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Introduction to Drama

Drama started in the Catholic Church centuries ago and the Greeks made tremendous

contribution to this aspect of literature especially in celebration to their many gods (polytheism).

As drama developed the focus theme of the play was largely Good versus Evil where God was

the source of all Good and the Devil of bad (all things evil). Conflict was always generated

where the two clashed.

Features of Drama

 The only genre of literature that is meant to be acted.

 Reading drama gives a false impression of the playwright’s meaning.

 There are many categories of drama. The most common three are Tragedy, Comedy,


 Plays are divided into acts and scenes.

Terms that used only in Drama

Some terms that are used only in drama are:

Terms Meaning
Playwright The person who writes plays.
Stage direction Information/instruction given by the playwright for the director’s

benefit. When it is written, stage direction is in italic enclosed in

square brackets[] and provides information for the audience.

Stage props Man-made objects that are used on stage, not including stage

designs(such as windows, doors etc.)

Theatre The building in which plays are acted as different cinemas for movies

Aside An aside is a short comment that is made directly to the audience by a

single character. No other characters onstage can hear it because the

speaker literally turn aside. It is made for the audience’s benefit.

Soliloquy A soliloquy is comment or speech made by a character while he is

alone on stage. Soliloquy are important because they express truth.

Sound effects A sound other than speech or music made artificially for use in a play.

Example the hooves of many horses, thunderstorm etc.

Lighting The creation of shades of light and darkness that is appropriate.
Catharsis  A purging of feelings that occurs when audiences have strong
emotional reactions to a work of literature. (tears or anger or relief)
Costuming Theuseof garments (accessories, and hairstyle), especially as character

istic of a particular country,period, or people.

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