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Letran de Davao, Inc.

High School Department


Name: _______________________________ Section: ________________ Score: ______

Teacher: _Jomillien Q. Capuras, LPT________ Proctor: ________________ Date: ______
Multiple Choice
Directions: Read and understand the questions carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Who proposed that matter is composed of tiny, indivisible particles?
A. Aristotle B. Democritus C. John Dalton D. Ernest Rutherford
2. Which atomic model was the first one to include electrons?
A. Dalton’s Atomic Model C. Rutherford’s Atomic Model
B. Thomson’s Plum pudding model D. Bohr’s Atomic Model
3. Which symbol represents the atom with the largest number of neutrons?
A. 90Th B. 88Ra C. 92U D. 79Au
234 226 238 147

4. Which of the three subatomic particles DOES NOT have any significant contribution to the overall mass of an atom?
A. Proton B. Electron C. Neutron D. Nucleus
5. All isotopes of lithium contain _____.
A. Three neutrons B. Three protons C. Two electrons D. Three protons and four neutrons
6. Isotopes are atoms of the same element that have different _____.
A. Mass number B. Proton numbers C. Electron numbers D. Chemical properties
7. Which of the following statements correctly describes the change a neutral atom undergoes as it becomes an ion?
A. The atom gains a proton and becomes positive. C. The atom gains an electron and becomes positive.
B. The atom loses a proton and becomes negative. D. The atom loses an electron and becomes positive.
8. Which of the following statements is a correct description of a cation?
A. A positively charged ion that gains a proton. C. A positively charged ion that gains an electron.
B. A positively charged ion that loses a proton. D. A positively charged ion that loses an electron.
9. An ion that is composed of more than one atom is called _____?
A. Monoatomic B. Polyatomic C. Triatomic D. Pentatonic
10. Upon losing its sole valence electron, the sodium particle will have an electron configuration of _____.
A. 1s22s2 B. 1s22s22p63s1 C. 1s22s22p6 D. 1s22s22p63s1
11. Which of the following elements will have four valence electrons?
A. 20Ca B. 42Mo C. 34Se D. 32Ge
12. What is the electron configuration of element copper?
A. 1s22s22p63s22p64s23d4 B. 1s22s22p63s22p64s23d9 C. 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d7 D. 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d9
13. Which of the following pair of elements have the same number of valence electrons?
A. 2He and 10Ne B. 3Li and 6C C. 7N and 8O D. 5B and 13Al
14. The element with electron configuration 1s 22s22p63s23p2 is ______.
A. C B. S C. Si D. Mg
15. The atomic sublevel to be filled after 4p is _____.
A. 4d B. 4f C. 5p D. 5s
16. Which family of elements includes neon and argon?
A. Halogens B. Noble gases C. Alkali Metals D. Alkaline Earth Metals
17. Elements in the d-block are also known as the _____.
A. Noble gases B. Transition Metals C. Inner Transition Metals D. Representative elements
18. The vertical column in the periodic table are called _____.
A. Rows B. Blocks c. Periods D. Groups
19. Which of the following elements is an alkali metal?
A. Li B. Ba C. S D. Cl
20. Which of the following elements is NOT included in the p-block?
A. Aluminum B. Helium C. Sulfur D. Carbon

Test II-A. Identification

Directions: Read the statement carefully and identify what is being described or defined. Write your answer on the space provided
before the number.
____________________21. The thin gold foil experiment performed by Hans Gieger and Ernest Marden.
____________________22. The Father of Modern Atomic Theory.
____________________23. Who discovered the electrons?
____________________24. What refers to the indestructible particles?
____________________25. What refers to the term of proton and neutron?
____________________26. What refers to the number of proton in an atom?
____________________27. The total number of proton and neutron in the atom.
____________________28. The lightest of all the three subatomic particles.
____________________29. The horizontal rows in the periodic table.
____________________30. What is the other term of Group VIIA elements?
____________________31. The vertical column in the periodic table.
____________________32. What is the other term of s-block and p-block?
____________________33. The Father of Modern Periodic Table.
____________________34. Who arranged the elements in increasing atomic number?
____________________35. What contains seven periods and 18 columns or groups?

B. Write the correct electron configuration of each element using the noble family.
36. Ti 44. Ga

37. Br 45. S

38. P 46. Fe
39. V 47. Y

40. Zr 48. As

41. Ne 49. Ar

42. Kr 50. Al

43. Ge

C. Draw and Name the Ionic Bonding of each element.

44-45. Mg2+Cl-2

46-47. Na2+O2-

48-49. CaCl-2

50-51. K2S

52-53. Mg2+O2

------------------------------GOD BLESS--------------------------------

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