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CHS Senior Project Proposal

Student Name: Trenton Naidoo Category of Project:

Name of English Teacher: Katie Sidel ☐​​Creativity /Skill-Building
☐​Community Involvement /Volunteer
☐​Internship /Job Shadow
1. Project Description​: Describe your project and its goal(s). Be as specific and concrete as you can.
First I need to find a basic recipe and then i need to adjust measurements which requires math to
make the perfect amount. Then I would need to make the cheesecake batter and curst, the crust will
needs its own recipe to so that will require more of my time and math skills. After making the batter I
need to let the batter rest for 24 hours for the flavours to set in and make sure I mixed all the
ingredients together perfectly to create a light but powerful taste in your mouth, but after I can
properly make the batter I need my mentors advise on how I can take it to the next level, my plating
of the cheesecake will be elegant and pleasant. This is where the challenge is going to occur due to
me not knowing much about desserts and making them I need to make sure my batter rest for 48
hours so it can stand as a single piece of cheesecake that I can present to my board.

2. Mentor:​ Select a mentor who will verify your hours. This person cannot be under 25 years of age or
directly related to you.
Name: Jason Deleon
Relationship to you: Chef at cascadia tech
Contact Information:​​ (971.998.4452)
Mentor’s area of expertise: 20 plus years of proffecal kitchen experience

3. Project Task Analysis:​ List at least five specific steps necessary to complete your project:
1.Finding the perfect recipe
2.Making the batter
3.making the crust
4.making adjustments to make it perfect
5.Finishing my project/ and presenting it to my board

4. Final Product:​ What artifacts or evidence will you show your board to demonstrate successful
completion of your project?
A complete classic cheesecake plated with everything made from scratch with the perfect taste for

​5.​ ​Prior Experience:​ Describe any previous experience you have in this area.
I've been cooking in kitchens for 10 plus years now and have had 1 year or so of baking experience

6. Challenge:​ In what specific ways will this project be a challenge for you? How will this experience
push you?
I may be a good cook but I am a horrible baker and making a cheesecake from scratch is one of the
more difficult dishes to make due to the fact that I need to make sure the actually cake is blended
and emulsified with butter and sugar and other ingredients.
7. Ethics and Academic Integrity:
Check-off boxes:

I will adhere to the Camas High School plagiarism policy. In all aspects of the project, the work will be
original to me. I understand that if I violate this policy and misrepresent my work my graduation from
Camas High School is in jeopardy.​ ​☐

I understand that if my project has privacy or confidentiality concerns I am responsible for working
with my mentor to meet ethical and legal guidelines​.​ ​☐

8. Additional Requirements:​ What additional requirements are necessary for your category of project?
Consider such things as cost or travel that might require extra planning and resources.
It will cost and require nothing extra, the school will provide me with what I need to succeed and I
can work on my project in the mornings at Cascadia tech.

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