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Project management and team-building

feasibility study = research done in advance of a project, to see if a plan is likely to work

geological survey = a study into the rocks and soil underground in an area

excavation for foundations = digging out the land at the beginning of a construction project, in
preparation for laying supports underground

resettlement = moving inhabitants away from the area to other locations

red tape = bureaucracy; excessive paperwork

Exercise 2, page 48:

A dam is being built.
The two stages which caused delays are: b) project approval (because of red tape) and h) river
diversion (needed to wait until the summer).

Exercise 3, page 48:

1 Geological survey
2 Land purchase
3 River diversion
4 Dam construction

practitioner = somebody who does a particular job

e.g. a lawyer is a legal practitioner
Exercise 4, page 48:
‘Ineffective’ team-building activities include: walking around in blindfolds; navigating rope
courses and sitting cross-legged on the floor with paper and crayons illustrating ‘life paths’.

Reasons why companies continue to run team-building activities:

 companies don’t think about how effective teams are actually built
 employees usually don’t complain about silly team-building efforts
 people don’t want to offend well-meaning team-building practitioners

Exercise 5, page 48:

1 Focus on a clear objective
2 Have a common plan
3 Create an open and honest atmosphere
4 Learn from the best leaders

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