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Name: Andres Felipe Camargo Rocha

Top Notch 2 - Writing assessment 2

Write a complaining email to a restaurant you ordered food from by using an app
like “Rapi”, “Uber eats” or other. You didn’t get what you ordered. Invent the
situation, the reason and produce a complete text. Use the words in the box. Write
a 170-200-word text

Rate: Velocidad
Crucial: Crucial
Plead: Alegar
Misunderstanding: Malentendido

Dear Rappi,

Good morning, through this email I am writing to you, in order to show my

disappointment; because I have always made my home orders for this application
and I had never had a problem. I was very happy because the service was fast and
very attentive.

Today I asked for a Japanese food service and they gave me the worst service, the
food address I ordered never came, and they brought me an order that I never
ordered, it came cold and the food watered, I am making the decision not to pay
my bill Until the problem is solved, also the invoice that the domicile brought has
too many additional costs that I never asked for and the order is very expensive
from the usual consumption rate that I had.

If you insist on making me pay that invoice, I request your notification so that I can
carry out all the necessary procedures to formally ask you to revoke the invoice
generated for me, this is very crucial since if we do not reach an agreement, I will
speak to my lawyer to take a Legal process against your Rappi application.

I hope you can clear up this misunderstanding regarding the poor billing you gave
me, thank you for your attention.

Andres Felipe Camargo

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