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Almyra H. Kasim
Abby Gail S. Katug
Ebrahim T. Esmael
Almarmar D. Esrail


Background of the Study

Studying habits are a fundamental component of academic

achievement. It is an activity such as reading, making notes, and forming

study groups that students engage in frequently and consistently in order to

achieve their learning objectives. It can be assessed as either effective or

counterproductive depending on whether it is beneficial for the students. As a

result, study habits are providing a dedicated and uninterrupted period of time

to apply oneself to the field of learning. (Rabia, Mubarak, Tallat, Nasir 2017).

This affects a student's success in school. Academic performance, on the other

hand, is another variable used to measure a student's overall performance,

grades, or overall academic growth across different courses. In other words,

academic performance refers to how well or poorly a student performs in the

courses in which they are enrolled. As a result, academic performance is the

main indicator of a good learning experience in any school setting, especially in

higher education institutions. ( Magulod, 2019).

The findings from Siahi and Maiyo's (2015) study substantiate the

existence of a significant positive a 0.66 correlation between one's study habits

and academic successes. Moreover, Chilca (2017) examined the potential

effects of study habits on the academic standing of university students in Peru

and found that study habits do in fact have an impact. (2017) Ebele and Olufu
additionally found that there is in fact a considerable the connection between

pupils' study habits and academic performance.

It is observe that grade 12 students in CCNHS-Rojas has found to have poor

academic performance. This caught the attention of the researchers. In line

with this, the researchers have decided to conduct a study wherein the chosen

participants are accessible to the study’s designated locale. This study will

explore the influence of study habits in developing academic performance of

grade 12 students in CCNHS-Rojas. Specifically, this study aims to; (1)

determine the study habits of senior high school students; (2) measure the

degree of relationship between study habits and academic performance of

senior high school students; and, (3) develop recommendations to improve

study habits of senior high school students. The study is beneficial to students

as they will be given overview on the role and function of good study habits in

improving their academic performance.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to answer the following questions.

1. What are the effects of the student’s study habits to their

academic performance?

2. How do their study habits affect their academic performance?

Definition of Terms

1. Effects – refers to the influence of study habits to their

academic performance.

2. Study Habits – refers to the activities such as advance reading,

taking notes, and understanding the students do frequently

and habitually to obtain the learning objectives.

3. Academic Performance – it pertains to measure the general

grades/score of students indicated in their quarterly grade.

Significance of the Study

1. Students. The result of this study may give the students

insights and enlightenment to manage their study habits


2. Teacher. The result of this study may help the teacher to

integrate the importance of study among students.

3. Parents. This study will give awareness to parents regarding

the effects of student habits and will guide their children on

how to study habitually effective.

4. Future Researcher. This study may serve as their basis for

future studies and can provide them relevant information

regarding the effects of study habits to their academic

performance of the students that might be useful for their

future studies.

Review Related Literature

The concept of study habits focuses on the student's performance in

school. It is the students' hard work and effort to achieve better academic

performance in their studies. Study habits are part of a student's everyday life

in school. It contributes significantly to the development of knowledge and

perceptual capacities. Study habits tell a person how much he will learn, how

far he wants to go, and how much he wants to earn. These all could be decided

with one's study habits throughout life (Rabia, Mubarak, Tallat & Nasir, 2017).

In this study, the results showed a significant relationship between study

habits and academic performance of the students, which was checked by using

a chi-square test on the sample of 270 students taken from two colleges in


According to Kaur and Pathania (2017), age, family income, and

education were variables that had a major effect on college students' study

habits. The findings of their research revealed a significant association between

academic success and study patterns. It indicates that age, family wealth, and

schooling influence how students grow their learning behaviors and are linked

to their academic achievement.

However, intelligence characteristics such as intellectual capacity are

used as predictors of academic performance. A significant number of research

studies have explored the function of non-cognitive influences, such as study

abilities, inspiration, study behaviors, and attitudes towards academic

achievement. The research concluded that healthy study behaviors and

optimistic research attitudes might significantly affect student academic

achievement (Sikhwari, 2016).

According to Dano (2017), entering the world of work is through a

college education. Fitting education to nursing students' learning style and

study habits would help master students and greatly improve performance.

This study looks into the nursing students' academic performance, learning

styles, and study habits of Cebu Normal University during the school year

2001-2002, particularly the first, second, and third-year nursing students. The

total respondents were 159 from the different year levels. The study utilized the

descriptive survey method, and the grade sheets were the gathering. Also, the

Learning Style Inventory, developed by David Kolb and the Study Habit

Inventory developed by Peter Edwards, were used to determine the outcome of

the study.


Research Design

The researchers used the descriptive method to look for the relationship

between the dependent and independent variables. It is a method in which it

doesn’t make straight predictions and doesn’t determine cause and effect (Hale,

2018). The primary data gathering tool was the questionnaire that the

researchers chose to determine the respondents’ study habits. The

questionnaire is applied to present, analyze, and interpret the researchers’ data

from the respondents of the study. The descriptive method of research was

used for this study. To define the descriptive type of research, Creswell (1994)

stated that the descriptive method of research is to gather information about

the present existing condition.

Research Instrument

Data Gathering Procedures

The researcher will follow a step-by-step process in gathering data.

First, the researcher will make a letter addressed to their adviser, Mrs.

Norhana Kamad, for the approval of the research study.

After the letter will be approved, the researcher will then be start

looking for random students of grade 12. After the random selection of

respondents, researcher will make survey form for the respondents to answer

the questionnaire. The researcher will collect the result to be analyse. The

researcher will give clear and brief instructions on how the questionnaire will

be answered.

Following survey responses, the forms will be gathered and stacked. The

forms will be reviewed again to make sure no questions remain unanswered.

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