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CHAPTER 1- Introduction

The researcher concentrated their consciousness in studying the importance of the extent of online
gaming because it is important to study and determine if there’s an effect on the extent of online gaming.
In today’s new generation many of the world’s community consumes the essence of playing different
kinds of video games. This study conducts the data and scales regarding the extent of video gaming in
different ages and what beneficiaries of this kind of field can give them.

Video games can also be change in the terms of time and preferences through satisfaction of gamer
in using the subject effectively on both hand or otherwise. This phenomenon can spread throughout in the
entire group of nations in just a split of time, not just the thought it can bring but also the accommodation
of each user to the content it shows.

This field can also create a big impact to each gamers to add popularity in terms of their skills in
using the characters they obtain to choose for their great gaming experience and accessibility in case of
security they invest. At this point of view, video games can be efficient, they build up teams and play
together as a form of bond including each and anyone’s character in that specific games. This popularity
can be useful to them in ways of they can use it as a sideline job since they are popular in their fields, they
can also trade or sell their account or 2nd accounts if they have, online gaming can be still useful in this
kind of aspect.

Age of being a gamer isn’t an issue for those who afford to play these variety of games in their
specific wants and happiness. Minors are the main age scale in playing videogames and being easy to
influence by feedbacks, recommendations, online sensations and friends. Most of the time they are the
most easy to hooked by these kind of options of joy. Even minors can do leveling up their chosen
characters and dominate their opponent in their quest. This part can be also be a negative and positive
outcome, It just depends on their proper way of communicating their enemies in their own kind of
battlefield. So, as long as you can afford to do or play the online game, it doesn’t matter.

The aim of this study is to give an insight regarding the current situation on the Online gaming
addiction and it’s following effect to the extent of this online gaming. Putting your future in your hand
doesn’t look sounds new at all, but True. It I in your hands what future you want to give to your life.

Statement of the Problem

“The frequency of time causing addiction, aggression, health issues and effects of too much playing
video games in school academics”

These issues add big impacts to the main problem of this study, these issues affects not just one
but all aspect of this study. Every issue indicates that most of the online gamers are truly in this kind of
process or situation wherein they are compacted by these issues regarding the extent of online gaming.
This problem needs this kind of systematic planning and researching for it to become a lesson or thought
to every gamer that too much exposed to online gaming can affect their behaviors such as aggression.
According to Grüsser, S. M., Thalemann, R., & Griffiths, M. D. (2007). Excessive computer game
playing: evidence for addiction and aggression Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 10(2), 290–292 that
excessive computer game playing can give you evidence for being addicted and aggressive in small little

The goal of this study is to overcome the addiction of the online gaming It can give to its player, to
discover what makes the gamers satisfied but still get aggressive, to understand the cause and effect of too
much exposed to online gaming, to refine our current understanding of why adolescent create an almost a
half percentage contribution to the increasing usage of online gaming contents, and to understand what
makes most of the extent of online gaming results in almost support in negative.

Significance of the study

To conduct this kind of study is a big solution to those who are being drowned in the
system of online gaming, they’ll open their thoughts and ideas of how to properly use the online games
and when until they are invalid to play these kind of enjoyable games in their own hands. Too much
concentration to this kind of field can make gamers lost their ways in setting and doing their priorities
such as studying and making friends by socializing instead of getting hooked in their gadgets 24/7
without any duration. This conducted research is important to those gamers who are being got by the
system and beauty of online games, they may be satisfied but their satisfaction can lead to uncontentment
making them lose their behavior and aggression towards their co-players or even so to their someone.
They can also become unfocused to their task as a person or as a responsibility holder. This study benefit
those people who are pre-occupied by the happiness they got in playing instead of their goals in life and
such as their dreams.

Research Questions and/or Hypothesis and/ Null Hypothesis

Hypothesis: Most of the average player of online gaming are spending 7-12 hours consistently.
Null Hypothesis: Most of the average player of online gaming are not spending almost 7-12 hours
Hypothesis: Most of the gamer of the online gaming are 18 years old below.
Null Hypothesis: Not all of the online gaming players are 18 years old below
CHAPTER II- Background

This Study conducted by Mitra (2000) ensures that every aspects of the extent of online
gaming can be affected if the player of the said online gaming doesn’t have any control and exposed as
much as they want. Mitra determine the factors in this study using quantitative method. The Finding show
that player will be addicted and have a change in behavior and can lead to violence. Mitra concluded on
this study that online gaming will just cost negative on someone, it can also give positive effect if it is use
in a good manner and proper management can make a decreasing effect of the spreading online gaming.

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