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December 23rd – 27th ,2019 and January 2nd, 2020





“Internship” is the way that students may get opportunity to

acquire the work experience that they are interested in. I chose to do the
internship at the faculty of physical therapy which I learned lots of new
things about this kind of profession, what did they do and how did this
kind of treatment help the patients.
Physical therapy is the services that provided the treatment to
develop and maintain the people’s muscles and movements with disorder
or disease. During the workdays, I had the opportunity to observe the
overall system of the faculty with the medical recording staffs and
registrars in the first two days. The new patients needed to registered,
filled in medical history, made a member card, and made the
appointment, in contrast, old members just waited for their appointment
time. I also had a chance to observe the physical therapists in different
departments consisted of Orthopedic, Neuro, PT for kids, and OT.
Orthopedic department took care of patients that had problems involved
muscle and bone. Therapist would do the physical examination before
considering the treatment depended on each therapist. If the patients
needed a next level of exercise, therapists would send them to the fitness
room. Neuro department involved with the patients who might had a
dysfunctional brain for example stroke or CP. This kind of patients needed
a longer duration of treatment than the orthopedic patients because their
brain couldn’t go back to the normal state, all the therapists could do was
to maintain and teach them to live with their condition. PT for kids was
just like orthopedic department but in this case was with the kids who
had disorder such as weak muscle, delayed development or some
congenital abnormality. This department needed to be associated with
psychology technique to handle children.
OT wasn’t considered as one part of the physical therapy, but it was the
activity that the therapists would give to the patients which helped them
learn life lesson. Children who had social problem or developmental delay
would be taught how to behave in the society properly or they would be
taught some skills to reach the development standard for their ages.
There was also another alternative for physical therapy which was aquatic
therapy. The therapist would decide the activities and exercise for the
patients could be both as a group and individual. It was beneficial for
people who uncapable of exercising on the land.
I had experienced the life of physical therapist for six days; it
changed my perspective of this kind of job. I realized how important and
necessary the physical therapy was to people in society. It was another
alternative of treatments, cure, or therapy. The difference between
physical therapy and medical field was that the physical therapy didn’t
need any surgery or medicine, just focus on the physical parts, but could
effectively cure the internal disorder and help people with disability to
live their live as normal within their condition. In addition, it helped to
prevent the patients from having the same problem over and over
because the therapists educated them during the appointment.
in conclusion, Physical therapy is another alternative for patients
who have muscles, bone, or neuro disorder. It doesn’t involve in any
surgery, but the main focus is to improve and maintain the patient
movement and life’s skills. Besides, I took away a lot of knowledge and
new aspect about physical therapy which increased my interest in this
kind of job because during the work time, my supervisor always gave me
the information and teach me some basic knowledge that could apply to
everyone daily life and I absolutely enjoyed doing internship at this place.

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