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2. There are a lot o facts that can influence your career choice.

And the main one is your

preferences. A person’s likes and dislikes do function as a major factor when it comes to picking a
career. If you know that you hate talking then you should surely shy away from careers such as teaching,
being a lawyer or even becoming a professor. Do something which you love doing and your job will be a
lot of fun for you. Another factor is the salary which the career offers. Nowadays it is impossible to
survive without money. Everyone understand it and don’t want to work for a penny. Another thing is a
person’s skills and abilities. When picking a career the skills which you have does serve a major deciding
factor. If you are lacking in self knowledge then you are likely to pick a career that will not be in keeping
with the ability and potential which you have. One more factor is the demand for people of that career.
Based on how much demand a particular career has, people either choose to pick it or not. And the last
but not least is your parents and friends. They can give you advice, they can mark your strengths and it is
really important too.


1) What are your qualifications?

2) What are you good at?
3) Can you work in a team?
4) You have a hobby, don’t you?
5) I wonder what your last job was.
6) Have you heard about our company somewhere or have you been told about it?

4. I think it’s difficult enough to create a positive impression on the employer at a job
interview. But do your best. First behave calm and confident. Smile, don’t be sad, bored, tired
and passive. You should advertise your best traits of character, your educational and
professional skills, and your experience. Show the employer that you are helpful and useful for
them, you can offer them some new business ideas and you are very interested in a mutual
partnership. Also you should think about your appearance. In this situation it will help you to
make a first positive impression. If you don’t know how to do it yourself, consult a specialist.
Then you will have to think over your first introduction of yourself. It shouldn’t be too long or
too short. You should make an impression of a self-confident but at the same time considerate
person. Sit upright with your shoulders back and relax. Make eye contact. Smile – give the
impression of being happy to be there. Keep your answers simple, relevant and interesting.

5. As a matter of fact, English has become a number one language in the world. About 350 million
people speak English as their native language. About the same number use it as a second language, to
say nothing of millions of people all over the world who know English as a foreign language. Every
person who travels in Europe, Asia or Africa, even in South America gets around by using English. So
English is becoming a universal language on our planet. In my opinion to know English is absolutely
necessary for every educated person. It is important to speak good English. Most of the global trade and
scientific research and global communication and tourism is all happining in English language. Today, all
companies need their wokers know at least one language, especially English. It’s evident that those who
speak foreign languages have more job opportunities as all sorts of diplomatic, business and cultural
contacts. English is the major language of communication in such areas as science, computer
technology, mass entertainment and international tourism. It’s the language of the Internet, all
international conferences, different instructions for modern devices and so on. That’s why, you’ll be a
good candidate for any job if you speak a foreign language. Those who didn’t learn it well at school often
pay money for additional courses or learn business English or take some other specialized course of
English for their work.

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