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English 2

Task 2: Writing task Forum

Presented By
Yeni Paola Ramírez Sánchez
Code: 28951870

Alexander Oviedo
Group: 90021_147

National Open and distance University

Environmental Engineering

Ibagué – Tolima

 Screens – hots
stage 2 Using Conditionals

Stage 3 Talking about habits and their results.

Using Future Factual Conditional

Stage 4 Understanding phrasal verbs in context

 Using Future Factual Conditional.
Write 10 sentences using the Future Factual Conditional, taking into account the
explanation of Topic 6. Reading e-mail messages, and publish them in the Writing
task forum. They must be written for you, not copied from any web page.

1. If you study with discipline, you will graduate son.

2. If she saves money, she'll buy a new house.
3. If he saves money every month, he will travel to Italy on his next holiday.
4. If I have time, we go to the park.
5. If I go to Bogota, I'll visit my Aunt Mary.
6. If you're on a sunny day, we'll go to the pool.
7. If it rains today, I don't go home.
8. If you feel cold, you should wear a jacket.
9. If you go to Medellin, we go shopping.
10. If they smoke too much, they will get sick from the lungs

 Applying your knowledge.

Choose ten phrasal verbs from the exercise of Topic 10. identifying
phrasal verbs and Topic 11. understanding phrasal verbs in context and write a
text where you use them. These verbs must be underlined to distinguish them in
the written.
You have to choose one of the following two topics:
-Describing your best experience at the university. (why it was your
best experience, what was special for you, people who were with you).
-Telling what you did last vacation (Where did you go? How long did
you stay there? Who did you go with? How much did you pay for that?
Which place did you like the most?)
Write a short note in the forum telling the topic you chose.
Text length: 70 words to 80 words.

My last vacation was in February to San Andres Islands and Providence, we also
took the opportunity call At my brother-in-law Jarby who resides there. Use
Avianca buy for air tickets that cost 1,200,000 back and forth through the app, the
four my husband, my other brother-in-law Robert, the bride and I. The reservation
To stay at the hotel sea and sun . On the first day with my husband we put on
similar swim dress, we sat on the beach to talk to some Friends Argentines and to
cut Down we started group activities, we also went call on Nancy a great friend of
Jarby's. To get to know the island easily draw up a rental vehicle the eight days we
stayed there, every night we would arrive at the hotel turn on and shower with fresh
water to rest. And on the last day we looked for Carlos who was in charge of the
hotel to pay off and return home.

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