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Professional development report

Title of the professional development opportunity:

Webinar: The Future of HR (2017)
Overview of the activity:

Every organization needs human resource and from past to present there has been
certain changes. The webinar talks about changes in human resources, automation and
their types, effect of technology for making change in human resources.

Who presented/delivered the activity?

John Boudreau (CEO) and Ravin Jesuthasan (Willis Towers Watson)
Date: 25/09/2019
Time: 13:00
Duration: 58 Minutes
What did you most like about the professional development opportunity?
The professional development talks about technology which brings serious changes in
todays generation. Moreover, the changes and chart impacting the changes in human
resources from past to present is crystal clear that which denotes that artificial intelligence
might be serious problem in future. The analysis of the presenter between past and future
is the thing I like most.
What did you least like?

The presentation only focuses on positive impact of the AI in human resource and
management, but it does not talk about the negative aspect.

Provide an overview of what you learnt:

I have learned the meaning of critical thinking, how assumption affect critical thinking and
how to solve problems. Similarly, knowing about questions techniques in order to solve
the problems and analyzing the answer critically.
Other than learning what other benefits did participating in this professional development
opportunity provide to you?
Get knowledge regarding what are the major roles of human resource, how should
manager handle different situations and way to lead a team. Similarly, a future generation
is hugely impact by technology.

Would you recommend this activity to others?

In order to have knowledge how our future human resource look like and to analyze about
the future I definitely recommend the activity to others.

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