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Report Title

Global (Absolute) extrema point

Name: Daneal Nawzad Sofi

Class: First
Course: Calculus
Department: Geomatics

College of Engineering
Salahaddin University-Erbil
Academic Year 2019-2020
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In report I talking about Global (Absolute) extrema point , and solution some

problem for function , why is important ?, talking about some important point

about this and What is a maximum or minimum absolute extrema how to find of

function and find in graph

Absolute extrema describe the points in which the graph is either at its greatest

maximum or lowest minimum. If we want to refer to one of absolute maximum or

minimum without specifying which one

We call it an absolute extremum.

It is important to note that an absolute maximum requires that the largest value of f

On the set is actually assumed at some point and that an absolute minimum

requires that the

Smallest value of the function is actually assumed at some point.


Abstract 2

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Table of Content 3

Introduction 4

Background & Review 6

Methods 8

Theory 10



An absolute extremum (or global extremum) of a function in a given interval is the

point at which a maximum or minimum value of the function is obtained.

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Frequently, the interval given is the function's domain, and the absolute extremum

is the point corresponding to the maximum or minimum value of the entire

function. If a function has an absolute maximum at x = b, then f (b) is the largest

value that f can attain. Similarly, if a function has an absolute minimum at x = b,

then f (b) is the smallest value that f can attain.

On the graph above of the function f on the closed interval [a, e], the point (a, f (a))

represents the absolute minimum, and the point (d, f (d)) represents the absolute


To define these terms more formally: a function f has an absolute maximum at x =

b if f (b) ≥f (x) for all x in the domain of f. A function f has an absolute minimum

at x = b if f (b)≤f (x) for all x in the domain of f. Together, the absolute minimum

and the absolute maximum are known as the absolute extrema of the function.

A point xx is an absolute maximum or minimum of a function F in the [a, b] if f(x)

≥f(x ′) for all x ′ ∈ [a, b] or if f(x) ≤f(x ′) for all x ′ ∈ [a, b]. The point x is the strict

(Or unique) absolute maximum or minimum if it is the only point satisfying such

constraints. Analogous definitions hold for intervals [a, ∞), (− ∞, b], (−∞, ∞). The

interval is commonly chosen to be the domain of F.

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There may not exist an absolute maximum or minimum if the region is unbounded

in either the positive or negative direction or if the function is not continuous. If

the function is not continuous (but is bounded), there will still exist a supremum or

infimum, but there may not necessarily exist absolute extrema. If the function is

continuous and bounded and the interval is closed, then there must exist an

absolute maximum and an absolute minimum.

If a function is not continuous, then it may have absolute extrema at any points of

discontinuity. Generally, absolute extrema will only be useful for functions with at

most a finite number of points of discontinuity. The absolute extrema can be found

by considering these points together with the following method for continuous

portions of the function.

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The absolute extrema of a function f on a given

domain set D are the absolute maximum and

absolute minimum values of f(x) as x ranges

throughout D.

In other words, we say that M is the absolute

maximum if M = f(c) for some c in D, and f(x) ≤ M

for all other x in D. Figure1: We define the absolute

minimum M in much the same
ways, except that f(x) ≥ m for all X
in D.

Sometimes a function may fail to have an absolute minimum or maximum on a

given domain set. This often happens when the function has a discontinuity.

Figure2: This function is

discontinuous on the interval
shown. It has an absolute Page | 6
minimum value, 0, but no
absolute maximum.
Even if the function is continuous on the domain set D, there may be no extrema if

D is not closed or bounded.

For example, the parabola function, f(x) = x2 has no absolute maximum on the

domain set (-∞, ∞). This is because the values of x2 keep getting larger and larger

without bound as x → ∞. By the way, this function does have an absolute

minimum value on the interval: 0.

However, there may still be issues even on a bounded domain set. The function

below has neither absolute minimum nor maximum because the endpoints of the

interval are not in its domain. Note, the open circles on the graph mean that those

points are missing, so there cannot be any extrema at those points.

Figure3: This graph is defined on

the open interval, (-4, 4). There are
no absolute extrema.
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Now, we consider not local extrema, but what are called absolute extrema: those

points on a graph that are greater (or less) than all other possible points. In physical

situations, there is generally only some small range of possible values of x, so we

will generally work on some chosen interval. Recall the standard notation for


Given a function f(x) and an interval I (open, closed, or half-open), we say that (c,

f(c) is an absolute maximum if f(c) ≥ f(x) for all other x in I. We say that it is an

absolute minimum if f(x) ≤ f(x) for all other x in I.

It is possible that there is a “tie” for the absolute maximum or absolute minimum.

So the maximum and minimum do not have to be unique (though the

maximum/minimum value is unique). For example, see the following picture.

Figure4: Graph the function

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Absolute extrema are not always local extrema. An absolute extremum does not

need to be a local extremum. As we see above, the absolute max is not labelled a

local max as well. This is essentially a matter of terminology. The reason we don’t

call this point a local max is that we only have information about the function on

one side but not the other; the word “local” will be reserved for points in the inside

of the interval. For our purposes, just think of a local extremum as only an

extremum you can locate by finding a critical number of the function (where the

derivative is zero or undefined). A function does not always have absolute extrema

on an interval. The following two examples illustrate two of the ways a function

could fail to have absolute extrema. Then we will give a criterion for begin sure

that it will have absolute extrema.

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. Figure6: Graph the function

Example 2: Find the absolute extrema of f (x) = x3 — 3x2 on [-1/2, 4].

f’ (x) = 3x2 - 6x = 3x(x — 2) Critical values at x = 0, 2

f (0) = 0

f (2) = - 4 Absolute Min

f (-1/2) = -7/8

f (4) =16 Absolute Max.

Example3: Find the absolute extrema of f(x) = cos2x + sin x , x E [0 π]

f(x) = cos2x + sin x

f’(x) = ( d(cos2 x + sin x)/dx )

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-2 sin x + 1 = 0
= 2cos x . (d (cos x) /dx). + Cos X dx
-2 sin x = -1

= 2cos x (-sin x) + cos x Sin x = -1/-2

= cos x (-2sin x + 1) Sin x = 1/ 2

Sin x = sin π/ 6
Putting f’(x) = 0 cos x (-2sin x + 1) =0
x = π/6
Cos x = 0

Cos x = cos π/2

x = π /2

x = π/6 & π/2 are critical point.

At x = 0 f(0) = cos2 0 + sin 0 = 12 + 0 = 1

At x = π/6 f (π/6) = cos2(π/6 ) + sin (π/6) = (√2 3/2) + ½ = 5/4

At x = π/2 f (π/2) = cos2 (π/2) + sin (π/2) = 0 + 1 = 1

At x = π f (π) = cos2 (π) + sin (π) = (-1)2 + 0 = 1

Absolute maximum value = 5/4 & Absolute minimum value = 1

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Figure7: graph f(x) = cos2x + sin x

Maxima and minima can also be defined for sets. In general, if an ordered set S has

a greatest element m, m is a maximal element. Furthermore, if S is a subset of an

ordered set T and m is the greatest element of S with respect to order induced by T,

m is a least upper bound of S in T. The similar result holds for least element,

minimal element and greatest lower bound. The maximum and minimum function

for sets are used in databases, and can be computed rapidly, since the maximum (or

minimum) of a set can be computed from the maxima of a partition; formally, they

are self-decomposable aggregation functions. In the case of a general partial order,

the least element (smaller than all other) should not be confused with a minimal

element (nothing is smaller).

Likewise, a greatest element of a

partially ordered set (poset) is

an upper bound of the set which is

contained within the set,

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whereas a maximal element m of a poset A is an element of A such that if m ≤ b

(for any b in A) then m = b. Any least element or greatest element of a poset is

unique, but a poset can have several minimal or maximal elements. If a poset has

more than one maximal element, then these elements will not be mutually











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