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Genetically Modified Crops

To plant or not to plant in India

Genetic Modification vs.

Plant Breeding
 Genetically modified (GM) foods are organisms that have had
new genes added to themselves from other organisms. Being
around since 1994, they are produced in a way that is very similar
to genetic engineering.

 The technique used in this type of crop management has been

introduced to ensure farmers and merchants are able to improve
crop or food quality in a more efficient way.

 Some people arrogate that this technology will help those in the
agricultural industry decrease the amount of wasted crops and
foods. But while there are many benefits of genetically modified
foods, there are also potential drawbacks that are present. Here are
their advantages and disadvantages:



Pros and Cons of GM Crops

 Pros :
Insect Resistance; Stronger Crops; Larger Production;
More Nutritious Foods; Decreased Use of Pesticides; More
Income; Less Deforestation; Decrease in Global Warming;
Decrease in Food Prices; New Products

 Cons :
Allergic Reactions; Not 100% Environmentally Friendly;
Unusual Taste; Not Totally Safe to Eat; Cross-Pollination;
Gene Transfer; Exploitations; New Diseases; Food Supply
at Risk; Economic Concerns

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