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Oleh: Heri Setiadi, M.Si
Pelatihan Pendalaman Materi
Bidang Biologi bagi Guru SMA/SMK Sederajat
Prime Park Hotel, Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
5-8 Desember 2017

QITEP In Science @qitepinscience QITEP In Science qitep_in_science

What is Metabolism ?
• The totality of an organism’s chemical
reactions is called metabolism (from the
Greek metabole, change).
• What is metabolism?
✓ How cells acquire, transform, store and
use energy
✓ Study reactions in a cell and how these
processes are coordinated and regulated
• Metabolism is an emergent property of
life that arises from orderly interactions
between molecules.
Metabolic pathways can
be linear, branched,
cyclic or spiral
Multienzyme systems arranged into
different metabolic pathways:
a) Enzymes loosely held together.
Diffusion of intermediates to other
b) Multienzyme complex tightly
associated. Intermediates
channeled from one active site to
the other.
c) Multienzyme system in a
Anabolism VS catabolism
The First Law of Thermodynamics
According to the first law of thermodynamics, the energy of the
universe is constant: Energy can be transferred and transformed,
but it cannot be created or destroyed. The first law is also known
as the principle of conservation of energy.
Major Metabolic Pathways in a
Bacterial Cell (M.Shuler, 2002)
both catabolic and anabolic pathways can be
subdivided into three stages, based on the
complexity of the metabolites (the intermediates
and products of metabolism)
• Stage 1: the interconversion of polymers and complex
lipids with monomeric intermediates
• Stage 2: the interconversion of monomeric sugars,
amino acids, and lipids with still simpler organic
• Stage 3: the ultimate degradation to, or synthesis from,
inorganic compounds, including CO2, H2O, and NH3
Three major nutrients consumed
by mammals:
(1) Carbohydrates - provide
(2) Proteins - provide amino acids
for protein synthesis and some
(3) Fats - triacylglycerols provide
energy and also lipids for
membrane synthesis
Review of Metabolism Pathways

Glucose metabolism is the centre of the cell metabolism pathways

Glucose Catabolism

Glycolysis or
Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas (EMP)

Aerobic metabolism Anaerobic metabolism

Fermentation: ethanol,
acetic acid, lactate.

Tricarboxylic acid (TCA)

or (Krebs) Oxidative phosphorylation
or (Citric acid cycle)
The Cori Cycle
The TCA Cycle

Figure 8.11
The Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle
• Each cycle produces
• Two carbons that are lost to CO2
• Eight hydrogen atoms and their electrons
• Small amount of energy as GTP
• Provides the starting material for creating
nonessential amino acids through transamination
The Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle
• Each cycle produces
• Two carbons that are lost to CO2
• Eight hydrogen atoms and their electrons
• Small amount of energy as GTP
• Provides the starting material for creating
nonessential amino acids through transamination
The Electron Transport Chain
• Final stage of metabolism when electrons are
transferred from one complex to another, resulting
in the formation of ATP and water
• Generates 90% of the ATP used by the body for
energy, growth, and maintenance
• Takes place in the inner mitochondrial membrane
of the cell
Glucose Catabolism
Oxidative Phosphorylation

• In the process of Oxidative Phosphorylation

In eucaryotes:
In procaryotes:
NADH + H+ ≤2 ATP
Glucose Aerobic Catabolism
Reaction Summary
• EMP (glycolysis)
Glucose + 2ADP + 2 NAD+ + 2 Pi →2 pyruvate + 2 ATP+ 2 (NADH + H+)

• Entry of pyruvate
2pyruvate + 2NAD+ + 2CoA-SH →2 acetyl-CoA + 2CO2 + 2(NADH + H+)
• TCA cycle
2acetyl-CoA + 6 NAD + 2FAD + 2GDP+ 2Pi + 4H2O → 2CoA + 6(NADH
+ H+) +2FADH2+2GTP (~ATP) + 4CO2
• Oxidative Phosphorylation
In eucaryotes
EMP: 2 NADH → 2 FADH2 → 4 ATP (glycerol phosphate shuttle)
Entry of pyruvate and TCA: 8 NADH → 24 ATP
The overall reaction:
Glucose + 6O2 + 36ADP + 36 Pi → 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + 36 ATP
• The transfer of an amino group from one amino
acid to an alpha-keto acid to form a new
nonessential amino acid
• Carbon skeleton for nonessential amino acids come
• Pyruvate from glycolysis
• Alpha-ketoglutarate from the TCA cycle

Figure 8.12
Shuttles Allow Movement Across
Mitochondrial Membranes

• The inner mitochondrial membrane

must be impermeable to most
molecules, yet much exchange has to
take place between the cytoplasm and
the mitochondria  need transporter.
• NADH cannot simply pass into
mitochondria for oxidation by the
respiratory NADH cannot simply pass
into mitochondria for oxidation by the
• NADH cannot simply pass into
mitochondria for oxidation by the
respiratory chain, because the inner
mitochondrial membrane is
impermeable to NADH and NAD +.
How Does Protein Provide
• Amino acids
• Primary use/most important function is building protein
• If the amino acid is not used to build protein the amine
group must be removed through deamination
• Excess can be used for energy production, converted to
glucose, or stored as fat
• Used, in a limited extent, for energy in diets low in
kilocalories and/or carbohydrate
Ketogenic verses Glucogenic
Amino Acids
• Ketogenic amino acids
• Leucine
• Lysine
• Both ketogenic and glucogenic amino acids
• Isoleucine
• Tryptophan
• Phenylalanine
• Tyrosine
• Glucogenic amino acids
• The fourteen other amino acids
Glucogenic and Ketogenic Amino Acid Metabolism

Acetyl CoA cannot be used to make glucose

Figure 8.10
Quick Review
• Amino acids can
• Be used to produce energy
• Be used to produce glucose
• Convert to fatty acids and can be stored as triglycerides
• Must be deaminated to be used for energy
• Once deaminated can be transformed into:
• Pyruvate
• Acetyle CoA
• TCA cycle compounds
• Glucogenic amino acids can be converted to
Fatty Acid Metabolism
Fatty acids in the cytosol are activated by conversion to CoA
thioesters by acyl-CoA synthetase (ATP dependent)
• Fatty acid attached to CoA-SH
• The PPi released is hydrolyzed by a pyrophosphatase to 2 P
• Net of two ATP equivalents are consumed to activate one
fatty acid to a thioester
ATP Yield from Fatty Acid Oxidation:
Palmitic Acid (C16)
• The breakdown by an organism of 1 mol of palmitic acid requires 1 mol of ATP (for
activation) and forms 8 mol of acetyl-CoA.
• The complete degradation of 1 mol of palmitic acid requires the β-oxidation reactions to be
repeated seven times. Thus, 7 mol of NADH and 7 mol of FADH2 are produced. Reoxidation
of these compounds through respiration yields 2.5–3 and 1.5–2 mol of ATP, respectively.
The energy calculations can be summarized as follows:

1 mol of ATP is split to AMP and 2Pi −2 ATP

8 mol of acetyl-CoA formed (8 × 12 ATP)
• 3 NADH 24 NADH
• 2 CO2 x 8 16 CO2 96 ATP
• 1 ATP 8 ATP
• 1 FADH2 8 FADH2
7 mol of FADH2 formed (7 × 2) 14 ATP
7 mol of NADH formed (7 × 3) 21 ATP
Total 129 ATP

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