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New knowledge, attitudes, and skills acquired

I learned a lot of things during my OJT in STI College Koronadal (Registrar’s

Office). I was not only exposed to actual office environment but also realized what career I want
to have after I graduate. I learned how to be kind and approachable. I also learned how to handle
my emotions and to have long patience since we meet and entertain different kinds of people
with different personalities.
I able to learn how to accept small or big mistakes. In my OJT I learned how to face
the real world and talk to different people and how to get along with different workers. Working
in registrar’s office helps me boost my self-confidence and self-esteem with the help and
motivation of ma’am Thea, ma’am Lara and ma’am Nikki. I learned also how important time
management is in this practicum.
Being a part of STI College Koronadal (Registrar’s Office), I feel happy and fulfilled.
I learned a lot of things here. From first day until my last day as a trainee. It also enhanced my
knowledge and skills in computer and I am thankful to ma’am Thea in sharing her knowledge to
I gain knowledge, I learn new skills, I meet different people. I can say that my
personal experience in this institution provides everything not just for the real world of securing
an employment but for me to look forward to after my graduation.

As a whole I’m thankful to STI College Koronadal for all the accommodation and the
time they gave me, they made my On the Job Training a good source of experience. I learned to
be flexible, patient and I became hardworking because of the task and work given to me. Some
may be easy and some may be not but one thing is for sure, I listen and I learn. I may have
encountered mistakes in some ways but those mistakes taught me and inspired me to be more
focus and attentive. Now I really value the learning beyond the four corners of the classroom.
Learning from different people and working with different personalities.

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