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Social Media or Gadget Takes The Part of People Thinking

Supporting Details
- The first video by Bailey Parnell talks about people that usually use social media easily get
influence by what people out there say about them. They will be more overthinking with what
people might say about them, do not confident with themself and do something embarrassing
or dangerous just to get people attention. Also they were always had a negative thinking with
what they do and it will limit the way they think.

- When people obsessed with social media, they will easily get online harassments like nasty
comments, body shamming, and negative judgement from other people that didn’t know the
true situation. Some people might think about that and it will affect their life by losing hope
and confident, making a bad decision and losing their life.

- The second video by Ann Makosinski share about when they do not have a smart phone and
social media like other people, they will do more beneficial activities and having fun when
they have a free time. It will make them be more positive person with a positive thinking. Life
without a smart phone or gadget making them to be more creative and confident with
themselves. Also help them to keep do a good thing and develop new skills. This can help
them to be more knowledgeable and broaden the way they think.

From the first video,
- People will have a mental health issue if they were obsessed with social media like anxiety,
stress and depression.
- If people depends their life with social media they might lose their ability and confident.
- Do not easily share your privacy to social media, it will make your life dangerous and give
chances to people out there to judge about you.
- Reduce the time using social media and don’t easily influence with bad things.

From the second video,

- Do not easily influence with what people say about you and just be yourself.
- Always love yourself first and explore new thing about yourself.
- If you want to get something you must work for it until it become successful.
- Always try to live without your phone so if something happens, you will not easily get panic,
fear of missing out.

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