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Student ID: _______________Section ________ Name _________________________

Department: Telecommunication Engineering Program: BS (TE)

Assignment 1
TE-321 Digital Signal Processing

Announced date: _17-12-2020 Due Date: ___19-12-2020_____ Total Marks = 10

Marks Obtained =
Teacher Name: Engr. Irfan Ahmed Usmani

Sr. No Course Learning Outcomes PLOs Blooms

CLO_1 Apply the principles of discrete-time signal analysis to perform PLO_2 C3
various signal operations Problem Analysis (Apply)

Q1: Let x(t) be the sum of sinusoidal signals

x(t) = 4 + 3cos(πt)+2cos(2πt) + cos(3πt)

where t is in milliseconds. Determine the minimum sampling rate that will not cause any aliasing effects,
that is, the Nyquist rate. To observe such aliasing effects, suppose this signal is sampled at half of its
Nyquist rate. Determine the signal xa(t) that would be aliased with x(t).

The frequencies of the four terms are: f1 = 0, f2 = 0.5 kHz, f3 = 1 kHz, and f4 = 1.5 kHz (they are
in kHz because t is in msec). Thus, fmax = f4 = 1.5 kHz and the Nyquist rate will be 2fmax = 3
kHz. If x(t) is now sampled at half this rate, that is, at fs = 1.5 kHz, then aliasing will occur. The
corresponding folding frequency is 0.75 kHz. The frequencies f1 and f2 are already in it, and hence
they are not aliased, in the sense that f1a = f1 and f2a = f2. But f3 and f4 are greater than folding
frequency. Therefore, they will be aliased with

The aliased signal xa(t) is obtained from x(t) by replacing f1, f2, f3, f4 by f1a, f2a, f3a, f4a.
Thus, the signal
x(t)= 4 cos(2πf1t)+3 cos(2πf2t)+2 cos(2πf3t)+cos(2πf4t)
will be aliased with
xa(t) = 4 cos(2πf1at)+3 cos(2πf2at)+2 cos(2πf3at)+cos(2πf4at)
= 4 + 3 cos(πt)+2 cos(−πt)+cos(0)
= 5 + 5 cos(πt)

The signals x(t) and xa(t) are shown below. Note that they agree only at their sampled values,
that is, xa(nT)= x(nT). The aliased signal xa(t) is smoother, that is, it has lower frequency content
than x(t) because its spectrum lies below folding frequency range, as shown below:

Q2: The following five signals, where t is in seconds, are sampled at a rate of 4 Hz:

−sin(14πt), −sin(6πt), sin(2πt), sin(10πt), sin(18πt)

Show that they are all aliased with each other in the sense that their sampled values are the same.

The frequencies of the five sinusoids are:
−7, −3, 1, 5, 9 Hz
They differ from each other by multiples of fs = 4 Hz. Their sampled spectra will be
indistinguishable from each other because each of these frequencies has the same periodic
replication in multiples of 4 Hz.
Writing the five frequencies compactly:
fm = 1 + 4m, m = −2,−1, 0, 1, 2
we can express the five sinusoids as:
xm(t) = sin(2πfmt) = sin(2π(1 + 4m)t), m = −2,−1, 0, 1, 2
Replacing t = nT = n/fs = n/4 sec, we obtain the sampled signals:
xm(nT) = sin(2π(1 + 4m)nT) = sin(2π(1 + 4m)n/4)
= sin(2πn/4 + 2πmn)= sin(2πn/4)
which are the same, independently of m. The following figure shows the five sinusoids over the
interval 0 ≤ t ≤ 1 sec.

They all intersect at the sampling time instants t = nT = n/4 sec.

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