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chord diagram sum was studied by Touchard [60] and Riordan [61] in a more combinatorial

vein, which led to the Riordan-Touchard formula:

X p
X ✓ ◆
# of intersections in C 1 k k(k 1)/2 2p
q = ( 1) q . (B.8)
(1 q)p p+k
C(p-chord) k= p

Using this formula we can quite e↵ortlessly generate

hTrH 2 ileading =d, (B.9)

hTrH 4 ileading =d(d 1) [2 + q] , (B.10)
⇥ ⇤
hTrH ileading =d(d 1)(d 2) 5 + 6q + 3q 2 + q 3 , (B.11)
⇥ ⇤
hTrH 8 ileading =d(d 1)(d 2)(d 3) 14 + 28q + 28q 2 + 20q 3 + 10q 4 + 4q 5 + q 6 , (B.12)

and so on.

B.2 Subleading contributions

The goal of this section is to give a chord diagram interpretation of the subleading contribu-
tions to moments. To be clear, there are already contributions subleading in d included in
equation (B.7) due to the multiplicity factor d(d 1) · · · (d p + 1). However, there are still
subleading contributions from 2p-step loops that traverse only p 1 dimensions which gives
a multiplicity factor d(d 1) · · · (d p + 2). This section will be about such loops. We first
demonstrate that there is a bijection between subleading words and certain structures of the
leading words. The choice for this bijection is not unique, di↵erent choices lead to di↵erent
schemes of calculating the subleading contributions, and unsurprisingly all schemes give the
same result.

B.2.1 The interlace scheme

As already discussed, the leading words with 2p letters are words with p di↵erent pairs of
alphabet letters. By the previous discussion it is clear the subleading words with 2p letters
have one alphabet letter appearing four times, and p 2 other alphabet letters each appearing
twice. This reflects the fact that subleading Wilson loops discussed at the beginning of last
section must traverse a dimension four times and other remaining dimensions two times each.
For examples aaaabb, abbbab and abbabb are some subleading words for p = 3. From the
general formula7 it is clear that we can form 13 p2 (2p 1)!! subleading words of length 2p.
We can write down the general formula after some thought. The total number of 2p-letter words formed
by k alphabet letters (each can appear even number of times) is
! ! P !
X 2p 1 2p 2m1 1 2p 2 kl=11 ml 1
··· , (B.13)
2m1 1 2m2 1 2mk 1
[m1 ,m2 ,...,mk ]p

Pk [m1 , m2 , . . . , mk ]p denotes a composition of p, that is, an ordered k-tuple (m1 , m2 , . . . , mk ) such that
l=1 ml = p.

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