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Patanao, Adrian A


It is sad to think that we cannot stop the continuous growth of population in

the Philippines. Let’s get straight to the point, government should intensify the
propagation of contraceptives across the country. Sometimes our countrymen
especially poor are annoying, because they can’t limit themselves to make child and
it became their hobby. The couple don't even think about whether their children
will have proper education.

We are not part of those big and rich countries. Our government cannot
provide all the things that we need, yes, there are many programs offered by our
government to help each family but still it is not the reason for the poor people to
make children. The problem of some Filipinos, especially those ones who are most
poor in life, they have many children. It is okay to have many children if you can
provide their needs and if you can send them to school.

Many young people have lost their way in life, they don’t even have proper
food to eat that’s why many are in the street and begging for alms. It is also the
start for them to use drugs, at first, they will become drug runner and after that
they will become drug pusher, maybe this incident happens because they are
lacking with the right parental guide.

For me Reproductive Health Bill is the solution to the problem of our

population, but it is strongly opposed by the Catholic Church. I think if they are not
against in the RH Bill government program, maybe we can suppress the population
growth. China has one of the world's largest population, and their propose solution
for this is the "One Child Policy." One Child Policy is just having a one only child in
every family. Why don’t we try the solution of China? The government should find a
better solution to the ongoing growth of the population.

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