power up in the game, some of the fastest ways are not
necessarily the best in the long term. This section will sum up some of the others to
make the steps more streamline.

● Pick one or two Viziers like Davult to level up.

Davult’s high military will help you gain a combat advantage early on.
● Begin by following the Main Quest.
These will provide you with significant bonuses as you power up and
● Go to the Imperial Parliament
Focus all your effort into wealth. Strive to the get boosts to hit wealth as
often as you. Pay attention to how often the resource collection timer refills and
log in to collect them when they are close. As you level, they will eventually take
roughly 35 minutes to renew.
If you click on Hocas, you will be prompted with imperial affairs. There are
a few different options here, but ultimately you select yes to collect the reward or
no to collect sultan exp. This is one of the quickest ways to level up your sultan
and as such, the only resource that compares can be the 1000 random stat
books. Unless absolutely needed, the money and grain can easily be gained by
waiting a little bit. There are times when money is needed, but you’ll grow far
faster from the added bonuses gained by leveling up your sultan than you will
getting a 100 random stat power book or a bit of grains and troops.
● Watch the daily ads and collect Rankings for diamonds and rewards.
● On the right, click on the Time-Sensitive Rewards.
Check and see what events give you special bonuses for completing
them. These reset and change every few day. If using Vizier Orbs is not
on the list, you may reserve your orbs for the next event to capitalize on
the events. Claim these rewards when they appear.
● Go Masquerading often and pay attention to it’s reset timer.
This improves your intimacy with your consorts and gives you an
opportunity to get new consorts if you don’t have them, as well as some
resources. Continue masquerading until out of items or your Fortune is
less than 85. When it is lower, you have a chance at not gaining anything
from the Masquerade.
● Go to the Harem
Open consorts and first click on the consort for your main like Clara for
Davult and give them all your charm and Intimacy. Level your other
consort’s intimacy if it is less than 10.
Do random visits to save your diamonds.
Once you use all your random visits and items, click on your main and go
to Skill. Use the exp to level up their abilities as best you can. Focus on
the top two until you get 80,000k in a stat and then level up the percent
Go to Heirs and level them up as you go. Give Items to Heirs with the
highest max level for more stat gain.
Go to the Concert Hall and see if there are any seats you that are lower
rank then you and take the seat up to 5 a day. Be alert of how much time
is left in that room so you don’t waste one attempt.
Go to Consort Title when it is lit up and raise the rank of your main consort
as high as you can.
● Enter Union
Go to contribute and generally give 50 diamonds a day. While in
contributions, click on the Redeem tab. Use contribution points to buy
Book xp packs to use on your main and XP Packs (s) to increase your
sultan level faster.
Click on quests and claim them as available. The quest changes daily
requiring you to perform different tasks to gain the rewards,
Go to set Voyage. Have your union leader activate the first two voyages. If
your union is level 3 or under, you likely need to put your best player into
Voyage 1 for the best chance of success. Level % unions should be able
to complete level 2 voyages by placing their best in Voyage 2 and their
second best in Voyage 1. As your union gets stronger, follow this practice.
Best in the highest you can do, and then go down the line to complete as
many as you can a day. You must open Set Voyage to claim rewards from
Set Voyage.
Union War is covered in its own section below.
● Imperial Council
The council allows you to extort tributes from areas you have conquered in
the Campaign. While this sounds cool, you essentially click on each one 3
times a day (depending on your VIP level) and get rewards. Each has a
chance to give you a servant. Servants should go to the main consort you
are leveling. When you have tribute seals, it is good to use them on the
Venetian Envoy for the chance to obtain a Vigor Orb. This is the only
benefit that pays stat dividends by increasing your consort’s exp
availability to be used on stats.
● Imperial Academy.
The academy lets you level up your vizier’s pvp skills. Two slots should be
used for your main viziers to level them up. This allows you to rematch
people in the arena, decimate them, and claim back any ranking you lost.
Use one slot to evenly raise the pvp skills of all your viziers. This makes
your pvp team stronger as a whole and prevents you from being stuck on
Main Quests. 5 slots or more are recommended.
● Arena
Any vizier over level 60 can be selected for the arena. Do your four rounds
a day as they become available. ​Focus on killing the weakest of the three
targets first. ​Kill white first, then green, then blue, then purple, then
orange, and so forth.
In the ranking log, you can get revenge on people who have beaten some
of your team with a challenge letter. Before you randomly do this, click on
the person and see their power and number of viziers​. You want
opponents who have plenty of viziers and low to moderate power
comparatively to gain your rank back and not waste the revenge.
If you click the scrolling tab at the bottom, you are also able to challenge
Story missions require number of entries into the area. Winning 20 or
losing both only give you one point.
Arena Raids let you insert another player's ID number and take them on.
Doing so takes 2 points away from them per win instead of just the normal
one. This can be used to influence arena rankings and decrease
opponent's score.
● Frontier
Frontier events occur at set times depending on your timezone and server.
Hunting Grounds requires you to use your viziers to slaughter as many
animals meaninglessly as possible for points and possible chests. The
game will naturally select viziers that can kill the animal in one hit. ​This will
cost you significant potential gain and must instead be done manually.
Start with the vizier with the least power. Their power ranking is the
damage they do to the animal’s hp at the top of the screen. ​Attack with the
weakest and always aim for the head. You gain a 20% bonus to overall
power for a headshot. ​If the computer selects a vizier right after the
weakest, see if weakest can kill it with a headshot and if so select them
instead. Continue to use the weakest in this fashion and shoot as many
animals as you can. ​During the process, click on chat. Local chat will have
treasure chests you can select from if they are not opened.​ Gold gives
gems and silver gives better rewards than bronze naturally. You get to
open 10(?) chests a day.
● Fortress Seize
Fortress Seize you just continually click to shoot the cannon and get
rewarded for it. The person who gets the last shot gets to seize the
fortress, but if you wait too long, you’ll miss the event entirely. Winning the
fortress is really only prestige except when the bonus event is active.
When it is you get like 100 gems each day you can do it.
You can redeem the points you gets for rewards. This is a good way to get
more vizier upgrade gear. The price for each rises the more you buy in a
● Items
Once you have completed your first round, go into your inventory and use
all the items you have earned. Use % gain items last, as you may gain a
significant increase based on what items you have laying around. Make
sure you go combine and make all the vizier gear you have available as
well as going to other to craft the various badges. You’ll notice that while
collecting rewards, you will gain the orbs that allow you to continue to
grow. Start with using all your books, then rush through the campaign to
gain more gold. Use the gold to level your characters and then continue
use the orbs and items in your second round through the loop.

If you focus on powering one to two main fighters, this process will grow your power
rapidly and does not need to take that much actual time. Depending on your sultan level
and your vip status, I recommend you log in once an hours and complete all the tasks.
Any time spent with timed resources locked is resources lost in the leveling process.
Also pay attention to when reset is in your time zone. The day resets at a set hour,
allowing you to collect rewards for completing tasks and often changes time sensitive
and special events.

6. Events
There are several events in the game and most of them are straight
forward. Enter the event, enter the challen, click on the action button at the
bottom of the screen. Go to store, hit warehouse, use resources, or buy
resources with gold, then continue on the event. Once you do these
events, you may need to level the event and reenter, or click on
achievements to claim rewards.
The major exception to this are Pirate Hunting, Horse Racing, and Ruins

● Pirate Hunting
Horse Racing
In horse racing and pirate hunting events, first you must make a team. Try
to align yourself with your highest powered friends or guild members you
can to max your reward. In Pirate hunting you must first explore and area
then continue the action, attack or assist on the bottom right. If you do not
kill a ship, you can click the map on the right and save it in the Danger
Zone. Any team member can attack the ship in the danger zone without
using resources. Once you have one ship saved in the danger zone, any
ship you don’t kill can either replace the marked ship or you skip it to
continue pirating without wasting resources.
Your best bet is to have all team members on at one and attack
eachother's ships going to the highest level you can kill them with all 4
● Horse Racing
As for horse racing, the main key is to revert to center or be quick to make
adjustments as needed. When you use the whip, you will dash ahead and
collect all resources and tokens that were in your path. When another
player approaches, I tend to get more rewards when passing them from
the direct side than running into them or having a space between us. This
still needs to be experimented with.

● Floral:
Collect flowers through completing dailies, quests, and purchases. Try to
make bouquets before using the flowers. When making your own
Banquets, the last flower that hits another doesn't give points. Lining up
your shot well or perfectly gives bonus points. At times you will get a
marker on the bouquet that gives extra points if you hit it. At times you will
also get a floral bonus that adds extra flowers to the bouquet.

Pick a place on the map in a spot near the center. Avoid red, orange, and
yellow spots
Pick middle and lower power viziers at the beginning.
Continue down collecting chests and avoid enemy players.
Each spot has a number of chests and people in it.
Chests refresh periodically, but if there are no chests, then change
Log on in the last 5 min and kill as many players as you can for gems.
Losing a vizier in any way consumes all your raw gems
Markers on the map have ruin lords which are worth killing.
Have fun and try not to worry or get frustrated over raw gems.

The point of ruins is to pick a spot on the map either close to the center or
an area you believe holds significance (actual ruins are my preferred) and
continue to dive into that spot to fight enemies and claim chests. You get
two types of gems: raw that you lose when defeated and refined that stay
with you regardless.
The event tries to focus on forced competition.
The different panel colors on the map indicate the level of player activity in
the area. Yellow orange and red areas are intense combat zones that may
want to be avoided.
The charge gauge at the middle bottom of your screen that looks like a
person or demon seems to represent your killing spree. There may be a
bonus to power or damage when his eyes begins to glow.
There are set times where the map shrinks towards the center and stakes
can get high for raw gems. Raw gems only matter when the event ends
each day.
Do not bother fighting to get gems from other players until roughly the last
5 minutes of the event.
As you dive in, your vizier’s health is decreased through battles. If you see
another player, you can take their raw gems with no gain to your actual
refined gems until the end of the day.
With that being said ​fighting other players early on only damages your
viziers and can cost you the raw gems you already had.​ The simple way to
handle this is to ​continue past the other players in search of loot.​ If the
player continues to follow you either take a few minutes and come back or
change locations. From experience, players will stay with you up to 5
turns. This could be inaccurate; it's just my experience. ​Try to start with
lower and middle power viziers to save your most powerful 3 to 6 for the
final fights for rewards.
Chests seem to increase in rareness as the events continue. There are
four types and only the large gemed gold chests requires keys. Cheers
run out in a spot as you explore. When the map restricts, the chests reset.
You can tell how many chests are left and how many enemies are there at
the bottom of the screen.
The ranking score often lags so do not count on it for accurate info.
● Vanquish
Vanquish is similar to campaign except a lot harder with better rewards.
Realistically, you should beat one or 2 floors each event and then use
your army to do campaign. The real point of Vanquish is to use your army
on it while you are stuck on the boss in campaign.​ Otherwise, you will just
be throwing a lot of soldiers at increasingly harder floors with less pay out.
The main other reason to Vanquish is to get the materials required to
unlock level 450 once your viziers are level 400.​ Do your conquest as far
as you can and use the extra troop to attack vanquishe. After stage 40, it
becomes counterproductive unless you are going for a top three spots.
If you don't have a lot of spare troops, only do to floor 10 or 20, as they are
fairly cheap.
Getting the top 3 spot means you can attack the harder mode. Special
Raven Chests unlock every 4 floors that can be claimed by anyone
including you. Every 20 floors also unlocks a special chest for everyone to
When in the top 3, don't forget to do the basic floors at the same time.
Probably at least to floor 30.

7.  How to use Diamonds

Diamonds are a rare commodity that can be purchased with real money
and is a tad on the expensive side for what they deliver. Because of this, you
should be vary of what you buy with them and how you use them. Here are some
initial things to do with your diamonds:
Open 2 to 3 more spots the Imperial Academy to level pvp skills faster
Open 2 or 3 more slots in Heirs so you can raise more than one child at a
Contribute 50 a day to your union to level the union up and gain rewards.

The game provides several options to use diamonds that are not worth it
so you have to look at the cost versus the gain. One key example is marrying off
heirs. Marrying Junior and even Senior heirs does not provide anything but a
small stat increase. That small stat increase in minimal compared to other areas
those diamonds can be used. Likewise, buying items individually from the store is
ridiculously overpriced and is only recommended when absolutely necessary.

The store also sells packs, and this is where it gets complicated.
Time-sensitive packs often offer a significant discount and can offer a slew of
items. Some of these packs are well worth it while others are situation or not
much of a benefit. Most packs come with items for the special events like steaks,
grains, dice, etc. ​Special event items are really only worth it unless either you
are competing in the event or the event provides rewards worth obtaining​. Steak
for example gives you more hits at the Barbarian, but the Barbarian only gives
small booklets and a bit of gold. Spending on a pack for that reason is essentially
buying a few attribute books and less than 10 million gold. Building the wall
events, and puppet fighting events also produce even less rewards for the
diamond intake. Spending Diamonds in these events themselves is also not
worth it unless you are trying to rank in the event. Essentially, you have to spend
a lot of diamonds on packs to rank high enough for those rewards to matter.

Some rewards from packs are worth it. Badge packs have the potential to
significantly increase stats. Grain for Pirate Seas and Carrot/ milk for horse
racing provides significant opportunities for rewards. Generally, I find the cost of
books specifically is high, but are included often which increases the worth of the
pack. ​Tier seals can also be significantly worth it or essentially worthless
depending on your stats.​ High stat players will get rather large amounts of
resources whereas lower stat players are just throwing away diamonds aiming
for them. Outstanding and Magnificent shards also increase the value of the pack
as they let you get powerful viziers when enough is assembled.
The real prize are items that produce long term gains like jewelry.​ Packs
that contain jewelry allow you to level your consorts as mentioned. The increase
in Charm pays dividends as you’ll continually gain more exp per visit that can be
used to gain stat % bonuses. The increase in intimacy increases your chances of
getting better hiers which is a constant production of free stats. You also want
packs that give you items associated with Time-Sensitive events like badges and
orbs. Materials to Masquerade and visit consorts give you extra rewards during
their respective events. ​Ultimately, be wary of what you buy in packs because
some are worth it while others are just throwing diamonds away.

Gems can also be used in Union Wars to power up your union and to
attack or defend within the war. These decisions can make the difference in
battle, but are entirely dependent on the situation, your guild, and whether you
personally feel it is worth it. Union wars certainly are their own beast.

One final option is buying feasts. Feasts give you a chance to get points
that let you buy keys for the concert hall. As this is the only way outside of events
to get these keys, feasts are worth considering. Banquets provide the best
options for gaining the tokens, but both depends on random people joining the
feast and helping out. ​In general though, feasts are not worth the gems they cost
outside of Banquets.
8. Union Wars

Union Wars consist of a set of battles versus other Unions. The top the unions
progress to the next stage and end up in the finals.

Start by getting 16 sultans to level 60
Register for the battle
Switch the position of your viziers so that the strongest are at the bottom left, and
the weakest are at the top right
Contribute your extra grain (keeping some reserves) to increase your union’s
Once it begins, attack every 2 to 3 hours and target the guild ranked above you
unless your guild says otherwise.
Your score is calculated by the amount of damage you do times the percent of hp
you have left. If someone does 25% more damage than you but has 26% less health,
you’ll be ahead of them in ranking. This also means pay attention to your defense so
that all your attack gain isn’t destroyed when you are attacked. Usually, the higher up in
ranking you are, the more of a target you become so position your viziers accordingly.
The top 3 players will advance to the next round.
After each round, cast predictions to try to get extra winnings. Usually, bet on the unions
that have the highest damage output for the week. Try to focus all the union on your
target, and align with other unions as needed in other unions to advance in the ranking.

9. War of Supremacy

War of Supremacy

Easy: Increase Hp in the normal weekly war through donation of grain and gems.
Qualify by winning and scoring as top 3 in the regular war.

Set your people to have high attack and highest hp (defense) as you can. Balance

Leaders select which gate to attack. IT IS EASIEST TO HAVE EVERYONE IN ONE


Talk to others in your server and have the 2 other guilds space out to other gates.

During battle: Attack anyone closer to your gate than you. Once you have secured your
gate, help your other server guilds by attacking any enemy in front of them to the gate.
Guild leaders activate shields every 2 hours within 30 minutes or you miss out.

Have everyone in the server log on and all Encourage the server. Have them log in
every 2 hours if possible.

Only the 4 gate keepers advance to round two. Holding two gates does remove teams
from the next round.
Tips: not being first to the gate means you have to 0 out the other guild's team before
you can claim it which makes it very important to get their first.

If one team advances, both teams advance at full health. (Not sure if a team is zeroed
but it seems yes they do)

● Why:​ Two teams takes longer for each team to make it to the gate, making it
harder to win. Having two teams does grant 2 shields, but they are only for the
respective team and does not offset the speed bonus. ​It may be useful to have a
small second team though to utilize the shields. If so, they need decent defense
to take hits from the main team.

10.  Outside Links

This guide is a free to use and share. If you would like to support continued
development, feel free to donate at ​

Stat Spreadsheet by unknown author​.

This has some useful numbers in it if you want to know more. All credit goes to them.

Guide Link:

Spanish translation

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