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Kurfürstendamm 218

4th Floor
10719 Berlin, Deutschland
0049 0 30 322903001
0049 0 30 322903100

Date: October 9, 2019

To: Steinfeld review team
From: Dr. Lisa Hamelmann, Dr. Christopher Unseld and Mikael Treijner, Hausfeld Rechtsanwälte
Re: Sense-Check instructions


This button has two default settings:

a) open: The mandate has not yet been sense-checked (so this is always the default setting).
b) ongoing: These cases are assigned to you by Mikael or Lisa. In these cases, we have already sent the
truck spreadsheets with data to the customer and have now received an answer from the customer
as a document inbound. His changes needs to be incorporated according to the general review
guidelines. After that, the button must be set to "passed" (also if the customer does not state any
changes but simply agrees to the data). If the customer asks for major changes (like VIN,
manufacturer, date, euronorm), please be very careful in your review. If things are unclear regarding
these major changes, please set the button to “passed” and ask the customer for further

Changing the status of the button:

a) trouble: If you receive major issues from Lisa / Mikael, please try to fix them. If this is not possible,
please ask the customer for further information and set the button on trouble until you receive the
necessary feedback to fix the problem. If the problem can than be fixed, please change the button
from trouble to passed. If the problem cannot be fixed, please set the relevant truck(s) on not
enforceable and then change to button from trouble to passed.
b) passed: In these cases, the process is complete and the system automatically sends the data
spreadsheets for all trucks to the client. Please set the sense-check button on passed if there are
minor mistakes but try to fix them as well. If you cannot fix them, please ask the customer for help,
but still change the button to passed as the mistakes or missing data is not critical.


1. You will get a case assigned by Mikael or Lisa

2. Go to the mandate in CMS, check it out
3. Open your Excel files (will be given to everyone by the team leads.) and filter for all trucks of the
current mandate.
4. Look into Mandate → Company information → Edit → scroll down → Did the customer give any
information on legal succession etc.?
5. Check the Mandate Note for information and check for CIP message inbound.
6. Go to Document overview: Are there any new "untouched" documents or documents with the
relevance not yet set? If there are documents belonging to a truck or another mandate→
download and then upload it to the right place. Let the person responsible for the case know
about it (if you don't know inform Hausfeld).
7. Open all relevant documents on mandate level (especially AsA, CoR and ID) to get an overview:
Does the company name from CoR and AsA match? If no, was this already fixed in the last
output? (→ Claim Export C.1→ Edit → Show Output Declaratory Action) If there are serious
mismatches (and not just typos and the like)→ Push to HF Expert
8. If there are useless documents marked as relevant (e.g. duplicates, too old CoRs) mark them as
"not relevant". But attention: Leave AsAint or other documents, that might explain a legal
succession etc relevant if they were marked relevant and/or are necessary to explain the
company history regarding a mismatch.


1. Check with the Excel table if there are any Company mismatches (t_acqucomp_name is filled)
2. If there are mismatches: Are they explained in the next column (e.g. change of name) and does
this explanation match your knowledge from reading the CoR. Was this mismatch already in
claim one and maybe solved already?
3. If not: Try to fix the explanation, if not possible→ Push to HF Expert
4. Check at least 2 trucks of claim 3 (and otherwise 10% of the trucks) for unknown mismatches by
checking in "Truck-Mandate-Relationship). Choose one of the older one of the younger trucks. If
there was an explained mismatch, check at least one of them too.
5. If you find a new, formerly unknown mismatch→ check all other trucks within the mandate for
the same mismatches → if you cannot solve the mismatch→ Push to HF Expert
6. Document all new knowledge in the mandate notes.
7. Only after successfully finishing this Sense-Check on Mandate level if you did not also get
individual Truck-IDs for this mandate.


1. Please check on the sense-check Excel spreadsheet received by Lisa/Mikael whether individual
Truck_TRCp_IDs follow Mandate-TRCp.
2. If NOT: Sense-check can be passed after finishing the Mandate Sense-Check (Mandate Review →
Claim Output C3 → scroll down to "Final Checks" and put "R2 Claim 3 Action" on "passed").
3. If YES: Please review all listed trucks regarding the relevant problems. Some might have more
than one problem.
4. Please check in the documents whether you may be able to solve the problem. Sometimes it
also means that simply some data needs to be deleted as the data is not plausible (for instance if
we have L28, we cannot have data in L25).
5. If you can solve the problem of all trucks, sense-check can be passed for this mandate →
Mandate Review → Claim Output C3 → scroll down to "Final Checks" and put "R2 Claim 3
Action" on "passed".
6. If you cannot solve the problem through the documents and there is a:
a. VIN mistake: Please contact the customer and try to solve it. If this is not possible,
please push it to HF Exp as the truck might not be enforceable. mandate → Mandate
Review → Claim Output C3 → scroll down to "Final Checks" and put "R2 Claim 3
Action" on "trouble".
b. No producer: Please contact the customer and try to solve it. If this is not possible,
please push it to HF Expert as the truck might not be enforceable. mandate →
Mandate Review → Claim Output C3 → scroll down to "Final Checks" and put "R2
Claim 3 Action" on "trouble".
c. No date: Please contact the customer and try to solve it. If this is not possible, please
push it to HF Expert as the truck might not be enforceable. mandate → Mandate
Review → Claim Output C3 → scroll down to "Final Checks" and put "R2 Claim 3
Action" on "trouble".
d. Financial data / Currency etc: Please ignore that you could not solve the problem,
sense-check can be passed → Mandate Review → Claim Output C3 → scroll down to
"Final Checks" and put "R2 Claim 3 Action" on "passed".

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