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Т it|е
'...' '' .. . '. . . 'i p 2 Health,
Growingup p.3 Presentsimplеandpreseлt I Describingpеop|e: p.7
Skimrеading; qurstions Desсribing
mu|tip|е-сhoiсe imprеssions p.4 continuous p.4 | A note,A persona|
Inviting tospeak, Adverbsof frequеnсy p'4
Stating p'6 Stаtivе
verbs p.5

-hеwrongman: Appearanсеandcharaсtеr p.9 Modа| Vеrbs p 11 Тrаve|ling: p 1з

Sс anning, Crime p.10 Remember +-ingI to do, A postсard,
questions Finding
incommon p 10 Artiс|es A desоription
Asking what
/ eхp|aining
means p 12

=..; ^;tгеpastt ol i fe : p .1 4 Rеnting Тe|evision p.15 Pastsimplе,pastсontinuous

a room/ f|at, and D esсr ibing atourist p 1 9
i .: .. ^ l ' mrrit inlр-nhnieр
w | |vIw v
пt lо qlinnq.
|g '
чЧv9(|v| Presеnting points
additiona| p ]6 pastpеrfect p'1т attraсtion:
s-ттarysentеnсes Making
сomparisons p.18 Аs,when,whi|e p 18 A notiсе,
A dеsсription

-.e fJtuге house: Teсhno|ogy p 21 Goingto,will,present p 25

continuous, Тourism:
. '. ?lсng
n hеadi n gs p.22 prеsent
Cheоkinginstruсtions simple p 22 A forma||еtter,
аboutthеfuturе, Vеrb+noun/ pronoun +infinitive p'23 A |еtter
of соmp|aint
unсeгtainty p'24

.:э Food,Money, Phrаsa|
verbs ModаI
verbs p 29 Contасting
friends: p 31
- .:.. лп' withmoney p. 2 7 Beсausе,
although p 30 A persona|
-. : Ея qо пttдсtinnс
|9 Askingforinformation p2 8
Reаоhinga dеcision,
p3 0

Тhe|nternet p 33 Prеsentpеt-fеct,pastsimple Еmai|s: р'37

Feе|ings p 34 and present peieсt continous p 35 A messаge
Askingforexaсtinfoгmation p.34 Yеt,still,alrеadу,
Giving listing
opinions, reasons, question word+infinitive p'з6
sequenсing p З6

^эгnаnwhorеalIyfounded Ехp|oration
anddisсovery p 39 Тhepаssive p 41 treetime: p 43
.'э,vYork: p 40 Aоtivеаndpassive,
Givinginstruсtions An advеrtisement'
sentences yourse|f
Giving timеtothink/ Оf' with,bу p'42 Free{imesurvey
fil|еrs p.42

extrеme: Sport,
Prepositions p 45 Re|ative
pronouns p 4т Spo гt: p'49
S:a.nng:matсhing tO Shoгtanswers p'46 Result
andpurpose, A shortreviewагtiсlе,
:.j.: с lIt 5 ' Givingreasons p 48 Verb+direсtobjeсt+(to)do p'48 A |еttеr
to theeditor
--,э =ese questions

Э nр ts я n ] . . n at 're' Musiсаnd|itеrаture p 5l Conditionаls andиsh p.53 Culture: p 55

mu|tipIe-сhoiсe Phrasalverbswithkeep, Wouldrather,wouldprefеr,prefer; A Reviеw
A notiсe,
quеstiOns Partsofthebody p.52 Tel|'ta|k,saу,speak p 54
Givingexamples p 52
Suggestingalternatives p 54

womanatwoгk: Trаve|
аndhеа|th p 57 Repoгtedspeесh,Dirесtspeeсh p 59 Work: p 6l
Scanning; questions
mu|tiplе-сhoiсe prefixes
Negative p 58 Suggest/ Rесommend, A |еttеr
of app|iсation
Givingnews p,58 Dirеctаndindireсt
objeсts p.60
Еxpressing / disapproval p 60
5 Cenеs havе a stгong
effесton our
food. |dеntiсal twins
broughtup apart
often havе vегy
Тitlе: similarattitudesto
1 When you are born you сarrуa uniquе genеtiс eating.Тhey Iikеto
mаkе-up.Eaсhсе|lof youг body has the same еat at thе samе
sеt of about 100,000separatеgenеsmade of time of day and fее|
the proteinDNA. Тhеsеadd up to a сomplеte ful|aftereatingthе
sеt of instruсtionsfoг produсingа peгson. sa m еa m o unt .N o n.
Cenesdeсidеeveгything from the сo|ourof identiсaItwinshave
your skinto thе shapеof your faсe аnd the way variedеatinghabits.
your brainworks.You have,onеof sevеral ldеntiсaItwinsaгe
mil|ionсombinations of DNA whiсh сomе from aIsomore likе|yto
the randommixingof your parents,gеnes. followthe same
Еxсeptfoг identiсa| twins,no onе hasthе same patternsfoг
сombinationas anothегperson.You aге uniquе! marгiagеand
divoгсethan non-identiсaI
2 You arе uniquein anotherway too: in youг
upbringingand aI|the expеriеnсеs you havе 6 Sсientistsarе trying to idеntifythе diffегent
from bеfoгebirth to aduIt|ifе,and in thе way gеnesthat inf|uenсe our behaviouг. Some
you havethem.Тheseexperiеnсes inf|uenсe peopleaгethriI|-seеkeгs and gеt into risk.taking
and the сhoiсesyou makе. and adventurousaсtivitiеs.Тhey takе up
3 Arе your 9еnеsor your Iifeexpеriеnсes more
possiblytake drugs.Sсiеntistshavе disсoveгеdа
importantin shapingyour appеaranсeand your
gеnе whiсh affeсtsfhш.
pеrsona|ity? Sсiеntistsaгestudyingtwins in
order to find out. Onе sеt of twins oссursеVery 7 Wе сould ask,,Aгеour Iivesdetеrminedby our
70 births* some are idеntiсa|and othеrsaгe gеnеsoг ouг upbгinging?, Sсiеntistsarе |earning
non-identiсaI twins.ldеntiсa| twinsarе spесial more a||thе time, but it is сertain|ytгuеthat
bесausethey sharееxaсt|ythe samegenеsand both aге importantin makingus who Wе are.
oftеnthе sameenvironment. Non-identiсa|
twins arе morе Iikeordinarybrotheгsand sisters. ,'

4 Some idеntiсa|twins have beеn adoptеdand

bгoughtup in diffеrеnthomes.With idеntiсal
genеsbut a diffеrenthomе environment, Skimreadinghelpsуougettoknowa teхt'Before уou look
sсiеntistsсan studytwinsto sее how muсh a atthequestions,
readtheteхtquiсklуto understand
paгtiсulaг fеaturеdеpendson the genеsWе topiсandthegeneralidea'lgnorewordsthatуoudo not
inherit.Foгexamp|e,wе know that eyе defeсts
are oftеngеnetiсin originand that on|у15o/o ReadtheаrtiсlequiсkIy.
Whiсhis thebesttit|e?
of shoгt-sightеdness is сausedby environmеntal 1 ldentiсaItwins
inf|uеnсes. Our resistanсe to pain, howevег, 2 Genesandexpeгienсes
is dеpendеnton our еxpeгienсеs whеn
3 lt'sаIlinyourgenes

: lfnit I

2 Reаdtheartiсleagainandсhoosethebestanswer,
a, b, Findwordsin theаrtiсIewhiсhmeаn:
с or d, to answerquestions1-5.
Ехаm I beingt heo nlyo neo fit st ype. . . . . . . . . . .
2 toсontro|
Мu|tipIe.сhoiсe andthe
ansvvers Еvenif уouthinkуouknowtheсorreсt
carefullу. Paragraph2
makesurethatall theotheranswersareinсorrect' 3 thewaya сhi|d istaught tobehаve аthome
I Whatpointisthewritermaking inthefirstparagraph? 4 thesizeandshapeofa person's body......
а Weсannot сhanoe thewavweIook. Paragraph4
Inсoгreсt. doеsnotmention waysof 5 takenintolivewithanother family .........
сhanging oUrappearanсe, suсhas usingсosmetiсs. It 6 a сonditioninwhiсhyouсanon|yseeobjeсts с|eaг|y
ourappeaгanоe. whenсIose
Howweturnoutdepends onourparents'genes.
answeг. Theparagraph says.Genes deсide
7 peop|e whoseekexсitement
everything...Youhaveoneofseveral million
8 affeсttheresuIt
сombinations ofDNAwhiсhсomefrom...Vouг
WeaI|havesomeone who|ooks exaсtIvIikeus Voсabulary
somеwhere intheworId.
Hea lt h
Inсorreсt. foridentiсa| no
onehasthesаmeсombination as anotheroerson. 4 Usethewordsin braсketsin theсorreсtform.
Bothourgenesandourexperienсes makеuswhowe Сharlotteand Christinеare idеntiсaltwins.Тhey
d| с.
wеre adoptedby differеntfamilies20 yearsago
Inсorrесt. on|ydisсusses
the when thеy were 5. Тoday.Chariottеis a suссеssfu|
lawyеrand Iivesin New York,and Сhristineis a
2 Whyaгesсientists twins?
studying teaсherlivingin London.A|thoughthey have
a Tofindouthowmanyaгeborn. 1 . ' . . . . . . . . . .(.st
. . r еss)|ives, t heya гebo t h h a p p y .
b Todisсover whatweaгeIikeas
whatdetermines But apartfrom lookingthе same,how alikearе
individuals. their lives?Wel|,thеy both havevery simiIar
between andnon-
identiсa| mеdiсalrесords!
Сhristinеwas involvеdin a сar aссidеntwhen she
wa s ' l] a nd r eсeivеd a sever е2 . . . . . . . . ' ....., (injurе)
sisteгs, fеll off a
to her neсk.ln thе samе yеar, Chaгlottе
twins? ho r sеa nd ba dlyсut her knee.Hег 3 . . . . ...........
a Тheyarealways broughtuptogether. (tгеat)Wasa long сourseof antibiotiсs.Both
b Тheyoftenhavethesamеgenes. а . . . . . . . . . . . .(...

a ссidеntwеr s eext r em ely r,',1.

с Тheyoссuronсeinevery70biгths.
When they wеreteenagersthеy both sufferеd

d Theyarestrong|yinf|uenсedbytheirgenes.
sегio us 5 . . . . . . . . . . . (' .il|)
. . F' o r t una t еly, t hе s еw e r e llil

twins 6 . . . . . . . . ' . . .(.сur
. . e)a nd t hеy bo t h m a dеа f u l | i.
a liketoeatatsimilar
timesoftheday. 7 .............., (reсover). Theseexperienсes madeu '.i..
b eatsimilar
kindsoffood. greatimpaсton their lives.Todaythey arе both 1
с areun|ike|y
tomarry ordivorсe
atthesametime. й . . no nkeеping8 . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . ( hea lth ) a n d t h е y a r e
d tendtomarry kindsofpeople.
similar .|i.
both passionate about physiсa|я . .. ... . (fit).
Whatdoesfhisin paragraph
6 referto? Тhey regu|arly attendgyms.Chaг|otteis a keen 'i...
а ourIovеofsoort. _
swimmег althoughChristineсan,tswim! ;l
b Ourbehaviour.
oh, thеreis onе other mеdiсa|сonditionthat they t
с ourneedforhoIidays.
havein сommon.Thеyarе both to
d ourattitude
towardseaсhother. ;:
(al|ergy) to strawberгies.
tr "'

Growing Grammar
5 Matсh,|-8to a-h to makesentenсes.
1 Barbara fakesafter a extгeme
rea||y sports'
2 Mosttwinsgetonwith b Iwanttobeanastronaut. simpleandpresent
Present сontinuous
3 Fortunate|y, с herfather.
peoplegrowoutof Non.сontinuous verbsSomeyerbsthatdesсribefеelings
or states
4 Thri|I-seekers onherown.
d threeсhiIdren e.g'
are usuallуnotusedin theсontinuous want,
5 Agoodsсhoo| саn e allkindsoftrouble,
bringout 8 Puttheverbsin braсkets intothepresentsimpleor
6 Hanahaslobringup f eaсhothег verywel|. presentсontinuous.
7 Childrensometimes g thebestqua|ities ina сhi|d. ( k n ow
yo u. . . . . . . . . . . . .................
I .............
about thebankrobbery?
8 WhenIgrowup, behaviour.
h сhiIdish (notlike)сrimemovies. Hе
2 Mark
verbsin italiсsin 5 to meanings
а-h' orefeгs horrormovies.
6 MаtсhthephrasaI
3 . W her e' Nsa o m i?' . S he. . . . . . . . . . . (watсh)
a beсomе anadu|t
b сausetoappear 4 | ''..'......' ( nogo t )t osсhoo| t od a y .
с resembIes My pa r ent . s
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( a lw a y/ tse l lme
) to
d beсome toooIdfoгsomething
e adoptsomething as a hobbY ( see) m ybo yfr i eenvde r y
6 |............
f havea goodrelationshiP weekend.
g raise,
e.g.a сhi|d
7 W ha t Yo u. . . . . .......
h beс ominvoIv
e edith....'......
(want) todowhenyou|eave sсhooI?
I ............. (think)
yo u. . . . . . . . . . . ..................
Funсtions you'llgotouniversity?
9 l thinkthatexams (get)haгdeг.
Desсribing , |0 Yo u. . . . . ' . . . . . . ( noneed)
t anqyu a | i f i с a t i on s
7 Complete theсonversation between twostudents with tobea Iookalike.
. fеeIIike. sounds like. Iooks Iike. feel. sounds. look Adverbs of frequenсy
C a r los HiSan dra. 1
You .......... . gr ea t . 9 Makesentenсes fromthesenotes.
Sandra Thanks. I'vebeenstudying Еng|ishinBritаin. ,| studies / foг/ eхams/ never/ Bob/ enough
C а r Ios Wh atdo e sit2 '............. tobeba сk? 2 usua||y / theweekend / swimming l andl at/ Jane/AIех
Sandra OK,butI'mmissing myfriends. ltwaslotsoffun. go
Ca rlo s lt3 . . . . . ......... youhada gre attim e.
3 reads/ novels / thesame/ Julian/ frequently / two/
Sandra Idid,andnowIa a bitsad. at/ time
Carlos Youneedсheering up.Howaboutgoingtoseea 4 is/t a |king / in/vo iсe/o n/m o biI e/ a | w a y s / St e I l a
filmonSaturday? Ioud / her
S a n dra Тhats . . ....... ..great.
Whiс fi|m
h ? 5 ba d/never /S a m /is/in/fo r /a /mood / l on g
Carlos HowaboutMonster Invasion 2? 6 beсause / thetraffiс/ heavy/ work/ |ate/ regu|ar|y / is/
S a nd ra Hm wthetrailer. lt6 ............... . . . . . .a. . . . . . . . To m /is/fo r
real|ysсarymovie. 7 a|ways / something / about/ is / сomp|aining / Pau|ine
I thehouse/often / my/keys/ mother/to / loses/ her
9 сI o t hes/sist|er / go
/ /neversho / ppi n/ my g / f or / w i t h
,t0 summer / frequently / she/ in/ gets/ headaсhes

Tlnit a
; " ; s э nt sim plean d pres entсontinuous 11 Correсtthemistakesin thesesentenсes.
,t Luсyis knowing peop|e.
- ш ;вedthisinterview Luсy,a presenter
with25.year.oId Shemeetsthem
:n a TV breakfastshow.Puttheverbsin bracketsinto onhershow.
:tе сorreсtform. 2 Herappearanсe so shegoesoftentothe
is important,
3 lt's4'30a.m.,
Hi,Luс y. You1''.'...... . (|ook) 4 Luсyinterviewsthreepeopletoday.
grear. 5 |t'son|ymidday.
Sheisn'tneedingtohave|unсh yet.
-*'i ir' Тhanks! 6 Look!Someone fаmous arгives
г:епriewerBeforethebreаkfаst showyouworked inthe 7 Atthemoment Sa||y andBenwatсhbreakfastTV.
fashion business. ls yourlifeverydifferent now? 8 Shedoesn,t gethomeoftenbeforе eightintheevening.
Well,people (seem)to
rес og n ise me_ the yЗ ........... Stative
(often / ask)meformyautograph! 12 CompIete thesentenсes usingsee,hear,fаsfe,feeland
гrтs.riewer (be)working onthe sme//сorreсt|y.
breakfast showfun? I CouldyouspeakIouder, please? I
**'i !' Yes,itis,butit'sа hardjob,I a thing!
(usually/ getup)at4.30 2 Thisсoffee .'....... .. bitter. |sthere any
a. mТ. heshow6..... '... ..(s tагt а t) sugarinit?
7 a.m.,butIneedtobeinthestudio for5.30. |' vego ta сo I d'
3 It hink l ' y ou r
' . . . ......
{":g"ctewer (you/ havе) timefor peгfume ataI|.
breakfast? 4 I'mnotgoing swimming. Thewater
Breakfast is a barofсhoсoIаtel freezing!
(likе) yo u. . . . . . . . . . . .
smoke? Ithink something's burning.
I'mdriving towork.
'Look!There's a balloon inthesky.''Where? I
r-:gгr'|ewerCanyoudesсribe a typiоa| show? it
**:t We|I, when|9.............. (a гrive) a t | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .|em oin
n t hisсa k eD. i dy oup u t
thestudio, IstaгtgoingovermyIines' Whilel anylemon juiсeinit?
(do)this'thefiImсrew Тhiso veгсo a t . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . r ea | | y h e а v y .H a v e
areсheсking theIights andsound. yougotanything lighter?
rгъгviewer1 1. . . . . . . . ....... (you/ne ed)alo ng
Yes,Ido.Мysty|ist lz
(always / tell)metohurry up!
г ' : : т i e werAn dh ow1 3........ ' '..... (you / fe e|)
beforea show?
-.'.С., l 1 4. . . . . . . ...... (a lw аys
/ be )a bi t
Whors (you/ havegot)
on your showthisweek?
*iC,r Weh aven't. Wei6...... .....(n o t /
havegot)аnymoreshowsuntilthe autumn' We
17. . . . . . , . ....... (do)res eaгсh atth e
rтт,*.liewerWhatkindof peop|e18
(you/ |ookfoф?
*1:l Well. We1 e............... (w ant)gt oet
a variety _ spoгtsstars,aсtors,
Butl zо
m usiс ians. '...(n o/t
tell)youanynames. |t,sa seсret!


Cloze Statingpreferenсes
13 Complete 15 Complete thegaps1-5withthesephrases. Thenwrite
fivesentenсes of yourown stating your personaI
SuссessfuI jobappIiсations preferenсes.
Jobapp|iсations needn'tbetoosсary. trytol ........
First, . I'mquitekeenon. I really love' I don'tmind
someгesearch aboutthetypeofjobyouarelooking . I сan'tstand. I'mnotthatkeenon
2 .....'... onething toсonsideг iswhere thesejobsare
з myгoom.
сleaning |t'stheworst job,аndit
advertised, forexamp|e,onIine........ innewspapeгs.
4 ........a noteofthekinds ofwords theyuseintheads. getsmessyаgaina fewdayslater'
'. сatсhing I pгefeг
Write a CV buttrytos ........ Nobody
brief. wants toread
butI haveno prob|em сatсhing thе bus.
pageafter page6 ........
details.Also, organise yourCV into Sometimes I readbooks, but
сategories, 7
suсh ........
SkiIIs,Еduсation, and
norma||уl don't enjoythemmuсh'
Qualifiсations. about
ThinkсarefuIIy 8 ........
itIookstoo. пninntn mll5j6 6916gp[s.
|У lv I'vеhad morefun a]
l l lЧ \

9 ........

Whenyoufinda jobtoapply , bеprepared toadjust thananywheгe

сonсerts e|se,
yourCV tofitl0 job SendyourCV witha сovering 5 сooking. |tсanberelaxing and
Ietter. Youmaybeaskedtofi|| 11....'...anappliсation form generally
instead. Ifso,гemembеr tomakeyourwriting c|ear12...'..'. 6 l'mquite
easytoread. good|uсkl
Andfina||y, 7
I |сan,t
Funсtions 't0 I ' mno t hakeen
t o n. . . . . . . . . . ... . . .
S a yi n gwh a ty o uthink/ inv it ingpeo plet o s peak
14 comp|ete theсonversations withthephrases in itaIiсs.

in mуopinion Don,tуouagree

Тim Youhaveto bea veryhonestpersontobeа poliсe

offiсer. , Kate?
Kаte We|I,z ........'sdiffiсu|t
soгtofjobifyouhavesomething tohide.

Ifeel Whatdoуouthink /fseems

David 3 tomethata сookneedsto
bea veryorgаnised person.Youhаvetoknow
exaсtly whаtyouaregoingtodonеxt.
4 . . . . . . . . . . . ..... , Pa ul?
Pa u l P ers0n411y ,5................themost
thingis tobeveryquiсk-thinking.

l agrеe Doуouthinkthat'strue Whataboutуou

Suzy sufferfroma lotofwoгk
re|ated , Mauriсe?
MаuriсeYes,itis'Youhavetodoa |otofгepetitive
m ovem еnso 7 ............
ts, injur ies
are Jane Yеs. 9 . . . . . . . . . ' . t hapla
t y i nmu
g siса|
q u it сeom m on............. instruments сanсauseinjuгies, butluсki|y
' , Ja ne ?Yo u
haveany prob|еms.
playtheviolin, don'tyou?
:: Urтit l
Writing A personal
De s сr ibingp eo p le аndanswerthequestions.
20 Readthe]etter
16 Putthesewordsintotheсorreсtсategories in thetаble. 1 What's
Useа diсtionary to helpyou if neсessary. 2 WhatdoessheIooklike?
. shouIder-Iength . handsome. dyed. straight . sсruffy 3 WhаtdoesJamiesayaboutherpersonaIityandinterests?
4 WhatdoesJamielikedoingwithhisbestfriend?
. middIe-aged . in(theiг)
twenties / thiгtiesyoung. bloЕф
. fashionabIe . bеaгd. welI-bui|t. . attraсtive 5 How|onghavetheyknown eaсhother?
. spiky.tall. overweight. . 6 WhyaгetheyсIosefriends?
smart.ugly.thin wavy.short
Hair Sizе Agе Generalimprеssion DearStеvе, ::.
blonda Тhank you for youг letterand al|youг nеWs'l hope
youг exаmswent wе|l'
You askеdabout Eriсa'She is not my gir|friеnd.
She,smУ bestfгiend.]She ]ivesnеxt door, and wе
17 CompIete thedesсription
using spend u tot ot time togеthег.Shе |ooksathIetiс
suitablewordsfromthetablein 16. beсauseshe is tall and slim, but shе hates"sp.oгt.
Hеr hair and eyеsaгedark,and shе |ovesbeing
You'||еasi|y гeсognise Тim'Hе's
dramatiс.Еriсa,sVeryеxtrоvrrt_ she lovesparties
( a ge)
an dhe's g ot 2 (harr)
............... He
ha ir. ind being the сentй of attention.
usual|y wearssung|asses аndhe'sgota Eriсalikеsгеadingmagazines,experimentingwith
(hаlr)' He'snotverysmart, but new сlothesand tryingout new make-up.
4 (general
h ei sn't . . . . . . . . . . ..... impre ssion) obviously,I don,t do thesеthings With her, but wе
either.He'lI probab|y bewearing сasualjeans oftеn go,io thе сinema oг iust stay at hоme and
listento musiс.
a n da T-sh irt oh, ' аndhe 's5 ...............
(sZe). ,l
|,veknown Еriсafor nеarly 8 yеaгsbeсauseour
familiеsare neighbours.When We Werebabies,our
A note mothеrsused to sharе|оokingafterus, so she is
1 8 Followtheinstruсtions |ikemy sister.l think we are friеndsbесauseWe are
thewordsandexpressions in 16.Spendaboutfifteen diffеrent,аnd we balanсе eaсh othеr,spегsonalitiеs.
minuteson writingandсheсkingyourtext. |,d lovе to know about your bestfriend- сan you
Youaгestudying ona |anguage сourseinLondon.Afriendis writе about him or heг in your next lеttеr?
сoming youсannot
tovisityoufora fewdays.Unfoгtunate|y, With best wishеs,
butyourhosЬfami|y haveoffered
meetyouгfriendthere.Writea shoгtnotetohe|pthem Iamiе
. inсIudeyourfriend's time
. desсribeyourfriend'sappearanоe andсIothes ,; ;; ;;;,';;;;"'s аndwriteyourownletterin
. thankyourhost-family 120-150words.Spendabout40 minuteson writingand
1 9 Nowсomplete sentenсes 1-5withtheseadjeсtives. youarereplying
lmagine Writea Ietter
toa letter
. serious. generous . сonfident. shy. misеrab|e yourbestfriend.
1 Mariais extremely . Shenevergetsanxious о So!whathe/sheIooks Iike
about anything. . inс|ude persona|ity,
his/heг habitsandinterests
2 Pau is toaskLinda
| t o o. . . . . .......... out.|fs hеsa vsno . о S?! howyouknoweaсhother
he'llbeveryembarrassed. о SЭ!howyouspendyourtime together
3 Itwas ofhimtobuymesuсhаneхpensive
4 Tinaisvery. . . . ........... . Shedoes n't ha vemuсhofa Countingwords/лan eхam,remember tocountor estimate
thenumberof wordsуouhavewritten.
toolittleor toomuсh.
5 . Тom mIoy o ks .'.|k nowlw ouId
. . ............. tooif| |o stm y



In Alfred Hitсhсoсk,sti|m Thе WrongМon, Mannу

Ballestero is a musiсianwho livеsin Nеw York.Lifе Еxperimеntshave also shown that our abi|ityto
isn,teasyfoг Manny. . Fina|ly, identify peop|е often dеpеnds on how wе saw
hе is forсеdto сashin an insuгаnсepoliсy.When hе thеm.Forеxample,a three-quarter viеw of a faсeis
goеs to the |oсalinsuranсеoffiсe,thе еmployееs muсh easiеr to remеmber than a profile.
seem strangеlynеrvous'Manny |ooksjust like the 4 ..'...,.'....'. . Yo u, llst il|hа vea g ood с h a n с e
thief who robbеd them thе yеar before.While of identifyingsornеoneif thеy,rеwеaringg.lassеs.
Mannyis waiting,onе of thеm makеsa phonесall. But if thеy havea wig or a hat on, you,lIonIyhave
Sеvеralminutеslaterthe poliсearrive.Тhey arrest a 70a/oсhanсeof reсognition.If you thеn add or
Mannyand takehim to prison. subtraсta beaгd,it dropsto 30Уo.
Тhe fiIm is a true story of mistakеnidentity,but tn faсt all kindsof thingsсan сonfusеour memory.
with a haPpyending.Mannyis evеntually rеIeased. ln one famousсasе,a sсiеntistWasarrestеdafteгa
Hоwevеr,what thе storyshowsis that our mеmory Womanin New Yoгkpiсkedhim out in an idеntity
of a faсe oг an evеntis not alwayspeгfeс|even in paгade.She was сonvinсedhe was the man who
2 ...............
an ex t rem еsitua tion. had brokеninto hеr housе.However,the sсientlst
,Еvidenсеsuggеststhat our rесallof a frightening was rеIеasеd a fеw hours|ater.Why? Hе had а Very
еvеntis strongеr,,saysProfessorFrankТurner.,But go o d a |ibi.5 . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . Тhе w oma nWa s
еVen in these situationsour mеmory сan be watсhingthe show when thе burglarattaсkеdher.
distoгtеdby сеrtaindеtaiIs.For examp|е,if thе Whаt this proves is that our mеmories arе
сrimеinvo|vеs a gun, a witnesswil|probablyfoсus sometimes mixеdup, makinga viсtim,saссountof
on t h eWеap on. 3 ............... . M emo r ieso f a сгimе even less rеliable.Whеn it сomеs to
a сriminal,s faсe,what thеy say or do, or of othеr identifying peoplе,we wiIlmorеthan like|yсhoose
pеoplepresеntаre lessreliab|е., thе wrong peгson.

1 Whatis theartiс]eabout? 2 Matсhsentenсes a-f to gaps1-5 in theartiсIe.

1 HowunreIiable aгe,partiсular|y
ourmemoгies aftera onesentenсe you don'tneed.
event. a Andthenthereis theamount ofdisguise.
2 Еxperimentstofindouthowaссurate
ourmemories are, b Hewasaсtua|Iy ona Iivetelevisionshowwhentheсrime
3 A manwhogoesintoaninsuranсe offiсe
andis identified was In progress.
bvthestaffas a thiеf. с Hiswifeis illandhehasbillstopay.
d Sojusthowreliable is it?
e As a resuIt,
otherthings arenoteasytoгemember.
I You'II you've
find сhosen thewrongperson.

atnix 2
Eхаm Voсabulary
True/FalsequestionsYouhavetodeсidewhether the Appearanсeand сharaсter
senfeлсes to theteхt'Readthe
aretrueor falseaсcording
6 compIete thepoIicenotiсewiththeсorreсtformof the
instructions Theуmaуstatehowmanуsentences
carefullу' in
wordsin brackets.
thetaskaretrueor false'Readtheteхtcarefullу
deсideуouraлswers.Somesenfencesmaуseemfo be true
fromуourpointof view,buttheуmaуbe falseaссording to

1 MannyBaIlestero triedtorobthesameinsuranсe offiсe
twiсe. Тrue/ FaIse
2 AttheendofthefilmMannymanages togetoutof
orison. True/ Fаlse RobeгtJohnsonis a1 *м**r'вфJ (suссess)dеntist,
3 Peop|e whowitnessa vioIent
сrimeusua|lyremember the .......(happy)marriеdand the proud
weaoon used. True/ False fаtherof two small сhi|dren.on Тuеsdaу4th May he
4 |t'sdiffiсult
toreсognise someone iftheyarewearing |еfthis homе at 8.3Oa.m. and hasn,tbeеn seen
g|asses.True/ Fаlse sInсe.
5 Thеsсientist wasidentified
beсause helookedIikethe RobertJohnsonis 3 ........... (heavy)built;
burglar.True/ False he is nearIytwo metгеstaIIand weighs 90 kiIos.His
dark hаiг,whiсh is usual|y .......(neat)
MаtсhthepeopIein theartiсIe
to theirprofessions. сut, has somе grеy in it. NormaIlyс|eanshavеn,hе
'l MannyBallestero а a sсientist sometimеsgrows a bеard during his ho|idaysso
he may havе one now. on the morning of his
2 FraпkТurner b a fiImdireсtor
3 AIfredHitсhсoсk с a musiсian
althoughhe does have сontaсt lеnsesthat hе wears
4 a personwhowasin d a professor
to play rugby,his favouritеspoгt.ln faсt, rugby is
anidentity гesponsibйior his two 6 .....................
feaiuгеs:a brokеn nosе and a sсar over his right еyе.
Findwordsor phrasesin theаrtiсIe,
the 7
Whеn hе lefthomе hе was ........
(smart)drеssedfor work in a dark brown suit,white
1 shirtand pattеrnedtie. When not at work, he Iikеsto
'l madetodosomething
youdon'twanttodo drеss8 ..... (сasual)in iеans,sweatshirts
and trainеrs.
2 uneasy,
anxious His wife and parеntsarе very
3 (worry)beсausеthеy сan think of no reasonfor him
10 ...'. (finanсe)
3 givespeсia|
tosomething to have run away.He is
sесurеand is a Ёomе-|oving, responsib|еman, so his
suddеn dеpaгtureis сomplete|yout of сharaсtеr.
4 something

a person
5 toгeсognise froma groupofpeop|e
Findwordsor phrasesin theаrtiсIethatmatсhthese
a statementsaying p|aсe
youwereina different atthe
timeofa сrime
1 something whiсhimproves
2 withouta beardormoustaсhe
3 physiсaIthings a person

4 tobehave
ina waythatisn'ttypiсa|

Complete thesesentenсes so theyaretrueforyou. 13 Usethenounsandverbsin theсorreсtformto
1 сomplete sentenсes,t-6.
wearglasses. . theft. robbery . гob. steal
. mUg. burglary
fe a tures
2 O neo fm yd ist inguis hing is ,............ Thebank tookp|aсe at1 o'сIoсk inthе
I Iiketodress
3 Attheweekends, herwa
wewer eo nho lidatv,
W hile a tt h e
e sa . . . ............
4 If| . . . . . . . . . .....,,
itw ou|d
beoutofсhar a сt er ' 3 A manwasсhaгged withthe ofa vaIuabIe
9 Gompletethesesentenсeswiththeсorreсt 4 Whenthethiеves thеjewe|lery shop,they
prepositions. overЕ50,000.
'l Normally
Robert Johnson Iives......homewithhisfamily, Someone Markinthestгeet. Hiswatсhand
2 RobertJohnson is oroud ....,.hisсhiIdгen. wallet
3 Hesometimes grows a beardwhenheis , Someone mybikelastweek.Sinсethen|'vе
4 Hedresses ...,..
smart сIothesforwork. hadtowa|ktosсhoo|'
5 Hiswifeiswoгried ...'..him.

Crime Funсtions
10 Matchthepeopleto thedefinitions
in 1-8. Findingthingsin сommon
. kidnapper . .
mugger. forger 14 ТwopoIiсe arepreparing
offiсers theirreport
. burg|ar. . robbеr
murdеrer Matсhstatements
robbery. 1-6withresponsesa_f.
A oersonwho:
,| takessomeone
2 h a skilled
som eoneonpurpos...............
3 stealsfroma bank:
4 stealsthingsbybreaking intoa house:
5 steaIs fгoma shopwhiIeitis open:
6 attaсks andstea|sfromsomeone inthe

7 makesa сopyofsomething
8 damages onpurpose:

11 Nowwritethenamesof eaсhсrimein ,|0in spaсes1-8

to helpyou.
below.Usea diсtionary
5 ...............
2 ............... 6
7 1 abouttherobbery.
I mustwritea report
4 ............... I 2 l сanremember seeinga manwitha beaгd'
3 ButIdidn'tsеewhathewaswearing.
12 Complete sentenсes1-7withtheseverbs. 4 Iwasn'tlooking whenthegetaway сardroveoff.
. сonfessеd
. appealed . arrested
. found. sentenсed 5 Iсan'tremembeг muсhaboutthatday.
. esсaped
. suspeсted 6 сop.
l'ma terrib|e
1 ls ittruеthatAIexis ...............
ofсommitting theсrime? a So сanl'
2 Threeсonviсts fromBгixton pгison|astnight. b Neitherwas l.
3 Тhejury MrJonesguilty ofmurder' с So must|.
4 Тhestudеnt forpossession
Was............... ofdrugs' d Neithеr сan|.
5 Mark tostealing thelibrarybook. e S o a m l.
6 Thelawyer against thejudge'sharsh f Neither didl.
7 Тhedrugdea| er totenyearsinpr iso n.
Wa s...............

afnit 2

Grammar 16 Gorreсtthemistakesin thesesentenсes.

1 CanyoutosolvethisMathsproblem?
.> Student's Bo'ok !щщщi{jgЩIgщg' pages134-,t35 )
2 |fyouwanttopassyourexam,youсanworkhаrder.
Mo d a lv erbs 3 Youneedn't toweaгa suitandtie.
15 Readthisextraсtfroman interview 4 Itсan'ttobeRaсhel'sbirthday
today.Тhepartyis next
AnthonyClarke.UnderIinetheсorreсtwordsto Saturday.
сompIetethetext. 5 Yesterday,Karlmustgotothedentist.
6 |fyouwanttoimprove yououghtpraсtise
Anthony, you're famous for Languagepatterns:remember+-ing/ remember
playing verydifferent to do
сharaсters inyourfi|msand ''.. 17 Lookat thesentenсes andanswerthequestions.
theatre work.|t1mustn't / сan't ::' a Iremember teaсhing theсhildren Mathswhentheyweгe
bеVeryeasy. eight.
Anthony No,itisn't.Butthen,l on|yaссept theroles ]' b Remember tobringyourCD p|ayer tothepaгty'
Iwantto do.|2 don'thaveto/ mustл't take 1 Whiсhsentenсe is remindino somebodv todo
themifI'mnotkeen. Aсtingis a wonderful :.. something?
waytomakea living. 2 Whiсhsentenсe is taIking abouta personal memory?
lnterviewer to lll
i]] 18 GompIete sentenсes 1_6withtheсorreсtformof these
bесome anaсtor? verbs.
Anthony |з сan't/ shouldn't saуwhenIfirstmadea ::l. . |isten . сIose. use. take. weaг. play
deсision. I don'tthinkthatIeverdiddeсide, ,.
1 | r em em ber do o rbu
. . . . . '.... . . . .t .hef r o nt ' tIс a n ' t
actua||y.Isimp|y feItthat|ц must / hadtoaсt.
rеmembeг ifl loсkedit,
Doyouspenda Iongtimeprepaгing
Interviewer fora 2 Rem em ber .' . . . . . . . . . .yo . . .ursunt aсгn еam i nс a s ey oU
newrole? gotothebeaсh
Anthony oh yes.Ioftendoa |otofresearсh, reading :: 3 Johnremembered tothesono,buthedidn't
booksandta|king topeop|e. Andthеn,of remember the name of the group.
, сourse, l s haveto/ might|earn mylines. 4 Where's mydiсtionaгy? | remember ...' itin
Fortunate|y,I haveanexоeI|ent memory, so с|ass thismorning.
|6don,thaveto/ haveлTfosuffertoomuсh! 5 When youridеyourmotoгbike, youmustremember
...a helmet.
Whatadviсe wou|d yougivetoanyyoung
6 I сanremembeг tennis asа сhiId.
Derson whowantsto beсome anaсtor? ..
Anthony Firstofall,yout mustn't / don'thaveto Artiсles
expeсtto makea Iotofmoney, ortofind ..' 19 CompIete thetext.Usea, an,theor no artiсle.
muсhwork.You8oughtto / needtobe |:...
extreme|y Iuсkytogeta break. oxfordisa smaI| сityrnl ......'. south ofЕng|and. |tis
s Should
lnterviewer / Мayyoungaсtorsreadtheir famous foгitsBOO-year-oId univeгsitу. Infaсt,manypeop|e
,]. z
reviews? visit ........ сitytoseetheo|duniversity сo||eges andparks.
Anthony l thinkгeading reviews ofyourpeгformanсe oxford has3 ........ Iively сommerсiaI сentre. TheHighStreet
is a goodideа'You10can/ must learna Iot. is I ined wit hц . . .'.. .. sho ps, сa f ёsa n d6 ........
Butyoungасtors11shouldn't / сouldn't geI restaurants, аndtherеisz '.......trаditiona|сovered market
tooupsetbya badreview. в
Plaсe... sе||s everything fromshoeIaсes to
Interviewer doyoueverthinkaboutdoing
Finally, cn i n r l cя l l ce п acI

something differentwithyourlife? ,,; 9

Butifyoudon'twаntto shop,therearep|entyof .....'..
Anthony oh,when|'mold,Ilz maу/ cantry : youdeсideto do in oxford,
сu|turaI to do.Whatever
something Atthemoment,
likеwriting. .. 10
youwilldefinitely visit.
have ........enjoyable
| 1зmustn't my|ifewithout .l.
/ cantimagine
9: *, *r ?,"":фe * \' ' ,.g x :
Funсtions Writing
A s k i n g / ex p lainingw ha t somethingme a ns Travelling
20 Jaсkieis readinga newspаper
artiсleаt herfriend 22 Pu|thesewordsandphrаsesintotheсorreсt
Sam'shouse.Matсhquestions1-6to answersa-f. сategories in thetable.
o{q6ф{оbytrain. гollerb|ade inthepaгk. youth hosteI
Pop star fined fSOO . onfoot. a monumеnt . C?tllP
site. bybus
. goona guidеd tour. anartga||ery . ona bike
The 18-yeаг-old pop singeг.|ustinMosеswas in . goouttoa nightс|ub . bedandbreakfast . a museum
сourttodayon a сhargeof spеeding.He was
. buysouvenirs . a theme рark
drivingat 130 m.p.h.on a motorwaywhеn a
poliсесar stoppеdhim. Hе will haveto pаy a Whereto stаy Howto get Whatto do Whatto seе
fine of € 5 00, and he witlаlsolosеhis liсenсe around
for six months.Justinhasa prеviousсonviсtion hote!
foг hittinga traffiсwarden.

'l Sam,whatdoes'fine'mean?
2 Ah,sothat'sit!DidyouknowthatJustinMoseshastopay
a fineof[500forspeeding Maybeyouсan
ona motorway. 23 Matсhadjeсtives,t-,|0to theirmeaningsa_j.
is onanЕng|ish
motorway? to heIpyou if neсessary.
Useа diсtionary
1 inteгesting a peaсefuI
3 Wow,hedid60m.p.h. overtheIimit.Whаtdoes.m.p.h.' 2 famous b high-pгiced
standfor'exaсt|y? 3 busy с up-to-date
4 Soгry. that? 4 сheap d unique
5 Sorrytokeepasking Canyoutellmewhat'hewill
things. 5 original e сrowded
meаns? 6 veryold f Iow-priсed
6 Andonelastquestion.What's a traffiс
warden? 7 expensive g attгaсtive
a Suгe,miIes - per* hour. 8 quiet h fasсinating
b l thinkit'ssomeone whoсheсkspаrkedсaгsandgives 9 beautiful i well-known
themfinesiftheyaгeparked illega||y, 10 modern j anсient
с oh,it's70m.p.h. ,|-10usingtheseverbs.Morethan
d |tmeanssomemoney youpayаs a punishment
for 24 comp|ete sentenсes
breaking a rule, oneanswermаybe possibIe.
e oh,itmeansthattheсourtstopped himfromdriving. . spend . have. go. take. make.get.сatсh . ride
f It's.miIes per houг'. . book. do
, | lfyo uwa ntt ovisitP a r is, sho u|d y ou Г
. . . . ...........
уo u
21 WritefoIIow-up questions to getmoreinformаtion aсоommodation inadvanсe.
aboutthewordsin itаIiсin 1-5. 2 .What shаI| wedotoday?'
1 MrsMullen worksfortheFBl. 'l thinkweought to sightseeing.'
Wh at . . . . . . . . . . ......... . . . . .?. . . . . 3 Togett ot heL o uvr e, it ' sbestt o. . . . . . . . ....... the
2 ТhejudgeWasVerylenient. number 56bus.
What . . . . . . . . . . 1 4 Youshould weara helmet ifyouwantto
Mynam e? I'mMrCa.... a bikearound theсitv.
I'mso rry .. . . . . . ? 5 |fyo u. . . . . . . . . . .lo . .yo
. . st , uо a na |wa ys a s kf orh e | p .
Heworksas a сryptographer, 6 Youshouldn't photos intheartgallery.
What. . . . . . . . . . ......... . . . . . . . . . . ? It'snotallowed.
Thetownis proteсted byU/VЕSCO' 7 |t ' as |o ve|yda y.W eo ught t o. . . . .' . . '.. . . s. omet i mei nt h е
Can. . . . . . . . . . . . 1 parK.
8 W eсa n. ' . . . . . ' . . . so
. . .m. esho pping t hism oг n i nagn,dg o
tothemuseum thisafternoon.
9 Yo ur eа ||y o ught t o. . . . . . . . . .
. . .et ovis iN t ot гD
e a me
10 Ifit,sгaining, weshouId Iunоh atthehote|.

alnit 2
A oostсard A desсription
25 Reаdtheinstruсtionsandfillthegapsin thepostсard 27 Readtheinstruсtions
andwritea desсription
withyourownideas. 200-250words.Spendabout90 minutesplanning,
around Euгope.
a writing,
Desсribe WriteanartiсIe
. whereyouarestaying; yourhometown,oranyothеrtownyouknow,
. howyouaretravelling;
о }oUГplansfortoday;
о loUГp|ansforthenextfewdays.
(nqore of lown) is a ...',,'.'...".
DearDвirdro '| or
Gl,jec+ives: ls lt Ьф or smd,lt? livelу 2viеt?
l'monholidaуin Pariswithtwosсhoo!friends : moJеrn or historiс.h +с'nn, If уov arе visiting
cеlebiatёtheendaf.ouroхamiis' (nq,'.e of town) ih +hе spritlg or
We,Vegotvorylittle .
moneу,so We'restaуingin/ at I stlm,t,er, thе уvе.qtЬеr wti/l k '',,.',,,',..'.
|. (wеathеr), so уou will nее./ to Ьгing
Weare gettingaroundon/ bу
L a t ert od aу, Wе' re ..'......' G.lo+t,еd, If уov с:o.тlе.in wintег, уov sЬov/J
. 'Tomorrow
. Gtothеs)' Аt this timе of уеar
Ьriry ,,,,,,,,',,',,,
a n аo nF1 4 ФWОl rО:,..,.....:
. : '..'..'
.' (wеqtЬe)'
i| еqh gеt vегу
l hopeуou'reenjoуing
. u. :u TЬеге are ptentу of placеs to s|a1 ih ',.,,.,,'.''',,
Withbestvyrshes (placеs to
(nqz.,е of town), svс.h as
Аnna t:'
sf4'. Zf уov аrе travеlling on a srаdl/ Ьvdget,
i*'s Ьеst to .'',.'...,,,,''G-I,еa1 2tаeеs lo slaу).

Оhcе уov qrrive in ,..,,,,...,',,.(nao,е. of |own)

26 Nowreаdtheinstruсtions аndWritein yournotebook'
i+'s еqsY to 3еt Yov с.a|h
Spendabout15minuteson Writing аndсheсkingyour ^rovhJ.
text. GуPs of trаnspor| ave'ilqЬ/е), If уov,rе staуing
around Europe.
Writea in t}е town cеntгe, сtl^kе g'trе Yo|,| ,,,',,',,..'',.
in |гe|and.
Say Gеst tу2е of trаnsport for <:en*rе of |own),
о whoyouaretravel|ingwithandwhy;
Therе is a tot to sее ih ,,,,..,,'.'','.(nqn,е of
о Wh0Г0 yOuarenOW;
exa,tуle, t}е-ге ls ...,....'......(what
о whatp|aсesyou'Vea|ready visited; lowа). For
о whatVourimmediate o|ansaгe. уov сah ge ||.еrе)' Dvritэg tЬe Jaу уov shovld
(+ь;tps х1ov еeh sее aаl lo dvгitlg tЬe
/aу), In thе, еvеning, уoul algЬt }o ,,.',,','..'...
Gьirps уou е4h seе lo in +hе еvening),
If уoll wqtlt to Ыv q t'1piс.a/ sanvеnir, i|,s
kst to (what Yov cqn Ьvу anl wЬerе-

Yov cah Ь"у А.


ReadtheаrtiсIeandсhoosethebestanswerа. b. с or d
to answerquestions1-4.
1 WhatdidKathryn Bowlerdo?
a sheaсtedina 19thсenturypIay.
b Shе|ivеdwitha fami|y
whiсhis notherown,
R ea di n g с Shetooktakеpartina soсia|
Eхаm trаining d Shemode||ed fora TV dгama
сIothes doсumentarv.
quiсklуin a teхt:
1 Readtheteхtquicklу,
ignoringwordsуoudo not
2 Readthequestion, andgo directlуto thepart
of theteхtwhereуouremember seeingrelated

thoРБt to /ф
Kathryn Bow|еr doеsn,t look Iike a great time _ they just kept on bеing
teenagегwho,s bееn to hei|and baсk, сhi|dren.But it was morе diffiсuItfor
but the 17-уear-o|dhas just spеnt me. Сirls didn,t stay at home if they
thrее months in a daгk and dirty were old enough to find a job as a
nineteеnth.сеnturyhousе with the maid' If they did |ivе at home, thеy
rest of hеr fami|y.For all this timе, were tryingto find someoneto marry.'
Kathryndidn,t have a hairdryer,СDs K a th r yn spеnt so me o f her timе
or hеr own сIothеs.She was forсed to h е |p i n g hеr mo ther w ith thе
wear shapе|ess drеssеsand was sеntto housеhold сhores, but most of thе
bed at 8 p.m. еvеry night. Kathгyn timе shе was bored. ,ln Viсtorianlifе I
wasn,tbеing punishеd,аnd she hadn,t fе|t Iеftout,, shе еxpIains.,Тhеrеjust сovеrеdin a |ayеrof сoal dustfrom thе
сommittеda сrimе.|n faсt shе and hеr wasn,t enough for teеnagеrsto do. сoa| fiгe, and they werе on|y a||owеd
family wеrе taking pаrt in a television Seventеen-year.o|d Viсtoriangir|shad one bath everyotheг daу.,|fyou had a
doсumentaryсa||ed1900 Hoиse.Тhе a rea||ytеdioustimе., bath at night you,d wakе up in thе
doсumentaryWas аn еxpеriment to morningWithdust on your skin' |t wаs
3 Тhen theгewere the с|othes.Kathryn aw ful,'shesaid.
sеe how muсh everyday Iife has had to tiе her hair baсk, Wear no
improvеdover thе |ast100 yеars.Еor makе.up and on|y had thrее outfits. 4 Foгtunately,Kathryn has a strong
thгее months, thе Bowlersagreed to ,All | сou|d put on was a bIousethat сharaсtеr,so shе didn,t givе up. But
turn bасk the сloсk and only usе hadn,t bеen washed in two months did thе experienсесhangеhеr? ,Whеn
househoIdapp|ianсеs,сook food and а n d a |o ng skir t,, shе says. ,Yo u l |ook baсk, I think it madе the fami|y
wear сlothеs that werе avaiIabIein сouIdn,t go through youг waгdrobe с|osеr,,she says. .Wе сommuniсate
,l bеtteг now beсausewe сouIdn,trun
900. A fi|m сrеw visitedregu|arlyto and think, I,||weaг this or that today.,
rесord how thе fami|y сopеd with B u t m ost o f a|Ishe w anted her haiг away from problems;we had to deal
their сhangеof lifesty|e. g е l , s hampo o and make.up. ,l feel with thеm. Аnd aftегthe ехperiеnсe,
So whаt was lifе |ike in 1900? ,lt s tu p i d that tho se things W еr е my parents said how muсh more
wasn'ttoo diffiсu|tto bе a сhiIdthen,, important, but I was used to using grown-UpI had beсome.l think we aI|
says Kathryn. ,Мy 12-year.o|dtwin thеm eveгyday., Shе also fеlt maturеd.,
sistersand 9-vear-oIdbrothеr had а pеrmanеnt|y dirty. Тhе housе was Thе Indepеndenton Sundaу

*Vi с to r i а np е r i o dwh е nBrit а iП ( 18з7- 190 ])

W а sru lеdby Q u ееnViсt oг iа

u:rut :at:rtit,t:tritrrrli

Unix З

WhatdoesKathryn sayaboutlifein 1900? Voсabu

а Chi|drenhadа hardtime. Rentingar oom/flat
b Gir|susua||y thehome.
3 Readtheseаdvertisements. is
с MarriedсhiIdгen
usua||y with
Iived theirparents.
for(a)students people?
or (b)working
d Housework tookupa||а younggir|,stime.
а Hermodeгn сIothes.
b Havinghotbaths.
с Herhairge|,shampooandmake-up.
ina сIeanhouse'
d Living r Singlе room availablе immеdiatеly in univеrsity
Whateffeсt inthe1900househaveonKathryn
did|iving arеa. Sharе with thrее studеnts. L2ao a month
andherfamily? inс. еlесtriсity and gas. Tеl. О1223 456З729
a Kаthrynhasbeсome morediffiсuIttoIivewith'
b Thefami|yappreсiate|iving
in themodern wor|dmore 2 Small flat with 1 dbl bdrm. Showет room, tоilеt'
thanbefore. kitсhеn + dining area. L7ОО a month plus all
с Thefami|yhavemoreprob|ems nowthantheydid utilitiеs. Availablе from 1st Dес. Сall 4237564
d Kathгvnhаsbeсome a Iitt|e
o|der аndwisеr. 3 Largе room tо lеt in town сеntrе. Sharе bathroom
аnd kitсhеn with 5 studеnts. t40 p.w. Te|. ОI22З
Eхаm trаining
sentenсe, Remember
carefullу' thatthe
4 Non-smoking vеgеtarian nееdеd to shаrе
summarysentence thewholeparagraph
andnotjusta partofit. friеndly, sunny housе with З othеrs. Еasy bikе
ridе from town сеntrе. Sharе all bills i rlвo
p.с.m. еmail еatveg@grееnmail.сo
a or b, bestdesсribe
2 Deсidewhiсhdesсriptions,
1-4. 5 Room to lеt in family homе. Own room and
Paragгaph1 bаthroom + all mod. сons. V. сhеаp rеnt in rеturn
а ТheТV doсumentary showed howmuсheveryday |ife for babysitting and light сlеaning. О722З
hadсhanged sinсe1900. 9485762
b ТheТV doсumentary showed howmuсhtheBowIers
missed modern-davIife. 6 Well-furnishеd, sеlf-сontained bеdsit availablе
Paragraph2 nеar motоrway. Idеalbasе for single prоfеssional
a Thelifeofteenagegirls. pеIson.€ 4 00 p.с.m. еxс. bills. Nо unеmployеd or
b Howteenagers foundjobsinViсtoгiantimes. studеnts.Соntaсt agеnts:0122З 858858
a Whatpeop|e woreinViсtoriantimes'
b ThediffiсuIties сIeaninViсtorian
4 ReadtheadveЁisements againandfindthe
Paragraph4 abbreviationsfor:
a Theeхperienсehelped thefamily eaсhotheг
1 inс|uding
2 doublebedroom
b Theexperienсeсhanged Kathryn'sсhaгaсter.
3 per week ..............
4 perсa I endamro nt.h. . . . . .' . . . . .
5 e|eсt r o m a il. . . . . . . ..
6 modern сonvenienсes
7 verv
8 a сombined sitting roomandbedroom
9 exс|uding

Complete thesedefinitions
in 4.
withwordsfromthe 7 Lookat thedifferent typesof TV programme
answerthesequestions. Usea diсtionary
to heIpyou'
advertisements I
1 A(n) . is а personwhoarrаnges something . сurrеnt
. сaгtoons pгogrammes
affairs . deteсtivestories I
for you. Forexample, a travel . quizshows. doсumentaries
. сommerсiaIs . soapoperаs
2 ', , . '', ''''''. . ,... a ссommodais e quippewdi t hf ur nit ur e'
tion . newsbroadсasts. сhatshows. sоienсeprogrammes
isthea mount
3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... ofmonethaty youpa y Whiсhprogrammes:
regular|y toIiveina house, f|at,
etс. I
1 present faсts? |
Т o. . . . . . . ,.'.'.. ..... means theamo unt
todiv ide t opa v I
betwеen twoormorepeople. I
2 Ie|| story?
a fiоtiona|
. aссommodation hasitsownkitсhen, |
bathroom аndentranсe.
з ,,.,,,.liy ьy.r.'iio*,lz ii
'.i.r..J 'l
Television people?
4 usually
6 CompIete withtheсorrectformof thewords
theartiсIe ]
in braсkets. s i^rJ".u.o.o.,itioni
6 adveгtise progгammes?

, Presenting points
S Completethe dialoguewith theseexpressions.
. lastof all
: . andanother thing
rr andthenthere's
. foronething
.. Liz DidyouwatсhLosfyesterday?
Te|еvisionis onе of thе most important 1 Jаск Noway.TheseAmeriсan dramаs аreaIlthesame.
(invent) of the twentieth сеntury. Тhe f irst TV ':. Liz Idon't
agree. 1 ................ , theideaof
programmе was broadсast in 1929, and by the ],. сrаshingоna desert island thatnobody knows is reа|l1
2 ....-.......'.. .l950s,
(begin)of thе a|mosteveryhome ;l original.
had a tеlevisionset. For the first timе, people wегe l.] Jaск Sure|y beendonebefore.
ab|е to watсh З. .............. (history)events,suсh as ll, Liz NotIikethis.2 .......... . , it'sa bitlike
man,s|andingon the Moon, in theirhomеs.However, ;. сienсefiсtion.
sinсeits 4 .............,.
(аppеar),therеhas beеn a lot of :ll Jaсk Yes,butIdon't|ikethateither.
5 .......'.......
(disagreе) aboutthе benefitsof tеlеvision. :'. Liz 3................ adifferentstoryeverywee
Many peopIе blame it foг thе |aсk of abouta differentсharaсter before thеpIaneсгashed.
(сommuniсate)in todаy,ssoсiety.lnsteadof taIkingoг Jaсk Sounds better.
playing gamеs in the evenings, fami|ies prefеr to Liz , it'sа|soquitespooky. You
watсh their z (fаvour)pгogrammes.Peop|е neverknowwhаt,s goingtohappen next'
havе beсome сouсh potatoes,sittin9 8.... ........... Jaсk Ido.I'mgoingtoswitсh itoff.
(peгmanеnt) in front of thе ТV and eatingjunk food.
Howeveг,despite thеsе dгawbaсksno one сan dеny piсtures
the s ..............'
(vary)and interesttelеvisionprovides.
9 Imagineyou havebeenaskedto taIkаboutthepiсturеs
Nowadays,with the 10............... (develop)of digital
in 6.Writeanswersto thesequestions to prepаre'
TV, hundrеdsof сhannеIsarе avai|able.More than еvеr ,| Howаretheseprogrammes different?
beforе,tеIеvisionoffersus a window on the worId.
2 Whatis youropinionofprogrammes likethese?Wh1,'
. fuw ery&Ld &a's'А'*dwt g,ж*жжp3ffi.;.рq'66qу.-ж
3 What programmes you
do watсhregular|y? Why?

afnit 3

Grammar andpastperfeсt
> Student'sBookGrammarrеfеrenсe'рages135-.I36) withRaсheIWhitewhoworkedon
13 Readthisinterview
1900House'Usetheсorreсtformof thewordin
P a s ts i mp l e braсkets.
10 changetheseverbsintothepasttenseandсompIete
.сe.сover.ffiaГГУ. fi|m.agree
improve. IifeIike?
w. PresenterWhatwаsdav{o-dаv
. dеpend. WaПt. punish. wаit. work
Rасhel Well,thedayswereverylongforthe
-ed -ied Bowlersandthefi|mсrew.Wel
(wakeup)thefami|yat5'30_ whiсhmeans
thatwe (getup)eveneaгIier!
Presenter5.30is veryеarly.
Rachel Yes,itis,butsimpletaskslikemaking
1 1 CompIete thesentenсes withthepastsimpleof the (tаke)a |ongtimein1900.
verbsin braсkets. PresenterHo wa . . . .'. ' . . . . . .(.Mr sBo wl e/ гs p e n dh)e r
1 ТheBowIeгs (fee|)
2 lnthenineteenth сentury,peop|e (spend) a RaсheI S hes . . . . . . . . . . .(. .spend)
. . m osof t h e rt i me
Iotoftimeworking. doinghouseho|d сhoressuсhas tidying the
с hiId r ofte
3 Viс t oгiаn en n (Ie a ve)
............... home tof inda rooms, washing с|othes anddusting. After
JO D . 6 ( do )
she . . . ' . . ' . . . . . . . . t heсho r е s h
, ew e n t
Thefami|y . (beоome) as a resu|t
totheshopstoсol|eсt thegroсeries'
ТheBowlers havea hooveг,
didn't sothey 7 . . . . . . . . .......
Presenter W hattypeo ft hings ( t h eIyb e
theоаrpets, able)tobuy?

P a s t s im p lean d p ast continuous Raсhel Theyсouldon|ybuythings whiсh

(be)аvai|abIe in 1900. For
12 CompIetethetextwiththeсorreсtformof theverbsin
pastsimp|eor pаstсontinuous.
braсkets: еxa m p|e, t heyэ . . . .'.. . . . . . .(..h a vteo)w a s h
theirhairwitheggsand|emon bесause thе
V iсt o r ia nsl0 ...'........... ( not h a v e )
ltwasа winter's daywhenl 1 ........ (go)toТamworth
CastIе. Z
|t .. . ....'....(snow) andtherе shampoo' However, onсewhenKаthгyn
manypeoplethere, justtheg.t.k..p., anоа ъw tourists. 1 1. . . ' .. . . . . . .(.go
. ) sho ppisnhge,s e с r e t | y
l 4 .'. ...........-(wa|k) 1 2. . . . . . . . . . .(. .buy)
. . a bo t t le - s h es a i ds h e
аround theсаst|e whenIgot|ost. Aftera
f e wmi nut es| 5 . . . . . . .'.. ....
. (he a sфomev oiсe s. I6 ...'.... . . . . . . . сouIdn,t standhaving dirty hair!
(turn) thесornerintoa сouгtyaгd andsawa strаnge sight.
Тherewasa groupofpeop|e anyotherprob|ems?
Presenter Didtheyeхperienсe
theгe, buttheweiгd thingwas
thatthey (wear) o|d-fashionеd сIothes' Sоme Raсhel Yes,t heydid.W e1 3. . . . . . . . .......
( f i l m)
people (talk)together, others almosteveryday.Beforethe programme
Lсook) overа fire..Тheymustbеaсtors,' Ithought, butl
,0 st a r t еd, t hat hey1 4...............
l do n'tthink
(not see)
оvU/ any
q||y сameras, and |u they
(realise) therewou|d be.
\|.vr t| Iсl

notnotiсe) me.Istarted tofeeluneаsv. so l 12

ileave)tofindthegatekeeper. Weheaded towаrds the
сouгtyard togetheг, butwhenwe13' '............. (arrive) itwas
еlnpty. Who . (be)those peop|e? What
. (they / do)?Weneverfoundoutandnoone
эo u Iedxp |ainit .1 6 . . . . ,..........(|/ima ginе )it?

Аs, when and while Funсtions
wordsto сompIete
14 Under|ine thetext. Making
15 Writethewordsjn brасketsin theсorreсtorder.
John period1
ТraveIin theViсtoгian
/ more/ than/ was)today.
Gathy Тrue,but (on/ hand/
luxurious / other/ the/ it/ more/ was)inthatpеr::
YouсouId havea wonderfuI гestaurant mea|one
|ongtгain jouгney, andyouсan'tdothattoday,
John Yes,butt het r a ins 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...
(s|ower / today/ muсh / were/ than)and
4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( сho iсe / a s/ t h e r/emu с .
wasn't). Тodayweсanсhoosebetween a оar,a
plane, a busora train a for |ong journey. Whatdс
youthink, Еddie?
Eddie WeI|, Ithinktrave||ing byhorse-drawn сoaсhes
he сhuгсhbeIIof St Mary was ringing 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( t r a vel l/i n
bgy/ mor e / t i ": -
midnight 1 whеn/ whileInspeсtoгLеgгand / was/ сaг/ interesting) Yousawmorеandenjolэ:
heard the сry. lt was a strangesound that theexperienсe oftrave|ling.
сhilIedhim to thе bone.What was it? Wherе John OK ,but6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( ot h e/ ar s/ on,
had it сomе from? z Аs / Whеnhe was Iistening many/ the/ there/ roads/ weren't / hand) astherе
in thе dark,he hеardthe wеiгd сгy 7
a r et o daay nd . . . . . . . . . . . ( r oa d/st h е
sееmеdto сomе from a house only a few yards weren't / good/ as)аs theyarenow
away.The lnspeсtoгran to the house з аs / while Еddie Maybenot,but (noise/
h e t h oug h tsom е onemight be in pa in,in wasn't / traffiс/ there/ muсh/ as)andpo|lution.
danger_ oг Worsе.Hе knoсkеdhеavi|yon thе but9 ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cathy Tr ue, ( t h e/ mu d d i e г
dooг thеn investigated the fгontof the house. wer e/ st r eеt s)a nd lo ( y o".
Тhe dooг opеnеd whеn/ whilehe was Iooking dirtiergot
/ / с|othes).
througha window.
1 6 Complete thesentenсes to meаnthesameаs the
'Who is it?' a woman asked. sentenсe given.
,|nspeсtoг Legrandof SсotIandYard,,he rеpIied ,| Intheoast.сommuniсation wasmuсhsIower thanitis
5 as / whеn he was walking baсk to the front today.
door. ,Aгеyou aIl right?, Inthepast,сommuniсаtion wasnot
,|,mperfесtlya|Iright., itis today.
Peoplehadbigger families thantheydotoday.
,Тhеn why did you сгy out?,
Families todayarenot..'...... '.'. famiIiesiг
,I didn,t.Тhat was my сat. l was waIkingto my theoast.
bеdroom 6 when/ os l stepped on him.l Аs / ourIivesаrenotas diffiсuIt as ourgrandparents' Iives.
o urgr a ndpa r ent s'W eгe
I ives . ' . . . . . ' . ' ' ' .........'ou
...'r ..
Whenmy husbandwas woггied,hе гan upstaiгs
to seе mе _ and he stеppedon the сat, too.,
Foodanddrinkaremoreexрensive now.
Тhe |nspeсtorwasn,tсonvinсedв as / whilеhe Inthepast,foodanddrinkwere
had investigatеd many сгimеsand hе knеw that today.
innoсentexpIanations WerеoftеnfaIsе.But InEurope, peoplewerepoorer thantheyaretoday.
s whilе/ whеn he was wondеring what to do peo p|e
To da y, inЕ ur o pe i nt l "е
a r e. . . . ' . . . . ...................
nеxt,a very unhappyсat Iimpedout of thе oast.
fгont dooг.

a,nic з
Writing A notiсe
Э e s сrib i nag to u r i stat t raс t io n 18 Readtheinstruсtionsto writea notiсe.Spendabout
.'l. Reаdtheartiсle ,t5minuteson writingаndсheсkingyourtext.
andсomplete thisfaсtfiIe.
a language сourseinLondon,Youhave
beenaskedtowritea shoгtadvertisement
abouta triptoa p|aоe
notiсeboard inLondon'
The Domе
. Saywherethetripis goingandwhen.
..,hеn built: . Givepraсtiсa|
dеtаils aboutmeetingandtheсost.
:ost to build: ........ . Makethetripsoundattraсtive.
A desсr ipt io n
"\Umbeгsof геstauг ants:
19 FoIIow theinstruсtionsandwriteyourowndesсription
popularattraс tion:.............,..
of a plaсein 200-250 words.Spendabout90 minutes
on planning, writingandсheсking yourсomposition.
Writea textin Еng|ish
monumеnt inyouгcountrywhiсhwi|I
appearina guidebook
Londоn,s N1illеnnium Domе Was
built in t999 tо сelеbratе thе new
millеnnium. It is one of London,s
most famous _ and most сritiсised
_ buildings. Famous bесausе it is
one of the biggеst buildings еvеr Thеrе Wеrе molе than 30 plaсеs whеrе visitors
сonstruсtеd: it has thе biggеst roof сould havе somеthing to еat and drink. And, likе
in thе world and it сould сontain all popular attraсtions, thеrе wеrе plеnty of
souvеnir shops waiting to sеparatеvisitors from
thirteen еnormous сonсert halls! thеir monеy.
Сritiсisеd for сosting L7 58 million
to build and for not attraсting
еnоugh visitors to its millеnnium
Yеar еxhibition.
hе millеnnium еxhibitiоn was opеn for onе
yеar from 1 January to 31 Dесеmbеr 2000.
Thе 20 attraсtions or ,Zonеs,wеre dеsignеd
..] сеlеbratе thе aсhiеvеmеnts of thе modеrn
l.;orld. Thе FIomе Planеt Zone, whеrе pеoplе сould
rL-roП a virtual tour of thе world, was partiсularly
:l]рulal. Anothеr еnjoyablе onе WaS thе Play Zone,
:."hеrе visitors сould SсoIе a goal, p|aу a сonсеrto
,:d ехplorе an еlесtroniс playground. Thе Body
_ '.:-lе,whiсh foсusеd on devеlopmеnts in mеdiсinе
.: : sсiеnсе, attraсtеd a lot of intетеst among thе

. :-Lс thing that all visitors еnjoyеd was thе

:":::;'ulaт Мillеnnium Show. This was a dramatiс
: j|]r\- pеrformеd by danсеrs and aсrobats on
'.: :*€ S hundrеds of mеtrеs abovе thе сrowd.

ReаdtheartiсIeаndmatсhheadings a_hto parаgraphs
1-7.Тhereis oneheadingyoudon'tneed.
а HowwiIIl beabIetorе|ax?
b Whateffeсt wiIIithaveontheenvironment?
с Whattypeofhouses arесompanies forthe
R eadin g future?
d WhatamIgoingtoputon?
Ехаm trаining e HowamIgoingtofeedmyself?
Matсhing f HowmuсhwiI| a newhouseсost?
o Beforeуoureadtheheadings, themainideaof g Whathappens ifI'mnotwell?
eachparagraph. h Нowwi||l organise myse|f?
, Readthefirstandlastsentenсein eaсhparagraph.
Theseusuallуsummarise theсontent'
. Sometlmes уoudonotneed'
thereis aneхtraheading
You wi|lhavеan automatеd kitсhen.А|lyourapp|ianсеs
A сamerain the fridgеwi||sendа listof
wi|lbе intе|ligеnt.

ingrеdiеntsto thе сookеr,sсomputer,whiсh wilIsuggеsta
rесipеfor you to сook.Тhе smaгtfridgеwilIevеnwritеa
shoppinglistand orderyour food for you. Yourwork
surfасеwi||сonneсtwith your аpplianсesso thеy won,t
neеdсoгdsto work.And you won,t bе ableto buгn
yoursе|fon the сookeras it wiIlon|yhеatup thе arеa
whiсh is сovеredwith pans.

Тhе |oungеwill be thе сentrеof the smaгthоme,as it is

today,but it will alsobe will havea big
gtasstab|еin thе middle.Тhe tab|eis in faсt an e-tab|е,
poweгfu|сеntra|сomputerprogrаmmеdfor еaсhfamily
mеmbег,stastеsand will knowwhat musiсyou
likе,what ТV progгammеs you watсhand evеnwhat
piсturesyou Wantto sееon thе wal|s.
5 ...............
Тhе housеwiIlhavеa гobotthat knowsеaсhfami|y
mеmbегindividua||y. lt wi||grееtyou at thе door and wiIl
know if thеrеarе intrudеrsin the wiIIhe|pyou to
planyoursсhеduIе or сommuniсatе with othеrmembеrs
of the family, and it will also find and print out
info r matio nfo r yo u.

Тhe bathroommirrorwi||monitoгyour hеalthand skin

Many largесompanies arethinkingaboutthe futurе.ln сondition,te|lingthe tapsto dispеnsethе rightkind of
thеy,rеthinkingabouthow you arе going to
partiсuIar watегfor your skin.Yourtoiletwil|anа|yse your uгineand
|ive.Тheyaгedеsigninga homеfor the futurеthat is both emai|your doсtoгif the rеsu|ts arеworrying,and thе air
simolеand сonvеnient. Thishomеis сa||edthе ,smart' сonditionerwil|kiIlthe f|u bug and othervirusеs.
housеas it rеspondsto your individuаIneeds.Any 7 ...............
questions?Lеt,sseе if thе smarthousеhas got the
Тhе bui|ding,sсomputеrwi|lmonitorthe housе,ssoIar
bаttеriеsand teIlyou how muсh poweryou arе
сonsuming.The air сonditioningsystеmwi||rесyсlеwaste
You will havean automatedwaгdrobe.Justkey in thе еnergyto сooIor Warmthe air,and wаtеrwiIlbe suppIiеd
weatherand thе type of сlothеsyou Wantto wearto the from rесyсledrain water.of сoursе,at thе end of thе day,
built-inсomputег,and it will suggеstan outfitfoг you. lt You сan switсhoff
you сan stil|do somethingtгaditiona|.
wi||еvеnсleanvouгс|otheswith a steamсlеanеr. the TV and turn out the lights.

t', atrrit 4
WhatwilltheappIianсes 1_8
do? Matсheaсhapplianсe Vocabu
to a funсtion,
,| airсonditioning Teсhnology
2 automated wardrobe 4 complete to heIpyou.More
thechаrt.Usea diсtionary
3 e-table thanonewordmaybepossible.
4 toilet Adjесtivе
5 сomputer intheсooker
6 robot 1
7 bathroom mirroг 2 intelligent
8 smaгtfгidge
3 toanalyse ''''''.',''''''I
а meetyouatthedoor
4 energy
b сhoosemusiс,ТV programmes andpiсtures
с yourhea|th
monitoг andskinсondition 5 tomonitor
d сoo|orWarm theairandwater 6 progгamme0
e suggestwhiсhсIothestowеar
f wгite
shopping Iists 7 сonsUmIng сonsumption
g suggеsta reсipe I toreсyсle
h emaiIyourdoсtor
I robot
Findwordsor phrasesin theaЁiсleforthesedefinitions. 10 informed
1 suitable Nowсomplete sentenсes 1-8withwordsfromtheсhart
2 ofonlyoneperson in 4.
3 reaсts
tosomethingorsomebody 1 Тhisсarhasextreme|y |owfue|
2 I Тst a nds fo г. . .' . . .'.. . . . .t.eсhno |o gy.
peopIe 3 Thisbo o kism a deo uto f. . . . . . . . . . .pa ...p . er.
4 something without
whiсhoperates needing
4 A nge|a ha sinst a I |ed a new. .' . . '.. . . . . . in
. . t h eс omp u t e r .
U nfo r t una tme|y, yсo m putis erm o гe. . . . . ..........t h a nI
Paragraph am!
5 howyoufeel 6 AIIthedаtais disp|ayed ontheTV
5 7 |nmodern сarfaсtories, areusedtobuiId
6 someone yourpermission
inyourhousewithout vehiсIes.
I I ' vest udiedyo ur. . . . . . . . . . .o. .f.a.llt heinf or ma tai on nd
youhavetodoa ndw he n.............
7 t het h in gs agгeewithyourсonс|usions.
MatсhphrаsаI 1-6.
verbsа-f to theirmeаnings
I togiveoutorsupply
9 examine a keyin
b switсhoff
Paгagгaph 7 с pгint
1 0 u s ing . . . . . . . . . ...... d getthrough
1'l reusesomething way...............
ina different e logon
12 сheсksomething regularly f shutdown
1 toproduсe
a printed
2 suссeed
inmaking a te|ephone with
3 stopa maсhine,suсhas a сomputer, fromopeгating
4 disсonneсteIeоtriс
5 ina сomouter
enterinformation orotherinstrument
6 staгtusinga сomputerthatis paгtofa |arger

ReаdthetextaboutStephаnie's workingdayin an Grammar
offiсe.Usetheсorreсtformof thephrasaIverbsin 6 in
thegaps1-6 below.
Going to and will
thensatdownatmyсomputer, Itried 9 Putthewordsin braсkets intotheсorreсtform.
] ............... butitwouldn't aссept mypasswoгd' I 1 'l don't
z 'l ............... (showyou
) h owtoan sw e
i t.r
са|led thelТ hеlpdesk,butl сouldn't
(you/ he|pmе)fixmyсomputeг
Whata greаtstarttotheday!Anyway, afterhalfаn
hourl wasab|etousemyсomputer, whiсhwasluсky 'Whatareyouthinking ofdoingnextyear?'
beсause mybossgaveme|otsofsa|esfigurеson hard 'l ............... ( st a runive
t) r s i t y .'
сopywhiсhl hаdtо3 ............... . UnfoгtunateIy, when .'.. I havea doоtor's appointment so l
|4 . . . . . . . . . . .t.he
...doсumenta l|mytables w ereto obig ll
forthеpaper size.Argh! Atfiveo'с|oсk |5 ...'...... . . eaПy.
l suгfed on ;]] Idon'tknowwhattodothisweekend. | .......
theсomputer andwenthome'Afterdinner,
6 (go)shopping.
theNеtfora сoup|e Atabout
ofhours. eleven l ......... _ apparent|y,
Let'sgotothebeaсhtomorrow theweat.=
themaоhine andwentto bed.l dreamed of сomputers' ... (be)niоe.
7 Еxpeгtsprediсt

s ;й; 1::]u;j1...'.

li. Going fo presentсontinuous,presentsimple,will

10 GhoosetheсorreсtaIternative.
,| .Canyouсometomyhousetonight?'
'SorryIm going| '//go bowling.'
2 Doуoutake| АreуoutakingyourEng|ish examthis
.Thatmusiоis very|oud!'
'Sorry,l7lturnit down| 'mturning it down;
Funсtions |t'sсoIdandс|oudy lt looksIikeitsлows/ ,s
cheсking goingtosnow.
We'regotol goingfowatсha footba|l matсhon
8 Writethewordsin brасketsin theсorreсtorder.
Saturday. |'vea|reаdybought thetiсkets.
Sam HiJoe.l'mtrying toordera CD,butIdon't ,Аre beingI WiIlуou beattheсafёIateron?'
understаnd thiswebsite.Canyouhe|p? ,Perhаps, I'mnotsure.'
Joe Surе.Haveyouregistered yourdetails? |'mmeeting | 'lImeetTimtonight.He'sаskedmetog: ::
Sam No .i . . . ....,.. . (have my
ll ldo lt o ) give
toсreate a password. I won'tbuуl 'mnotgoingtobuуa CD p|ayer. |'vebou;-:
Joe Yes,andremember
Sam OK.2 . . ........ . (l/ w hat/ so/ do/ is/ anMP3player instead.
should) thinkofsomething memorable. Wedon'tneedtorush.Тhetrainneverleаyes / ls ПОl€ , '
Joe Тhat's right. ТhenjustfolIow theinstruсtions. leavingbefore twoo'сIoсk.
Sam Now,imagine l makeа mistakе _ 1 0 lnthefuture, peopIe arehavingI willhavemorefгeei _g
3 . . . . . ........... (use/ l / shouI td) he, Ba сk' i

button atthetop? l
Joe No,don'tdothatl|t'sa seсure website' li
Sаm Noprob|em' (me/ you/ want ii
/ to/ do)sendtheCD toyouraddress? i
Joe Yes.oIease. Тhat'seasier I
Sam O K.Finis he d!s (supposed / I/ I
to/ am)just с|osetheprogram? it
Joe No,notyet.Beforethat,youhaveto logoff. !I
Ф i
UniC 4
1 Correсtthemistakesin thesesentenсes. Thefuture
1 |fyouwiII
gotoLondon, visitLeiсester
Square. 13 Lookаt this interview
withan arсhiteсt.
2 Gregplaysa сomputer gameatthemoment. сorreсtalternative
for 1-15.
3 | promise
|сometotheparty thisweekend.
4 Whеndotheymoving toNеwYoгk? :'''PresenterWhatl will
5 Markarehelpingmetomoveflat,onSaturday? c/lesbe like/ are сities
6 WhenMikeisarгiving,teIIhimI'mhere. likeinthefuture? Will
7 Lookout!You'rе
fa||ingoverifyou'renotсarefuIl therebe super
skysсrapеrs andf|ying
. саrs?Wi|Itherebe
" а n g uag ep at t ern s:verb + noun / pronoun+
: r f i n it ive
wit h fo .. fасtoгies andindustry?
ln thetwentieth сentury,
CiПusethisverbpattern to saythаtwewantor wouId ' сitieswerediгty,
{esomeone ..
to do something
overсrowded plасes.
. l,,4y
paгentswantmуbrothertogooutmore, Butaссording to experts,
, ! wantуoutodosomething forme. things2 arebeginning /
' Theteaсherwouldlikeourсlasstodoa projeсt
onfamе. beginto сhange.
, I wouldlikeуoutodosomethingforme'
Dr Bаrton |nthefuturе, сities3 aregoingto be/ are
Ехаm trаining belлgp|eаsant plaсesto live.Thisсhangea is starting
Transformations Youranswermusthavethesamemeaning
/ willstaftto happentoday. Therеis lesspol|ution
as theoriginal,
Makesureуouunderstand whattheoriginal beсause ofenviгonmental|y-friend|y transpoгt,
meaлs,Use thewordsgivenat thestartof theanswer.Cheсk moregreеnspaсes.
thatуouransweris grammatiсallу
сorrect' PresenterWi|Iihisbеtheonlydifferenсe?
Ехample Dr Barton No,itwon,t. Тhere5 Ь a/so/ wittalsobe a
|twouIdbe greatif DаnnyсouIdсometo theparty.
сhangeinthetypeof bui|dings Wesee.
Dr BartonWeI|, inthepast,сities|ikeNewYoгkwere :
ThepersonwhosaуsfhЬ seлtenсewantsDannуto сometo
mode|s forarсhiteсts. Butnowadays, it'snotoffiсе :
thepar|у'Totransformthesentenсestartingwith'I'' usethe
'l bIoсks andskysсrapers that6 аre/ wittbe important,
structure wouldlikesomeoneto do ...'.
butbuiIdings whiсhprovide enteгtainment andleisure .i
would|ikeDannyto сometo theparty.
Аnswer:I faсiIities.
Тhefuture сity7ls / wiltbemoreIikeLas
VegasthanManhattan. ;l
12 Rewrite 1-6 usingtheverbpаtterns
sentenсes above. PresenterWhyis that?
,| ltwouId . o,|"|x,|J^}j''*..Ytr.ъ..Ж;'ffiff&:i::,l.:e
the|ottery. ]]]
сitiеs9 will become
/ arebecoming
moreand more
z^ .,^^.-^
num.ersIo сnoose.
likepleasurе Zones.
3 Iсan|endyousomemoney. |sthatwhatyouwant? PresenterSo there'll be moreto seeanddo?
D0............ Dr BаrtonТhat,s right,andmoгeto buy.The :
4 lt'simportant enteгtainment parks10have/ witthavеlotsofshopsin ll
them.Andshopping сentres11arelooking/ willlook ....
5 Тheproduсer
saysyoushouId meetherattheТV studio. Iikeentertainment parks. ;
Theoroduсer Presenter12ls there/ ls theregoingtobe anything like l;
6 |twou|d thisin сitiestoday?
Dr BаrtonAсtual|y yes.|fyouvisitсentraILondon, you
1Зwillsee/seeSegаwor|d. lt,sa nеwindoor
entertainment park- thebiggest in Еurope_ аndit
1ahas/ is having simuIаtoгs,
virtual gamesand
Dr BartonYes,it 15is / does.And that'swhatfutuгe

M u l tip le. с ho iссeloze
A|iсe 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a nyt r ip u
s pt h e
14 completeeасhgapwiththeсorreсtoptionа, b or с.
Futuro|ogy, thestudyofwhаtthefuture holds,rea||y1........
, Тhаmes
onа boat?
andсompanies suсhas British TeIeсo12 ........
timeand Steve We|I,
l hadn't
thought aboutit,but
money studying IikeIy
what,s tohappеn.
. . Itwouldbеa great
lntheBTTeсhno|ogy TimeIine, theyprediсtsomeamazing
things about thefuture.
Forexample, before 205'1,robotswill wаytoseetheсity.
3 .. . . . .t. h. eЕn g|a nd
te a matfootbaI|. Aliсe You're suсhа theatгeIover -
Тheya|sohaveideasaboutouгeveryday Iives.
Soon,95% I ................ t ot het h e a t raef e w
ofpeop|e wi|Iknow . touseсomputeгs, andour timеs. Whatare you going tosee?
сommuniсаtion withthemwi|| bebyvoiсe.
Steve s ........
W ell, . . .t os e el h e
It'sdiffiсuIt toknowhowmanyoftheiгpredIсtions aгe
s peс u Iat ion, butonething's s ........
:thefutuгew iIbe
I Phantom oftheОpera.l'vеbookedmytiсkets
interesting. already.
1 a hаppens b exists с works
2 a spеnd b save с maKe
3 awin b beat с |ose
4 a what b whether с how
5 a bound b definitely с оertain

T a l kin gаbo utt he future
15 Complete thetextwiththefollowing phrases.
. Ithink. I might. I'mprobablygoingtogo
. You're bound .
togo Doyouthink you'li
. Whatareyougoing todo. I'mdefinitely
tosаy. I'msureyou're
. It'sdiffiсu|t going

Steve |,mgoingto Londonfoгtheweek. I

Aliсe that'sgreat!l
Steve Well, 2........ ...ontheLondo n
16 Matсh 1-5withresponsesa-e.
Aliсe AreyougoingtogototheNational
1 Whereaгeyougoingto for yourholidays?
Steve з . . . '. . ..'....... , but|'dde finit ely
|iketo 2 AгeyougoingtotraveIinAugust?
seesomeaгt! 3 Wil|youstayformorethanа week?
4 . . .'. . . ......... 4 Willyouspendanytimeatthebeach?
Aliсe tothene wmod eгn
5 Areyougoingtogowithyourfriends?
ifyou |ikeaгt!
a Idoubtit.Theyhaven't gotanymoney.
Steve Yes,Iwill,I'vehearda lotaboutit.
b Ithinkso.I'vegotlotsoffreetime.
Aliсe Andwhatabout
theBritish willyougo
Museum, с |'mnotsuгeyet.Greeсesoundsniсe'
there? d Idon'tthinkso.It'sthemostexpensive
e lt
Possibly.depends ontheweather.
Steve 5 . . . . . . ..........
l'|lсonсe ntra
t he
Andl wanttojustwа|k

lrnic 4

,Nriting A formalletter
.э 18 UnderIine аlternative
theсorreсt the
in 1-7toсomp|ete
Whatis thewriterсompIаining
t 2 November200.l
Dеar Sir or Madam,
I am.writing to 1 сomplainl tеilyoи about the
wеekеndof 9-1] Novembег,whiсh l spentat your
2 Yousoid Yourаdvеrtisеmеnt
l stоtеdthаt tnе room
wou|d have a privatеbathroom.However,wе had
to sharеwith othег 9u^ests. Wе askedto bе movеd
to anothеr room, bu1 З werеinformеdl somеonеtold
иs that theгеwеrе no other rooms availаb|e.
l a|soundеrstoodfrom your advertisеmentthat wе
wou|dbе ablе to use y6ur swimminqpool ano
hea|thс|ub. Wе were 1o]d 4 nеithеrrЪёititуwas l theу
wеrеn,topen bесauseof staffshortagеs.
When wе aгrivedat the hote|,wе askеdthe
reсeptionistto book thеаtrеsеatsfor us. Wе werе
informedthаt this serviсеhad to bе requestedin
advanсe.Тhis was disappointingbесauiе 5 you didn,t
tеll me l this is not madе сlеаr in"vouradvertisеmеnt
and wе partiсularlywantеd to sее a show.
l triеd to 6 сontaсtl havе a сhat with the manaoеr
sеvеra|timеsdurinqthе wеekеndbut she was йot
аvai|ablе and didn,[геtUrпmy сa||s.
7 ! would аpprесiatеit
l lt would bе qrеat if you сouId
сompеnsateus for а very disappoin1ing wееkend.
I look forward to hearingfrom you.

N " }, .}*r'*ж
N . J .J o nеs
For a speсial weеkend priсe of iust f1oo
pеr person you will еnjoy:
a luxuгyroom 19 FoIIow andwriteyourownIetterof
with pгivatе сompIаint words.Spendabout40 minutes
in 120_150
bathroomand 71, on writingandсheсkingyourIetter.
satellitеTV ',,|i
breakfastbuffet tt!
in ouг 5-staг
a formal
A |etterof сomp|aint usethe
appropriate stуle'
thе use of ouг swimming 1 Useanуfiхedphrasesаt fhe staftandendof theletter.
pool and heatthсlub voсabularу'
2 Аvoidusingcolloquial
сompIimentary drinkson
arrival not''.аrenot')andnot
3 Usefullforms(foreх
If you require, wе Can
aftange reduced entrance Writea letterof сomplaintto a shop aboutа produсtyou
fees to all the maior boughtandfounddisappointing.
London attradions and
. Sаy whenаndwhereуouboughttheitеm.
tkkets for West Еnd
. whyyouaгedisappointed.
. Say howyouhavealreadytriedto solvetheproblem.
. Say whatyouexpeсttheсompanyto do.

R eadin g
1 QuiсkIyreadthetextandсhoosethemostaссurate
textsummary. Thetextis about:
a A сe|ebrity сampaignfora
b A сe|ebrity a groupofyoungpeop|e
сhefwhotrained to
с The|ifesty|e ofsomefamous сhefs.

1 Takе fiftееn unеmplоyеd young peoplе and a

сеlеbrity сhеf, put thеm togеthеr in a kitсhеn
for a yеar and sit baсk and watсh thе drama
unfold. Jamiе olivеr is thе сеlеbrity сhеf. Нis
idеa was ,to train a tеam of unemployеd kids
with an intетеstin and a passion for food and
to opеn a first сlass rеstaurantin London to bе
run by thеm.,
2 Jamiе olivеr is a phеnomеnon in thе UК,
whеrе his TV seriеsshоws him in his trеndy
apartmеnt,сooking fashionablе rесipеsfor his
сool friеnds. Hе is alsо sеen riding his sсootеr
and going shоpping at lосal markеts.Hе
bесamе so famous for his lifеstylе that the Нis restaurantis сallеd Fiftееп,rеflесtingboth
supеrmarkеtсhain Sаiпsbulу,soffеrеd him a fее thе addrеss,15 Wеstland Plaсe, London, and
of ovеr two million pounds to stal in thеir thе numbеr of noviсеs hе rесruitеd.Thеy wеrе
tеlеvision advеrts.Thеy сlaim that this has сhosеn from 1,000 appliсants, and thе wholе
rеsultеdtn a 2Оo/сlinсrеasеin thеir proflts. ploсеss was fllmеd foт a flvе-partdoсumеntary.
3 Сooking has always bееn part of Jamiе Olivеr,s It wasn,t еasy _ thе rеstaurantwent ovеr
lifе. His fathеr luns a pub and rеstaurantin budgеt, and it lookеd as if thе tеam wouldn,t
Еssex (South-еastЕngland), and, whilе hе was lеarn to bе сhеfs in timе' only tеn students
grоwing up, Jamiе hеlpеd out in thе kitсhеn, survived thе training, and viеwетssaw somе of
whеrе hе gainеd valuablе еxpеriеnсеbеforе thе dramatiс momеnts whеn individual
going on to train as a profеssionalсhеf and studеntsbrokе down, didn,t turn up for work,
work in famous Italian rеstaurantsin London. burnеd food, or whеn Jamiе disсussеdthеir
4 Jamiе Olivеr is vеry riсh bесausеof his TV progrеssusing his сharaсtеristiсdirесt
shows and advеrtsand his suссеssfulсookеry approaсh.
books. Howеvеr, hе rеmains in touсh with his But the rеstaurantdid opеn and is still in
roots, and his down-to-еarthstylе and сhееky businеss.All its profits go to a сharity сallеd
humour havе madе him popular with pеoplе СhееkуСhops,aimеd at produсing 30
of all agеs.Hе wantеd ,to givе a littlе baсk and profеssionalсhеfs aУеaL Jamiе invеstedf'1.3
hеlp inspirе othеts,,so hе dесidеd to invеst in million in the vеnture and put his оwn housе
a lоng-tеrm plan to hеlp disadvantagеdyoung at risk to finanсе it. Hе wants to sеt up similar
pеoplе tо lеarn about thе сatеring industry. Hе sсhеmеsin Nеw York and Sydnеy.And Jamiе,s
has also used his influеnсе to raisе monеy fоr rесipе for suссеss?Dеtеrmination, еnthusiasm,
thе projесt. passionand a hands-onapproaсh.

2 Readtheartiсleagainanddeсidewhether the Voсabu
statements aretrueor false. Food
1 |ntheТV seгiesJamieoliveгсooksinhisnewrestaurant.
True/ False 5 Gompletethegapswithoneof thewordsbelow.
Sainsbury,ssupeгmarket сhaingaveJamieoIiver20o/o of . underсooked. гeсommend . order. dessert . fried
True/ False . reservation
. rare. biII. self-serviсe. ё Iaсarte
JamieOIiver trained people ina pubrestaurant. 1 |'mafraid theгe's notab|e '.......... for
True/ False anybody ofthatname,madam.
JаmieoIiverhasdeсided toinvest someofhismoneyin 2 A r eyo ur ea dy
t o. . . . . . . . . .......... . . . . . . . ...?
helpingotherpeople. True/ False 3 .What wou|d you foгthemain
Heсal|edhisrestauranI Fifteen theageofthe
to refIeсt сourse?' .Тhefishis exсeIIent.'
youngpeop|e hereсruited.Тrue/ Fаlse 4 Sorrm y a da mit,' s. . . . . . . . . . . . . int h i sс a f ёn ot
TV viewers сouIdwatсhthetгaining oftheсhefsinа five- waiterserviсe.
paгtdoсumentary. Тrue/ Еalse 5 Howwould youlikeyoursteak, .........
trainees beсаme professionaI medium orwelldone?
сhefs.True/ FaIse 6 lst hefishgгi||ed, ba ked oг . . .........?
JamieoIiverreсeived t1.3mi|Iionfгomthenew 7 Youсanhavethesetmea|oгсhoosefгomthe
business.True/ False . . . . . . . . .m. .enu.
JamieOliverhastheintention ofopening more 8 Exсuse m e it er
wa , сhiсken
t his is . . . . . . . ........
гestaurants|ikeFifteen'True/ FaIse 9 Anything else?Wouldyouliketoseethe
3 Мatсhthephrasesin 1-5withtheirmeanings
in a-e. 10 Canwehavethe , please?
1 sitbaсkandwatсh
2 turnupforwork Money
3 hands.on approaсh
4 reсioeforsuссess 6 Puttheseadjeсtivesintotheсorreсtсategoryto
5 survivethetraining desсribepeopleor desсribethings.Usea diсtionaryto
helpyou if neсessary.
а aсtivеinvo|vementinworkora projeсt . generous. welI-off
. vaIuabIe . eсonomiсaI
. expensive
b atplaсeofemp|oyment
aгrive . priсeIess
. mean. broke. preсious
. worth|ess
с сomplete thatyoufounddiffiсuIt
а сouгse
d observe andnottakeanaсtiveroIe PеopIе Тhings
e whatis needed toaсhievegoodresults

4 Findadjeсtives
in thetextwiththefollowingmeanings'
I w it h out
wo rk. . . . .....
. from6.
Nowсompletethesesentenсes.Use adjeсtives
Paragraph 2
1 Johnhatesspending onotherpeople.
hismoney He's
2 something thatis veryunusual
3 neaгtowhereoneIivesoгworks.....
ve ry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Kate'sdesigner jeanswerequite . Theyсost
Paragraph 3 overЕ100.
4 qualified andtrained ..... AfterIivingа lifeofIuхury fortwoyears,He|en reaIised
Paragraph 4 shewas . Shedidn't havea penny,
5 сoming froma poorbaсkground Ra сheI disсo veraed . . . . . . . . . . .Mo pa i n t i ni ngh e r
. . . .net
Paragraph 5 oarents,attiс'
,Pau|'sjustbought a newPorsсhe.'
6 typiсaI
' Hem ustbe. . . . . . . . . . .!.'. . .
It'smore totravel bytrainthanbyplane.

8 Completesentenсes,|-6withtheсorreсtformof these Funсtions
Asking for information
. earn. Iose. lend. borrow.afford
. owe
11 Writethewordsin braсketsin theсorreсtorder.
1 Lukeworked fora сharitv.
so hedidn't a Iotof
monev. 1 . . . . . . . . . . .(.t. her
. . e/
is/t e|I/ m e/сo u |I di f| у ou )a с a f ё
2 lfyoug am ble y ou'll
, proba bly y ourm o ney.
............... nearhere?
3 P au .l . . . .'.. . .'....[5,000
sothahet сouId buya сa r . Yes.Тhere's oneinthetгainstation.
(wondering /was/ сou|d / |/ if/ |)borrow a
4 I'veforgotten mywallet.Canyou mesome
money? oen.I'veIeftmineаthome.
|сan't...'........... tobuythosetrainers.
l'veon|y gott20, Hereyouare.Havemine.
(is/ Terry / if/ you/ do/ know) сoming tothe
6 Am ywasn't abletopa yoffherdebts. She.... . . . . . . .t.he
... party tonight?
bankЕ10'000. No,Idon't. Hedidn't reply tomyemail. l'llringhim.
(сan/ |l |f| |'dl know/to/ Iike) getаstudent
Yes,youсan.Еntrytothemuseum is fl10,oгЕBwitha
9 Mаtсhthephrasa|verbs in itаliсwiththeirmeanings student сard'
below. (you/ me/ teII / сouId/ opens/ restauгant /
1 lfyouсarryonspending Iikethis,we'regoingIorunout the/ when) ?
ofmoney. Yes,weopenat6.30p.m,
2 |ttookSergethreemonths tosayeupforhismotoгbike.
3 Тhe|ottery winnеrplanned |ogiveawaуhermoneyto
сharity. piсtures
4 Werea||y needtoсutbaсkoлourspending. We're 12 lmagineyou hаvebeenaskedto tаlkаboutthese
a|ways overdrаwn! to prepare.
Writeаnswersto thesequestions
5 Vivdeсided to throwawaуhermoneyonfastсaгsand
6 |'mnotgiving youаny- youdidn'I paуmeback|asttime.
a toreturn money
b toreduсe something
с towastesomething
d togivetosomeoneelse
e touseallofsomething
f money
toсoIIeсt so youсanbuysomething

10 Complete Useа phrasaI

thesesentenсes. verbfrom9
in theсorreсtform.

' ::':"1:
l'-:'llll"iT#ffil-: yourmoneyt o go o d 1 Howarethepeop|e

2 D oyoueve r...........
сauses? 2 WhydoyouthinkpeopleenjoygoingtoeventsIike
3 Iwishyouwouldn't yourmoney
on thеse?
сIothes J Whiсhwouldyouprefertogoto?
4 CanIborrowt10?l'll themoney 4 Whatis yourfavourite yourfгeetime?
nextFгidav. Whv?
5 Joe waIkedhomebeсausehe
.. monev.'

arnЕt 5

Grammar They|ookhappу.
a pass/ theirexams

Мodals b be/ goingon holiday

13 Complete thedialogue.Usethecorreсtmodalformin the с win/ lottery

presenttense.Morethanoneanswermaybe possible.
. might
. CЭП't . may. must
. сou|d
a notsleep/ lastnight
Sue lsn'tthаtAIiсeMasonovertheгe?
Jerry |t1 .............. beA|iсe, shedoesn't Iikefаst
b see/a gho st
food.oh no,itis hеr.And|ookwho'sshe'swith.Isn'tthat
Sue It2 .............. notbehim.He'sgothisback с feeI/ siсk
Jerry Butthat'shisjасket.I'dгeсognisе itаnywhere. |t Sandrais сrying.
bе him.Why'sshehavinga a have/ anargument
burger withDeгek?
Sue It4 .............. besomething todowiththe
b be/ tiгed
sсhooI tennisс|ub.
Jerry |t5 .......'...... beabout thetennis с|ub
beсausе|'dknowaboutit.|.mthesecretary. Who'sthat с huгt/
сominginthrough thеdoor?
Sue |sn'tthatSamDeасon?
Jerry Yes,itis!So itо ......'.. .. bea tennisсlub
meeting! Butthеy7 ....................
havea Modаlverbs:meаning. Modalverbsarenormallу usedtoexрress
meeting without mе! posslbr/lfl4
iфas suсhas abilitу, or permission'
obligation, Modal
Sue Well,l'mafraid they8 ..........
'....' betа|king verbsoftenhavea similarmeaning to otherphrases
aboutthес|ub'Тhey'vegotа Iistof namesandа diary. theseldeas.Foreхample,Shemightbe herels sliтllarto|t's
Jerry Butwhataretheydisсussing? lt9 .............. possibIeshe'shereorThere's а сhanсeshe'shere;aлdHemust
betheteamandwho's playingwhen. toI'msureheknowsorlt'sverylikelyhe knows.
knowis similar
Sue lt 10.......... notbethat.Hey,they're
wavingatyou.They11 ............,.. wаntto
1 5 Rewritethe sentenсesusing the modа|sin brасkets:
talktoyou.Anditrz be badnews:
past or present.
'l I'msurethatJennysawme at theparty.(must)
2 l'mсonvinсed thatyouranswerisn'tсorreсt.(оan)
Youranswer .. . . ..... ... .
Modalverbs:negatives' Innegative 'not'alwaуs
seлteлсes, Theгe's a possibility thatPauIforgot myte|ephone
comesimmediatelуafterthеmodalverb,e'g'Shemightnothаve number. (might)
finished.NOIffi P a ul. . . . . . . . . . .
I'mсeгtain thefootbalI matсh (must)
is ontonight.
1 4 Give your explanationfor the situations.Use a сorreсt Тhefo o t bamlIa t сh .........
modаIform:past or present.Morethan one аnswer lt'spossible you|eftyourbagathome.(оou|d)
may be possible. Yo u. . . . . . . . . . . .
Sean hasn'tarrivedyet.
a miss/ bus
t{aoоuld hav* mis*adtfuе.b*ts.
b be/ill
t|e rnuвtbo i!l.
с deсide/ stay/ at home
txв.maу hвvo doсidpd to atау аt hama"

Beсaиse, иnless and although
Mum ( a dm it /ha ve/yo u/t o 1 s' " " " " "." ""' t h a t
16 UnderIine theсorreсtwordsto сomplete thesentences. ih. b.thtootneedstoberenovated' I'mfedup-with
,| l'mnotgoingtowritetoheruлless/because l findit
shewrites thatoldbаthandthetapsdon'tworkproper|y.
to mefirst. so dePressing.
2 Аlthough / Because I'mnotkeenonfIying, | гea|lyenjoy Molly oh сomeonmum.(think / thatl don't/ it/ be/ would/
tootherсountries, yo u) 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . а nevenb e t t ei dr e at o
3 Hemusthavetakentheсarbeсause / although I can,t havesomewnere to relax?A niсeswimming poo|with
a spаanda sauna.
4 We'llgoskiingtomorrow unless/ although theweather
Jаmes l'drather drivearoundina newсar!
getsworse, ............
Dad (but/ aссept / to/ got/ you've) ' '..
5 Sarah,s onemybestfriends, although / beсaиse I haven't ifwe had a pool in thegarden
thatwewould gеt fitter
seenherreсent|y. fortheextension aswell
andwe'vegotenough money
6 Heсan'thavedonehishomework beсause / unlesshe . .' ....w i t h
takehisbookshome. Mum ( t hink/yo u/do n' t /t ha t ) в. : . ' ...... Most
t64,000weсou|ddoаll of the things we want?
7 Garyisn'thеreyet.HistrainmustbeIateunless /
ofusseemtothinkthatbuilding a poolandan
althoughhehasdeсided nottoсome.
extension (do/ thing/ be/ to/ the1best/ would)
Jаmes Wel|,yes,butl,dprefera nrwоar'
17 Complete thegapsusingthesewords. Dad Jаmes,Weсangeta sportsсar,itjustwon'tbenew.
. bet ween. of. in . about.
by . a t. throughout
lik e. ( do /we/so /a gгee/a l|) lо ....,,....?
. with. on Good.Now,let'sgoouttonight mum
ChefJamieoIiver foI|owedupthesuссess of Fifteen1........ winningtheсompetition!
a newshow2 ........
sсhooIfood.Hevisited sсhooIs toIook
thefoodtheyseгved toyoungpeop|e' Thequa|ity of
thefoodoftenwasn't good,butpart4 . . ...theproblem was
thatstudеntsWere Verykeen5 ........
themсou|dn't evennamefoods6 ....'...сabbage andсe|ery.
Hisсampaign Wasa suссessandbrought abouta сhange
7 ........ Nowthegoveгnment
attitudes. isspending more
monеy onimprovements innutritio18 ........
system. Andteaсhersaгehappy too:there's a links .......
nutritionandgoodbehaviour,andstudies haveshown that
youсanraiseyourresults 10.'......
eating hea|thierfood.

Funсtions Making
P e r s uadingso m eone/ re a сhinga de сis ion
19 Rewritesentenсes l-5, usingthewordsgiven.
18 Writethewordsin brасketsin theсorreсtorder. 1 Weсou|d spendthemoney ona nеWсomputer.
MrsHaгgreaveshasjustwont64,000 ontheTV games W ha t . . . . . . . . . .
showlzУhowantstowina million?
are 2 lfyoufeelunfit, tryeating lessjunkfood.
on. lfyoufeelunfit, why
pool' 3 IthinkweshouId gototheсinema onFriday.
Molly Ithinkweshould buildanindoorswimming
H0 w. . . . . . . . . . .
James No,notа swimming poo|. l'dnevеruseit.(about l
4 Weshou|d havea barbeсue nextweekendifthe
n ew/ с ar/ whа/ta ) .............. '. ?
...... ( be /
weather's niсe.
/ i$ z . . greatto havea
wouldn't whv
sp ortсsar?(y oul agгee / don't)з....'......, , . . -.
. . '. . . ? 5 |tmightbeanideatoсatсhthetrain'|t'squicker.
Dad l thinkweshould haveanextension' Weсou|d have What
a biggеrsitting гoom and а newstudy. (way/ to/ that/ It'squiсker.
you,ve / got/ be/ a i would/ betteг / agree)
4 . . . . . . . . . . ...... . tospend themoney .


i" atnit 5 j
-" -
Writing 21 completePaul'stetterwiththefoll;;;;d;.-
friends . love. сould. |ooking
. how. wi|l. whаt. so
. anyway. S0ГГУ. g|ad. hope
}|atсhthemto whattheyaredoing.
22 Putthemissingsentenсes
a-d in WilIiam's
1 Тhanksso muсhforthe|ove|y party.
a I'dliketoseeyouall,though.
2 Iwasreа|lysoiryto hearaboutJoe'sjob.
b Writeandtellmewhatyouthink.
3 I'mso sorryl сouldn't
с Thanksfortheinvitation
4 Whydon't сomeаndstaywithus?
d I hopethatyouaIlhavea gгeat
5 Greatnewsabout thejob.Welldone!
6 Sad|y,l won'tbeab|etoсome- sorry!
а apo|ogising
b thanking
с гefusing
d inviting
e exprеssing
f offering

iвt vоl

A personal
23 Fol]owthe instruсtions аndwriteyourownletterto a
friendin 150-180 words.Spendabout40 minuteson
Writea lettertoan Еnglish-speaking
. Stаrtyour|etter withsomefriendIy
. Тel|youгfгiend somenewsaboutyou.
. Suggesta timefoгyourfгiend tovisit,givingгeasons.
. Suggest someaсtivitiesyouсandotogether.
. Еndthe|etter appгopriate|y.

on thеir faсеs immеdiatеly tеlls you if thеy arе dеlightеd
surprisеd, disappointеd oI angтy.
3 In faсt faсial еxprеssions and gеstuтеshavе always bее:r
R e adin g powеrful way of сommuniсating, and many еxprеssiоп
havе the samе mеaning all ovеr thе world. For ехampjq
1 QuiсkIyreаdthisartiс|eandlistthreedifferent
pеoplе smilе whеn thеy arе happy or frown whеn thеr- аr
сommuniсаte witheaсhother.
sad. Еqually, showing your opеn hands is widеly rесognisa
I . . . . . . . . . ..... 25 as a sign of pеaсе, whilе raising a сlеnсhеd fist сan bе a sigr
2 . . . . . . . . . ....
of angеr or aggrеssion. Howеvеr, somе gеsturеs may harr
3 ... diffеrеnt mеanings in diffеrеnt plaсеs.A friеndly sign in orx
сulturе might bе impolitе in anothеr - so takе сarе!

4 Anothеr way of showing yоur fееlings is through tоuс}
зо or sounds that arеn,t words. Sighs and gloans сan show thа
you arе borеd, dеpгеssеdor frustratеd;laughtеr usually tеll

Mв,sSAGЕAскoSS peoplе that you arе amusеd or dеlightеd; and sсrеam

indiсate that you arе frightеnеd. Handshakеs, kissеs and
hugs arе diffеrеnt ways of grееting pеoplе. And hugs and
From a smilе and a Wavе to a mеssagе зs kissеs сan be signs of affесtion and lovе.
on thе Intеrnet, сommuniсation kееps 5 Many animals havе spесially adaptеd body parts whiсh
us in touсh with еaсh othеr and thе rеst hеlp thеm to сommuniсatе visually. A stag*for ехamplе hш
dangеrous antlеrs* to Warn off prеdators' In сontrast
of thе world. human bodiеs arе not spесially dеvеlopеd in this wal.
t ommuniсation is thе sending of mеssagesfrоm one +o Howеvеr, what wе Wеar сan say a lot about us. Businеss

thing to anothеr. It is part of thе proсеss of pеoplе and pоlitiсians usually ,'.u' е*pе.,sivе suits in ordег
Ж .living
%%*-dstaying alivе. In thе aniшal kingdom, most to appеal sеrious, pеoplе in thе еntеrtainmеnt inсlustrг
сomrnuniсation is сonnесtеd with survival. Animals usе wеar glamorous outfits, and tееnagеrsmight wеar dеsignег
sсеnts, sounds and aсtions to show thеir young how to
iеans and piеrсе thеir nosеs, So whеn you mееt somеonе
lo bеhavе oI to protесt thеmsеlvеs against prеdators*. +s for thе first timе, Iеmеmbеr, it,s not
For iust what you sav
eхamplе, whеn an angly сat aгсhеs its baсk and oоens its that makеs an imprеssion, but also what you wеar and what
сlaws, it mеans .kееp your distanсе,l
2 Likе animals, human beings also usе non-vеrbal
mеthods of сommuniсation. Somеtimеs wе do this morе
is than we rеalisе. Whеn your parеnts rеad your " pre dаtor= аn аnimalthatkjllsаndе аtsothе rаnimа|s
sсhool " stаg= 2 mаledе е r
Iеport, thеy may not nеed to say anything to show you = hornson the hе аdof thеmа|еdе e r
" аЛtI e rs
hоw thеy fееl. Thе way thеy hold thе rеport and the look

Choosethebestsummarya or b, for eасhpаragrаph' 4 Theexpressions 1-5 аrein theaгtiс|e.
1 theirmeaningsa-e.
а AnimaIsteaсhtheiryounghowto|ookafterthemseIves. 1 intouсhwith(line3)
b Themainpurpose ofсommuniсation
intheanima|woг|d 2 widelyreсognised(|ine24)
issuгvivаI. 3 takeсare(line28)
2 4 speсia||y
adapted (line36)
a Parentsdon'tneedtotа|ktotheirсhiIdren
toshowtheiг 5 towarnoff(line38)
feelings. a сhange something purpose
fora speсifiс
b Humans сanexpress theirfee|ings
withouttа|king. b tothreatensomeone orsomething
3 с thinkaboutwhatyouaгedoing
a Non-verbalсommuniсation is оommonaIIoverthewoг|d, d aссeptedaround thewor|d
meanthesamething. e inсontaсtwithsomeone
b Smi|ing
andfгowning meanthesamething a|Ioverthe
world. Voсabulary
4 Тhelnter net
a Whenhumans makenolsesthevwanttoсommuniсate
howtheyfeel. 5 ReadthearticleandсompIete thegapswiththese
b Тouсhandsoundsсanсommuniсatea rangeoffeelings words.
andemotions. . aссess. cliсk. downIoad
. surf. offiсial . сVbeгсafe
. online
. vrrtual
a Humans havedeveloped speсia|
is oftena goodindiсation
b Appearanсe ofprofessional
soсia| andсansaya |otabout whoWeare. Nowadays, tеenagersthroughout thе world сan
....' the lntегnеt- o r the Nеt. lf th ey
Ехаm trаining don,t have a PC at homе, thеy сan always go to a buy timе 3 ... . Whеn
thеy aге o nlinе,a simp|е ..... o n thе
, Skimreadtheteхtquicklуto understand
thetopicand mousе will aIIowthem to surf thе lntеrnеt or to sеnd
and r есеivеemаi|s.
, Readeaсhstatement or question,
thensсantheteхtfor Young peoplе аге often morе at eаse with
theplaсewherethispointwasdlsсussed'Thepointmaу сomputеr teсhnology than oIdеr peop|e. Foг exаmp|е,
be eхpressed
words, tеenager sw iI I5 ......... info r matio nfr om thе
o Writetheparagraph
numberin thespaсeprovided' lntеrnetwhеn an o|dеr pеrson wi|l look in a геfеrеnсe
book. Simi|ar|y,emai| is takеn for grantеd by youngеr
ReadtheartiсIe сarefuIIyandmatсhpointsa-g to pеo p|еw ho sе paгеntsmay stil|usе snail mai|.
paragraphs ,|-5.Thenputthepointsin theсorreсtorder. lntегnеtсhаt rooms arе сommon|y visitеd by
a Weuseс|othes tote|lpeop|eaboutourselves.... tеenager s.|n these ..... mееtings,thеy
b |nsomeсountгies younееdtobeсarefuI about сan еxсhange idеas and informationwith othеrs from
non.verbal сommuniсation. ... aI Io vег thе w o r |d.Тeenager sa|so7 .........
c AnimaIs haveсhanged themseIves physiсa||y
inorderto thе 8 ......... o f their favo uгitеstaгso r s ooгts
оommun|сate. ... сlubs. Somе teсhniсa||y-minded young pеop|е сгеatе
d Someaсtions havеsimilar meaninos indifferent thеiг own wеbsitеsdediсatеd to thеir hobbiеs anq
countries.... intеrеsts.
e Youсanguesspeop|e's fee|ings
f AnimaIs usedifferent waysofсommuniсating todefend
themselves. ... ReаdtheartiсIein 5 agаin.Findwordsor phrases
g Anima|s andhumans sometimes сommuniсаte ina whiсhmatсhthesedefinitions.
s i milarwav. . . . 1 areasonthelnteгnet wherepeople сommuniсаte
witheасhother ...
2 informalword fortheInternet
s bypo st. . . . . . . . . . .
3 I et t ersent
4 m essa ges senteI eсt гo niсa . .
Fe e l i n gs 11 Nowanswerthesequestionsusingthewordsin 10.
Whatdo youdo whenyou:
7 Reаdthe informаtion below.Тhenсhoosetheсorreсt
1 meetsomeone forthefirsttime?Уодз skвкothotrhаnd,
adjeсtivein sentenсes1-6.
2 saygoodbye?
Adjeсtivesendingin 3 watсha frightening fi|m?
Adjeсtivesthatendin-eddesсribe howpeop|e fee|. 4 gotosleep?
Joewasinterested inсomputer games' 5 areveryangrywithsomeone?
Adjeсtivesthatendin-lлgdesсгibe whatsomeone or 6 feelmiserable?
something is like. 7 arebored?
Computeг gamesareinteresting' wit hso m eo ne?
8 a gr ee ...............
,| Тhehorrorfi|mScreamis verуfrightened I frightening'
2 Suewassurpлsed I surprisingwhenshe passed her Funсtions
Asking for exaсt information
3 Markfe|Ifrustrated Heсouldn,t
l frustrating, findhis
mobilephone. 12 QuestionswithHow+adjeсtiveareoftenusedto ask
4 ТhepaгtywasboringI bored.Tanуa wanted togo home. forexaсtinformаtion. Complete thediаIogue withhow
5 | hateitwhenit'sso depressed / depressиg! andadjeсtives fromthe Iist'
6 ТheseriesFriendsis veryamused I amusing' Phoebe . far. |ong. expensive
. popu|ar . diffiсuIt
always makesmelaugh. Susan Hi.Cou|d yougivemeSome information аbout theIТ
8 Completetheсhartwiththeсorreсtformof thewords. Assistant Sure. What would youliketoknow?
Use a diсtionaryto helpyou if neсessary. 1 .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . .do etsh eс ou r sl аes t ?
S usa n W e||,
fir st I y, . . ...
Noun Adjeсtive Assistant It's12weeks. That's three hours every week.
affeсtionate Susаn OK.And2 ..................... isit?
Assistаnt It'soK forbeginners. Youwon'tйed anyprevious
aggressron Susan Great.And3 .....................
isit?l'ma student soI
angry might getа disсount.
fear Assistant Yes,youwi|I' |t'stl25 forуou.
nаppy Susan Now,Idon'tknowwhere yourсolIege is.
4 .....................
isitfrom theuniversity?
Assistаnt It'sabouttwomiles.We'renexttoТaunton Park.
Susan Andonefinal thing. 5 is it?
Nowсomplete sentenсes 1-6 usingthewordsin 8. Assistant Very,аndthereareon|y20p|aсes' so youshould
Morethanoneanswermaybe possible. app|y quiсk|y'
.t Manypeop|e havеanirrational ofspiders.
2 Kar| '..whenhisfootba||
fe|t............ teamIost thematсh.
3 lfyouhugsom e one , a signof...............
it's piсtures
4 SueWas...............beсause herboyfriendwasIate.
5 So m e peop le thamoney
t hink t you
сanbuy ..... . . . . . . . . ' .
6 lfyou'rea(n). youprobably
......driver, from

1 0 Puttheseverbsintotheсorreсtcategoryin thetabIe.
to heIpyou.Someverbsmayfit into
Useа diсtionary
morethаnone сategory.
. h+*g.groan.
WaVe. shake.frown. . shut
. nod. smiIe. . sсream
hoId . bIink

arms hand fist head faсe voiсe eyes 13 lmagineyou havebeenaskedto talkaboutthese
hug Writeanswersto thesequestions
piсtures. to prepare.
,| |nwhatWaysaretheсomputersdifferent?
2 Howarethesepeop|e different|y?
3 Doyouusea сomputer? Whatdoyouuseitfor?
TlniX i6

'.rrammar 16 ReаdtheinterviewwiththegraffitiartistDamienCIаrke.
Puttheverbsin braсketsintotheсorreсtform.
!щ!еnt's вooк сrammar

r"esent perfeсt,
: Эn ti nuous '*t.
Howlong .. (be)a
.I4 CompIete graffiti
inbraсkets. Dаmien oh,| 2 ......... '. (start)
Iwas15,so I supposeI
aсross. (do)thisforeight
'''аttBaгton knowshowtogethismessage
or nineyearsоontinuously'
p r e s ent eг_
' ,' а ti tsa r a d i o he1. . . . . . . . . . (. .wo
. . . rk )for
lnterviewer ...(mаke)
-эndonRadiofoгfiveyears.Todayhehashisown youfirstthinkof usinggraffiti
as a wayto
s ]oWс a | | eTdh eM u sic v ' . '. . . . . . . . .(.s.t.aг
S ho r,He, . t) сommuniсаtе?
эresenting theshowsevenmonths agoandhe Damien Well,I s (notbe)
veгygoodatartаtsсhoo|, andI
a.Ways hasa speсial guest.Lastweek,forexample'
.e . ' .. . . . . . . . .(.ta k Pav Ь '| nfaс t here
. . |.to) aren't art,forexample fromtheRenaissanсe,
(notinterview), (notbe)rеlevant to
modern life.Ithinkthatadvertising,TV and
e t hou ghhe5. . . . . . '. . . .('.no t eethis
. .m ) fav o urit pop
е filmв ........... (beсome) a |ot
]roup..They're theRedНotChilliPeppers,'he says, morеimportant totheWayWelivenow,
I e .............. ...(want) toexpress
аnd|6 (try) togetthemontheshowfoг mythoughts аndfeelings ina сontemporary
eges!I (phone) thematleastfivetimes, way.loften 10....... ....(get
(nothave)timе.Тhey into)troub|e withthеpo|iсeI Howeveг, I
:utthey t1 (not/ be)inаny
(alwaYs / be)toobusY!'After theRed kindoftroubIe foгyears'
iot Chi|Ii Peppers, Matt's favouгite staгis Dido. lnterviewerWhenrz . (you/ make)
,.'asVeryfгiqnd|y,' hesays,.Andshe tobea professionaI
thedeсision artist?
toa сonсeгt lastmonth!' Damien We||,a mаjorbank13
(pay)metodo it!
1 5 Use thesewords to makequestionsto аsk Matt.Put the AndsinсethenI ls
.lerbsin the сorreсtform.
(neveг/ stop)woгking.
1 how|ong/ woгkforLondonRadio? You16
Interviewer (have)two
? majorexhibitions year,
last in NewYorkand
2 when/ beginpresenting
theshow? Paris.
Damien Yes,andnextmonthl'vegotanother onehеre
3 who/ inteгview
sinсe/ started
work? I j7.............................
inBertin. (work)
onthatforthe|astthreemonths. Infaсt,I l
J meet/ someonеfamousIastweek? (paint) todаy. ]
Lookatthestateof myсlothes! |
5 why/ notinteгview popgroup?
/ favouritе (already / fillup) ',
threewa||s ofa hugega||еry ina museum.
6 howmanytimes/ сontaсt
them? on|yonеtogo!
.d . э " d . } ll
Y@ц""* " . } - в, я
' еVer/ mеetDido?

: лhat/ Didogiveyou?

17 Correсtthemistаkesin thesesentenсes. Funсtions
1 I haven't listingreasons,
Givingopinions, summarising
2 l'vehada сomputer fortwoyears,butl neversentan
20 Readtwopeople'sopinionsaboutmobilephones.
email. CompIete theirаrguments phrases.
3 Raсhe|didа|ways wantedtobea fashion designer.
4 JohnhasbeentoLondon. He'sretuгning nextweek. . Firstofall,youalways havetohave
5 HaveyouеVerbeenp|aying a сomputeг game? . Firstofa|l,l useittokeepintouсh
6 I'veboughta pairofсombattrousегslastweek. . Notonlythat,butyouhavetoworry
7 I'msosorryI'mIate!Have you waitedforIong? . Noton|ythat,butpeop|e сanсalIme
. Fuгthermoгe, | сansendandreсeive
. Fuгthermore, itmeansthatyouсannever
Yet, still and alreadу
. Tosumup,forbusiness Iife
thesentenсeswithуet, stiИor alreadу'
18 CompIete . Tosumup,lifewithа mobi|e phone
1 She. . . . . . . .'... гungme .
2 I haven't senta textmessage 1 .lnmyopinion, mobile phones аreessential tomylife.l'ma
3 |t'sonlyteno'сIoсk, andI've donethe business woman andI couldn't manage without mine.
l ................ whenI ' mo uto ft h eof f i сaen don
newspаper сrosswor0.
business trips_ |саnсa|Ipeop|e whenI amtrave|ling.
4 Haveyoufin is hetha t el...............?
d nov 2. . . . ' . . . . . . , . . . ' a ndI eа ve m ess a g e|sс.a np i с ku p
5 l've. . . . . . . . . ...... film.
s ee nDiCa prio's t hem essa ges whеn| сho o se. 3 . . . . . . . . . ...................
6 Т het eс hniсia ...............
n ha sn't
disсov ere d
the messages real|y quiсk|y andeasi|y. lt'softenquiсker to
pгobIem withmy|aptop. makeaгrangements thгough anexсhange oftext
7 I haven't takenanyofmyexams messages thanitis tohavea сonversation'
I Davidhas beentothegгaffiti
exhibition. 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a m o bilepho ne isf u n d a me n t a l .
l сouIdn't dowithout it..
Languagepatterns: questionword+ infinitive
aftera question
Weсanuseaninfinitive woгd|ikehow,how 'Inmyopinion, themobi|e phone hasmadеourIives morе
long,what,whoorwhere, e.g. pressurised. Wearenowavailable atallhours.
5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . yo urm o bile d a n dg e t
t ur n eon
Animalsshowtheirуounghowto behave' baсktopeople straight awayifthey|eave a message.
Whenl metМaria,l didn'tknowwhatto saу' 6 . . . .... . . . . . . . . . a bo ut ha vingyo u mob
r i lwe i t hy ou
N.B.Weсannot Useaninfinitive whv'
af|er аndkeeping thebattery сhаrged.
7. . . ' . ' . ' . . ' . . ' . ' geta nypea сe a n dq u i eAt .n dt h e n
thеreareotherpеop|e's phones! Youhearphones
19 CompIete thesentenсeswithwho,what,whereor how everywhere yougo:onthetrаin, inthetheatre, inthe
plusto andoneof theseverbs. r est a ur a nt 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ha sin с r e a s ouedr
.| ve.
say .go. us e.Wеar.
fix.give stressIеveIs..
'l Paulalwaysknows ...............
soсiabIe. S equenсing
2 GregwiIIknow thepгoblem. He,sbri|Iiant
maths. 21 Numbertheinstruсtions in theсorreсtorder1-5.
fortheparty . ТhenсompIete thesentenсes withwordsfromthelist.
3 Sallywasns'ture........
. Afterthat. Sесondly . Next. FirstofaI|
. Fina||y
4 Didyou|earn a сarthissummer?
5 Doyouknow.............
'. body|anguage effeсtively? Howto senda text
6 Тraсydidn'tknow herboyfriendforhis ,сreаte
П , seIeсt
birthday. П , сhoose a phonenumberto sendthe
7 Canyo usho wme..'.....'......
thisсomputer I tisn'
? t message Io.
worKrng. .messages'from
П , se|eсt
8 SueсouIdn't deсide forherhoIidavs. .send'
П , se|eсt
П , writeyourmessage usingon|y160

I'lriting 24 Readtheemailandwritean answerto it.Useyourown
name.Sаyyouсan'tgo andexpIain
Е rт a i I s anotherdayandtime.
t2 Complete
a forsomeone
h easytoгeaсtquiсk|y
a Тhisis theequivaIent
of Тo: ........... ... (yourname)
d сanbesentorforwaгded
ifyouсheсkthatyou From:Anniе Switсh
f makeittoolong
g Youсanemphasise Subjесt:P|ayingtennis
h deletetheparts
Hi! Would you liketo playtennison Fridayafter
sсhool?We сouIdmееt at the tеnnisсouгtsat
Tips for good messages 5.00 p.m. l,lIbгingsomеthingto drinkand
. Don,t геplyto a messagetoo quiсk| is сhoсo|ateto kееp us going.
and thеn rеgrеtyour rеiponsе.
Angryrеpliеsarе сalled7flaming,. 0: -)
. Don,twritepersonalсommentsaboutother
pеopleor sеndсonfidеntiaI information. Love
Еmai|sаrе not аlwaysprivatе,and messаges
to thе Wrongperson.
. Giveyour mеssagea subjeсt.Say сlеarlywhat
thе mеssаgеis about,e.g.,Тhiswеekend,.
D on, tЗ '. ''. . '. . .....
; it w on,ta ll showon thе A message
subjесtlinе. .,u
. Avoidusingсompliсated 25 A frjendhаssentyou an emаilaboutnextweekend.
baсkgrounds or
sendingbig attaсhments, FoI|ow theinstruсtions
аndanswerthis message.
as tБеseсan takеa your
longtimeа Spendabout15minutes writing
When you are rеplyingto a mеssagеor
forwаrdinga message,5 .. . . -you don,t Writea гep|y
totheemailbeIow tomakeanarгangement.
nеed,otheгwiseit сan gеt vеry |ong. . Useappropriate emailstyle.
Avoidusingbo|dor itaIiс|еttеrs.Not all . Sаyyoudon'twanttoseethefi|m, why.
pГogramsshow them .. a word by . Makеanalternative suggestion.
aroundit. . Suggest a timeandp|aсetomeet'
Cheсk.yourspelIingand makesa
good imprеssion7 havеn,tmade
any сareless
spellingmistakesoг missеdout
an impoгtantword.
Don,tsеndmessagеs in сapital|еtteгs. Fгom:Rob <rob@dipex22.сom>
sho utinq.
Subjeсt:Nеxt weеkеnd
Hi! How arеyou?
23 Abbreviationsareoftenusedin all typesof messages. Are you frее nеxt wееkеnd?WouIdyou Iikеto
,|-8to theirmeanings
lriatсhabbreviations a-h.
meet up? Thеre,sa good film on at thе
1 AFAIK a n0rep|yneсessary
Piсturehouseon Saturdayсa||edLovеot First
2 BTW b asfaras I know
3 FYI inadvanсe Srght.What do you think?
с thanks
4 IMHO d rollingonthefloorlaughing Let mе know.
5 LOL e bytheway
6 NRN f laughing outIoud
7 ROFL g foгyourinformаtion
8 T IA h inmyhumble opinion
R e adi n g
1 ReadtheartiсIeandаnswerquestions1-7.
I Whereis theislandofRun?

2 WhatdidNathaniel do fora living?


3 WhywasRunimportant?

4 HowdidCourthope

5 WhydidtheBritish

You may wondеr what thе

6 Whiсhсountгy RunafterthесonfIiсt?
сonnесtion is bеtwееn this
7 HowdidNewYoгkgetitsnаme?
Small island and thе biggеst
сity in AmеIiсa. Add a wat ovеI
nutmеg* and atl сldvеnturer
| Ехаm trаining сallеd СourthoPe, and it all
1 Readtheteхtfirst'For eaсhgap'guesswhatkindof
ls mЬslng.
information Run is onе of the forgottenislands of thе world. It is
2 Lookforcluesin thevoсabulary andnotiсereferenсe lеss than thrее kilоmеtrеs long and one kilomеtrе
wordssuchas pronouns (it,this,thosе,etс')andtime widе. 1 It is a small piесе of roсk in a
etc,)' remotеpart of thе Еast Indiеs,sеparatеdfrom Austгalia
tlу 96О kilomеtrеs of oсеan.
But dеspitе its sizе, Run was not always so пеglесtеd'
Sentenсes a-f aremissingfromtheаrtiсIe. Puteaсh
For muсh of thе sеvеntееnth сеntury thеrе wеrе
onein аn appropriate pIaсe.
sеttlеrs thеrе, and Еngland and Holland fiеrсеlr-
a ltwasсonsidered as itspowerfuI
a Iuxury, пlediсina| fought for сontrоl of thе island. For many years,a tinr-
qualities werethoughttobea сureforthеplague' bсlпd of сourageousЕnglishmеn fought off an armr.
b TheЕnglish demanded theimmediate return
ofRun, muсh strongеr than thеmsе]vеs. . That
whiIe theDutсhwanted thereturn ofManhattanlsIand. man WasNathaniеl Сourthopе.
с Today, аImostfourсenturiesafterhisdeath,
boththe Nathaniеl Courthopе was a tradеrwho workеd fdr thе
ЕngIish andAmeriсans haveforgotten Courthope. Еast India Сompany. Hе arrivеd in Run in 161116.anс
d |tis so insignificaлf evenappear onthe t5 took part in thе thrее-yеarstrugglеagainstthe.Dutсh'
maD. Surprisingly,thе fight was for сontrol of Run,s nutmеg
Themenwereledbyanadventurer whoseheroЬm was trееs,whosе lеmon-yеllow fruit was worth its wеight
toсhange theсourseofAmeriсan history. in gold. . Unfortunatеly it was also vеrr'
Ifthistoowasсontro|Ied bytheDutсh, ofpounds
= powdеrmаdеfrоma plantwhiсhgivеsflavourto food
wouldbelostandthebattle fornutmeg wouldbeover.

themeаningof thesewordsandphrases.
1 takepaгtina .'. strugg|e

2 worth ingo|d(|ines
itsweight 1т' 18)

3 warbгoke 33)

4 months (lines39,40)

5 (he)helped
toгeshape (|ines
history 44'45)

Еxplorationand disсovery
4 Thesewordsappearin itаIiсsin theartiсleor the
missingsentenсes. Groupthemintonouns'verbsand
adjeсtives. Usea diсtionary to heIpyou,
. wonder. forgotten. сourageous . adventurer
osgffe.Ч€ l еfe€ l
. heroism. remote. starve . sourсe . band
. insignifiсant
. neg|eсted. suгvive. injured. negotiations
.':е. In faсt, nutmеg only grеWon six rеmotе islands
Nouns Verbs Adjeсtives
: thе Еast Indiеs.As a rеsult thе valuе of nutrnеg rosе
.' inсrеdiblе 60,000 pеr сеnt, and Сourthope Was
'.1t to dеfеnd Run, Еngland,slast rеmaining sourсеof
- ,: spiсе.

- -.urthopе,stwo ships arrivеd in Run,s harbour in

. .сеmbеr 1616. At first, thе Dutсh tried to stаrуе
.iurthopе and.his mеn rathеr than fight thеm, but
.:lazingly thеy managed to surviуe.Finally, in 762o
l-nеof thеm triеd to lеavе thе ship,.Thе 5 Whiсhof theverbsin 4 means:
. ltСh surprisеd thе ship, opеnеd firе on it and 1 havenofood?
- urthopе wasiпjurеd.Hе nеvеrrесovеrеd.Aftеrthаt, 2 wanttoknowsomethino?
::-. island sulтeпdеrеd to thе Dutсh .. 3 giveuporgivein?
'':;|652, was givеn baсk to thе
thе wаr eвdеd aпd;lllRun
: - Elish: Bиt,зоon..after,.'.*'aтl.
biokе out tiешёеn thе two Whiсhof theadjeсtives in 4 couIdyou useto desсribe:
. - lпtriеs again,ф'Runlйas takеn liy:l.ihеD.utсhonсе 1 a m em o r v?
:эrе. This timе tlrё.Ефlish wеre..lо an9rу that thе 2 a so|dieг?
]'irkе of....Vсrk5gдi....:t";i'htфs
aiioss,.thё Atlantiс and 3 a p|aсe?.
.fpturеd.'.]thеDutсh-hеld island of Мanhattan. Тhе pieсe
4 a ofinformation?
:''..r sidеs mеt to try and find a solution .to thе
::-,blеm. 5 .
5 nottakeсareof?
....... Howеvеrl...aitеr]mo.,ths of
'::ОtiаtioпS, it was a$еёd that thе Dutсh.shoцld kееp
; эn and thе Еnglish..ihoшtdkееp Мanhaitan. Soon Whiсhof thenounsin 4 meаns:
,| someonewhodoesdangerous things?
:*еrwardsthФtinу,l.5g1tlеment around Manhattan was
.. :emеd Nей]l.Y.oik after.the].Dukе.
.Yеthis сerеnсо.ot
Rnn hеlpеdto rеshapе 2 thеoIaсe сomesfгomoris obtainеd?
'-!tory. Although his dеаth robbеd Еngland of hеr
- ;tmе& it was to give hег thе biggеst of applеs!* 3 greatсourage

: :.:ish Airways Highф.magazine 4 a groupofpeople


. i h e ' Bi6 p|а n t еd

з г k b eс a m е
kn. о wnа s AрpIe't h a лkst o t h еа pp|еorсh a rds by
.JvеrnorPeterstruyvesаnt in 1he17thсеnturу.

8 Complete sentenсes 1-7withthenounformre|ated to Funсtions
theverbin braсkets.
G iving inst r uсt io ns
1 It 'sdiffiс uIt t os eethe...............
betw e enR unI slа nd
andNewYork. (сonneсt) 10 Complete thegapswiththesephrases.
2 Thefаmine wasterrib|e. Manypeop|e diedof . makesure. remember
. don't . watсh
forget out
. (staгve) . takeсare.beсarefuI
3 Youneedgood skiIls
toIiveona deseгt Tom HiSandrа. You,ve beenсamping before, haven't
is|and. (suгvive)
you?Whatshou|d I remembег?
4 HoI|and's inthespiсеindustry wasa thгeat S a ndr a HiTo mW . eI fir 1 . . . . . . . .............
I , st |y, с a mpt oo
toЕngland. (invo|vе) сIosetoa river. Youсаngetf|ooded, whiсhisn't
5 Тhepeaсe.......... .. . Werelonganddiffiсult.(negotiаte) m uсhf un. A ndz . . . . . . . . . . t oс a moi nt h e
6 Nat h anieI n ev eг гe сov ere d his..'........ ...(.inj
fгom . uгe) shadeifpossible.
7 4 . . . . . . . . . . .....
w ase stablishe ondtheis la nd(set
. t le) Тom Whataboutputting thetentup?
Sandrа We|I, з ......... totakesomething tohitthе
G h iс ag o tentpegswith.Sometimes theground is very
9 Readthisinformаtion
aboutChiсagoandсompIete haгd.
thefaсtfiIe. Tom Anything е|se?
Sandra Yes.a ......... . forsharp stones under you'

tent.Theyсangiveyoua rea||y unсomfoгtable
Tom That'sa goodidea.Iwouldn't havethought oftha:
S a ndr а A no t her
t hingis t o5 . . . . . . . . . ...........
t h atth e
gгound is leve|. otheгwise, you'|| ro||outofyour
Тhе North Amеriсan сity of Сhiсago was cI ддninп hяп

foundеd on thе shorеs of Lakе Miсhigan in Тom Aretheсampsites noгma|ly

thе mid-еightееn hundrеds. so.But6
Sandra Yes,l think '. ofyour
anywаy.Andonemorething:don'tforgetto sendmе e

Тhе wеathеr is mixеd. In summеr thе tеmpеraturе

avеragеszЗ"С l 7З"F,Iэut in wintеr it falls to _7"С l
21.F. Thете is about a mеtrе of snow еaсh wintеr.
Тhe сity is famous for bеing windy _ its niсknamе is
.Тhе Windy Сity'.
Thе сity is wеll knоwn for its skysсrapеrs:thтее of
thе world,s tallеst buildings arе thеrе. Тhе сitizеns оf
Chiсago arе pтoud of thеir сosrrropolitan, vibrant
сity. It is hоmе to many intеrеsting pеoplе,
buildings, сultural attlaсtions, popular landmarks
and divеrsе nеighbourhoods.
rlahis world-сlass сity has supеrb rесrеational
l faсilitiеs wtth 29 miles of lakеfront' 200 thеatrеs,
552 parks and about 7,000 rеstaurants.It alsо boasts Loсation:
thе world,s largеst publiс |i|эratу,a frее zоo whiсh is When founded:
opеn еvеry day of thе yеar, and thеrе arе musеums
and gallеriеs with еxсеllent еxhibitions.
Thе population of 3 million is еthniсally mixеd Famousinhabitants:
and inсludеs thе largеst Polish population оutsidе Climate:
Warsaw. Famous Сhiсagoans inсludе thе animator Niсknamе:
Walt Disnеy, thе talk show host oprah Winfrеy,
and thе man who startеd MсDonalds, Ray Kroс.

alniс 7

Grammar 13 completetheaЁiсIewiththepаssiveformof theverb

.n e p а ss i v e in braсkets.

Lastweek,George W Bushand
Madonna з
passive: objeсts'Someyerbs.suсhas
эrоmise.offerandteIl.сanhavea direсtandan indireсt
--.эхample, ТheypromisedTima rewаrd'Boththedireсtobjeсt Hingis andHughGrant
а reward)and theindireсtobjeсt(Tim)сanbeсomethesubject
of 2.........'...... ( r e p oг t ) t o
-.; ;аssiyesentenсe:A rewardwas promisedto TimorTimwas bethere, too.Wasitanenormous
эromised а rewаrd. сelebrity paгty?Notexaсtly. Тhey
3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( a l/|t u г n
1 1 Rewritethesesentenсesin the passive. into)wax models for Madamе
1 N/att a Iotof famouspeople.
has interviewed Тussaud's, LasVegas.
Е^*^,,. ^^^^|^
Тhesсulptoгs Тussaud's сare
, #Жi.!..;.;'l;o tr.'.,r...*
toensure areas |ife|ike over
as possible'
200measurements a (take)
3 Someone hasIefttheiгmobi|e phoneonthetab|e.
A mobiIe phone ......... _ andovera halfoftheseсanbeoftheheadalone.
4 Myfriend gavemea сonоeгt tiсket' TheMadame Тussaud's sсu|pture ofthesubjeсt
I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s ................ ( develoin p)sever astl a g e sF.i r s ta,
Someone toIdmetowatсh theshow' 6 ................ (сonstruсt) tothepreсise
l ................ а ndt his7 . . . . . . . . ......' .
hefsubj eсt
measuг em ent tso
A popstarinvited Matttoa сonсert' oftheheadandbody
(сoveф withсlаy'Nеxt,plaster moulds
lr/att ...........
8 (сreate)fromtheс|aymode|.
ТheТV reoair manhasfixedthete|evision
Т het eIevision Beeswa9x. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ( po uфint ot h eh e a dmou | d .
Someone sto|emyfavourite CD' Тhislо (|eave)toсooIfoг40 minutes'
M yfavo urit CD e . . ........... Thent heliquid 1 1
wa x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (drain a )w a y '
|eavinga hollow waxheadabout2.5сentimetres thiсk. The
,, .,
York. lz
body fibreg|ass.
W hent hehea dsa ndbo dies1 3 . . . . . . ............ ..' ..( f i 0
1 N еwYo rkB ay (dis сov eфin1 5 2 4
bythe|ta|ian navigator Verrazano. together, themodels havеtobedressed' Тhe сlothes
2 t r е epub |iс
eduс ation (not .
............................ 1 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( o f t en byt hes u b j e с t|st .,s
/ do na t e)
introduсe) untiI 1849. hardly surprising that,afterallthisattention todetai|, thewax
Cen t ralP ark. . . . . ...... . (сre a te
in)themid- m o dels 1 5. . . . . '.... . . . . . s f u sw
( so m et im/ ce on e )i t h
nineteenth сentury togiveNewYorkers aссesstothe themse1ves!

Skysсrapers (on|yсonstгuсt) in
NewYoгkаfter1860. 14 Putthesewordsintotheсorreсtorder.
5 NewYorkbusinessmen .......... . (throw)
\....--./ 1 finished / be/ week/ the/ next/ wi||
/ deсorating / by
intopaniсbytheWal|Street Crashin 1929.
Offiсia|taxis........... (paint)
yel|ow sinсe1970.
2 dest гo yed
/o f/сit y/m uсh
/ by/t he/t he f i r e / w a s
Г i 4oгe langua
t han1 1 6 ges
(speak) onthestreets oftheсity.
3 she/bv/wa s/t o /t hea t r e/t he/t/Sa ikmon
en ?
Тhewor|djamous NewYorkMarathon
/ organise)in '1970.
4 designed
/t hе/by/Em pir/S BuiI d i /nw
e t a t e/ g a s / w h o?
ТheMadison SquareGarden spoгts сentre
(develoP) / that/ been/ three/ painting
5 times/ stolen / has
Since1900NewYork in
remain ,ТheBig
и/ays Wесan'timagine. Butitwi|Ia|ways
6 seven/ finished / you/ by?
/ will/ be/ thirty

Aсtiveand passive Funсtions
15 Lookatthefасtfile
aboutfаmous inventions.
Usethe Givingyour selftimeto think/ conv e r sati on
or aсtiveаndwritequizquestions.
17 Writethewordsin braсkets

Stephen Whendidyoudeсideto researсhintogenetiсs?
lnventеdin 1923 Karen 1 ..............., (say/ to/ aсtua|ly
/ that,s
Took threeyearsto hard).z (|ooking/think/baс
dеvе|op in genetiсsevеnat university.
/ |)| wasinterested
1929 * firstprogramme
broadсast Sophie Whendidyourealisethatyourteamhadsolvrdthe
Andrew з ................ (moment / |et/ we||
l think/
meI forIabout/ that/ a).l thinkitwaswhеnwe
analysed theresults

lnternet Rob Whendo youthinkyouсaпgetthisrepoгtwritten by?

lnventеdby U.C.R.Liсk|ider Carole (see/ let/ me/ well).!'vegot
a||dayMondaybut| сanworkoniton
and LawгenсeRoberts
I think|'||
1969_ ideadеve|oped in
Massaсhussetts and Simon Didyouinvent thismaсhine entireIyonyourown?
СaIifornia Еlaine (to/ truth
/ the/ you/ tel|),
Wantedto find way foг theideais basedona drawing byLeonardo dаVinсi
to exсhangeinformation
1991 _ Wor|dWide Wеb launсhеd Harry Doyouthinkthаithemeeting withthenewmanаgtng
Rudi 6................ (question/a/that'slgood
Butonthewhole,I thinkitdid.

Jan Newсomputeг teсhnologiesaregoingtoсhangethe

waywe liveourlives.
AIex (point
/ an/ thаt's/
of' with and bу interesting).
Ithinktherearegoingto be major
сhangesin ouгhomesаndworkp|aсes overthеnext
16 compIete thesentenсes usingof,withor bу, tenvears.
1 TheGreatGatsbу waswritten .......
2 Her|astsсu|pture wasmade iron,woodand
18 Matсhthequestions1-4withan appropriate
3 lnt StreetсarNamedDesire, theroIeofStanIey
Kowа|skiwas p|ayed Mar|on Bгando. 1 Whatdoyouthinkwasthegreatestinvention
4 Theeno rm odoors
us arema de............... bronze. 2 What's thingyou've
themostdangerous еverdone?
5 ln 1907,theportwashit a terriblestorm. 3 Whаtis yourbiggest
6 The|oсkonthedoorwasopened a sma|I 4 WhatwiI|bethemostimpoгtant
knife, a That's
7 Тhewal|s weredeсorated hugeoi|pаintings' b Letmesee.ltwasprobably ,..
8 B efoгe
1B 9 0li,fts
W eгepow ere...............
d ste a m . с a goodquestion.
That's WeIl, |'ve'..
9 NorthbуNotthwest wasdireсted ..........
'....Alfred d Letmethinkabout
thatfora moment. I'dliketo...
10 Because theсeiling is made, youсan

Tfnit 7

Егe et i m e
19 Readthesenotiсes thetable.

]hild}s Ьicуcle (sцitаЬle {or

NativеspeakeгoffersSpanish сlothes €or sс.le,
lessons({20 per hour). ;1,

-r9 чeшvald). ReаsonaЬle u^wor^ weJJin3 АrеSS' :t

I am a fully qua|ifiеdtеaсhеrof
conёi|ion, Needs sovаe basic Екll len3tЬ , сr ?ьв, S' tz? lц , ::
Spanish.l teасha||agеsand .:
Work. |еve|sfrom сhi|drento business с<э5+ +-а,5.o,will oзa,сёp* |-|Оo,
-аivrtev.r4иce mеn and Womеn. .]
Эovаa\n аt t.|5.0o. сonta.сt
Pleaseсa||Maria Lopеz on
Тele7hovle д*ter 6 ?'^, l'1rs Ja.сkson оnl
0771 7з64 9857 for
эzo 1+ъz4s68. furthеrinformation. ot5o2. -7305 53+1,

ltem or sеrviсefor salе Сondition/ quаIifiсations Priсe Сontaсtdеtаils


An advertisement
20 FolIowtheinstruсtionsandWriteyourownаdvertisement. Spendabout15minuteswritingаndсheсkingit.
YouareleavingBritain therefora fewmonths.
Youwanttose|Ia TV beоause vouсan'ttakeithomewithvou.
a shortteхttoputonthenotiсеboard.
. Sayexaсt|y whatyouwanttoseII. . Giveinfoгmation
. DesоribetheсonditionoftheTV. . Sayhowtoсontaсtyou.

Fr e e - t i m e
z1 Reаdthequestions ThenWriteyourownanswers,

l hatе going to the supегmarketwith my mum. |t,s

1 What arе the good and bad things about a two.wееk
boгingl Shе won,t buy thе things l want and she gets
holidaywith youг parents?
2 For you, what is the perfесtSatuгday? l be|ongto a youth dramaсlub.We mеet onсе a wееk
to гehеаrseand twiсе a yеaг we put on a show...'
3 Name your leastfavouritefree-timeaсtivityand Тhе good things are that they have a сar and will pay
еxp|ainwhy. for eierything.ть" bad things are that you have less
frеedoй andlou may have to visit boring pIaсes.
4 Namе your favouritefreе-timеaсtivityand explain t tЬuеsteepingat thе weekеnds.l neеd to сatсh up with
why. my sleep,,anjthere,snothing еlsе to do'
t irrinкihey will make us prisoners.We will stop talking
5 Do you bеlong to any organisedgгoupsoutside
to peopleЬnd everyonеwill bе aIonewith thеir
sсhool?What is it and what do you do thеre?
6 Do you think persona|сomputеrswillfreе us or makе I think we should go out with our friends.We,will leaгn
us prisoners? things for ourselvesand bе morе independеnt'
I sleep a|l morning.ln the aftегnoonl watсh
7 Shouldyoung peop|esoсiaIisеwith their familiеsor footballand then, in the еvening,I go to a paгtywith a|I
friends?Why? my fгiеnds.
R eadin g
1 SсantheartiсIeandfindoutwhаtthesewordsmean.
a BASЕjumping r' pаrвс*l
b free-с|imbing
jм*zрft*rт a b uilding
Rеmеmbеrwhеп buпgeejumpiпg wаS the most
G off-piste
d sky-suгfing dаring eхtremеSport?.X.gоmеs,hаve comе а
loпg wау siпсe thеп, Tobiаs |ones rеportson
Ехаm trаining
Matсhingpeop|eto stаtements
the peсuliаr пew world of the mаd.for-it frеe-
. Read the aftiсlequiсklу'Underlinethe names of people divеrs, BАSE,jumpers апd sl<у-surfers.
whoare mentioned.
At this yеar,s Х-Gamеs, thе olympiсs of dangеrous and
, Read the statementsсarefullу'Find wherea similarpoint daring ,spolt,, thе sky-surfеrМikе Frost will junrp out of a
is made in the teхt.Rememberthat pointsmaу be planе abovе Marinеr's Pоint, San Diеgo, with a surtЪoard
expressedusing differentwords. attaсhеd to his fееt. At f,rst hе will start .frее-flying,, a
о ldentifуwhiсhundelined name relatesto the point.Matсh lo hеad-firstdivе through thе sky, watсhing thе Paсifiс oсеan
thestatement to thatperson. bеlow him as hе rеaсhеs a spееd of 288 k.p.h. Thеn hе will
bеgin to spin at an aпrаzing fivе rеvolutions pеr sесond,
2 Reаdtheartiс|e againandmatсhstаtements ,|-6to the travеlling sidеways at a spееd of 80 to 96 k.p.h.
Nearеr sеa lеvеl, or rathеr a long way bеlow it, Меhgan
ls Hеanеy-Griеr goеs ,frее.diving, with no oХygеn tanks. A
a MikeFrost с Тhewriteг 19-yеar.old,part-timе modеl, Mеhgan сan hold hеr brеath
b Mehgan Heaney-Grierd SteveЕdmonds for up to two minutеS and swim to dеpths of 50 metrеs.
.It,s a vеry rеlaхing thing to do,, shе says.'.Whеn you'lе
1 Th eyweгewoгried byane xtre me ........ . . . . . .
e vent.
2 ТheiгsportmakesthemfeeIveгyсaIm. that dееp undеrwatеr,you fееl сomprеssеd all ovеr. But it,s
zo absolutеly bеautiful and vеry pеaсеful.,Mеhgan and Mikе
3 Theirspoгtis notгisky.
arе iust two of thе many pеoplе who сhoosе to spеnd thеiт
4 Noteveryextreme spoгtis Iife-endangering.
(twopeop|e) fтее timе risking thеir livеs.
Тhе еxtrеmе sports сIazе staтtеdtеn yеars ago. Sinсе thеn
5 Mostfаnsdon,tdoextreme
soorts. most risk addiсts havе сomplеtеd еithеr a bungее jump or
e a гequite
6 So m eext гemspoгts s tupid.
.'......... . ' . . zs a paraсhutе iump and arе nоw turning to nеW, morе
dangеrous and at timеs truly silly sports. Thе list of lifе-
еndangеring aсtivitiеs gеts longеr еvеry wееk. Nоwadays
you сan takе up ,BASЕ jumping' (a jump from thе tоp of a
building), .frее-сlimbing, (сlimbing up a roсk faсе without
зo thе гopеs) or go ,off-pistеin.lining, (rollеrblading dоwn a
mоuntain). And еvеrybody is doing it, оr at lеast
еvеrybody is watсhing it. Millions оf pеoplе around thе
world spесtatе as altеrnativе spoltspeоplе pеrfoтm. For
еvеry bravе partiсipant, thеrе arе tеns of thousands of
зs viеwеrs, oohing and aahing in thеir living rooms.
But just how еxtrеmе is еxtrеmе? Aссording to Мikе Frost,
sky-surfing isn,t as alarming as it sееms. ,It,s niсе to havе
pеoplе think it,s dangеrous,, hе admits, ,but rеally it,s a
vеry safе sport., So what doеs .еxtrеmе, mеan? .Тhеrе's a
co lot of misusе of thе word,, says Stеvе Еdmonds, dirесtor
of thе еxtrеmе sports sеIies l{igh Five. ,Pеoplе usе it tо
dеsсribе somеthing whiсh looks risky but is often fairly
safе. Snowboarding isn't еxtrеmе and nеithеr is bungее
jumping, but I'vе sееn somеonе jump off buildings in San
+s Diego and had to pтay hе was gоing to survive. Now that,s
Thе Iпdеpепdепtoп Suпdсlу

' afnitS

3 Readtheartiсleagainanddeсideif thesestatements 6 Underline thetext.

thecorreсtverbsto complete
aretrueor false.
ТheX-Games forma paгtoftheoIympiс Games
ln order to I havе / keеp
True/ False
meansfalIing froma p|anewithyourhead ouгseIvеsfit and hea|thy,we alI
pointedtowardstheground. Тrue/ False need to 2 make / do some
3 Meghan fortheexсitement.
goesfree-diving True/ FaIse еxerсise,orз plау / mokеa spoгt
4 Тhereareaninсreasing number ofextremesportsevery likе footbaI|or tеnnis.But why
week. / False do peop|e 4 takе part / tаkе up
.BASЕjumping' is anexamp|e ofoneofthemorereсently еxtrеmе spoгts? |t сan,t bе for
inventedextгeme Тrue/ Fаlse
sports. ,PeoplеBASE
their hea|th. !ump
Еxtreme sportsareas dangerous astheylook'
аnd sky suгf bесauseit 5 kееps/
True/ False
mokes them feel alive,' says
,* Matсhtheseadjeсtives withtheirmeanings a_f. psyсhoIogist Еd Rееves.
1 daring(line2) orfooIish
а ridiсuIous need 6 to takе / to mаkе risksto
2 peсuliar(|ine4) b strangeorodd,notnoгmal makеtheir|ivеsmoгe еxсiting.,
3 relaxing(line1B) с pressedinto spaсe
a sma|| Yеt most people who 7 play /
4 сompгessed 19) d quietandсa|m
(|ine do еxtrеmеspoгtsarе Vеry сalm.
5 peaсefu| (|ine
20) e brave, totakerisks
willing Whether they are I running /
6 silly 26) f makingyou yourProblems
forget jumping out of a Plane,
9 walking/ сIimbingup a roсkfaсe

Voсabulary or10 taking/ holdingthеir brеath

Sрort undеr 30 mеtrеs of water, they
,|-6withtheir don,t sеem worried about
5 Matсhthephrasalverbsin italiсsin 11 doing/ makinga fataImistakе.
meanings a-f.
David Jonesis a good examp|е.
1 Robdесided сha||enge
totakeoлhisfгiend's аndtry
Bеforе a 2] 6-metre bungеe
in-lining. jump, David feIt ,сaIm and
Matthew neverfookfooff-piste
aftertwoattempts. peaсefu|,.
Amystilltookupfree ,l,m g|ad | 12 madе took the jump,.hе said |atеr.
Althoughherparents disapproved, /
diving. ,At one point l 1з rеaсhеd got a speed of 190 kph,
Thebungee jumpwаsinсredibIe' breath
ltfookDavid's and l сouIdsee the treеsrushingtowaгdsme. lt was
awaу' ,
an inсrediblееxoеriеnсe.
Claretakesafterher Theyboth|ovetaking
Aссordingtoexperts, extremespoгtsаretakingoverfrom
norma| sports andtennis.
suсhas basketba|| Prepositions
startdoingsomething regu|aг|y 7 Complete thesentenсes withtheсorreсtprepositions.
гepIaсesomething . f o r . t o . o f . fr o m . o ff
beextremely surprisedbysomething
1 Chriswasnervous. ltwashisfirstskydive andhedidn't
aссept/ deсide todosomething j um p pla ne.
wa ntt o t he
o ut. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
|ookorbehаve Iikesomeone
2 Mikeсan'tgofreе.с|imbing today. He's
develop a likingforsomething
suffering a sprained аnk|e.
3 l feeIso r r y. . . . . . . . . . .peo whodo n'dt oe x t г e me
. . . . p|e
sports. Theydon'tknowwhаtthey'rе missing.
4 lfP a u|'no
s tсa r efuI he, , sgo ing his
t of a I.|' . . . ..........
5 TheBA S Еj um pha sbeenсa nсeI Idue ed ........ bad
' ......

8 Complete gaps1-7withthesewordsandphrases. 10 Readthetextabouta mountаin сIimber,
. when. beforе. |ater
. thefirstthing
that gaps1-6.
аdverbsа_fin 9 to сompIete
. during .
hislifetimetwoyearslater. already
Katewanted toс|imbthemountain. but1 - ^Ь-
Dr a

wantedtotrya newWayаnddoitfaster thananyone e|sе

TheоIimbwasgoing welIandshewasс|imbing quiсk|ya-:
Еdmund Hil|аryis famousas a mountаineеrand an
explorer.He was born in Auсk|and,New Zеa|and,on . Shehad .......gottothetopwhen
20 !u|у,1919' 1 he took up mountain shehаda сa||frombaseсаmponhersateIlite phone.
с|imbing,Еdmund workеd as a bеekеeper.ln faсt it Тherehadbeena sma|| avalanсhe andpaгtoftheroute
,l95,l 4 ......
wasn,tunti| that hе beganto сlimb seriousIy. belowheгhaddisаppeaгed Atfirstshe
, in 1953, Hillarybесamea mеmberof
2 '....'....'.... theywerejokingbeсаuse
thought shehadn,t heard
the BritishЕvегеstехpеdition.He had 3...........'... anything,
buttheyweretalking . Katetooka
сlimbedthe Alps and the Hima|ayas, so he wаs we||
routedownthemountain. |ntheеndittookher
prepared.Тhе aim of the еxpeditionwas to сonquer
twelvehourstoсomplete theс|imb.Shedidn.t
thе highestmountain in thе wor|d,Mount Еverеst.
Hillarysaid ц '.'.....'......
that the biggestmotivation
to сlimb Еverеstwas the faсt that no onе had done .

it. Howevеr, aIthough the еxpedition tеam was

stгong,in thе еaгlystagеsof the сlimb Hi||aгy didn,t
think they wouId suссе wasn,t until hе and Funсtions
Tеnzing Noгgay got сlose to thе top of the Short answers
mountain, that they realised it was possible.
5.............'.Hillarydid when hе got to thе top Was 11 Matсhthestatements 1-5witha responsea-e.
take photographsso that he сould provе they had 1 Howdoyoudo?
rеaсhеdthe summit. 2 You'гe
Hugo, you?
ovеr 600 сlimbershavе с|imbedЕveгest,inсluding 3 Wouldyouliketoseea film?
Hillary,sson Pеtег.6.......'.......he rеaсhed thе 4 ThanksfoгalIyourhe|p.
summit in 199О,he сaIledhis fatheron a satе|litе 5 PIeasedon't
a I'dloveto.
7 ..'............,HilIaryhas bееn invo|vеdin сlimbs,
b Don't mention
Aгсtiс journеys,and trips up the Ganges River.Hе с Howdoyoudo?
has oftеn beеn baсk to Nеpa|, wherе he has d A I lr ight .
enсouragеdthе buildin9 of sсhoolsand hospitals,
He has aIso e That'sright.
and саmpaignеdagainstdeforеstation.
written sеvera| books, and in 1975 сompletеd his
autobiographу,Nothing Vеnturе,nothing win.
12 Imagineyou havebeenaskedto talkaboutthese
Writeanswersto thesequestions
to prepare,
9 Mаtсhadverbsа-f with theirmeanings1_6.
I moreorless a virtually
2 сompIeteIy b seriously
3 withnodiffiсulty с different|y
4 nearly d entirely
5 without
humour e appгoximately
6 notinthesameway f easily

1 lnwhatWaysarethesportsinthepiсtures
2 Howdoyouthinkthepeop|e inthepiсtures
3 What's spoгt? Whydoyoulikeit?

t-'гammar 14 Gomplete withа suitаblere|ative

> studen t 'sB ook G r amm a rе .l 3 9 ]
r f е rе n с ep'a g e
1 W o uldyo uI ike t oseet hepho t o gr a phs It ook
. . . . . ..........
;а a t i vep r o n o u n s onmyholiday?
2 Mybr o t her. . ., . . . . . . . .is
..1 . .7 ,ha sdo nea bu n g ej eu mp .
] 3 Lookatthisсonversation Blaсk,an
withMаtthew . . . .st hewo r I d'osn| syu p e r s on i с
. . . . . . . . . . .wа
3 C o nсo г de'
onextremeweather. gaps
CompIete 1-7with air|iner,
сouId сrosstheAt|antiс inthreehours.
whereor that.
4 Them a n. . . . . . . . ......wa lks pa stm yho use e v e r dy a y
Iivesatnumber 45.
5 S o ut ha m o t.o. .n. . . . . . . . .is. .o. .nt heso ut сoh a sof t
Эr.esenter|tis saidthatweaгemorelike|y
toberunoverby England, rsa busyport.
ls thistгue?
а сarthanstruсk 6 What's youropinion ofpeople ...usetheir
on|ya fourmillion
t!аtthew Yes,itis.Тhere's tooneсhаnсe mobile ohones intheatres?
7 Thepainting Sunflowers, waspainted byVan
oflightning you.
Gogh,hasbeenсopied bymanyaгtists.
Dresenter B u taren't
t h ere 1...............
somepe ople ha ve 8 |st hebo y. . . . . . . . . . .yo
. . . u.m ent io ned t heo n eov e trh e r е
beenstruоk injeans anda red T-shirt?
9 AIbert Еinstein madea disсovery stiIIaffeсts
ir(аtthew Yes,thereare,buttheseсasesareVeryrare.In
theгeis aman2
Ca|ifornia, hasbeen 10 NewYork, .....Wasorigina||y сa|lеd New
hitbylightning Amsterdam, is anexсiting mu|tiсu|tuгaI сity.
DresenterAndheis sti||
15 Gombine
thesentenсes re|ative
in 1-10usinga suitable
lr!atthew Yes,heis.Hesurvived.
I don'tknowhowhedidit. pronoun.
эresenterButwhatshouId inа storm?
l doifсaught 1 Тherunner spoketothepressbefore theгaсe.The
fu!аtthewWe|I, don'tstandneaгa treeorneaгa te|egraph 2 Тhejourna|ists examined thedangerous сorner.The
po|e. Lightning a|ways theobjeсt
strikes fe|Ioffhisbikeatthedangeгous
сyс|ist сorner,
3 . . . . . . . . . . .is thehighe st.
.... 3 VenusWi||iams useda tennis towinat
WimbIedon. Тhetennisraсouet wassoIdatauсtion.
4 TheWoman's sonhadс|imbed Theгeporter
t{atthew lft h ere 4 ...'...........
isa bui|ding youсa ns he I t er , inteгviewed her.
youought togotoit,andmakesureyouсlosethe 5 Mysisterwaspromoted Iastmonth.Shebought a new
windows. oairofskis.
6 Gymnasts peгform handstandsonгings.Тheringshang
ЭresenterSo lightningdoesn'tstrikebuildingsveryoften? 2.7metres abovethefloor.
iДatthew Aсtual|y,
itdoes.Thereis a famous in
bui|ding 7 Тhejave|in is a throwing
event'ThejaveIinis basedon
NewYork 5 is struсk
............... twentv
аbout theskillofthrowing a spearinhunting.
8 MiсhаeI Sсhumaсher Hisbrother
hasa brother. is
a year.
т|mes youngeг thаnhim.
StateBuilding? 9 I p|ayedmyfiгstgameofprofessionа| footbаIIata
6 ............... stadium. l reсentIy wentbасktothestadium.
iriatthew Тhat .rig t .utthepeop|e
s hB a re
10 Championship squashmatсhes arep|aуed inсourts.
insidearesafe! сourtshaveoIastiс waIIs.
эresenterDoyouknowanyotherunusua| about
ldatthew oneofthemostаmazing storiesis abouta b|ind
m an . . . . . . . ........ returned
e yes ight duringa
storm'Afterhewasstruсk bylightning'he сouId
seeagain. Nooneсaneхplain it.Тheydon'tknow

R e s ultand p u rpos e Funсtions
16 Deсidewhiсhof the(seсond) sentenсesin 1-10 G iving r ea so ns
19 Underline
in italiсs.
1 MarkwenttoSwitzefland.Hewanted tosnowboard.
2 Thetraineгs
3 Zoesavedhermoney. SheсouId buya motorbike. Alan: Whydidtheaосident happen?
4 Paul|ookeddiffегent,
I hardly
him! Jude: We||'itwas1beсause / сonsequenflythe lorry
5 Тhefi|mwasboring.Sue|eftear|y. wastryingt0oveгtake onа motorway'
6 Mariatrained todotheparaсhute Alan: Тhatdoesn't soundso unusual. Whatwent
JUMP. wrong?
7 Lukehasjoineda gym,Hе'sgoingto getfit. z as a result/ duetothe
Jude: Theaссident happеned
8 |t'sveгywindy.Тhetennismatсhmightbe сanсeIIed.
factthatIhereWasa Verystrongwind.Тheloгry
9 l,mbuyinga tгaсksuit.I wantto staгtjogging.
,|0 It'sсo|din here!I'mgoingto putmyсoaton. driverfounditdiffiсu|t
toсontгoI hisvehiсle.
з Аnotherreasonis that/ Beсause offhlsthe
17 Now сombinethe sentenсesin 16 usingeither: roadswereсovered in iсe.
so +adjесtive/ advеrb+fhaf(resu|t) Alan: Butwhydidthe|orry оo|lide withthebarrier?
.{h* Jude: Wellthatwasa fhereason for/ duetothe
€xя*rзp/e fy&in*r* !врK*d *в вwfм\ ffзgf f fggК
t*l*rnbвo{ t* {tз*в{звp" presenсe ofanother vеhiсIe. Тhedriver was
or: trying
toаvoidа сarintheoutside laneand5for
so that+sentenсe (purpose) instance/ consequentlу hitthebaгrier.
sxяruзр,frJ14grКwgrзifсl $ъvr*gerfg
жd s* ?fзвttpr.*вахXd

20 Matсh1-5withtheappropriateendinga-e.
Languagepatterns]Verb + directobjeсt+ (to)do ,| Aссidents
18 Readtheru|esbe|owandсorreсtsentenсes ,|-8.Тwoof
2 Mostсarsnowhaveaiгbags.
thesentenсes areсorreсt. 3 Therеarespeedсameгas onIotsofroads.
. Weusesomeverbswitha direсt objeсt p|usaninfinitive 4 Lorries
fo. 5 Driving
isn'taseаsyas itIooks.
Themountainсlimberheardsomeone shoutforhelp,
. WeUsemanyverbswitha diгeсt а fewerpeop|e
As a result, dieinaссidents'
withto. b Beсause ofthis,youneeda speсia|
HighFivewantedМehganto appearontheshow' с That'swhyeveгyone hasto pass
a test.
. WeсanUseheфwithorwithout d so takeregular
fowithout сhangingthe people
e Consequently, drivemoreslowly.
Lukehelpedme (to)geta tiсketfortheX-Games'
1 Еveryone daгedZoedothebungeejump.
2 Mysports teaсheг
3 MiIIions
4 CouIdyoute|IAmy meetmeattheсаfё?
5 Mybestfrienda|waysmakesmetel|heгmyseсrets.
6 P|eаseletmetohe|pyouсaгrythosеbags.
7 PauIinvitedmetogoro|lerb|ading
8 Mybrother meplаyfootbaII.

F + ;АA
! i ltg
A letter
to theeditor
i : :': 23 Youaregoingto writea Ietterto a magazine
сommenting Readthesesentenсes
on an artiсIe. and
: . : -: thesewordsintotheсorreсtgroups. phrasesandtiсksevenwhiсharesuitаb|eto usein
:. *:еtition . сompetitor.
сontеstant. фfuat.dгaw
COUГI. yourIetter.
- . ^ .. g гound . сentrema
| eisure . tсh. pitсh
opponе nt.
. g
: =, fie|draс . e.rink.riv a l.spoгts сentrеstadium
.:.-^teammember 1 In thе artiсlеthе writеr сlaimed that ...
. tournamrnt . viсtory
. triumph

Еvents People PIaсes Results

2 Тhanks for thе artiсlе.

I imaginе I am not thе only rеadеrto fееl

this way.

4 In addition, I bеliеvе that ...

5 I know еvеIyonе agrееs with mе.

6 Howеvет, I disagтееbесausе ...

7 I think thе author wrotе Somеthing about ...

...rr.rlari rr.rrr..... .....:rr..

Тhеrе is еvidеnсе that l It has bееn prоvеd

t ha t . . .

9 I think this is сolrесt bесausе ...

s n o r treviewart iс le
jsingthewordsandexpressions in 21,writea short
summary of a sportsevent.FolIowtheinstruсtions, 1o Thе writеr is stupid.
:J arеattеnding ata Ianguage
a сourse sсhooIinBritain.
:: havebeenaskedtowritea shortsummary ofa sports
11 I am writing to сommеnt on thе artiсlе .
. ' эntthatyouгsсhoo| oгganised.
еntitlеd ... whiсh appеarеdinуow |2 ]
. Saywhenandwheretheeventt00kplace.
January еdition.
. Desсгibe theevеntandwhotookpaгt'
. GivetheгesuIt.
. Saywhether theeventWasa suссessornot
24 Readtheinstruсtions andusingtheexpressions you
сhosein 23,writea letterin 120-150words.Spend
about40 minuteswritingandсheсkingyourIetter.
InanEnglishnewspaper,yousawanartiсIe suggestingthat
extгemе shouId
sooгts bebanned. Writea to
Ietter theeditor
. Statewhiсhaгtiсle toandwhenit
a Summarisethemainideasintheartiс|e.
a Makeyourownоomments fororagainsttheaгtiс|e.

R eadin g

PoеtS aТLd
pop stars
Thе ninеtееnth-сеntury British
poеts Shеllеy and Byron wrotе
poеms whiсh Wеrе as popular as
today's pop songs. And song
writеrs suсh as John Lеnnon and
Paul МсСartnеy havе writtеn
somе of the twеntiеth сеntury,s
bеst vеrsе. So what,s thе diffеrenсе
bеtweеn pop songs and poеtry?
4 Both songs and poеms tеl|a story or ta|kabout fееlings
t A fеw years ago, pop poets suсh as Murгay Laсhlan Young Songs in partiсular dеa| with thе diffеrеnt stages in а
began to sеt poеtry to roсk musiс with some surprising z s r е|atio nship,suсh as fa|ling in |o vе o r brеаk ing up . Тh.
results.Pеoplе thought that poеtry was thе nеW гoсk ,n, w o r ds and idеаs in so ngs aге usuа||yeasiеrto und еrstaп:
ro|I.Howevеr, dеspitе thе brief populaгity of a few pop than tho se in ,sеr io Us, po еtr y. H o wеv еr, ta|еntеэ
5 poеts, poеtгy and pop musiс didn,t sееm to miх. But are pеrformеrsIikе PauI MсСartney, or newer stars like Robb:
thеy real|yso diffеrеnt? Wi|liams,oftеn givе simp|е songs morе exprеssionwhеl
z |fуou look baсk at thе origins of poеtry,thеrе is a strong зothеy pеrform thеm. And somе of thе bеst Iinеsfrom pо:
сonneсtion bеtwееn poеms and popu|ar musiс. |n Grееk lyriсsarе as bеautifulas poеtry.
mythology,for еxamp|е,thе muse Егato is piсtuгed with a So altho ugh po p musiс and po еtry hav е m an '
lo ly r е i n h е г h an d , a n d |o o k s j u s t |i k е th e a n с е sto r o f thе differenсes,thеy do have one important thing in сommoг
modеrn roсk star with his еIесtгiсguitar. In addition, thе the power to mаke us think about how we fеe|.
poets Shе||еyand Byгon Wеrе as famous in the nineteenth
Тhе Dailу Ехprеss
сеntury as thе pop starsof today.
3 B U t dе s pi t е th е i r с o m m o n o ri g i n s , th е r е ar e many
ls diffеrеnсesbеtween poеtry and pop musiс. Pop songs arе
always wгittеn for a pubIiс performanсе,whеrеas poеtry ReadtheartiсIeandmatсhtheseheadings to
often isn,t.And thе lyriсsin pop songs somеtimеshаve |еss paragraphs '|-4.Thereis oneheadingyoudo notneв"в
rhythm thаn those in poеtry. Тhis is bесausе the musiс to use.
pгovidеsthе rhythm rathегthan the words. Pop |yriсsarе a A сommon beginning...
zо a Is os i mp| е ran d o f te n k е е p o n s a y i n gt h е s a m е thing. Тhis
b An unsuссessfu|experiment,.,
repеtition woгks wе|| in a pеrformanсе and mеаns that
с A сhanсe todream ...
pop songs aге еasiеrfor pеop|еto sing and Iеarnby hеart.
d Somedifferenсes..'
e A sim ilamr essa ge

а ReadtheartiсIeagаinandchoosethebestanswera, b' Voсabu

; or d, to answerquestions1-4.
1 :rссoгding between
whatis thedifferenсe
:oetryandpopsongs? 4 Putthesewordsintotheсorreсtсategories' Some
a Popsongsarenota|ways peгformed beforean wordsmаyfit in bothсategories. Usea diсtionаry to
than . |yriсs. ana|bum . torеlease . Verse
. a сoIIeсtion
poetry. . a r ea ding.
a о o nсeгt . nd.t opubI ish.
a ba a sing|e
Тhewordsinpopsongsarerepeated oveгandover
Poеtrу Pop musiс
ag arn.
d Тhereis morerhythm in popsongsthanpoetry.
2 t,Vhat didMurray
LaсhIanYoungdoa fewyeaгsago?
а Heсameupwithа wayofmaking poetrymore
b Hesurprised styleofwriting.
withhisbeautiful Usean аppropriate wordfrom4 andputit in theсorreсt
c Hewrotemusiсforooems. formto сompIete thesesentenсes.
a newkindofpoem.
d Heinvented 1 TheBritish popgroupBlur theirnewalbum
3 Тhewriter
сomoares Еratoto nextweek.
а a Greekhero. 2 Мillenniais an exсiting ......ofpoetryfromyoung
b a сIassiсaI Bгitishpoets.
с a presentdaypoet. h а ylsa r egiving
3 N еxtm o ntlr a . . . . . . . . . . .a....
tWe mb | e y
ofa popstar.
d a relative Aгena.
4 Тhe ofpopsongsaгeusua||y easyto
4 WhatdoesthewritersayabouttaIentedpeгformers
today? 5 The havea guitarist' a dгummer anda
a ТheyIookatpoetrytofindideasfortheirsongs. keyboard p|ayeг.Тheynowneeded a Ieadsingeг.
b Theythinktheirsongsaremoreseriousthanpoetry. butl сan't
6 | гea|Iy byMadonna,
с Theygivesongsmoremeaning whentheysingthem.
ho wt heseсo nd
r em em ber '.............e go . s.
d ТheyсonsiderthemseIvestobemorepopular than
ooets. 6 Usethesewordsto сomplete 1-8 in thetext.
. bestselIers . Iiterature
. сontemporary . p|aywrights
. novels
3 Еxp|ainthemeaningof thesewordsfromthetext. . 00ets. serious. Worкs
1 a strong between
сonneсtion (|ines
Inmostсountries, pupi|sstudytheirсountry's
2 сommon (|ine
origins 14) andusuaIIy thesy|labus foсuses onthenation's greatest
andwriteгs. InBгitain, this
3 learnbyheart(line22) t r a dit io na
ea nsst udyingt heo . . . . . . . . . . .of l on g - d e a d
people likeShelley, Shakespeare andJaneAusten.
4 falling Ho wever a r eint r o duо5ing
m ,a nysсho o |s . . . .'. ...' ....,t h e
playsandpoetry of writers.
5 brеaking 25)
NeedIesstosay,teасherssti|| on
enсouгage toread
Phrasalverbs with keep Funсtions
7 Replaсethewordsandphrasesin italiсswitha phrasal Givingexamples
verbwithkeepin the сorreсtform.
10 Matсh,|-5withtheexamples a-e.
. keepup. keepbaсk. keepon. keepin. keepoff
1 Somepopstarsappear infiIms.
1 Fanswerewarned nottogooлfothe stageduring
the 2 Еndangered speсies often whenproteсted.
reсoveг oг:
сonсert. examoleofthisis
3 Buyingon|ine Togiveyouanidea,
is oftenсheaper.
There's 4 Тeсhno|ogyoftendeve|ops inunexpeсted
shehasлttoldme. theсaseof
Some|аnguages aremorediffiсu|t
Еventhoughitwas|ate, onpraсtising.
|anсarried The Forexample,
a booksareabout25% lessfгoma website.
youneedto b Madonna hasstarred
useiteveryday. с Chinese hasunusualsoundsanddifferent
d therightwhale,
whiсhis nowmoreсommon.
aremakingher textmessages,whiсhnobody wouldbeso
staуindoorsbeсauseshehasanexamtomorrow. popurar.

Partsof thebody
11 Imagineyou havebeenaskedto talkaboutthese
8 Matсhquestions1_5to answersa-e. piсtures.
Writeanswersto thesequestions
to prepare.
I Whydoyoukeeponreading thatbook?
2 DidyouhearthatMattandSuebrokeup?
3 ls RaсheIinterested
4 HaveyoubroughtyourlravюCD?
5 Doyouthinkyourtгaineгs
a |,mtryingIolearnsomepoemsbуheart'
b Sorry,mysisterhasborrowed it.She'sa painin theneсk!
с Don'tbeso сheekу. niсeгthanyours.
d Idon'tknow. Youshouldn't
beso nosy!
e Yes,l did.Shewasgoingoutwithanother boуbehindhis

9 Nowmatсhtheexpressions in italiсsin 8 a-e to their

1 impolite
2 anannoyingpeгson
3 toointerested aredoing WhаtarethemainstmiIarities
4 dosomething
knowledge Whiсhoftheseinstruments
5 memorise
somethino Whataretheadvantages anddisadvantages
Whatis yourfаvourite

atnit 9

t r Г a mm ar 1 4 Correсt themistakes inthesesentenсes.

> studеnt's Book Grammar reterеnсе,pagеs 1 1 IfIwou|d сhooseanyjob,l'dbea popstaг'
2 |ftheydon'tаrrivesoon,theymissthefiIm.
] ; nditionals
аnd r,yish 3 Ifhewasn't badtempered,hehadhavemorefгiends.
1] Readthisradiointerviewwitha youngpopstaцGeri 4 lf itraintomorrow,
CompIete gaps2-15withtheсorreсtformof 5 lfyouhadwashthedishes, l'lldrythem.
ltheWordsin braсkets.
6 LifewouId beeasyifIamriсhandfamous.
ц |4ж#!ж.ж'
7 |fyouаreskiing youwon'tfaIloveг'
Э.gsenter |fyou1**кed(ask)anyteеnager aboutthеir
dreamjob,many. (say)theywаntto 1 5 CompIete sentenсes 1_7in yourownwords.Usethe
bеa popstar.Todayinthestudiowe havеGeri firstor seсondсonditionaI.
Sanderswhohasjust|eftthegir|bаnd G Team. 1 I ' llwr ita epo emif. . .
Geri,do youhavеanyгegrets?
NotrеaI|y. |fIwassti||intheband,| 3
2 I wouldn't
tella lieif
(notbe)happy.Тherewere|otsofarguments and
a lotof oressure.
эгesenterWhattypeof pressure? peгson,
3 IfI meta famous
.дп o
Well.weallworked vervhard.lfwe ....
(notbe)ontour. we' .......... (be)ina 4 I fl' m|a t fo
e гсI a ss,
reсoгding studio.
ЭгesenterWerethereanyotherproblems? 5 Iсanhelpyouwithyourhomework
n Е rl
Yes,therewere.We hadtodo a |otofТV
rnterviews. |6 (find)itdiffiсult
tosay 6 He won'tсhаnoeTV сhanneIs
everything wasgreatif itwasn'ttгue.
D.esenterAndwhataгeyougoingtodo now?
7 We'lIhavea piсniсthisweekend
r arl
Iwish| 7 (know)! Butif l wasoffeгed
another reсord сontraсt, (notsign)it.
l " ..............
Э.esenterButwon'tyoumisshaving fansandbeingfamous?
1 6 Usethewordsin braсketsto сompIetethesentences.
I don'tthinkso.Sometimes Iwish| ' ............ ...
Use иsh + pasttense,couldor would,

(notbe)fаmous. |fpeop|e 10...............

гесognrse) (сan)
me,| '' ............... goshopping
without a bodyguard.
|sthereanything e|sоyouwishyou12
WishesIo express. to:t|lеp relseлt,
иs hes relating or thefuture'
(сan)do? уou сan usetfieveф wishplus eithёrthe pasf feлse,оr ооu|dor
! ; fl
Ijustwishl wаsa normа| peгson аgain.
would, Forexаnple: .l. .. .... . .
ЭгesenterAndif | (be)а newstar,whatadviсe l wishI hadbettergгаdesаtsсhool.
l wishI сouIdgetbetter
grades atsсhoo|.
Well,if I 14...............
(be)you,I 15............... l wishmyteасhers wouldgivemebеttеr grades.
veryсarefu||y ButNOI@
..'-,.,,J; 1 Dannyisn'tmusiсaI.
He wisheshe ..............
':'W:w7. |ffry,{Р.!{..
T3 putthesewordsintotheсorreсtorder.Add punсtuаtion 2 ТanуaIovestheсountryside.
She wishesshe
'A'lnere (notIiveintheсity)
1 a different
Iife/ wishes
/ had/ Geri/ she 3 Mybestfriend
/nnmд оt lt m nrр nf tоn\

2 |l rtl so muсhteIevision |/weгe

/vou/watсh/wouldn't/ 4 I'mverytired.I wishI
3 enjoyit/ would/ if/ thеparty
/ John/ wentto/ he 5 Thisbookis reallyboring.
/n n t h э r r a tn
llq v v цv
rI vдq чa d it
\ llv l

1 h a di at iс kеtI/ t h epopсonce rt/

|/for/w is h 6 MyIitt|e
is so nosy.Iwishhe
5 ||a /wouId popstaг/sing
/ be/famous /сould/ |/ if ьu,in..,l
7 Damon сan'tafforda mobiIephone.Hewisheshe
t go/ wishes
/ Тim/ toF|oгida
/ he/ onho|iday
/ сouId (havemoremoney)

Would rather, would prefer, prefer Funсtions
17 Completethesentenсeswithwouldrather,wouldprefer alternatives
or prefer.
20 Jude,GаryandLindaaredisсussinga potentiaInew
1 '. . . . . . . . . . . . ...y
.. ou gotothethe a tre
. .......... or t he development thedialoguе
in thetownсentre.compIete
сinema?' Iiketoseea fiIm.' withthefollowing wordsandphrases.
2 | rea||do y n't еnjoy da nсing. | ...............
s implyI ist ening if. would
. surely . butwouldn't
tomusiс, . that's
a good .
idea rather .
than сouId
3 Idon,t thinkl'IIgotothepaгty. l tostayat
4 S wim m ing ina poolisreally boring. I ........... . . . . goingtodowiththatwaste
Lindа Whаtагetheсounсi|
swimming inthesea.
5 Gina spendhermoney onCDs
books. Jude goingtobui|d
Ithinkthey're аnaгtsсentгe.
6 Tom talking abouthimself
listening tootherpeople. агen't
Linda Buttheunemployed interested
7 I rea||dyon,utnde rstand w hyyou.............. w а.t сhing
T V . . . . . . . . . . ..... out. ..:'.... anаr tсe n tгe
' n oon e
Wants,wou|dn'titbеbettеrtobuiId a spoгts
Language patterns:tell, talk, saу, speak сentre? theсounсi|
Theartiс|esays:Bothsongsandpoemstella storyortalkabout putthemoпeyintoa spo(sсentre, they
meanings but geta |otmor e
.............. p е op |e
theyareuseddifferently. usingthep|aсe?
Jude Andthey makеitfreefor
18 Underlinetheсorreсtverbto сomplete these
sentenсes. unempIoyed pоople.
1 Brianis verygoodatsaуingl fel/lлgghoststories. Gary 6 . ' . ' . . . ' . . . . '. .. , . , ' . . .t.heсo
.. un сsip| e nou
t г
2 Whenever Paulfel/s/ speaksa jokenobody laughs. moneyon something |thinktheaгts
3 ,Didуousaуl fel/something?',No,I'mjustsaylng
to myself.'
talking сentreis a greatidea.
4 .Pаssmethesalt.'.on|yifуouspeakl say.,p|ease'''' Lindа Idon'tthinkwe'гegoingto agreeonthis.
5 Itwouldbeimpossib|e toсommuniсateifwedidn't
speakI saythesameIanguage.
6 'Lisawantstobuya сar.'.Don'ItalkIspeaknonsense' 21 Writethewordsin brасketsin theсorreсtorderto
Shedoesn't knowhowtodrive,' thedialogues.
19 Use tell,talk,saуor speakin the сorreсtformto Gаry We сouIdseea western
ora сomedy.
сomplete thesentenсes beIow.
/ wouId/ whiсh/ you)
1 Aren't yougo ing mey ours eсret ?
to............... Aliсe IthinkI'dprefera сomedy'
2 WhatdidBen tomakeyouso angry?
3 PIease mewhatyouwantmetodo. Pippa I сanwriteyoua сheque
4 Don'tbelieve Seantellsyou.Hesometimes
(wou|d/ you/ whiсh/ prefer)
rubbish. p|ease?
Rita CanI havea сheque, It'smoreseсure
5 Am yisveryс onfident.Shea lw ays............. . .m ind.
h еr
6 Don't anythingaboutthepaгty toJohn. Bob I needtoсhoosea language
(do/ think/ you/ whiсh/ best/ be/ wou|d)
Pete I'dсhooseSpanish. It'srea||y
Jim Youсanf|yfгomLondon

(hаve/ preferenсe / you/ do/ any)

Kate Bristol.
Ttnit 9
A review
24 Readthisfi|mreview themissing
} э;: :headvertisement
belowand findthe foIlowing
.*':.]аtIon' а thetitIe.
.:..^о A \/A nt ic
b thereviewег's
ooinionof thefiIm.
,^ s :alents
с general
. ._ Jwt ttd u l . . .

d whatotherpeoplemightthinkofthefilm.

r,Vеwould like to start a tгenсh

]оnvегsationC| therеanyonе
"..i:h teaсhingexpеrienсеwho wouId
:: аble to ГUna Frenсhсonveгsational
: зssfоr al|ages?You nееd to be able
-.csoareone hour a wееk between Patriсia Нighsmith,s tense thгillеrs
trаnslatewel| to the big sсrеen, and
7_9 p.m. on a weekday(exaсttime The ТolеntеdМr Riрtеу (1999) is no
and daY to suit You). еxсеption'
For thosе of you who don,t know
thе book, thе story is of an
unpгinсiplеdyoung man who wiI|do
anythingto get what hе Wants.
Dirесted bу thе osсar winninq
diгесtoгAnthony Minghеl|a,thе fi|й
staгs thrее of thе ЕngIish-|anguа9е
сinеma,smost аttгaсtivе" and taЁntЁо
.ц:ш шriteyourownnotiсe'FoIIow
theinstruсtions aсtors:Мatt Damon, Gwyneth Pa|trow
and JudеLаw.
. ;.: аttending
a language
sсhoo|in Youandyour
Bгitain. FiImеd main|y in Еuгopе, Thе
.:ir-э:eshavedeсidеd a p|ayinЕngIish
toorganisе tobe TolеntеdMr Ripleуis a stylishfilm that is
r:;] r a |oсaltheatre.
Wгitea shoгtnotiсeaskingother both fasсinating and сhi||ing. Its
еlеgаntсharmand sinistеratmosphеrе
, ' .,'hiсhp|ayyouwanttoputon. mеan that it has bееn сompаrеd
fаvourably with the grеat Alfrеd
- 3;esthowyouwantpeople tohelp.
Hitсhсoсk,sfilms. Somе pеop|е may
whypeop|eshouIdgetinvo|ved. find thе |aсkof morа|punishment or
rformation justiсеunplеasant, but,in thisfiIm,thе
vi||aingеtsаwаywith it.
I thoroughly еnjoyedthis film but
not еVeryonеwil| likе the triumphof
еvi|. Мy only сritiсismis that .l35
minutеsis а bit too long.

25 Writeyourownfilmreviewin 200-250words.Spend
аbout90 minutes on pIanning'
Writea review
ofa well-known filmthat
2 Sсanthetextandanswerthisquestion.

3 Readthetextagainandfindthefollowing.
1 Тhefurthest HazeIooesintoa сrater
R ea din g
1 Beforeyou readthetext,matсhtheseWordsto their 2 TwoItaIian
,| сrаter 3 Тwoсausesofa сhanоe
2 lavaflow
3 erupt 4 Нowfar Naze|waIkedaсгossa lavastгeam.
4 dormant
5 iоeсao 5 Thetemoerature
ofa Iavaflow.
a notaсtive
b exoIodeandthrow outfiгeandmelted
roсk 6 Тwoo|aсes
c permanentсovertng inpo|ar
ofiсe,usual|y regions
d ho|eatthetopofa vo|сano
e hot|iоuid
гoсkthatсomesoutofa Volсano


to сlimha livвUolcano.Butfor HazelRymеt,itЪ
all in a day'swork,andshelovesherioh.
1 Studying volсanqеs is a dеmanding profеssion. Hazеl
Rymеr frеquеntly has tо strugglе through rainforеsts,
сlimb to thе top of mountains, thеn сlimb 200 mеtles
into thе сratеr of aсtivе volсanoеs. But thе З8.yеar.old
s volсanologist doеs hеr bеst to makе it sound lеss bеforе. Нazеl sееms unсonсеrnеd. .I don,t takе any
alarming than it is. ,Driving to work is morе risky,, shе unnесеssaly risks and I don,t try to makе situations
insists. ,And thе dеepеstI go into the сIatеI of a volсano dangеrous,' shе says. .If things happеn, thеy happеn.,
is about З00 mеtrеs. I gеnеrally just sсramblе down thеn Howеvеr, shе has had somе fтightеpiцg moments. Her
sсramblе baсk up again,, shе adds, trying to makе it all worst еxpеrienсе Was on thе slopеs of Мount Еtna in
10 sound as ordinary as taking thе dog for a walk. Siсily. Whilе shе was taking mеasurеmеnts on thе еdgе
2 Haze| has bееn studying volсanoеs for a long tirnе, so of thе lava floщ shе was slowly surroundеd bу 1ava. ,|
it,s not suтprising shе is usеd to thе dangеr. Hеr intеrеst з5 had a сhoiсе of walking tеn hours to gеt around thе lava
in vоlсanoеs bеgan whilе shе was lеarning Latin at flow or just walking aсross it,, shе ехplains. Shе сhosе to
sсhool. A tеaсher gavе hеr a book about Pompеii. ,I piсk a path aсross thе сoolеr roсks in thе lava strеam. .I
15 remеmbеr,rеading about thе еruption of Vеsuvius and guеss it ч+s 50 mеtlеs. Thе flow was 1,000.С, so if you
thе dеstruсtion of thе сiф, shе eхplains. .Thе thought hеsitatеd your boots would bеgin to mеlt. It Was sсary'
оf all thosе Pompеiians just frozеn in timе had quitе aл but it rеally was a praсtiсal dесision * thеrе wasn,t timе
еffесt on mе., Twеnty yеars latеr, this fasсinhtion is still to do anything еlsе.,
strong. ,I supposе you sеnsе that volсalroеs havе this And what about thе futulе? ,I havеn,t bееn tо thе
20 dangеrous bеauty, and that nеvеr lеavеs you,, shе volсanoеs in Indonеsia yеt. And I would lovе to spеnd
smilеs. ,I still gеt exсitеd whеn l approaсh onе I havеn,t somе timе working in thе Antarсtiс,, shе says. ,I would
еnсountеred bеforе.' 45 also likе to know why quiеt lava flows еrupt from somе
3 Nowadays, volсanoеs aге gеtting more and morе volсanoеs and why othеr volсanoеs go bang., ln othеr
unprеdiсtablе. Тhеrе havе bееn many сhangеs in sеa words, Hazеl Rymеr won,t bе еxсhanging hеr volсanoеs
25 lеvеl сausеd by global warming and mеlting iсе сaps. for thе rеlativе safеty of dтiving to work iust yеt.
Thеsе havе гesuitеd in somе dormant volсanoеs
еrupting, so studying them is morе hazardous than еvеr Sainsbury,s Thе Mсlgаziпе

Ttnit aO
4 staythesamewayforeveг
questionsln thistask,
Mu|tiple-сhoiсe eaсhquestionhas 5 toexpeгienсe
orfindsomething ornew
threeor fourpossible
aлswers,Оnlуoneansweris correct,
al|of themсanсontainwordsor expressioлs
theadvicebelow: Paragraph
, 6 unexo eсt.ed
Readtheteхtquiсklуto understand
generalidea. 7 verуunsafe
8 notwoгried
about something ..'..
, Readthequestion,
9 toсarefuIIy
rememberseeingrelatedinformation. ,l0 topausebefore
youdosomething youare
, Readtheanswersandtherelevantseсtionof teхtcarefullv. unсeГtaIn
о Checkthatall theotheranswers
areinсorrect. 11 giveorreсеive
something inreturn forsomething

12 notdangeгous
Choosethebestanswerto questions1-5 below.
1 Aссording
is moredangerous?
а Making yourWaythгough
b Goingdeepinside Vo|сanoes. Voсabu!ary
с Trave||ing
byсar. Tr aveland health
d Climbingmountains.
6 Usethesewordsto сompIete
beсome interested
. avoid. сho|егa. emergenсy kit. firstaidkit
a Whenshewasvisiting ltaly.
. hea|th. immunisations. inseсt . pгeсautions
b Whenshewasatsсhool'
. skinсanсer. steri|e
. sunstroke
с Whenshewastwenty.
d WhenshesawVesuvius.
inIine26referto? By bеingsеnsib|e and takingsomesimplе
a Melting
iсe-сaps. . . . ., У o u сa n a vo idbeсo m ingi | lon
b Changes insealevel. .
с Vo|сaniс
eruotions. holiday. Beforе trave|ling,сheсk the
d Higher
temperatures of the сountгyyou will be visiting.
WhenHaze|Was onMountЕtnashehadto with your doсtorfoг any
Aгrangеa сonsultation
a walkfortenhoursaroundthemountain . ' . . . .yo u m a y nеed.S o m eсo mmon l y
b tаkeanunneсessaryrisk a
requiгedvaссinationsare hepatitis,
с Ieaveherbootsbehind
d takeа dangerous
route typhoid and yеl|ow fever.
Hazelwantsto Whеnyou aГepaсking,inсludеa sma|l
а revisitvoIсanoes
sheknows ... сontainingsomep|asteгs,
b goonho|iday totheAntarсtiс сr ea ma nd wa te r
. . . . . . ,a nt isеpt iс
с finda lessdangerous
d disсover newthings
aboutvo|сanoes tablets.For more remotеplaсes,it is
, You сan
wisеto сarryyour own
5 Findwordsor expressions
in thetextforthese
meanings. buy thesеat a сhemist,sshop, and they сontain
syringes,neеdlesand drеssings.
Paragraph1 9
1 a thatrequires training Whilеyou are away,be sensible.
2 totryveryhaгdtodosomething
diffiсu|t tap waterif you aге not surеthat the Watersupplyis
3 toс|imbquiсk|y
upordownsomething yourhands
using ,o is
с|еan.Be veryсarefuIin the sun:
and,in the |ongteгm,the sun
сan сause

GompIete 9 Complete thispаragraphwiththewordsin theсorreсt
things yougoaway:
. |ookforward
to. appIy
. Wгite
. offer. interest
. work. study
A |t ho ugh
Z o e. . ' . . . . . . ' . . . S. .сienсe
.. y ,ew a s
a t uni v e r s ist h
3 alsovery injournalism.
Whatto do whileyouareaway:
5 .. deсided fora jobas a journa|ist.
6 .. W eeks,she5 . . . . . . . . .' . . .a j o ba ta na t ionnа el w s p a p e r .

Negativeprefixes W hileshewa st her e, she6. . . . . . . . . . . .a. .b..ouet v e r y t h i n g ,

lntheteхtHazelsays:l don'ttake
anуunneсessaryrlsks. fromspoгtseventsto natural
disasters.A|though thenews
Weсanmakesomeadjeсtives negative theprefixes
byadding 7. ...............
wa sso m et im depr g, Z o ea lwa ys
es essin g oi n g
un,in,im,ir, disoril.
towork.ForZoe,journalism jobin
8 Completethesentenсes withthenegative
formof the
in braсkets.
adjeсtives theworldl

10 RepIaсe
thephrasesin itаliсswithа phrasaI
verbin the
. giveup. geton. turndown. takeon. fitin
1 WhenZoestarted

2 Gregrefused toacсept|hejoboffer.
t o w.
WhenMaгtin brokehis|eghehadtoresigлhisjobas a
Matt's newbusiness wasdoingso well,thathehadto
emploу morestaff.
Amywasveryambitious. Shewasdetermined Iomake
goodprogress inherjob.

G iving news
11 Matсhstаtements 1-5withtheresponses a-e.
1 |twasterribIe|| arгived
2 l regrettoannounсe thatthetesthasbeenсanсeIled
WhenshesawheгfirstvoIсano, Haze| was
3 l feeIa bitupset.Mypet'sveгyi||.
4 Justtoletyouknow, today'smybirthday
Wa|kinaс g гoss
the|аvaf|ow w a san.......... . . . . .
5 Haveyouheaгd thatKaren'sthenewstudent
3 ТhevoIсano hadbeen.... ......(асtive) foryears. |ts
erup t io n сompIe te (prediс t a bI e)
|y a I'msorrytohearthat.
4 |twаs (possib|e)togetneartheсгater' Тhe b Rea||y? Тhat'samazing.
lavawastoohot. с Congratulationst
5 Тheгesearсh noteswere (|egib|е).
Nobody d I wishI ' dkno wn
оouIdreadthem. e Howembarrassino!
6 Whenthevo|сano erupted, theevaсuation oftheisIand
wasrush ed (orga nis ed).

lrnit aO

Gr am ma r that8
. Sheanswered
whena hugee|ephаnt
Т e р o г t edsp eeс h ...... Shetoldhimthat10........
1lr.lComplete so shehadtakena oiсtureHe asked
witha wi]dlifephotogrаpher.
this сonversаtion
putthequestionsintotheсorreсtgap,|-6. her 11 Shesaid

a yVhatadviсe youoffertoyoungwi|d|ife
оhotographers? be patient. that13
She explained
t Haveyouhadanydаngerous expeгienсes?
о 'flhatdoyouenjoymostaboutyourjob?
d Whatisthemostremote* p|aоeyouhavebeento? 14 Reportthesesentenсesusing the reportingverbs
e Whatdidyoudo? below.
f Didyoua|ways photographeг?
wanttobea wi|dIife . added. rесommended . promised . exp|ained
. admitted
. told. wantedto know
Mаrk ] 1 .Where сanI buva mobilеphone?'
I neverp|anned
ПariаТobе hоnest it as a сareer.
l wаsa ll. Sa||y
whenl stаrtedtakingphotographs, :. 2 .Don't
rt а rk2 '. . . . . . .
I ha tatnhar

3 . o l usedvo uгm o biI. e. .

tаria We||, | |ovephotogrаphing
unusual orendangered s].ii.
animals. At themomentI amplanningto photograph 4
pandas inChina. Shе
l{аrk 3''...... 5 ,|'|I
lаria LastVeаrI wenttoAntаrсtiсa.
lt tookseveral
davs Angie
tn пotthдrо 6 oughtto startworkon it.'
7 IatebeсausemVaIarmсIoсkis broken.'
}laria onсe inAfriсaI wasin myjeepwhenа huge :. кoь
е|ephantсhaгged towardsme.
Шаrk5 Dir eсtspeeсh
ШariaWel|, theгewasnoсhanсeofesсape, so Ijusttook 15 Putthereported сonversation intodireсtspeeсh.
a piсture' Foгtunate|y,
atthelastmoment thee|ephant CIaгeaskedme1howlongt hadbeenworking in a fastfood
stopped аnddisappearedintothebush' restaurant.Ireplied Ihat'I hadbeenworking thereforthree
Ьt a r k6 . . . . . . . . months. Sheaskedme'ifitwasafutt-time jobandl
answered that4it r,vasfust
a summer job.Shewanted to
risksandtryto be patient.
know5whatI haddonebeforet started thejob.Iexplained
|tсansometimestakedaystogettherightpiсture, that6/ usedtobea studeлt. Sheaskedme,if l hadearned
i^]otе= far awаyfromwhеrеpeoplelive a lotofmoney, ItoldherthatI I hadn't, butaddedthat/ got
freemeals.She wanted to knownif I likedfastfood.I
admittеd thal1ll didn't'
Nowreporttheсonversаtion in ,|2. €хr.rжp8e
Heaskedher1;f вk*hаd аtrwауs wan,l*d
to b* в wlldt;fe 1 f{oиfяпg Iзяиeyoсзb*rrl w*rКlrзgirх* fввf f*вd
Sheexp|ainedthatz ra*taхsrвn{?
...... Shеwasa maгine
bio|ooistwhenshe 2
staгted photographs.
taking 3
lе wantedto knowJ
Shereplied thatshelovedphotographing or
endangeredanimaIs аndthat
. , Heaskedheг5 ...........
. . . . S hetoldhimthat6 ..........
. lt hadtakеnseverа|
trere.Hewanted toknow
Sиggesf / Recommend Funсtions
16 Usethenotesto mаkesentenсes. Usetheverbsin the Еxpr essing
appr oval
/ disappr oval
19 CompIete withthephrases.
1 Thetouгist information offiсer/ reсommended / wе/ visit/
thеmodeгn aгtga||ery,
2 Beatriсe / suggested / go/ tothebeaсh. . |'mafraid| сan,tagгee. doyouwant. l thinkit'sdreadfu|
3 David/ reсommended / thenewnoveI byMагtin Amis/ to . I seewhаtyoumean,but. it'sinсredible
us. Тom thattheso-сa||ed сivi|ised
4 Ange|a / suggested / Kate/join/ thetennis с|ub. worldis destroyingtheenvironment withits businesses
5 Тheteaсher / suggested / thestudents / finishthe andindustries.
exerсises athome. Anna it'simpoгtant to inсrease
6 Stephen / suggest I lakeI a taxitohishousе? everybody's standаrd of living.
7 Thedoсtoг / reсommended l eatl a heaIthvdiet. Tom Butnotat theexpenseof theenviгonment.
8 l / suggested / meetoutside theсinema' з ....... . to |iveina wor|d whiсhis
beingdestroyed by greеd?
L a n g uag ep at t erns dire
] сtand indire ctobjeс t s Anna No,but...
17 Lookat thesentenсes
аndсompIete Tom Theeffectsof po|lution аndg|oba| wагming areterrib|e.
Inmyopinion to thinkthatthe
a Theteaсhergaveher a book.
peopleletthishappen. We shouldproiest. We should
b Theteachergavea book to her. Anna 5 I thinkthatthewestern
phrаse) eсonomies areimproving сonditions foreverybody. And
Whenthe (her)сomesbefore
the industriesaretryingto proteсttheenvironment.
(a book)' youdonotneedthewoгdfo,butwhenherfo|Iows a . personaily, . I findit
I feelthatit'sessential
b o o k, уonueedt oadda .......... . butontheotherhand. thаt'swhatI think
Steph Ourlivestodayarefartoostressful.
1 8 Join thesepairsof sentenсes to makeonesentenсe. AIex .............
Еxаrпples Steph andyoga
to re|ax.Мeditation
Iwrotea Ietter. arеfantastiсforthis.
l wrоtoa lrttеr to mуponfriеnd" AIex Maybо, 8 ,...........
'... thereаreotherthings
Iowedsomemoney. ItwastoMatt. WeCаndo.Goingto thegymis a bri|liant wayto keep
l оwed tv'lаtt*ama rnуnr'Y. fitandunwind reallyhelps.
,| |gavetheteaсher somethrng. Itwasmyhomework.
| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. myhomewo г k.
2 l askedmyfгiend something' ltwasa question. 20 Somestudentsаredeсidingwhatto inсIudein a
......a quest io n. сoIlegemagazine. CompIete theсonversation with
3 | bought a present. ltwasforZoe. theseexpressions.
I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ........
a o r esent . . absolutely. I'mafraid I disagree
4 I hadanidea.Isuggested ittoSean. . ontheotherhаnd. I сanseewhatyoumеan, but
I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ......... .S. ea
. . n. . that,sfineоyoU'ГO probab|y right
5 Ishowed myfriend something. Theyweгemyho|iday person
FrankSo,wehavetodeсide whiсhfamous towrite
about inthismonth's student magazine. Ithink a
| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .......mvfr iend. politiсian wou|d bebest.
S ue . . . . .t.heya r ea bitbo г i n g .
F r a nkOK ,2 . . . . . . . . A nyo t her
id e a s ?
Tim Wесou|d havea popmusiсian, Тhey're a|ways popu|аr
Sue Peoplehaveverydifferent tastes
Tim True,but, weneedsomeone that
everyone reсognIses.
FrаnkHowabouta filmstar?
Sue ! Тhat'sa greatideа.
Тim 6 ...................... withme.
.. 7ltтiс ao

Writing A Ietterof appliсation

rtl'ork Whiсhjobin21is CIareappIying
22 ReadthisIetter. for?
Whatrelevant doesshehave?
l'l Lookatthesethreejob advertisements.
аbiIities you needfor eaсh
andсharaсteristiсs D earSir o r M adаm,
l am аpp|ying the jоb of hote|rесеptionist
,.. . .,...'..theН ighto nd 3 .'.....' ......'the
H o tei аdvеr tisеd
Dailу Post 20 Apri|.
lhave a|w aysbeen inter estеd 5...............w o r kingin the
touristindusLry,and during the sсhool holidaysl used to
arе lookingfor salеsassistants. w o r k par t-timе6 ...............
а I o сaIho tе|.P |e;s еfind d еtails
: my qualifiсations and woгk еxpеrienсе
\Vе need peop|еWho the enсlosedсurriсulumvitae.
I wаs a studеnt
> are enthusiastiсand еffiсiеnt Croft SeсondarySсhoo|unti|
|astJ u|y'Sinсеthen I havеbeеnw o гking]0 ............... a
} have a smart appearanсe w aitr ess . аn |ta|ian r estauй nt.12
> aгe сomputeг-liteгate my presеntjob, I hаve direсt сontaсt with сustomersand I
} havеsome experienсein sa|es аIsohаvе to takеtе|еphonerеservations. In addition,l am
ver y eх pеr ienсеd]3 .........'..'..dealingw ith сus tom еr
For furtherinformationphonе: 0986 567887 сo mp|аints.
l look forward . hеaringfгom you.
{}"/;ьl.* ffii**"&.*l/

ghtand F{ 23 NowсompIete
theIetterin 22withtheseprepositions'
. аt. fo r . o f . in. fg. 35. gJ 1
Wе nееd а rесеptionist. You must bе rеliablе,
сonfidеnt аnd patiеnt. Ability to dеal with 24 Usingtheletterin 22 as a guide,writeyourownIetter
of appliсationfor oneof theotherjob advertisements in
сustоmеr problеms аnd takе tеlеphonе
21'Write120-,|50 Words.FoIlowtheinstruсtions beIow.
еnquiгiеs is еssеntial. Spendаbout40 minutesWriting andсheсkingyour
Plеasе sеnd СV аnd сovетing lеttеr to: Тhе
Writea |etter
ofapp|iсation foгa jobyousawadvertised
Pегsonnеl Мanаgеr, Highland Нotеl, Еnglish-language newspaper.
Brompton Strееt, London sW6 TYB. . Useappropriate styleandfixedformal phrases.
Saywhiсhadve(isement youarerеferringtoаndwhere
Еxp|ain inapp|ying.
Saywhatinformаtion сanbеfoundinyourCV.
GivedetaiIsofsomeworkexperienсes youhavehadto
inсrease ofgettingthejob.

o in journalism?
Аrе you intеrеstеd
О Do you hоvеехСеllеnt Еnglish?
o and able ta work
Аre you fteхibte

The ЕvеningStaris lookingfor an assistantto

You will bе
work with experienсedjournaIists.
requiredto work long hours.

S p eaki n g
Co mp aringp iс t ure s
1 Lookat thethreephotos.Inonepictureyou cansee a
femalebody.buiIderin a сompetition,
showsa fitnessclass,andthethirdshowssomeone
doinga bungeejump.Compare andсontrast the


Writeat Ieastfivearguments
Workin pairs'Еaсhof youshouIdсhoosea different
you haveсhosenwithyourpartner,
statement and
respondto theirсounter.arguments.
A By nowouгworIdhasbeсome a g|oba|
B ТheyshouIdputhigher
Useof English
1 Readsomeаdviсeto studentsprepаringto visitBritаinforthefirsttime.Somewordsаremissingfromthetext.
thetext.Тhereis oneexampleаt thebeginning'
option:a, b, с or d, to сompIete
0 Б У
to Britаinforthеfirsttimeо o bеа vеrуе хсiting
..е||i ng фсan a mustn't a willhavegotto
. ::riеnсе. Thisis pаrtiсular|ythесasеif yоuсаnspеndа fеwdаys b сan't b сan't b willhaveto
. .lе сapitа|. yоu gеt
Whеn finа|lу to London, yousuddеnIу fее|уou с wiII с nota|Iowedto с maybe abIeto
d mustn't d havegotto d areallowedto
lеаvеwithoutеxpеriеnсing а littlеbitof whаtthis
.--.:nifiсеnt thеаtrе
сity,s аnd musiс lifе2- offеr.Butаsа I 6 10
s;ingstudеnt з-
in Britain, аffordаnyof thеsеfamous a аreab|eto a muststillbe a havegot
a- b сan ableto b сan
. - еrtаinmеnts? bе wеlIoffto еn1oу Londоn's сu|turaI c mustn't b havestillbe с may
..Lеtу?Wе|I, notnесеssаriIy. d willhaveto аbIeto d must
: 'instanсе, с сan'tstiIIbe
if you5- 11
аffordtо spеndаnymonеyon tiсkеts, L
findonеof thесhurсhеs thаtoffеrfrееlunсhtimесhаmbеr a ableto a willhaveto
d maystillbe
..-lsiс b must b willbe ableto
to alIthosеintеrеstеd.Тhеrеarеа fеwothеrсhеаpoptions, аs ableto
с maynot с wiIl
.] . wh iсh - guarаntее nightoutin London
уoUаn еnjoyаb|е d сan 7 d willhavegotto
, -hоutyouhaving to pасkаndсomеhоmеthеfoIlowing day. a must
3 12
b is ableto
ТiсkеtBoothin Lеiсestеr
. rе оf thеsеis tkrs,thеHalf-Priсе Squarе. a willyouhaveto a will
с сouId
_.еy b wil|yobе
u b might
оn|ysе||trсkеts forthеsаmеdаy'spеrformаnсеs in а|lWеstЕnd d areableto
..аtrеs.YouB- q- ableto G maynot
buymorеthanfourtiсkеts,аndуou с mustyou B d саn't
-аi а smа|I sеrviсе too.Тhisis partiсuIаr|у
сhаrgе, suitаb|еforthosе d mayyou a won't
аrеhаppywith anуgoodquаlitуshow,butnotforthosеwhо' b don'thaveto
.-. instanсе,sаy: ]0- sееС,rswhi|еI'mhеrе.'Ifyoubеlong с arenotaIIowedto
a Doyouhaveto
11- d arenotableto
'- thislattеrсаtеgorу, you bе prеpаrеd
forа |ongеr sеаrсh, b Youhaveto
].rtУoU 12- wеIIbе luсkyаndfindthеtiсkеtyounееd. с Mayyou
d Youmust

Speaking A";;"c" й;;'--

S t а t i s t iс s. based
discussion Listёhingto musiс(rаdio,сassеttе, СD;.МP3 6r..бПI.ine)''' 6Z
2 Lookat theсhart. Wаtсhing ТV andvidеosor DVDs 72 69
Itshowshowyoungpeople Li s t e n .i n gtо thеr аdiо . ..
.1 . ..,.:,..:.:...,:....'..hh bI 71
(aged14to 24)Iiketo spend
theirfreetime.Comparethe Rеadinng e w spaperosr pеr io diса|s 49 46 53
,.. .......]: .] ..
figuresandtaIkаboutthe Rвaaingьoа]ts ]. . . . .,. .....]:l ..з+. . 26 4з
G o i n g t oс l ubs,dаnсing 20 22 17

G o i n gto t h есinеmа l с}


Goingto popсonсеrts 4 4 З
е r thеo pеr а
G o i n gto t h еthеаtr o
gа||еr iеs
V i s i ti n gm UsеUms, o r eх hibitio ns 2 1 3
musiсto nсеr ts
G o i n gto с I a ssiсаI l- .1

que stions
S h o r tt ext m ult iple .сhoiсe
1 Readthreeshorttextsbasedon differentsourсesand
topiсs.Foreaсhtext,reаdthequestionandсhoosethe 1 Whiсhis thebesttit|eforTextA?
bestanswer:а, b, с or d. Еatingoutands|eeping in
D Adapt tosuityourbudget
TextA GгeatvaIuemeaIs
Baсkpaсker area fIexibIe
hosteIs ootion
Youсan .l Charge mealstoyourownroom
a dormitorywithother
сharge fora roomofyour 2 Whereis TextB takenfrom?
own.Foгfood,youсanсhoose fulI-boaгd'
orseIf- a anadvertisement
сanfinda paсkage
сatering. thatfits b a newspaper report
how muсh Most
theyсanafford. majoг Еuropean tourist с a |iterary
nowhavea baсkpaсker
destinations hostel,
so theyarethe guidebook
d a tourist
idea|Ioсation butp|easant p|aсe
tostav. 3 Whiсhis thеbesttitleforТextC?
a Sсientists
Waгn overсlimate сhange
b Еxoert India
attaсks andChinа
TextB с Computers toso|ve pгoblems
A stгoI|
upintotheBairro AIto, or.high
is аnintegral d Too|ateforсIimate сhanqe
paгtofa visittoLisbon,
|t'sa toughwalkupfromtheriveгfront,
butonarriva| youarerewaгded bybreathtaking viewsoverthe
сommerсiaI аndfinanсia|distriсts
beIowon thewayup,stop Writing
Cаfё,nearCamoesSquare, wherea ' F o r a nd a ga inst 'essa y
statueofoneof PoгtugaI's
most famouswriteгs,Fernando 2 ReаdthefoIlowingstаtement.Thinkaboutyourown
Pessoa, justIikethe|oсaIs.
sitsata tab|e Furtheroffthe opinionаboutthesubjeсt,
andarguments forand
beatentraсk, theempty baсkstreetsprovidea p|easant SuppoЁyourarguments
againstthestаtement. with
сontrasttothebusyriverfront you'Ve
leftbehind. exampIes fromyourownexperienсe. Writean essayin
180-250 wordsdisсussingthestatement.
TextC is notonlyanidealformofentertainment
Television butals:
animportant ro|einoureduсation.
Thetemperature ofourpIanet is settoinсrease byoveг3"C
a сentury,
and near|yhalf peop|e
a biIIion maybeсome
home|essorwithout food.That'saссording toa pane|of
eхpeгts repoгt,basedonсomputeг
is pub|ished
nextweek'Thegoveгnment's сhief
andсhairman of thepane| hassаidthаtсountries
needtotakeaсtion nowwhi|e thereis stiII
a сhanсetoavoid
Anyaсtion wi|Ineedtoinvo|ve theworId'slargest
eсonomy,theUSA,butaIsorapid|y growing eсonomies suсh
asChinaand lndia.

Useof English Wordformation
Oрen сloze 2 Readtheseсondhаlfof theartiсle.Somewordsare
missing.Yourtaskhereis to usethewordsin brасkets
1 ReаdthefirsthaIfof an aЁiсleaboutthefutureof to formthewordsthаtfit eaсhgap 1-9.ln someсases'
shopping.Somewordsaremissingfromthetext.Fill you maynotneedto сhangetheformof thewordin
eaсhgap,t-11witha suitableword.UseonIyoneword braсkets.Thereis oneexаmpleat thebeginning.
in eaсhgap.Тhereis oneexаmpIe at thebeginning.

0urshopping hаbitsаrесertаintо undеrgo signifiсant |tseemsсertаin thatin thеshopof thеfuturethеrеwi||bе

сhаngеs futurе,0 ассording Io
in the not-too-distant vеryfеw shop0 аььiвtаnte (assist) bесаusе аImost
аnd rеsеarсhеrs.Thеyfirm|ybе|iеvе thatthе еvеrуthing wi||bе 1- (do)е|eсtroniсa||y.
еvo|ving nеwdеvеlopmеnts in Informаtion Traditiona| |abе|s wi||bе rеpIaсеdbу intеlIigеntonеswhosе
ТесhnoIogy wi||uItimatе|уrеvoIutionisе
еvеnthеwaywе buу bui|t-in
сhipswi||storеa hugеamountof spесiа| informаtion
оrеаdin ourfavouritесornеrshop- if suсhа thingsti|| abоutthе2- (givе)
produсt likе priсе,dаtеof
thе,howarewegoingto 2 purсhаsе, sе|l-bydatе,еtс.So |аtеron yoUmight'forinstanсе,
ourеverуday shopping in thefuturе? gеtthismеssagе whеnуouopеnуourfridge: Аttention- thе
usе-bеforе datеof thеsausаgе еxpiresin 3 days'timе!lf you
еаtit now,makеsurеуoutаkееХtraсаrе.'At thесhесkоut,
minutes' timеуouarеgoingto stаrtyourwееkеnd shopping,
_ thеsе|аbе|swiI|3-(simp|е)bеrеаdbyаnothеr
so it'stimеto makеthеshopping Iist of сoUrsе, onIinе,on
dеviсе,аndthеfu||amountwiI|bе4- (сhаrgе)
t.оurhomесomputеr. Bythеa- уou еntеrthе
5- to уoUrbankассount immеdiatе|y. ItаIIsееmsvеryеasу.But
supеrmarkеt, yourIistwiIIaIrеаdy rеасhеd
usuаl|yif thеrеis no human5- (invо|vе),
thеsеrvеr сomputеr of thеshop.Еасhtrо||еy in thе
thе mostpеrfесt systеmstеndto fai|.A Iotof pеop|е а|readу
supеrmаrkеt wi||6- еquippеd withа Pеrsonа|
сomp|аin аboutthе|асkof 6- (pеrson)сontасt
Shopping Assistant (PSА) аttaсhеd to thеhand|е оf thеtro||еy.
in bigsupеrmаrkеts. Andthеrearеothеrprob|еms, too.Won't
Whеn асtivatе thisPSАwith your саrd,your
7- thisformofshoppinginсrеаsе7-(|awfu|)саrd
shopping Iist automаtiса||y
downIoаd ontо
thеsmaI| еIесtroniс unit.Asyoupushthеtro||еy а|ongin thе
уou bе hаppyfordiffеrеnt shopsto keepa rесordof whеrе
shop,the PSAwi||bе8- youa||kindsof usefu|
andwhеnyougoshopping аndwhаtуoubuyin whаt
informаtion gаthеrеd fromуourIistandfromyourshopping 9-- (quаntitу)?
historyrесordеd on уoUr|oуа|ty саrd.Soуou mаyhеаror rеad
mеssages Iikе: havеboughtsеventinsof сatfood.|fуou Тhеsеissuеsmу or mауnot bе rеsoIvеd soon,but it sееms
9- tеn,you'|lgеtonеfrее'You'rеnotgoingto quitесеrtain
that,Whеthеrwе Iikеit or not,intе||igеnt
passon thisoffеr, аrеyou?,or.You hаvеputfivе shoppingwiIlsignifiсant|y
rеshapе our Iivеs.
10- morеwinе,bееrаndwatеrintoyourtro|lеу
thanusua|. Аrеуouhavinga partyat thеwееkеnd? Саnwе
thеpartydeсorations whiсhаrеon spесiaI Speaking
offеrrightnow?'Howеvеr, if youfindthisirritаting,youwi|| lnteraсtion
probabIy bе аb|еto switсhоff somеor а||sеrviсеs of thе PsA.
3 Someinventions аnddisсoverjeshavethepowerto
сhangetheworld;othersaresimplyusefuI. Look
throughtheIistof inventions
anddisсoveries below.
Choosethetwothatarethemostimportаnt andtwo
for you in yourdа
thatarethe Ieastimportant
. themiоrowave
oven. e|eсtriсtty.
theaeгop|ane. X-rays
. thelnternet.
theсar.theCD p|ayer. . teIevision
Reading Speaking
Co mp rehen sio nque stions piсtures
1 ReаdthefoIIowing artiсleaboutаn unsoIved
mystery 2 Lookat thethreephotos'Тheyshowdifferent
a famousWoman' AmeliaЕаrhart,
thengive professionsthatсanmakepeoplefamous.Compаre
shortanswersto thequestions1-6. andсontrаst thephotos.Thinkаbouttheadvantаges
anddisadvantages of beingfamous.
AmeIia Еarhaгtwasthefirstwoman pi|ot
oсeanin 1932, in
аndthis itseIf wouId havebеenenough to
makeherthemostfamous Woman ofhergeneration.Yettheгe
is somethingelseaboutherthathaskepta legion of
гesearсhersbusyoverthepastdeсades: andthatis her
sudden disappeaгanсe in 1937.
on 21ltaуofthatyear,sheandFгedNoonan, anexperienсed
navlgatorsetofftotryandсirс|e theg|obe byf|ying29,000
milesalongtheEquator. Atfirst,everything
ТheiгroutefromMiamitookthemtoSouthAmeriсa, Afriсaand
theSahara, lndia,SoutheastAsia andAustraliabeforethey
reaсhed NewGuinea on29June.Fromtheretheyweregoing
tof|yanother2,500mi|es toreaсhHow|and IsIand
boatwaswaiting toгefueI p|аne.
their ThеrewouId havebeen
on|y4,500mi|es oftheirjouгney, hadtheyeverreaсhed
HowIand IsIand'However, /fasсa,theboatwaitingfoгthem
thereon|yreсeived thefo||owing signаI
thеp|ane badIyneeded fue|andсou|d havebeenfarfrom
them: ,KHAQQ сa|ling
seeyou...gasis running low.'Noonesaworheardfrom
AmeliaorFredNoonan everaoain.

1 WhatdidAme|ia
doin 1932thatmadeher

Howmanypeople wereonboardtheplanewhenthey

3 Wheredidtheytakeofffrom?




Useof English
[lш|tipIe.сhoiсe сloze
nПReadthefoIlowing аrtiсIeаboutmusiсdownIoаds fromthelnternet.Somewordsaremissingfromthetext.
Somewordsaremissingfromthetext.Choosethemostappropriate thetext.
option:a, b, с or d, to сompIete
lГ}rereis oneexampIe аt thebeginning.
0 ч
"'l. ..еrnеtis vеryoftеn0 с Io а highwaу whеrеwе arеfrееto еxp|orе а сontrasted a havebeeninterpreted
l .-. dirесtionwithoutboundаriеs.ButthеfrееdomWесanеn1oу on thе Nеt b oaired b hasbeentermed
а |argеnumbеr of unеxpесtеdissuеs,
suсhas thесontrovеrsу \9)с0mpareo
^.' с Weremeant
. ,-dingl\4P3 fi|еsаndwеbsitеs ThеMP3formаt2-
likеNаpstеr. d surfed about
d havethought
[ ':,]. !Сеthе mid-90s аndit enablеs to storеmusiсin a сomprеssеd
Usеrs 1
--. .]|lа сomputеr.
Napstеr З- byShawnFаnning аndhisfriеndsin a havebroughtup а arrested
I. -. . in 199B.|twasthеfirstfrееwеbsite musiс
to hе|pitsusеrsswаp|\4P3 b hasalsoraised b sued
.i ;: с hasгеsuIted с jai|ed
-,€ Г thеNеt.Sinсеit wasforсеdto с|osedownin 2001'anumbеrof
....;imilаrsitеsIikеGnutе||а d hadgenerated d sentenсed
or Kazaahаvеbееnсrеatеd by Fаnning,s
whoаrеoftеnIаbе|lеd as haсkеrsbуtheiradversariеs. z o
' -.:ssors,
a was a regaro
-' : ,livitiеsоf tаnningаnd hisfo||owеrs 4 in diffеrеntwаysovеrthе b hasbeen b сonside
i:;.. t,lany rесord
bеIiеvе сompаniеs arеrightwhеn thеy saythаtthеsе сis с Iook
п:]j i€ S hаvеsеriously vio|аtеd andindividuа|
сopуright propеrtуrights. d hadbeen d hasviewed
l ,., of thесrеators of thеsehomеpаgеs hаvеbееn 5- аnd,аs in т
::.Iеr'S саsе,frеquеnt|у withsuссеss.Othеrs,howеvеr, 6- thеsе a hasbeenсreated a0y
.'li.r'€ Г S'аsfrееdom fightеrs аgе
of thеdigita| who just want to providе frее b hasсreated bo n
c сгeated сin
r ': : tvithout worryingtoomuсhaboutсopуright. Тhisattitudе thеnis
d wasсreated d with
-. . sеd7- turnbу pеopIе whоаrеsimp|усonсеrnеd аbout thееthiсaI
.. -.s оf todаy's youngpеop|е. Theyworrythatthеrеis а who|еgеnеrаtion
.,.is growing up unаb|е to sееthеdiffеrеnсеbеtwееn rightandWrong.

2 Reаdtheseсondhalfof an artiсle.Somewordsaremissingfromthetext'Yourtaskhere]sto usethewordsin braсkets
formthewordsthаtfit eасhgap'|-6.Thereis oneexampleat thebeginning.
0 Nеwgroups, аsyеtunsignеd to a bigrесord|аbе|,hаvеsееn
-. сiаns thamsalvee(thеy) hаvеа|sobееndividеdovеrthеmattеr.
-:arа|lе|еdopportunityin thеsеwеbsitеs to gаin1- (еxposе)
thеу сouId notothеrwisе hopе to Еstab|ishеd
afford. bаnds,
.*еriсanhеavymеtа|bаnd,wasamongthеfirstto rеасtto Nаpstеr's bysuingthеwеbsitе.
aсtiVitiеs Тhеуwоnthесаsе,andNapster
, .s fоrсеdto rеmovе Mеtа||iса,ssonяsfromitssеrvеr.WhеnwiIlthisdisputе bе rеso|vеd? to saу,buta 8rеatnumbеrof
Itis diffiсu|t
3- .hippiеs'o{
:iсipаntswi||surе|усhаnge sidеsin thе (сome)yеаrs.Тhis is what has hаppеnеd to thе.bеаtniks,аnd
]950sand60s,too.Тhеvsouяhtfrееdom fromthе hуpoсrisу bygrоwing
in soсiеty theirhаir,hittingthеhighwаy on thеirHаr|еy
Thеmаjorityof thеsеfоrmеr rеbе|s hаvе bесomе 4 (rеspесt)
mеmbеrs о{
- з.idsonsandmovingintohippiесOmmunеs. -
... еstаblishmеnt, thesamееstabIishmеnt thеyrеvoltеdаgаinst whеnthеyWеrеуoUng. Whеnmostnеwbаndsbесomе fаmous,thеy
-.теdiatе|y startsаfеguаrdingtheirсarееrby notаl|owingfrеe 5- (distributе)
of thеirmusiс on thе Whеn
:.:sеntmеmbеrs of thеNаpstе rlKazaaсommunitу gеtdесеntjobsаnd havеfamiIiеs, thеywi||probаb|у stаrt6- (worry)
,:lut thеmoraIvаIuеs gеnеration.
of thеirсhiIdrеn's Andbythеnthеirhighwaу wilIbе еxp|оrеd bya nеwgroupоf pionееrs.
с LondonDungeon
TheLondon Dungeon is notforthefaint-heaгted'
storyofsomeofmankind's mosthorribIe
offeryoua se|eсtion
Readi ng punishment,fire,andp|ague, suсhastheunsoIved kilIings
M u l t iplem at с hing JaсktheRipper. Еxpeсt togettheoddsurprise:someofthe
1 Reаdthefollowinginformation statuеsmightturnouttobeaIive!
London1.4 аndabouttheattraсtions A-E. Choosethe
for eaсhvisitor.Thereis one
D LondonTransport Museum
thаtyou do notneed.
andIive|yareaofCovent Garden,
1 MгsLatimer is takingherseven-yeaг-old
nephew fora London Тranspoгt
Museum jouгney
offersaninteraсtive of
dayout.Sheis |ooking foranaсtivity
youngсhi|d whois madabouttrains andсars. disсovery 200yеarsoftranspoгt
through history.
seenmаnyformsoftгаnspoгt _ horsebuses,trams,
Attraсtion: _ andvisitors
andtrains tothemuseum сanexp|ore
2 Sandrais a nuгse.SheIikesbooks, butwou|d prefer
to whatitwas|iketotraveI
around theсapitaI
findsomething thatis сonneсted
insomewaywithher museum hasa funKidzoneforсhiIdren

CaгIais a student. E TheBritishMuseum
Sheis interеstedinanсient
andonotherholidays shehasbeentothe Foundedin1753, TheBritish Museum isoneofthemost
Pyramids. Shewou|d aIsoIikefindsomewhere forlunсh. popular
andfamous museums intheworld.Itis hometo
Attraсtion: artefaсts
andmonuments froma||overtheglobe_ mummies
Pete,agedsixteen, fromЕgypt'sсulpturesfromMesopotamia wherefarming began,
findsmostmuseums'very boring'.
Hewouldrather watсha newhorгoг buthisparents
fi|m, andmuсhmore. lt'shuge,but,ifyou'reshortoftime,а guided
insisthemustgotoa museum ofsomekind, 90-minute
tourisavaiIabIe.Тhereсent|y оompletedGreatCourt
hasсafёsandshoosandistheidea| plaсefora meа|.

S p e ak i n g
A GeffryeMuseum Debate
Youwon'tfindexotiсobjeсts fromaround thewoгIdatthe 2 Reаdthestatements.
Writeat Ieastfiveargumentsfor
GeffryeMuseum. lnstead,itte|Is
thestoryofhowoгdinary andfivearguments
British IivedtheirIivesfromtheseventeenth сenturyup
untiI Еaсhroomсontains 3 Workin pairs.Еaсhof youshouIdсhooseа different
exampIes ofhowpeop|e
theiгhomesindifferent pеriods. youсan
lnaddition, you haveсhosenwithyourpartner,
statement and
howthedesign ofgardеns оhаnged overthe respondto theirсounter.arguments.
sameperiod.ТheGeffrye Museum journey
is a fasсinating
throughnormallife. A HistoriсaI
andоharасters thatareon|yneсessaryformaking
в FlorenсeNightingale
Museum сreаting oftheperiod
a faIseсonсept intheviewers'
Nightinga|ebeсame famous forherexp|oits
B Tourismruinstheunique atmospheгearoundhistoriс
theCrimeanWaг,whereshehe|ped siсkаnddyingsoldiers.
However,afterthewaг,herinfluenсe didnotend,andshe
toimprove pub|iс
сare.Тhismuseum telIsindetaiIаboutheг
inсIude items.

Useof Еnglish
Mu I t i p l e . с h oiссeIo z e
1 Readthetextаboutfootball.
Choosethemostappropriate thetext.
option:а, b or с, to сompIete 0 6 12
Thereis oneexampleat thebeginning. а o|d a for a rememDer
b older b by b reсaIl
:эоtbalIis probаb|yonеof the0 с gаmеsin thеwor|d. Thеrеаrеrеports
of с to с reс0gnise
@oldest]- withа bа||in Сhinаin 200BС'аndwеа|soknоwthаt 2-
1 7 13
.lе Grееks аnd Romаns еnjoуеd а bа||gаmеthаt3- twotеаms'а bа|l,аnd a plays a so a m0sт
.эalsаt еасhеnd. b playing b but b more
с played с beсause с mUсn
-rе historу 4-
of modеrnfоotbа||, wе knowit todау,goеsbaсkаbout]50
z B 14
аt Саmbridgе in Еngland
Univеrsity еnjoуеd but5
foоtbаII, a eaсn a let a а
:hаttimе,thеrеwеrеdiffеrеnt of thеgamеаndthеуа||hаddiffеrеnt
vеrsions b both b allowed b the
.l|еs.Insomеgamеs, 6- уouсouIdpiсkthеbalIup withуour
еxаmplе, с ano с сouId с
^аnds, 7- in othеrsyouWеrеon|y8- to kiсkit. Ч '15
n 1863,a groupof rеprеsеntаtivеs
fromСambridgе mеtUpat thеFreеmаson's a involved a makeout а paгt
9- b сontained b putout b position
Тavеrnin Londonto trуto ThеyformedthеfirstFootbаII
с сounted с soгtout с pIaсe
аnddесidеd on а simp|е sеtof ru|еs,l0- thеgаmе.A|thоugh
:hеrе1] sinсеthеn,thе bаsiсgаmеwаsonеthat
to thе ru|еs
4 1
a thаt a for
,rеwou|da||]2- now.
b whiсh b in
Тhеnеwgаmеquiсk|y thе]з-
beсa mе popu|аrspоrtin 14- сountrу, сas c to
thеrеwеrеа|rеadу 50 |argе сIubsin thеUK.|tthеn
fоotbаlI 11
Dеgаnto sprеadaroundthеworld,firstto Еuropе,thеnNеwZеaIand andSouth aon a arе
ТhеfirstWorldСuptook 15- in Uruguауin 1930. bin b hadbeen
сat с havebeen

Com p a r i ngp iс t ures
2 Lookat thefourphotos,whiсhshowexаmpIes
of trаditionaI
Useof English
1 Readthefirsthalfof an artiс|e
аboutthehistoryof sсienсefiсtion.Somewordsaremissingfromthetext.
FiIleaсhgap1-8witha suitab|e word.Useonlyonewordin eасhgаp.Thereis oneexаmpleat thebeginning.

Whеrеdo fi|msIikеStаrWаrs,ThеМаtriх,Аrmаgеddon, or Аliеnoriginatеfrom?Тhesеarеoftеn0 deвсribod as

еxаmp|еs of sсiеnсеfiсtion(orSt)- a gеnrеwhiсhsomеmightthinkwasа tуpiсalproduсt of thе20thсеnturу. |t
mаусomеаsa сomp|еtе surprisеtо findthatеvеnthеtеrm fiсtion'wаsfirstusеdаs 1- аs
RоmаnЕmpirе. Whеthеr Weaссеpt thisviеwor not,it is еаsуto findеxamp|еs in thеhistory of litеrаturе,
fiсtionwаsз- bу sсiеntifiс
know|еdgе. In P|аto,sRepubliс оr ТhomаsМore,s lJtopiа,po|itiсal
sсiеnсеsdоminаtеd. Тhеsеworksportrауеd imaginаry p|асеs wherеevеrything waspеrfесt аndwithwhiсhthе
rеadеrwassupposеd 4- сontrаsthisor hеrrеа|wоr|d. Тhisgenrеbесаmе 5- аs.utopiа'
withinSFаndthееar|yеxamplеs Wеrеmorе|ikеphilоsophiса| or po|itiса| disсoursesrаthеr6- storiеs.
Тhеnin Frаnсis Bасon's ThеNеwAtlаntis (i626)tе|еvision, radio,frеshwаtеrdisti||еd fromsа|twаtеrаnd
submаrinеs 7 introсluсеd,
addingа morеtесhno|ogiса| dimеnsion to thеgеnrе.Fantastiс еpisodes
storiеsfromthеagеof grеаtеxpIorations in thе16thаnd17thсеnturiеs, сombinеd withthis
tесhno|ogiсаltypеof utopiа,inspirеd storiеs
aboutunknown wоr|ds 8- of imаginary dаngеrsand
Тоdаy,s sсiеnсеfiсtionstoriеsаboutIifеin spасeс|еаr|v rеflесtthеsеthеmеs.

Word searсh
2 Readtherestof theаrtiс|eaboutsсienсefiсtion.Thistimein mostlinesthereis oneunneсessary
lt is eithergrammatiсаlIy
or doesnotfit in withthesenseof thetext.
Readthetextаndсrossouttheunneсessary word,thenwriteit at theendof theline.SomeIinesare
theselineswitha tick(/|. TherearetwoexampIes at thebeginning.

0 The 19thсentury
to devе|op
a distinсtiveIy
00 teсhnologiсa|
We seethiswiththeJuIesVernе'samusingandsurрrising|y
1 inventive
deviсesin 20 ThousandLeaguesUnderthe Seaor Journeуto theCentreof theЕarth'
2 Anotherimportant
of SF wasthethemeof аIienаndinvasion,
3 TheConquest
bу theMoon,a nove|byWashington
in 1809.
4 Spaсeinvaders,
SF untiIa сenturybutIatеrwhen
5 WaroftheWorldsbу H" G. WeIIswaspubIished,
6 bythenumеrous invasion
storieswe enсounter
7 Sinсethe,l930s
SF hаsbeеnpresentinallkindtypesofaгtаndmediafromradiop|aysto
8 filmadаptаtions,
andit is a hugeindustry
on whеretherootsgo baсkto
9 mayprovide
a newperspeсtive
anda betterаppreсiаtion
| 10 thestorieswe readorwаtсhonfi|min paгtiсu|аr

thepianosinсeshewasa sma|I Afteг
musiсinParis,sheгetuгned tohernative SсotIand
Howеver,whenshemarried andhad
lng сhi|dren,
beсamе andshefounda job
musiсata primary .l|ovethisjob,espeсia||y
0]em a tс h i n g teaсhing schoo|.
lt'sa гeaIthriIl
fuаd аboutfivepeopIedesсribing theirwork.For
1-8,сhooseone of the peopIeA-Е. Thefirst
!п'Еt]asbeendoneas аn exampIe. D
.:s 'relping whohavea problem?
people Althoughhestudied artatuniversity,
Terrybeсаme a repair
manandsaysit'sthebestjobheсouId imagine..Iгepairjust
::€ 1 ]s someofhertimeoutoftheсountrv?
::-:edabroad? aboutanyhousehoId fridges,
app|ianсes: washing maсhines,
.:s эeсome dish-washers.Peoplephonemewhenthere's somekindof
attaIkingtopeop|e? andIgoaround,
fault, workitout,andsoIveitfoгthеm. Тhat's
:--: edina сlassofon|yboys? veryrewarding.'And Тerry's
сustomers aгea|ways very
i=.. s shewouldliketoworkforherself? grateful
.;': edа sсientifiс
:;, s r:heir looka bitboring? E
;щ].<SwithсhiIdren? Friedа
projeсt theгainforest,
is about inthe
speсifiсa||y'sanamazingp|aсe,andl'vebeentherethгee times
nowonsix-month Еrieda,
trips'' whoIivesin lta|y,
Тц s : :OUr guidewhotakesho|iday-makers beeninterested
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shestudied Botany
].**:.:lе еxсursion, hedesсribesthehistoryandwi|dIife
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:тЁ:.:а'Itwashardatfirst' Ididn't
:€ ,,: .]rg. theboat' forwhatshedoesnow..Bytheendoftheprojeсt, havea
rea||y ideaofhowtheforestis сhanging, andthat'sa гeaI
г -.*;сh easieг,andtheta|kingbitseemseasy.Myjob
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