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Document type No.

Tool Box Talk
Title: pengangkatan yang benar Revision/Date:
Lift Correctly
Location: Issued by:

The “Know How” of Carrying

Cara2 pengangkatan
1 Keep the load close to your body.
Jaga beban dekat tubuh anda
2. Always have clear vision.
Selalu memiliki pandangan/visi yang jelas
3. Avoid twisting your body.
Hindari putaran tubuh anda/memutar
4. Do not change your grip.
Jangan ubah pegangan anda
5. Face the spot your load has to rest on.
Hadapkan titik muatan pada penggantung

DO NOT BE A WRESTLER: - if the object is too big or awkward - GET HELP.

Jangan merasa kuat. Jika objek terlalu berat, minta tolonglah
IT’S UP TO YOU:- Only you can judge how much you should move, and know of any physical
condition which might prevent you from moving objects.
Terserah anda: hanya anda yang bisa memastikan seberapa mampu dipindahkan dan tahu kondisi fisik untuk
memindahkan objek

If you:
Jika kamu
- Are overweight or underweight.
Kelebihan berat badan atau kurus
- Have deformities of the spine.
Memiliki kelainan bentuk tulang belakang
- Are arthritic
Memiliki rematik
- Have had previous injuries to joints.
Telah memiliki cedera sebelumnya dibagian sendi
- Have special medical problems of any kind (weak heart, high blood pressure, lung
disease etc.)
- Telah memiliki catatan medis sebelumnya sperti tekanan darah tinggi, lemah jantung dan paru2

Moving heavy objects can be especially dangerous to you.
Memindahkan objek yang berat bisa menyebabkan potensi bahaya
Above all make sure that you let us know about any problem.

Has Any One Any Questions Or Queries?

Document type No.:
Tool Box Talk
Title: pengangkatan yang benar Revision/Date:
Lift Correctly
Location: Issued by:

Personnel in Attendence Personnel in Attendence

Name Signature Position Name Signature Position


Supervisor: Further action needed? YES NO


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