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​MPPU 1034



SESSION 1 2019/2020





a. Re-write the research objectives, research questions, descriptions pertaining to the data
and research findings.


RO1: To identify whether there are significant differences in students’ attitude in terms of age
and gender.

RO2: To measure whether there is a significant relationship between child characteristics and
contextual factors that influence students' attitudes toward physical learning activities.


RQ1: Is there any significant difference in students’ attitude with gender and age in subject
Pendidikan Jasmani?

RQ2:​ Are gender and age affect students’ attitude towards subject ​Pendidikan Jasmani?

RQ3: ​Is there any significant relationship between sport skills and students’ attitude?

RQ4: ​Is there any significant relationship between sport facilities and students’ attitude?

RQ5: ​Is there any significant relationship between social influence and students’ attitude?

RQ6: ​Is there any significant relationship between quality of teaching and students’ attitude?

RQ7: ​Is there any significant relationship between students’ interest and students’ attitude?


This is a quantitative research study using survey design approach to find the significant
relationship, causes and effects of students’ attitude or behavior towards the participation in
physical education (​Pendidikan Jasmani)​. This research also intended to find the correlation
between skills, facilities, quality of teaching and students’ interest with student’s attitude. While
variables in quantitative studies are measured by closed-ended questions through research tools
then statistical analysis of quantitative data to validate the research hypothesis.


Instrument used in this study is a survey questionnaire to 182 respondents. The survey questions
given are close-ended questions. The questionnaire consists of two major parts, with 4 questions
each in part A and 18 questions in part B. Part A consists of 4 items to measure students’ attitude
while Part B consists of 2 parts which are part B(i) and part B(ii). Part B(i) consists of 9 items to
identify the factors affecting the student’s participation in sports from aspects of skills and
interest. Part B(ii) consists of 9 questions to identify the factors affecting the student’s
participation in sports from aspects of teaching, facilities and social influence. All questions in
part B uses Likert scale of a 4-point scale, from ​strongly disagree, disagree, agree and strongly


Data gathered from 3 out of 5 secondary schools from the Nusajaya area (SMKGP, SMKTA and
SMKSAB). 100 respondents consist of boys and girls from Form 2 and 4 are chosen from each
school. All the questionnaires were distributed to the 300 students of three secondary schools in
Nusajaya, Johor. Only 182 respondents are chosen from the 3 schools.


All the statistical analysis performed using SPSS version 22 consists of reliability analysis,
variability analysis, and T-test analysis, ANOVA and correlation analysis.


1. RQ 1:
● There is a significant difference in students’ attitude and gender (p=0.010).
● There is no significant difference in students’ attitude and students age 14 years old and
16 years old (p=0.736).
2. RQ 2:
● There is no significant relationship between age and students’ attitude. And the
correlation between age and student’s attitude towards physical education is positively
weak (r=0.025, p=0.736).
● There is a significant relationship between gender and students’ attitude but the
correlation between gender and student’s attitude towards physical education is
negatively weak (r=-0.190, p=0.010).
3. RQ3
● There is a significant relationship between sport skills and students’ attitude. And the
correlation between sport skills and student’s attitude towards physical education is
positive (r=-0.500, p=0.000).
4. RQ4
● There is a significant relationship between sport facilities and students’ attitude. And the
correlation between sport facilities and student’s attitude towards physical education is
positively weak (r=-0.144, p=0.052).
5. RQ5
● There is a significant relationship between social influence and students’ attitude. And
the correlation between social influence and student’s attitude towards physical education
is positively weak (r=-0.240, p=0.001).
6. RQ6
● There is a significant relationship between quality of teaching and students’ attitude. And
the correlation between quality of teaching and student’s attitude towards physical
education is positively weak (r=-0.345, p=0.000).
7. RQ7
● There is a significant relationship between students’ interest and students’ attitude. And
the correlation between students’ interest and student’s attitude towards physical
education is positively weak (r=-0.441, p=0.000).


b​. ​What do you think about the suitability and appropriateness of instruments used in this
study (in terms of scaling, clarification, suitability and appropriateness to answer the
RQs)? Justify your answer.

The purpose of the study was to investigate the attitude and students’ factor in
participation in physical education (​Pendidikan Jasmani).​ The researchers submitted two
hypotheses. The researcher used closed-ended questions on questionnaire to collect data.
Based on research questions, the suitable data analysis use are descriptive analysis (mean,
mode and median). The researchers used the value of mode to make the general conclusions
about the factors influencing students’ attitude toward subject ​Pendidikan Jasmani.
c. What do you think about the suitability and appropriateness of data gathered in this study
(in terms of types of data gathered, how the raw data were processed and suitability to
answer the RQs)? Justify your answer.

From the data gathered, it stated that the sample was chosen using probability random
sampling but the researcher are not mentioning what probability random sampling use. The
problem lies with the distribution of the sample. We can see from the data analysis, the ratio
of the respondents to each school are not divided fairly.

Next is the total number of respondents taken are not very clear. In the report state
that the researchers will choose 3 out of 5 secondary schools in Nusajaya and 100
respondents will be chosen from each selected school. But from the data analysis, the total
respondents reduce to 182 (not 300 respondents). Maybe the researcher can stated that the
sample 182 out of 300 respondents are taken according to Krejci and Morgan Table (1970).

Besides that, the structures of data were not well arranged in Chapter 4. The
normality test should be explained earlier before running any test so that any suitable test
used for the data analysis will be very clear.

d. Give your comments on the statistical analyses performed and the way results were
interpreted and reported. Your comments must be made in the light of remarks of Item (a),
Item (b) and Item (c) stated above.

1. For RQ1 the researcher wants to check the significant difference between gender and age
towards students’ attitude. The researcher are not using the suitable test for this RQ.
2. For RQ3 until RQ7 the researcher just want to check the relationship between factors that
​ he researcher are not
affect students’ attitude towards subject ​Pendidikan Jasmanis. T
using the suitable test for this RQ.

e. Suggest (with appropriate descriptions and rationale) further or additional analyses to be

performed by the researcher to improve the ‘correctness’ or accuracy’ of this research.
1. Researcher used close-ended questionnaire using Likert scale of a 4-point scale, from
strongly disagree, disagree, agree and ​strongly agree​. The data collected are in ordinal
form and suitable test used are non-parametric data. For RQ1 the researcher used
independent t- test, but the suitable test used are Man-Whitney U.
2. Upon analysis based on RQ3 until RQ7, in order to improve the ‘correctness’ or
‘accuracy’ of this research, we would like to suggest the researcher to use Kruskal-Wallis
Test. Since the researcher wants to compare more than two independent variables which
are there are five, five factors affecting students’ attitude (sport skills, sport facilities,
social influence, quality of teaching and students’ interest) Kruskal-Wallis Test is the best
suitable analysis to use. Then, the researcher can find which factor is the most significant
compared to the others using Post-Hoc Test. In addition, to check the relationship
between all five factors and the students’ attitude, the researcher used Pearson
Correlation. However Pearson correlation requires that the data must be numerical values
from an interval or ratio scale of measurement. The suitable test used is Spearman’s
Correlation because the data collected is ordinal.

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