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Physics Unit 2 Energy and Electricity

Circuit Symbols and diagrams Start End

I can recognise and draw circuit symbols
I can interpret circuit diagrams and build circuits for simple and moderate
series circuits
I can build my own simple series and parallel circuits using written instructions
Electrical Current, Charge, Resistance and Potential difference Start End
I can recall and apply the equation for charge
I can apply the equation for charge to show how we can increase or decrease
current in a circuit
I can apply the equation for charge flow to an exam style question
I can define current, voltage and resistance
I can apply the equation V=IR with correct units and rearranging
I can apply both the equation V=IR and terms voltage and potential difference
correctly, including using V=IR to show that resistors in series increase total
resistance and resistors in parallel decrease total resistance
Resistance and Resistors Start End
I can define the term fixed resistor and draw the circuit symbols for fixed
I can explain how to measure the resistance of a component using a voltmeter and
ammeter including being able to draw a circuit diagram to show how to do this
I can plot a graph of current against potential difference for a fixed resistor at a
constant temperature
I can define the term variable resistor and draw the circuit diagrams for LDRs and
I can plot a graph of current against potential difference for LDR, Filament lamp,
diode and thermistors
I can explain why the resistance of thermistors and LDRs changes with light and
Series and Parallel Circuits Start End
I can collect experimental evidence to describe how current, voltage and
resistance are distributed in a series circuit.
I can explain why current, voltage and resistance are distributed the way they are
in a series circuit.
I can describe what a parallel circuit is and able to draw and construct a simple
parallel circuit (including a cell and two lamps).
I can explain how potential difference, current and resistance are distributed in a
parallel circuit.
I can apply understanding of series and parallel circuit to explain the differences
between the two circuits.
Plugs and Mains Electricity and Electrical Power Start End
I can describe how and why a plug is designed the way it is and the potential
dangers of wiring a plug incorrectly
I can describe the difference between direct and alternating potential difference.
I can recall and apply the equations P = V I and P = I2 R
I can rearrange the above equations as well as converting between the units for
the above equations
Energy Transfers Start End
I can recall and apply the two equations for energy transferred E=Pt and E=QV
I can describe how energy is transferred from cells/batteries OR mains supply to
kinetic and thermal energy in domestic appliances
I can explain the relationship between an appliances power rating and the changes
in stored energy used by the device
The National Grid Start End
I can explain what the national grid is and what it comprises of
I can explain why electricity is distributed and high voltage and low current
I can explain why the national grid is an efficient way to transport electricity
around the country (including good literacy)

My strengths are;

I need to improve;

I will do this by;

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