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2016 Mock Easier AMC 10

First and claserken

April 2016

• No calculators permitted
• You have 50 minutes to finish all 25 problems make sure you put your
timer to 50 minutes before you start doing the test

• Make sure all fractions and radicals are in their simplest form
Submission Process:
• Send your answers to claserken or First by PM by April 17th, 2016.

• Your score will be how many problems you get right.
• This test is not necessarily ordered by increasing difficulty.

• All answers are real numbers

• All problems, except a few, are open-ended and there are no proof prob-
• Diagrams are not to scale

• Good Luck and Have Fun!

1. A number when divided by 4 has remainder 1, when divided by 5 has
remainder 2, and when divided by 6 has remainder three. What is the LCM of
the smallest possible value of this number and 6?

2. A circle is inscribed in triangle ABC. If the measure of angle ABC is 45

degrees and the sidelength of the triangle is 4, what is the circumference of this

3. What is the lowest number such that it is 3 less than a multiple of 4,5,6,7...,10?

4. Imagine a right triangle with legs of length 6 and 8, what is the inradius of
this triangle?

5. If a|b and then which of the following (in)equalities must be true: a < b,
a ≤ b, a = b, a > b, or a ≥ b?

6. Figure out the area of intersection of y > 0, y < |x|, x > −2, and x < 2.

7. I have a 10-sided fair die labeled with the number 1-10. I roll this die 6 times.
What is the probability that those 6 numbers will have a sum of 15?

8. What is the sum of the first 1501 odd numbers?

9. Let a#b=a2 + 2ab + b2 , what is 2#1?

10. I have a cube with side length a, what is the volume of tetrahedron EABD,
in terms of a? See the diagram below.

11. What is the value of (x + x1 )4 if x + 1
x = 2?

12. What is the ratio of the area of a square inscribed within a circle to the
area of a equilateral triangle that is inscribed in that circle?

13. Given that FG is 15, BC||DE||F G, and FD=DB=AB, what is the ratio of
trapezoid BDEC to triangle AFG?

14. What is the probability that the product of two numbers between -10 and 10
is smaller than the sum of the two numbers? Express your answer as a common

15. In the town of Animalville, everybody likes an animal. The two most
common animals liked are cats and dogs. There 15 people who like cats and
20 who like dogs. If 50 people don’t like either and there are 60 people in
Animalville, how many people like dogs and cats?

16. How many ways are there to distribute 6 distinct gifts to 5 distinct children,
if everybody has to get at least one present?

q p
17. What is the value of x if x+ x+ x + ... = 4?

18. How many positive√integer solutions, (x, y), are there to the equations
x y
y + x = 36 and x + y = 38?

19. If x + y = 4 and xy = 2, what is x3 + y 3 ?

20. What is the product of the divisors of 56 divided by the product of the
divisors of 14?

21. Car A is at Los Angeles and wants to drive to Las Vegas. Car B wants to
drive to Los Angeles from Las Vegas. The distance between Los Angeles and Las
Vegas is 500 miles. Car A’s average speed is 30mph and Car B’s average speed
is 50mph. After how many minutes will the be beside each other, assuming that
they are going on the same route?

22. What is 5! + ((3!))! ?

23. Line AB has a point D such that AD=5DB. If a draw two circles with
diameter AD and DB and draw a line that is tangent to circle AD and circle
DB, at point C and E, respectively, it will intersect line AB at point at point
F. What is BF, given that DB is 4? See the diagram below.

24. If a circle with radius 3 has a equilateral triangle inscribed in it, what is
the ratio of the area of the circle to the area of a circle inscribed in equilateral

6n +7n
25. Evaluate n=0 8n .

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