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FRI 5/22/2020 -- The Moon's New in Gemini

Today, the Moon's newness enters into the sign of Gemini. So, what does this mean exactly? Well, in honesty...I'am not
completely sure yet. Mainly due to my modes of scholarship within such realms still being quite novice, but guess
what...I'll be riding this wire to discover all I'am destined to uncover. In the meantime, I've decided to host a Comfy Sofa
Conversations' Card-Board Summit to help me better absorb whatever's arriving. And I've decided to invite you to join
me -- so get your journal, pencils, and highlighters ready!

{a complete Q&A session will soon be hosted to this blog's main-page if you wish to discover more about my Comfy
Sofa Card-Board Summits -- aka conversation kick-starters for unconventional-table topics}

Over the past several weeks I've been intuitively-nudged to visit with the story The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. I
wasn't sure at first about the connection to this storyline in conj. with the current energies of this NewMoon in Gemini,
but then I accepted my Curiosity's invitation to gain a deeper-view. Because surely, in order for one to translate
'curious-cases' it must first walk through Curiosity's portals. And no, these peculiar-portals don't always kill-the-cat, it
really is all about intentions! Besides, my spirit-animal is a Black Pixie Panther, so it's destined for travels such as

Here's what I've discovered: the concept of 'backward' time-travel is such a marvel, which, when I couple with
referenced lessons from several metaphysical lectures that tell of the Capricorn (hue)man life-experience being a similar
journey to that of Benjamin Button, various points-of-views that would otherwise be hidden come-to-life.

What's particularly soothing about this Story is how the parent-child dynamics and household relationships are
delicately depicted. To bare witness to how this film captures the instances of mending and re-kindling relationships
that were previously distant/broken speaks to my soul likened to an eager scholar sitting in an AP-honors class. And
how the most striking nuances are powered by bedtime-stories and how this power was utilized to strengthen the bonds
between Mother-Daughter, Grandmother-Granddaughter, friend-family. To have someone (frequently) reading to you
aloud, whilst your mind explores various non-physical realms happens to be therapeutic beyond epic-proportions.

As the Capricorn enters into the 3rd Dimension, it enters as an 'old soul' with an internal-clock that ticks counter
clockwise upon its biological aging. The 'shadow' side of this (hue)man-experience, as with all (hue)man-experiences,
could've unfolded much darker than it actually did, no-one but Queenie, Benjamin's matriarchal care-giver, held the
awareness to the uncanny truth of Benjamin's outer-being having the-look of an old man yet housing the consciousness
of an eight-year-old. And throughout this happenstance, she was never urged to deject him from her heart as he
transformed, slowly but surely, into this vibrant young man with a consciousness of an elder. It's often rather amazing
at how one's inner-being can be in total contrast to its outer-being. Also, what's equally intriguing plus super-amazing
is how love still finds its way upon its destined-path(s) -- whenever, wherever, whatever! -- which has often reminded
me that we, as (hue)mans, must allow Nature to take its course; from the non-physical into the physical.

Each time I view this highly-unique narrative, I tend to hone into a slightly enhanced point-of-view. Currently, the love
of those that will feed, shelter, and keep you safe (even when on the surface you appear to be this ugly, wretched
thing) -- yet, very much in need of caring-for -- is also a course-of-nature that not many are willing to acknowledge. But
to our fortune, we are being giving flawless opportunity to love-deeper, beyond 'see' levels. Loving-the-conditions-away
is now our active call-of-duty, and with each passing day this frequency is increasing.

There's a golden-fleece like key-note that is forever tugging on my heart-strings -- when Queenie says, "You never
know what's coming for you." -- And this wasn't said in malice, quite the contrary. Queenie was a woman of elevated-
faith and foresight. She knew that blessings and fortune can arrive in all sorts of shapes and sizes. She also knew that
the shock-factor of said arrivals could very well be packaged inside what 'looks' like a burden, but would ultimately
serve (in earnest) as the determining-factor upon 'who' such blessings would be bestowed upon. Below the 'see' level is
(truly) where (y)our fortune dwells. In the end, Mstr. Benjamin Button channeled plenty fortunes toward those that
cared for him when he was unable/unavailable to care for himself.

We've entered into an era of Suspended Judgement -- because what we've figured to be true is being (intimately)
challenged. This is also true regarding the influences-of-energy involving complementary acquaintances, situations and

Ok, so here's the deal: the monthly cycles of the Moon are a very big-deal, especially if you are a host of feminine-
reproductive organs. Inside the 8-key stages of the Moon's evolution with the earth, it's good to note that even the
Moon has a light side and a shadow side, for which heavily influences the (hue)man being during these respective
stages. Gemini is one of the two zodiacs ruled by the Planet Mercury. With this, I'am being (sternly)influenced by my
MoonSign placement being in Virgo, which is the sister-sign to Gemini, also ruled by Mercury. Mercury being the
planet of commuication and learning styles thru self-expressions are being tenderly highlighted. The NewMoon shall
always arrive with a tenderly-transparent message for the (hue)man that is aware of its energy-gifting presence. The
Moon, better-known-as Luna, speaks strongly through intentional-solitude and energies-in-motion (emotions). It's
often noted that the entrance of the NewMoon is a (supreme) time to set intentions for futuristic launches, while the
FullMoon is a time of culmination (reaching the highest degree) and fruition.

So, regardless of one's active-awareness involving the Moon's influences, its energetic waxing (being illuminated) or it's
waning (being shadowed) is directly connected to the (hue)man infrastructure. "It's better to know you." -- As one is
being introduced to its destined 'newness' and or lifelong lessons. Through the telling of another's life-story, there is
(and has always been) a great treasure of this (hue)man experience. And in my opinion, it's the priceless component (and
often the missing link) to our non-physical inheritances from our beloved-ones, esp. through the mediums of
journals/diaries, love-letters, post-cards, and even the infamous messages-in-a-bottle. Which has the power to honestly
move us forward and adequately document our existence, sentiments, special-occassions, celebrations, and

As with all NewMoons, its arrival has much to say -- with this, I've pulled a series of Tarot cards to drop somes clues
associated with aiding to set intentions linked to (pro-personal) queries: good when seeking respectful-reciprocity whilst
identifying the sacred-alchemical processors of interior/exterior happenstances; for the sake of authentic-
communications and self-expression (which happens to be the ultimate provocateur for super-comfy sofa conversations).

Card-Board Summit Layout:

⦁ Five-of-Swords: self-destruction, paranoia, malice, dishonor
⦁ King-of-Wands: charismatic, creative, financial-planning, leadership-abilities

⦁ Queen-of-Cups: insightful, psychic/intuitive-insight, compassionate-honesty, patient-imagination

⦁ Eight-of-Cups: stagnation before the turning-point, discovery of inner-truth

⦁ The Sun: vitality, enlightenment, new-inventions, satisfaction, accomplishment

⦁ Seven-of-Cups: illusion, too many choices, conflicting desires

⦁ The Devil: addictions to greed, procrastination, and obsessions with ego-entrapment/shadow-work required
⦁ Three-of-Wands: envisioning the future, exploring the unknown, providing foresight, expanding sense of self

⦁ The High Priestess: mystery decoder, seeker of intuitive-wisdom, instinctive-learner

⦁ Temperance: healing, renewal, innovation, combinations of balance and harmony, alchemy
⦁ Two-of-Wands: determination, originality, initiative, seizing boldness, daring creativity
⦁ Ten-of-Pentacles: fulfillment, good-fortune, florishing ventures

⦁ Six-of-Wands: victory, rising-up, arrival of great news, success through consistent

⦁ The Empress: emotional-gardening, humble-mothering, fertility, sensuality, beauty, comforts and pleasures

⦁ MOUNTAINS: Stand Your Ground

⦁ Magick Guardian: Unlock the Magick Within
⦁ Fire Guardian: Ignite Your Passions
⦁ SPRING: See Your Seeds Grow

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