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The influence of Instagram on people’s mental health

Instagram is a free application where you can share photos and videos with followers
or with a select group of friends. You can also comment on the posts and indicate if they
like it. This social network has a great influence on people's lives, because it brings
them fun and entertainment but at the same time it can cause multiple mental health

In many social networks the key feature is to appear, because nobody can check if what
is displayed is authentic or not. Especially on Instagram, we can build an unreal image
of ourselves, and the image of personal success is measured by means of "Likes". Since
this social network shows a lifestyle as perfect as a showcase, many people get
frustrated when comparing their real life with perfect posts. The wrong interpretation of
reality generates insecurity in people; consequently, people's self-esteem is diminished
by trying to pretend a life with false appearances.

The objective of the creators of social networks is clear: make money. Thousands of
commercial companies have an eye on Instagram because it has 800 million active
users who represent being potential customers for their products. The content made for
advertisers are released by influencers or instagramers, as the main way to reach
millions of users. As a result, the app became a means for companies to implement
their marketing strategies on Instagram. Influencers attract the attention of many users
by leading a superficial and luxurious lifestyle; therefore, they create harmful standards
in their followers that promote eating disorders and anxiety. Instagram allows the
recognition of trademarks worldwide; as a result, it creates an urge to buy unnecessary
products at unreasonable prices.

The compulsive use of smartphones is not just about the smartphone, but the
applications and the hours that are dedicated to each of them. Because this device is the
entry mechanism for a person to spend hours and hours using their applications, this
person stops doing other important activities. The constant use of their smartphones
causes a person to put aside their interpersonal relationships; for this reason, it is no
longer easy for them to connect with other people personally and directly.

In conclusion, it cannot be denied that Instagram has a high degree of influence on

people's lives. Instagram can especially affect the health and stability of people because
it deals with setting unrealistic standards.

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