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In today’s time, technology is one of our greatest weapon in surviving. But what happens when
technology and humanity cross? Have you heard about robots that are capable of having emotions.
According to numerous studies, researchers have developed a prototype of a robot that can express
emotions through the changes in its outer surface. This is a good strategy to have a good connection
between robots and humans. Robots have the ability to perform human-like tasks in a more accurate,
faster, and easier way. Having connections with humans will result to better output, although
researchers should limit it to avoid the possibility of robots overpowering humans. Next is the use of
google. The fact that google has a lot to offer is something to consider to use it. It is very useful in terms
of information since it can give a lot of it, without exerting too much effort and time. But the thing is,
using google frequently makes the essence of learning useless. Frankly speaking, people, specially
students who use it to acquire information for their lessons do not internalize what they had searched.
The process ends once they copy the answers the google had provided. Compared to books, which need
one’s full attention and understanding in order to construct your thought. Google is slowly snatching
one’s capability of critical thinking since it can provide almost everything you need. Another issue, is the
addiction of Filipinos to playing mobile games. It was proven that they are easily hooked into those
games, from the Tetris days, until today with the phenomenal mobile legends game. These games main
goal is to provide entertainment for the users, but others are abusing it. Their addiction can even lead to
serious cases like mental, physical, health, and academic problems. On the other hand, another
application was created to help the drivers and commuters which is known as the Waze. This application
provides directions and shortest routes possible for the user’s convenience. It also alerts drivers way in
advance if an accident is near. Waze’s police reporting is also advantageous as it helps drivers monitor
their speed in order to avoid getting into accident. This application is very essential specially if the user is
in a big city. These technological advancements are only few of those created. Researchers created
these to provide comfort and convenience in our everyday lives. Users should have the discipline in
using it to avoid complications. It is up to on how we will explore these technological advancements to
be beneficial in our lives.

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