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Assignment #2

Name :
Selina Fraser
Class :
Grade 11
Subject :
Physical education
Topic :
Types Of Joints
Teacher :
Sir Franklin

In this assignment the types of joints are focused on.

There are pictures to show what each group type of joint looks like
and their functions & more information is also listed.

The student would first like to give a special thanks to almighty god
for providing her with the health and strength to complete this
project in the time given for completion. Secondly she would like to
give out a special thanks to her family, friends and the individuals
who took time out of their day to help her with this project and
lastly thank her teacher for giving her this project causing her to do
research which helped her to understand more and have a clear
understanding on the topic within this project.

A joint is a place where two or more bones meet and is also called an

Synovial joints (freely movable joints) allow us the free movement to

perform skills and techniques during physical activity.

Synovial joints have synovial fluid in the joint cavity that lubricates or 'oils'
the joint so it moves smoothly. Synovial fluid is made by the synovial

In synovial joints, the ends of the bones are covered with cartilage (called

articular cartilage) which cushions the joint and prevents friction and wear
and tear between the bone ends. Cartilage is a soft, spongy connective tissue.

The bones in a synovial joint are connected by ligaments.

 Ligaments are a type of connective tissue and are tough, fibrous and
slightly elastic.
 They connect bone to bone and help keep the joint together.
 They stabilise the joints during movement and prevent dislocation by
restricting actions outside the normal joint range.
 They can absorb shock because of their elasticity, which protects the
 They help maintain correct posture and movement.
The movement at a synovial joint is caused by the muscles attached across the
joint. Muscles are attached to bone by tendons. Tendons are very strong,
inelastic connective tissues that allow a muscle to pull on a bone to move it.
Types of joints
Pivot joint
A pivot joint is a synovial joint in which the ends of two bones meet—one end
being a central bony cylinder, the other end being a ring (or ring-like
structure) made of bone and ligament. In some joints, the cylinder rotates
inside the ring. In other joints, the ring rotates around the cylinder. The
rotation of the skull is made possible by a pivot joint. (A synovial joint is the
living material that holds two or more bones together, but also permits these
bones to move relative to each other.)
Function –
A pivot joint allows movement in one plane, such as rotation about an axis.
Pivot joints, for example, permit one, after bending the elbow, to turn the palm
of one's hand upward or downward by rotating the forearm. The two bones of
the forearm (the ulna and the radius) twist around each other using a pivot
Hinge Joint
Hinge joints are places in the human skeleton where the ends of bones meet
and rotate uniaxially (in a single plane, like a knuckle or elbow). They are
lubricated with synovial fluids, secreted by the synovial membrane, to ensure
easy, pain-free movement.
Function –

The purpose of joints is to provide movement for the body. Different types of
joints move in different ways. The hinge joint is shaped to restrict movement
to one plane. It has strong collateral ligaments that aid and restrict movement.
The ends of the bones are covered with tough cartilage and are lined with the
synovial membrane. Each joint contains a small amount of synovial fluid
which lubricates it. Synovial fluid provides protection for the hinge joint and
allows for its stress-free movement.
The hinge joint provides a connection that allows articular surfaces to be
closely molded together. This molding together permits extensive motion in
one plane. The joint has stabilizing ligaments that limit the directions and
extent to which the bones can be moved. The hinge joint moves back and forth
with some rotation allowed.

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