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PEB 702


KUNAAL NAND – 2017140832
KRISHAN NAND – 2017140830
PAVIN NARAYAN – 2017142134
KEVIN RAJ – 2016134725
ANISCHAL PRASAD – 2017142046
Step 1: Identifying the problem
Alfredo was asked by his boss to create a bridge not to exceed the budget of $1.5M. After
making engineering plans and assessments, Alfredo presented to his boss that an estimated
cost of $2M can be used to complete the bridge and in view of the design requirements, in a
moderate earthquake a $1.5M bridge will collapse. It was later stated by the boss that he will
make some staff reduction by 50 percent, and this includes Alfredo if the bridge is not built in
Step 2: Identify the Potential Issues Involved

Parties Involved
Below is the list of parties that will be involved in the project, with their Rights and
Responsibilities as the stake holders:
1. Alfredo (Designer) – He is the main person involved in this scenario as his engineering
design and estimation cost concludes that the bridge can be completed in a $2M
budget. However, if the same bridge is constructed at a $1.5M budget, it will collapse in
a moderate earthquake.
 Rights – As an engineer Alfredo has the full rights to stop works if the bridge is
built at $1.5M budget, as this is against his engineering ethics and morale.
 Responsibilities – He has the responsibilities of public safety and the engineering
ethics that have been taught to him.
2. Boss - The boss of the company also plays a vital role in the project as his decision is
what carry’s weight. His decisions are crucial in every project that the company
 Rights – As the owner of the company, he has the rights to hire and fire
employees for the betterment of the company. He also has the right to
undertake whichever project he finds suitable.
 Responsibilities – As the owner of the company, it is his responsibility to make
sure that the project is completed in the given time. He should be responsible
enough to inform the client about the consequences of proceeding with the
$1.5M budget for the bridge.

3. Employees – These are the people who get the work done. They are vital in the
company, as without them it would be almost impossible to get the projects completed
on time.
 Rights – They have the right to know what is going on in the company. If they
have been rusticated or fired from the company, they have the full right to know
 Responsibilities – As employees of the company, it is their duty to safeguard the
image of the company. They should be responsible enough to report any
unethical behavior being practiced in the company to their superiors.

4. Donor Organization – These organization plays a vital role in the project as they will
fund the remaining $0.5M in the completion of the $2M project.
 Rights – They have the full right to know the progress of the ongoing project to
know how their money has been used. They also have the right to seize their
funds, if the funds are being misused.
 Responsibilities – Since they’ll be funding part of the project, it is their
responsibility to ensure the bridge is constructed in compliance with all the
engineering specifications.

Step 3: Evaluate Potential Course of Action

If we Proceed with 1.5 m

 50% of the employees will continue working including Alfredo.

 The Company will continue with other jobs.
 Alfredo (The Designer) could get promoted.
 earthquake – if an earthquake occurs the bridge has a high chance of collapsing as a
result people will lose their lives.
 Alfredo’s (The Designer) reputation will downsize and may not find a job.
 The boss together with the employees may also practice unethical work.
 Alfredo (The Designer) will always fear the bridge may collapse.

If we proceed with $2m


 Public safety won’t be at risk.

 Companies reputation exceeds.
 Alfredo’s (The Designer) reputation exceeds.
 Alfredo (The Designer) will not regret his decisions.
 The bridge will withstand moderate earthquakes.


 50% employees will lose their jobs, including Alfredo.

 Bridge is constructed out of its budget which was $1.5M.

Other solutions
Hiring a cheap contractor:

 The bridge will be constructed to proper quality.

 Alfredo’s colleagues won’t lose their jobs.
 Bridge will be constructed within budget.
 Public safety won’t be at risk.

 It would be very difficult to find cheap labor

 The contractor won’t make any profit.
Extra Funding’s
 The company sponsoring has its name on the bridge and is good advertisement for the
 Alfredo’s colleagues will still have their jobs.
 The Bridge will be successfully constructed.

 It will be difficult to find sponsors to fund $500,000 for the bridge.

Step 4: Obtain Consultation

 Can choose to go and talk to a close colleague.

 Can choose to go to a senior engineer.
 Can choose to go to any other firm.
 Can choose to rehearse with the boss again.
Step 5: Determine the Best Cause of Action
Best cause of action is to look for external funding where a company will provide the extra
$0.5M that is needed to complete the bridge. Where in return for the company providing the
extra fund will have their name placed on the bridge to show our appreciation and also it will
work as a form of advertisement for the company.
To sum up everything, Alfredo’s job was not lost and the public safety was not compromised. It
was also noted that 50 percent of the staff didn’t lose their jobs. Due to the extra funding, the
bridge was built properly and where all the stakeholders are satisfied. Furthermore, there will
be no problem with authorities due to proper construction. Therefore, in this type of situation
one should not be selfish and think about the consequences of his actions and should put the
wellbeing of the public first.

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