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“What Are Life Sciences?

”/ “The Cycle of Life”

1. science a system of learning and studying that
deals with facts or truths
2. housefly

3. oak tree

4. biology the study of life in all its forms

5. biologist someone who studies biology
6. behave to act in a particular way
7. constantly not changing, to continue without pause
8. deal with to take action with regards to someone or
9. plant a living being that produces its own food
by turning sunlight into energy
10.botany the study of plants
11.botanist some who studies plants the liquid inside plants
13.purify to make clean or pure
14.zoology the study of animals
15.remind of to cause someone to remember
16.zoological relating to zoology

18.eventually at some later time

19.process a series of actions to get a specific result
20.reproduction the natural process living beings do to
make more living beings
21.lay eggs to produce and egg
22.hatch how a baby gets born from an egg
23.hen a mother chicken
24.mate with to make babies
25.rooster male chicken
26.fertilizer to make more productive
27.cycle any complete round or series of events
that repeats
28.zoologist someone who studies zoology
Comprehension Questions

What is the special science that studies all living things from

houseflies to oak trees?

What are biologists studying?

What are biologists constantly finding out?

What is the special part of biology that deals with plants?

What kind of questions do botanists ask?

Do botanists like to grow plants and study them?

What part of biology studies animals?

What is a zoological garden?

What is the word, “zoo” short for?

What kind of questions do zoologists ask?

To keep their kind going after they die, what do animals do?

What is an example of reproduction?

What hatches out of an egg?

Discussion Questions

1. Do you think science is important? Why or why not?

2. Which branch of Biology do you think is the most

interesting/important? Why?

3. Do you think every kind of animal should continue to reproduce?

4. Which do you think came first, the chicken or the egg?

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