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Method Statement

Diamond Concrete Coring Work Sequence

A) Mark out the position to be cored.

B) Ensure that there is no services infront and behind the location to be cored.

C) Move away or protect thing that is directly underneath the area to be cored.

D) Drill and install wall anchor.

E) Mount coring machine stand.

F) Fix the core bit to the machine.

G) Adjust and center the corebit to the marked position.

H) Setup water protection system at front and behind of wall if require.

I) Start the coring machine.

J) Turn on the water system and start coring.

K) Once cored through, stop the motor and water.

L) Remove drill motor and diamond bit.

M) Remove cored concrete core.

N) Clean up area and move to the next location.

Note: For coring thru slab, ensure that all protection at floor below is done. (See attach sketch)

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