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Q1) Define Rocks and give 3 example of hard and soft rocks and Hard
A) Definition:-

All the solid material present on the earth surface are called rocks.

.) Example of Soft and Hard Rocks:-

1) Soft rocks:-

Loam, Sand, Clay and Gravel.

2) Hard rocks:-

Diamond, Granite, Quartz.

Note: - Rocks can be organic or Inorganic.

Q2) Write a note on Classification of Rocks?

A) The rocks are classified into 3:-

A) Igneous Rocks:-

The word Igneous is derived from a Latin word “IGNIS” which means “FIRE”. These rocks
are formed by the solidification of molten material like (Lava and Magma).

NOTE: - The solidification of rocks is a lengthy process and takes a lot of time.

.) Further division:-

1) Volcanic rocks:-

When molten material (Magna) reach up to the surface and spills out (overflows) as
ash when it cools down it becomes solid and becomes a rock. That rock is called Volcanic rock also
known as non-crystalline rocks.

Note:- These rocks solidifies rapidly and which may produce glassy structure without crystal.

2) Hypabyssal Rocks:-

The magma of these rocks gradually solidifies under cracks and joints under the
earth surface (but near earth surface) and becomes a rocks. Due to gradually cooling it may produce
crystals. They are also known as crystalline rocks.

.) Features:-

1) If magma solidifies in horizontal joints, it is known as Sills

2) If magma solidifies in vertical joints, it is known as Dykes.

3) If magma solidifies in dome like structure, it is known as laccolites.

4) If magma solidifies in basin like structure, it is known as lopolith.

3) Plutonic rocks:-

The word Plutonic is derived from word “PLUTO” which means “GOD OF THE
UNDERWORLD”. These rocks are formed by the solidification of Magma at moderate depth beneath the
earth surface. These rocks are also known as intrusive rocks.


Granite, Quartz, dolerite Etc.

B) Sedimentary rocks:-

These rocks are broken particle of silt, clay, sand, and small rocks fragments. They are
created by the physical and chemical weathering and erosion of rocks.

.) Types of sedimentary rocks on the basis of formation:-

It is divided into 3 types:-

1) Aeolian rock:-

These rocks are formed by wind action.


Sand dunes in desert.

NOTE: - In northern china the thickness of Aeolian rocks is approximately 915 meter.

2) Aqueous rocks:-

These rocks are formed by water actions.

.) Sub-types:-

It is sub-divided into 3 types:-

a) Riverine rocks:-

These rocks are formed by the decomposition of sediments like: - (Clay, Sand, Etc.)
buried under river.

b) Lacustrine rocks:-

These rocks are formed by the decomposition of sediments like: - (Sand, Clay, Etc.)
Buried under lake.

c) Marine rocks:-

These rocks are formed by the decomposition of sediment like: - (Sand, Clay, Etc.)
Buried under ocean.

3) Organic rocks:-

These rocks are formed by the decomposition of fauna and flora buried under the
earth. These are also known as fossils.

.) Types of sedimentary rocks on the basis of composition:-

1) Arenaceous rocks:-

The word Arenaceous is derived from a Latin word “ARENA” which means “SAND”.
These rock are composed of or covered in 70% of sand and are known as Arenaceous rocks.


Sand stone, gravel.

2) Argillaceous rocks:-

The word argillaceous is derived from a Latin word “ARGID” which mean “CLAY”.
These rocks are composed of large amount of clay.



NOTE: - In Pakistan these rocks are found in places like:- Khewra, Diamer, and Dhillon.

3) Cal carious rocks:-

These rocks are formed by skeleton and fossil of animals.

Example: -

Limestone, Chalk.


These rocks are found in district Hazara and Khewra.

C) Metamorphic rocks:-

The word metamorphic is derived from 2 greek words “META” which means change
and “MORPHY” which mean shape. So, Metamorphic means change of form. These rock are formed
under great influence of heat and pressure and are formed under the earth.


Quartz, granite, diamond, Etc.

Q3) Write a note on classification of rocks?

A) The characteristics of Sedimentary rocks are present in the following:-

1) These rocks are formed by the gathering of small particle or pieces. Just like sand stone.

2) These rock are present in the form of layers and are also known as Stratified rocks.

3) These rocks are made up of fossils of animals and plants.

Q8) what is the difference between Sill and Dykes.

A) Sill:-

It is an important type of igneous rocks. It is formed when Magma is cooled down inside the
layers of Earth surface.

.) Dykes:-

It is also an important type of Magma. It is formed when Magma is cooled down on the Earth
surface in a Non-parallel manner.

.) Difference:-

Sill is found parallel on the Earth surface and Dykes are found Non-parallel on the Earth

.) Diagram:-
Q) How Diamond is formed?
A) Diamond is originated from coal. When heat temperature changes during the heating of coal
diamond is formed. Chemical process also take place.

.) Diagram:-

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