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Which is a true statement about this data set?
(a) 15 is the mean of the data set.
(b) 15 is the median of the data set.
(c) 15 is the mode of the data set.

The water temperatures in a certain lake over the course of the last seven days are as follows.
Calculate the mean water temperature.
 mean = 74.23

Following are the glomerular filtration rates measured in 28 consecutive patients in a children’s
18, 42, 21, 43, 21, 43, 23, 48, 27, 48, 27, 51, 30, 55, 32, 58, 32, 60, 32, 62, 36, 67, 37, 68, 41, 88,
42, 63
Calculate by hand:

 Mean, median and mode

 Range and interquartile range
Mean = 1215/ 28 = 43.4
Median = n+1/2 = (28 + 1)/2 = 14.5th position which is between 42 and 42, so (42+42)/2 = 42
Mode = 32 (occurs most, 3 times)
Range = max – min = 88-18= 70
Interquartile range = your new ‘n’ for the IQR is the number of values or positions on either side
of the median. So I should have 14 values on one side so my new ‘n’ is 14.
(14+1)/2 = 7.5th position on lower side = Q1 -> (30+32)/2 = 31
and 7.5th position on higher side = Q3 -> (55+58)/2 = 56.5
Q3-Q1 = 56.5-31=25.5

Two more patients are measured and their readings are added to the previous dataset. Their
readings are 16 and 248.
Calculate by hand:
 Mean, median and mode
 Range and interquartile range

Mean = 1479/ 30 = 49.3

Median = n+1/2 = (30 + 1)/2 = 15.5th position which is between 42 and 42, so (42+42)/2 = 42
Mode = 32 (occurs most, 3 times)
Range = max – min = 248-16= 232
Interquartile range = your new ‘n’ for the IQR is the number of values or positions on either side
of the median. So I should have 15 values on one side so my new ‘n’ is 15.
(15+1)/2 = 8th position on lower side = Q1 -> 30
and 8th position on higher side = Q3 -> 58
Q3-Q1 = 58-30 = 28

Which measurements have changed the most? The range, the mean Which have changed the
least? Everything else remained the same
Which of these measurements is the ‘best’ for summarizing this dataset?
IQR and the median

If time permits: repeat above calculations in Excel.

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