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Review Article International Ayurvedic Medical Journal ISSN:2320 5091


Nambiar Sruthi Surendran 2Jadhav Lakshmiprasad, 3 Chiplunkar Shivaprasad
Research Scholar, Dept of Kriya Shareera, 2 HOD, Dept of Kayachikiltsa, 3Associate Professor,
Dept of Kriya Shareera, Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College of Ayurveda and Hospital,
Hassan, Karnataka, India
The concept of Smriti has been vividly explained in the classical text but not much work
has been done to understand it. The paper will discuss the characteristics of memory and relate it
with concept of Smriti as explained in the classical texts. The power of the mind to retain and
reproduce what is learnt is called memory. Memory revolves around the concept of mind and
other perspectives which is the karya (cause) to bring about the karana(karana) that is attainment
of a good memory. Body and mind constantly interact with eachother. Thus an approach to
understand smriti has to be done in two angles – the psychological and physical aspects. The
psychological aspects like Atma, mana, buddhi and moksha. The physical aspects like the
concepts on dosha, sara, prakruti, onset of diseases and in the treatment point of view. The paper
attempts to explain the psychological and physical aspects of Smriti.
Key words: smriti, memory, atma, manas, buddhi, dosas, prakruti.

INTRODUCTION physical aspect. The concept of smriti has

been discussed in various classical texts in
While contemplating the objects of many different ways.Smriti is described as
senses a person develops attachment for one among the eight aishwaryas which is
them and from such attachments lust possible only through the concentration of
develops and from lust anger arises. From pure mind2.Smriti is remembrance of things
anger complete delusion arises and from which are directly perceived, heard or
delusion bewilderment of memory. When experienced earlier3.
memory is bewildered intelligence is lost
and when intelligence is lost one falls down PSYCHOLOGICAL APPROACH TO
again into the materialistic pool. The SMRITI
importance given to smriti in the ancient
scripture is evident from the above lines1. The methodology applied to attain the
Acharyas have differentiated the body and knowledge is as follows4 supreme soul
mind as two independent entities with conjugates with mind ; mind with respective
significant interaction between them. Not sense organs ultimately attaining the
only they associate with each other but also
objective of acquiring knowledge. The
mutually contribute and complement the
other’s cause. Approach of Ayurveda from knowledge thus acquainted can be
the evolution to the dissolution exhibits what reproduced only if one has the ability to
can be conveniently termed as a recollect the piece of information acquired.
psychosomatic or psychophysical approach. The Atma transmigrates from one
Smriti can be well understood by analysing body to another along with the four subtle
these two phenomena –psychological and bhutas with the help of mana. This being
guided by the associated past actions5.Atma gets rid of miseries14.The power of
is beyond any sensory perceptions. Atma metaphysical memory constitutes the best
after entering into the body by its way of liberation as shown by the liberated
association with buddhi gets involved in ones. Persons following this way do not
attachment6.The dissimilarity in the shape come back to worldly traps. This again is the
and intellectual faculties is caused by the best way to the attainment of moksha15.
rajas, tamas and the nature of the past PHYSICAL APPROACH TO SMRITI
actions7.The four factors which are Doshas are the functional
responsible for the mental faculty of the representatives of our body. Vata is the main
progeny are the mental faculty of parents, dosha that gives stimulation to mind for its
the sounds repeatedly heard by the pregnant normal functioning and also controls its
mother, actions performed by the embryo in activities. The main dosha involved for the
his previous life and frequent desires for a process of attaining smriti is udana vata
particular type of mental faculty by the residing in the moordha and ura 16.The other
progeny in his previous life. These are types of dosha contributing to this cause -
mentioned as the reasons for the variability Prana vata residing in the ura maintains the
in the psychic temperaments among the proper activity of buddhi, mana and
individuals8. indriya17.Sadhaka pitta residing in hrdaya is
The factors responsible for procreation as in responsible for the proper functioning of
the shad garbhakara bhavas ; Smriti is a buddhi and mana. Tarpaka kapha residing
factor derived from both atma 9 and satva 10. in head provides nourishment and protection
The statement that ‘manifestation of manas to centres of sense organs in the brain and it
occurs during 5th month of pregnancy in the keeps the control of vata in the brain18.
foetal body’ indicates the coexistent nature Among the eight sara described ,
of mind and body11. Smriti is an attribute twak sara purusha is said to have a high
destined to atma 12 or smriti is one among intellect and sattva sara purusha is endowed
the 16 qualities that are told as the proof for with good memory19. According to
the existence of atma 13. But the atma Sarangadhara Balyam ,Vrdhi, Chavi,
relevant to this context is known as the Medha, Twak, Drusti, Sukra, Buddhi
Jivatma. ,Karmaindriya, spiritual life-these get
For attaining the ultimate goal of an deteriorated in successive decades20.Which
individual that is moksha ,the regimens like explains that Medha gets hampered after
due devotion to noble souls , shunning of the 40yrs and buddhi gets hampered after
company of the wicked, observing sacred 80yr.Acharyas have quoted that during the
vows and fast, pursuit of the rules of good old age there is diminution in
conduct, compliance with scriptural Grahana(power of understanding),
prescriptions, scriptural knowledge, liking Dharana(power of retention),
for lonely living, detachment from the Smarana(power of memorising) and
objects of senses , striving for moksha and Vachana (power of speech) 21. With respect
absolute mental control are highlighted to smriti in different deha prakruthi
which serves as an aid to good memory. If Acharyas have mentioned different
one remembers the real nature of things he variations. As in vata prakruthi they are
alpa smruta and sruta grahi 22 and have object of vision pathway had mostly
chala smriti23.Pitta prakruthi individuals are transient response to stimuli, indicating their
considered to be medhavi24. In kapha predominant role in perceptual processing.
Probably may be due to these reasons
prakruthi individuals, they are chiragrahi25
Acharyas made stress upon these two
and smrutiman 26. With respect to manasa perceptions i.e.visual and auditory
prakruit it is told that those possessing specifically. In modern science if we are
satwika prakruti is endowed with good considering sensory cortical areas of brain it
memory27. performs mainly on the basis of three
One among the three principal and perceptions as our Acharyas have told.
fundamental causative agents in the Smriti as a mental faulty:
Chakrapani while explaining the proof for
manifestation of diseases in general as
existence of Atma states that chetana, dhrti,
postulated in Ayurveda is prajnaparadha28. smriti and ahamkara are the types of budhi.
In such circumstances, the memory will For the Atma to get the perception after
have to be nullified by diverting the mind entering the body it should have the
with the desirable , variegated and surprising association of budhi. This in turn highlights
incidents. The memory goes astray due to that smriti is also a component to bring
the person being overcome by Rajas and about the attachment. Also Cakrapani in
another context states uhapohavicara and
Tamas, the two factors responsible for
smriti have been termed as buddhi. So, it is
psychological disorders. Smriti is implicated obvious that without Smriti, the function of
specifically in two major psychological Buddhi is impossible. Function of Buddhi
disorders like insanity (unmada) and cannot occur without uhapoha and vichara,
epilepsy (apasmara).In unmada, it is which comes through smriti or past
perverted smriti (smritibhramsa) 29 while in experiences.
Acharyas have explained about the
apasmara there is momentary departure of
methodology to attain knowledge. In the
smriti (smritinasa) 30 contemporary science, memory is the
Memory is counted among the four qualities processes by which information is encoded,
to be possessed by the patient which serve as stored, and retrieved. Encoding allows
an aid to a successful treatment31.True to its information that is from the outside world to
tradition, Ayurveda has applied the concept reach our senses in the forms of chemical
of smriti in the management of diseased and physical stimuli. In this first stage we
must change the information so that we may
states. It is considered one among the major
put the memory into the encoding process.
therapeutic approaches in psychological Storage is the second memory stage or
disturbances32.Smriti is also implicated in process. This entails that we maintain
the prevention of exogenous diseases33. information over periods of time. Finally the
DISCUSSION third process is retrieval of information that
Smriti is the remembrance of events we have stored. We must locate it and return
that is directly perceived, heard or it to our consciousness. This whole process
experienced earlier. Out of all sense organs can be related to the attainment of
for knowledge perception most important knowledge or jnana.
are visual and auditory knowledge. Without Budhi is an instrument for the atma
having either of these perceptions normally for attachment. In the contemporary science,
one couldn’t acquire proper knowledge. there is substantial evidence that foetal
Three occipito temporal areas in the ventral memory exists within the first and
second trimester after conception when the pus; it processes new memories for long-
egg is fertilized. Evidence of this has been term storage. Brain areas involved in
found as early as 30 weeks after conception. the neuroanatomy of memory such as
Foetal memory is important for parental the hippocampus, the amygdala,
recognition, and facilitates the bond between the striatum, or the mammillary bodies are
child and parents. This form of memory is thought to be involved in specific types of
important for a type of development known memory. The Dharana and Smarana are
as attachment. Foetal memory is thus critical both functions of basal ganglia cells (hippo-
to the survival of the foetus both prenatally campus) and many researches support the
and after birth as an infant. role of acetylcholine in the memory func-
It is worth considering the relation of tions. The term Vachana may not simply
Mana, Buddhi, Dhi, Dhriti and Smriti with refer articular speech here but rather the ca-
each other. In the process of knowledge, pacity for power of expression of mental
these are interrelated with each other. Mana concepts and seems to relate with memory.
is the entity that associates with Atma for the CONCLUSION
proper cognition. Budhi decides and bifur- Smriti is sort of imprints of previous experi-
cates the hita and ahita. Dhi is the capacity ence of a person which helps the individual
or power of retention. Dhriti is the power to recollect or remember the facts experi-
that controls the orientation of attitude. enced. At the psychological level ,smriti is
While Smriti helps the mind in recollecting well understood through the concepts like
the entire percept or experimented objects atma , manas and indriyas as a means to at-
on the basis of the concept formed by past tain knowledge and for liberation. Smriti
experiences. If anyone of these is hampered helps the mind in recollecting the entire per-
the ultimate objective of attaining knowl- cept or experimented objects on the basis of
edge cannot be reached. the concept formed by past experiences. At
Smriti and the relation with foetus: the physical level, Smriti is well understood
Acharys have quoted that in the formation of through the concepts like dosha, sara, prak-
garbha, mana is formed in the fifth month. ruti, deterioration of smriti, onset of diseases
In the contemporary view, the Central Nerv- and in its treatment aspect. The entities like
ous System (CNS) and memory in the foetus dosha, sara and prakruti can be related to
develop from the ectoderm follow- physiological aspects and as the cause for
ing fertilization via a process disease can be related to the pathological
called neurulation. The ectoderm is the out- aspect. These psychological and physical
ermost layer of the embryo. This happens faculties are interlinked with each other and
towards the end of the third week derangement of any of these will reflect on
of gestation and ends with the start of the other.
development of the neural tube, an impor- REFERENCES
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ed.Varanasi:Chaukamba Sanskrit Karnataka, India
Samsthan;2011.p. 297 Email:
30. Acharya YT. Caraka samhita with
Ayurveda Dipika commentary of

Source of support: Nil

Conflict of interest: None Declared

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