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Task force Engineers

Revised 20 June 2009

Statement of Work


1. Layout: The Contractor shall layout the location as per the site drawings. The COR
will inspect the proposed layout and make modifications as needed

2. Clearing and Grubbing: According to Specifications PART 2 Site Preparation.

3. Ground Preparation: Ground will be leveled for a minimum width of 2.5 m (8.25 ft).
Ground will be prepared according to Specifications PART 2 Site Preparation.

4. Foundation: Prior to placing, ground will be compacted for a minimum width of 2.5
m (8.25 ft). HESCO wall will have a gravel base, which will extend 50 cm (20 in)
from each vertical edge of the HESCO and be 50 cm (20 in) deep.

5. Placement and joining of HESCO Wall: HESCO units will be stretched out and
joined correctly with the connecting pins provided and placed on the center of the
prepared base.

6. Fill: Fill shall be a sand/gravel mix with a maximum of 10% FINES. Fine material
such as silt or clay will not be used to fill the HESCOs. Fill material will be placed in
30 cm (12 in) lifts and compacted by foot to limit settling. Care should be taken to
ensure the center coil for each cell of HESCO does not curl under at the bottom.
This can be prevented by pulling it out 5-10 cm after the FIRST LIFT of fill material.
NO HEAVY MECHANICAL compaction should be used as this can cause blowouts
and overstretches the wire for future mitigation against potential threats. This means
a backhoe bucket should never be used to compact the big Mil 7 & 10 units. A hand
tamper or vibrating plate compactor should be used instead.

7. Mil 7B/1B HESCO Wall: The HESCO wall shall be placed in two courses. The first
course shall consist of HESCO Mil 7B containers, which will serve as the base for
the wall. The second course shall consist of HESCO Mil 1B containers and shall be
centered on top of the filled HESCO Mil 7B containers.

8. Mil 10B/8B HESCO Wall: The HESCO wall shall be placed in two courses. The
first course shall consist of two back to back HESCO Mil 10B containers, which will
serve as the base for the wall. The second course shall consist of HESCO Mil 8B
containers and shall be centered on top of the filled HESCO Mil 10B containers.

9. Steel Pickets: The contractor shall install two rows of steel pickets along the top of
the wall. The bottom row shall be located along the outer step of the lower HESCO
container, and the top row shall be located along the middle of the top HESCO
container. The steel pickets shall be spaced every 2.1 m (7 ft) with 0.61 m (2 ft)
embedment into the HESCO fill material. After placement of the steel pickets, a 5
cm (2 in) concrete cover shall be placed over the exposed HESCO fill material.

10. HESCO wall Cap: All exposed fill on both courses shall be capped with a lean
concrete or soil cement of about 15 cm (6 in)


11. Concertina Wire: The contractor shall install two rows of concertina wire along the
top of the wall. After a sufficient curing of the concrete cap, two rows of concertina
wire shall be installed. The bottom row shall be located along the outer step of the
lower HESCO container and the top row shall be located along the center of the top
HESCO container. Each roll of concertina wire shall be stretched no more than 13
m (42 ft). concertina wire strands shall be secured onto the steel picket top notch
using steel wire. Consecutive coils of concertina wire shall be connected at the steel
picket as follows:

11.1. Place the first coil over the picket.

11.2. Place both bottom and top portion of the second coil over picket.
11.3. Using steel wire, ensure that the top of both coils are secured to the
11.4. The contractor shall provide the wire to secure the concertina wire to the


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