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Our main goal with this project was to create awareness of how recycling can help the
environment by reducing pollution and green house emissions; which at the same time is
affecting the whole world, and how we can make a difference if we start recycling in UKM and
at home. We also wanted them to become aware of how recycling can make an impact in the
world by decreasing global warming, decreasing deforestation, and reducing the amount of toxic
chemicals that go into the land fills.Throughout this entire semester we worked really hard to
accomplish our goal of creating awareness in UKM of how recycling can protect the
environment. Our original plan was to ask student to recycle paper and plastic bottles, and for
that we were going to place recycling bins all around the UKM. Unfortunately at first we
encounter some problems that delay us in our timeline, we couldn’t find the original dumpsters
that are used for recycling; so at the end we had to get some of the other regular dumpsters. After
we got the dumpsters everything went good ,in about a week the plastics dumpsters were almost
full, and we felt really happy about it because people do actually recycled; which shows that they
are also concerned about the damage we are doing to the planet and that they also want to make a
change in the world by recycling. Unfortunately not many people in the UKM knew about our
project, and so we decided to make posters and post the poster at the social media such as
Instagram , Whatsapp , and other so the students would hear about it and start making part in the
After we made the posters we started getting better result, and so we decided to do a
weekly count on how many plastic bottles we collected in that certain week and also how much
paper was actually recycled. The first time we did a bottle count we collected almost 5 large
plastic bag, and after all we ended up recycling only plastic bottles; because we noticed that
people don’t really recycle paper. Even though we made the posters and place them all around
school, we still weren’t getting the results we hoped for because we never really made the
announcement to the whole UKM. The idea was each group members collect the plastic bottles
at our own college, we thought that this was going to help us get better results. We went door to
door at Kolej Kris Mas, and we get really amazing result by doing that. After that we started
getting better result and collected more plastic bottles, also we started recycling aluminum cans
that we collected at the field and some that came from the students. On last Friday, we sold all
the recycle junk that we collect and we got RM 11 on that day. It’s worth it we guess.
For reuse, we use bottle and zip to make a multipurpose pool. We cut two bottle at the
bottom using a knife. To weld the bottom of the bottle together, we use hot glue gun. We put the
hot glue gun to the zip and we sealed up the zip to the both of the bottle. Our product is just a
simple product. We do not used much money for the items. We only use RM 10 for the zip. We
can produce 15 product. We sold our product RM1 on the poster day and our product attracted
many people to buy it. On that day we got RM 13 from our selling. So it’s show that our idea for
product is to help students to solve their problem by create the multipurpose pool so that they can
keep a small matter in the multipurpose pool.
For compost, we use polybag. In the polybag, we put soil, food waste, branches and dry
leaves and then we seal them using plastic bag. We use aerobic method because there’s holes at
the polymer bag. The holes at the polymer bag are to make sure the oxygen in the polymer bag
are sufficient. If the oxygen is not enough, it will produce bad smell. Benefits of composting are
enriches soil, helping retain moisture and suppress plant diseases and pests. Encourages the
production of beneficial bacteria and fungi that break down organic matter to create humus, a
rich nutrient-filled material. Reduces methane emissions from landfills and lowers your carbon
footprint. Based on the result, our compost is on the track to be a good compost because the
component in the polybag are a little bit scrambled. So we can conclude if we wait one or two
months as the real procedure, we will get the better result for our compost.

We hope that all the UKM students make their own contribution to make sure that UKM
always in clean condition which means they practice they 3R in their daily life. We also hope
that our project make people all around UKM realize how important to REUSE, REDUCE and
RECYCLE to our environment. Let’s make UKM GO GREEN !

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