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Vanessa Abdic



May 21, 2020

E- Portfolio Assignment Reflection

What did you learn by creating this signature assignment? Be specific.

While typing up my signature assignment, I learned that eventually those dreams could

become a reality. For example, I could fail and never become a dermatologist… Or I could

succeed and make millions. I realized that when I put my goals down on paper it makes them

feel different. Instead of just spewing out my goals for my future I have it written down. I have

proof that I in fact, have ambition. Writing your goals down makes you accountable to try and

reach them. I am a very indecisive person and I get distracted and caught up in ideas and possible

“what- ifs?” By typing up a plan I made my head a little less foggy and it helped me become

more focussed. The hardest thing I learned from this assignment was that I no longer want to

follow down that career path. Writing down and reading that paper changed the reality of that

idea of my future in my head. It made me look at what I am actually passionate and good at and

what I consider a hobby. In conclusion, I learned that you can learn a lot about yourself when

you turn a dream into an obligation or reality.

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